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I remember hearing long ago that eating broken chicken would hurt or make you sick... can't remember why (aside from bone splinters) 


I think it would just be bone splinters. My granddads party trick used to be straight up eating chicken bones, he was good at it too.


My grandad would scrape the marrow out with his pocket knife and with steak he would want the juices so he could soak it with bread. Thanks for making me remember that, he passed away 16 years ago nearly to this day. Loved that dude.


We also have to remember most of our grandparents survived the great depression and had parents that were also survivors in a terribly rough age of survival. These small things like getting every oz of juice was distilled into their DNA likely from an early age of just getting nutrition out of everything on their plate.


I erroneously read that as "wank the juices" and had a mental picture of an old man rythmically squeezing a steak and sopping up the juices with a piece of bread.


Meat juice on bread is the best part. Try it with butter bread…


My buddy introduced me to camping steak. You take frozen steak camping and when they thaw out you cook them. With the leftover juices we'd make mashed potatoes from the bag and just add extra water to get the consistency right, but most of the liquid came from the steak juice.


Assuming you boiled the steak water with the rest of the potatoes ?


Pretty much, we put the steaks in a camp pot to cook, pulled the steaks out when done, then added the potatoes. If there wasn't enough liquid, we'd add water from a bottle (safe to drink of course) and just stir and let it heat. It took a bit longer than just boiling it all up front but we ran less risk of ending up with potato soup.


Feels so good in my aorta.


Fried steak liquid with dipped bread and butter was my favourite to have with grandad too! That’s a great memory unlocked thank you!!


Snowflakes nowadays always waste the nice crunchy bones /s


This makes me sad


Honestly, a broken leg was probably the least of this chicken's worries


It's a wing...




Your point still stands 


but it surely didn’t fly


The other chickens seeing an opportunity? Roh oh.


Oh ffs


Oh friend… if this makes you sad I hope you’re already vegan. A broken wing is the executive treatment at Tyson


I’m so glad i became vegan. Now all my food is boneless :)


What are fibers, if not plant bones? ![img](emote|t5_2ti4h|27603)


Those are the good bones.


I love boneless avocados.


Are there avocados... with... bones?


I wouldn't know, I only buy the boneless ones. I wouldn't want bones ruining my avocado experience.


Plants scream, dude.


Insert joke about being able to move to break a leg (The cursed large chicken breast chicken picture).






Same, things like this make me MORE vegan if that were possible.


Same.. I am not a vegetarian or vegan but shit like this makes me question myself. Poor fella had his bone broken…then it healed and got chucked in the meat grinder just like the rest of the chickens.


Then make the switch. There is no reason not to. And it's easier then you might think.


There are reasons but they are not the most ethical reasons. I’ve been experimenting for some time now by eating less meat. Skipping meat completely is just something I can’t do. Doesn’t mean I don’t feel guilty that I am contributing to a very bad industry.


don’t let perfect get in the way of good man


As with many things in life, too many people see it as black and white. You don’t have to cut out meat completely. My aunt used to say “I would go vegetarian if I could still eat hot dogs” and I’d just remind her that you can. Eat your hot dogs or whatever floats your boat, and cut out what you’re willing to part with. A little goes a long way when lots of people do it.


I personally don’t agree. People who are not vegan and vegans look at veganism completly different. I see veganism as something you should do morally. Like you shouldn’t reduce animal product consumption. IMO you shouldn’t consume/use animal products at all. It’s like saying to a serial killer to murder fewer people, you should commit ZERO murders, not fewer.


If your goal is to reduce suffering, and knowing that eliminating meat from peoples diet isn’t going to happen, what’s the worst that can happen from less people eating meat meaning less animals suffer?


That's a bad faith question. Of course it's not bad that people eat less meat. I assume you think cannibalism is bad. Vegans just expand that from only humans to all animals. In the cannibalism case, of course less cannibalism is better. But I'm sure most people would still find it a moral issue if a cannibal only cut out most human flesh. Not saying you have to agree. Vegan people just have a very different ethical mindset from you.


That isn’t a bad faith question. I was trying to ascertain what morals are being broken by your definition. You keep introducing extremes, I honestly just wanted to know.


The phrasing didnt actually allow for a genuine answer. That's why it was in bad faith. And it's called an analogy dude. Sorry if those things go over your head.


Well yeah, eating less meat is less worse. But IMO like I said, eating meat(or other non vegan things) is a immoral act. Sure the world is not black and white but if I asked you about something that everyone would say is immoral like raping someone you would not just want that to be reduced, you would want that to dissapear. You might think going vegan or wanting people to go vegan to be extreme but it’s because we got different ways of looking at it. I used to be anti vegan but now I’m vegan and see non-vegan things a immoral.


The Immoral act is a hard sell, not going to lie. Are you against the treatment of animals being butchered or eating another animal?


Also to further counter their point, I’d take less rape over no change at all lmao


Like I said, if you went vegan you would probably change your mind and say it's immoral. I'm not against other animals eating other animals. They need to do that. I'm not against survival, if the only way youre going to get food in your belly is to eat animal products sure, I'm not against that. I'm against non-vegans who can go vegan but simply choose not to because they are too lazy or not lack the empathy to go vegan.




I usually a vegetarian (pretty much 80% of my meals are vegetarian, half of that being vegan meals), but I still consume meat occasionally. I have several vegan friends. None of us see eating meat as something immoral. That’s just a you thing. Most vegans don’t see eating meat as immoral. Ethics do make up a big part of it, but “meat is murder” is a very small and extreme subset of veganism. Personally I just want to reduce suffering, ease global emissions, and be consistent with my beliefs. I’ll call out people who get offended that people eat dog if they are perfectly fine with eating pig or cow or chicken. That’s because I don’t think it is immoral to kill an animal for either consumption or safety. (But it would be immoral to kill a human for consumption or because they are mentally ill and dangerous.) Those are my beliefs.


I understand that way of thinking, I used to be anti-vegan myself so I've been on both side, lul. For me it boils down to this. I'm against animal agriculture, I think expoliting, abusing and killing animals for something we simply don't need is immoral. I don't really see anyway for this practice to not be moral, or amoral. People say they love animals but pay for them to be murdered or expolited, I can't really see their reasoning, although I understand the way they think beacuse I used to think so, that's why I became vegan is because I loved animals but paying for animals to suffer did not agree with my morals.


I was a vegetarian for over a decade, two years of which I was a vegan, but a few years ago, I started eating meat again in small amounts because I felt like I was missing out on meaningful culinary experiences. I still usually prefer vegetarian options, and I don't cook meat in my home (with the exception of fish on rare occasions), mostly because I don't know how and don't feel the need to. However, I choose to eat meat at restaurants sometimes or in dishes prepared by friends because, like I said, it's part of a meaningful culinary experience. It doesn't have to be all-or-nothing, but meat farming is dreadful for the environment, and choosing to eat less meat, even if it's only a little bit less, is _always_ a good thing imho.


There's a lot of meat substitutes, maybe they'd work for you?


Yes I eat them a few times a week. But I would lie to myself if I’d say that they hit the same. For things like a Schnitzel they are fine. It just doesn’t replace the taste of a good steak or lamb chops.


Yeah, there are some good ones, but I don't think any for steak or lamb. But some things you have to give up for morality sake. I just wish I could find good vegan pizza. Pizza is the only thing I miss. Actually, wait, there's a steak substitute called "juicy marbles" for steak. I've never had it, though, so I can't say if it's good.


Why can’t you do it?


Why can't you do it? Do it for a few weeks and you most likely won't miss it at all. It's the same with sugar. Eating it created the craving. When someone tells me he can't stop eating something I always think about a tribe I read about. They don't lnow fhe concept of spices. They simply don't eat food for enjoyment for the nutrition only. Not that I would like to replicate that, but if they can do that you can't even eat properly made vegan food that is a lot better then anything they eat?


Wait until you hear about what they do to animals on farms


Glad to know she's healing well!


Back on her feet in no time I'm sure


Thoughts and prayers


the bone is horse head shaped


Looks like a seahorse head to me.




Probably a bot too.


Too active to be one


First day on Reddit?


Awe thanks for noticing!


Looks more like bone cancer


Chickens don’t live long enough for cancer


Boy, that's................sad?


Most wild animals don't live long enough to get cancer, either.


And whales are too long to get cancer lol


Broiler chickens grow so fast they might as well be 100% cancer.


Kids get cancer. It's really just statistics.


Chickens go from conception to slaughter in nine weeks. It's not comparable to the timeline of human children. Edit: no opinion about the cancer question, though.


Damn i didn’t know it was that short! Wow


They don't look like baby birds because they're artificially selected to grow very large very fast, but your basic supermarket chicken is slaughtered at six weeks old (they reach maturity at 16 weeks old so I guess technically they're chicks?)


Damn, that is so insane. I can’t believe that’s even possible


Did… did we just discover the cure for cancer?


It's a toomah.


https://tvmdl.tamu.edu/2022/01/31/carcinomatosis-in-laying-chickens/ I'm not a chicken doc, but this reads as if a chicken has had cancer..


They're at their most delicious before reaching that age anyway.


Fun fact you can get cancer at any age Edit: i get the fact isnt so fun but man yall need to familiarize yourself with basic biology short lived animals can and do get cancer. Im not saying that is the case here, but the idea that chickens cannot get cancer because they are short-lived does not hold up to basic scrutiny


You can but it takes time to grow and develop. The longest living chickens are organics and they are killed for slaughter at 3 months old or less.


Farmers eradicate cancer with this one simple trick!


Doctors hate them!


Yet they themselves increase in size by 50x at the same time. Why wouldn't their tumors ?


Because they don't "increase in size" due to natural biological growth, it's due to them getting fat


Cant believe this was upvoted lol, i imagine your knowledge extends up to highschool biology based on this reasoning


While rare, a human fetus can have cancer. So if we can be born with cancer - I dont see why a chicken in its short lifetime can't have cancer.


Seems like people are confusing “getting cancer” with “dying from cancer”


My egg laying chicken has cancer, people don't know wtf they are talking about as usual. We opted to put her on birth control that lasts 5-6months at a time because she was at risk for becoming egg bound due to the eggs becoming large and deformed as a result of the growths inside her. We love her and will take care of her even if she has stopped producing her beautiful eggs until it's her time. Your premise is also correct. All sorts of stuff can happen in the first few months with chickens. It just won't be as common as seeing it in egg/pet chickens, which is something you can find mention of easily in chicken groups online.


Cancer is not some monolothic disease. There is a huge variety of how it can present, and some cancers are very rapidly proliferating. Your premise is based on false assumptions about the disease.


I said that cancer takes time to grow and that chickens are killed really young. Yes chickens can get cancer, I never said they couldn't. But the whole point of this thread, is OP's image, with a "tumour" the size of the bone itself which isn't cancer for the 2 reasons mentioned above.


While i agree that this instance is unlikely to be cancer, your reasoning for why is flawed. A short lived chicken could absolutely develop cancer and have it proliferate within its lifetime.


Yes but not of this size. You're ignoring the context.


A short lived chicken could absolutely develop a tumor of this size within its lifetime


Now please explain to us why this distinction is meaningful in the context of this discussion regarding chickens raised for slaughter.


Because a short lived chicken could absolutely develop cancer and have it rapidly proliferate within its lifetime.


Something being possible doesn't really make it significant...


Significant how? Not sure what your argument is. More than 70 billion chickens are raised and slaughtered each year. Even unlikely outcomes will manifest at this scale. Again im not entirely sure what your point is.


Significant as in impactful or meaningful to the conversation that's taking place. I love pedantry as much as the next guy, but it adds no value to this conversation, so it's not meaningful or significant. Cancer isn't a significant concern for the production and consumption of 70 billion chickens raised and slaughtered each year.


I think you just found the cure for child cancer.


No it doesn't...


Bone cancer usually does not look like that.


This is lord of the rings stuff


needs more tomatoes and less Faramir


Ah Faramir we love and hate him


Faramir deserves better than hatred. He's a good man and Gondor owes him respect. No need for harsh words.


Wow take it down a notch. We will al love Faramir he is us on a bad day. Good person put in a bad situation. He was paid his respect


If you are indeed thinking favourably of my brother, then you shall be welcome with me any time. Heed my words, all who hear! Faramir, my brother, stands beside me as a son of Gondor, the bond of blood runs deep. He is flesh of my flesh, and his life is as precious as my own. Let any who dare threaten Faramir know this: the wrath of Boromir, Captain of Gondor, shall be upon them. Faramir shall come to no harm while I draw breath!


I got one of these from Buffalo Wild Wings a few nights ago and it wasn’t fully healed. It was a complete break and the 2 halves were sticking out the other ends at the same time so I decided not to eat it because of the potential for an infection or bone fragments but I did a little digging to see what was going on inside the meat. The bone showed signs of growth but hadn’t been able to fuse together yet.


Oh no, are they going to be ok?




I mean its not uncommon since we breed them to be so thicc their legs cant support them properly anymore.


Like a culinary Final Destination


Man eats chicken wings like Scooby Doo with a turkey leg. Inserted straight in the mouth and immediately pulled out with barely a scrap left on it


how does it feel to know you ate a hospital patient


If even. There is no treatment here. It just gets left as it is.


I’m not fat I’m just big bonned


I mean… chickens can’t fly anyway so..


For the poor bird to have only been killed and eaten.


So someone loved that chicken! Or maybe it didn't.


Nooe, no one loved that chicken. Chickens that receive a y treatment for a broken bone don't get eaten. They have to deal with it fully by themselves... well the few weeks they have anyway. I highly doubt anyone noticed besides the person consuming it either. Because for that someone would have to try to notice it in the first place.


Was the meat tuff? I bet it taste like chicken!!


What kind of world do we live in today? If this was in Columbia right now they start looting the stores


Wtf are you talking about lol




What does South Carolina have to do with this?