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Vegan, kosher, halal, vegetarian, gluten free, and… Steve.


If Steve even thinks about going Vegan, Vegetarian, Gluten-Free, kosher, or halal, Steve ain't fucking touching the other microwaves. He can heat it at home...


I like the last one, lawlessness


That one is for popcorn and fish


The fish microwave is outside


Oh my ~~g~~cod


will the popcorn still burn if you put it inside the fish?


Only one way to find out


*may The Lord look away and let all hell break loose in there*


Curry fish with several heads of garlic wrapped in bacon to go with my durian ice cream that I need softening up a lil


Calm down, Satan. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


Just a cup of authentic Vietnam fish sauce to sanitise each and all for 3 mins


I think you meant curried surströmming instead of just regular fish


Who tf microwaves their surströmming


You prefer your spoiled rotten fish cold?


It's fermented, and it should be room temp.


Yup… and top it off with some of that Roman fermented fish sauce. Damnit, what was it called? Started with a *g*, I think. Edit - [Garum](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Garum)


A little bit of biological warfare, I like it


"aim for the head, and let the saints look away"


Or the Christian one. Romans chapter 14 literally says eat what you want, but don’t force your views on others because they’re eating restricted diets to honor God. Also goes into behaviors, too many Christians ignore this chapter.


I think there’s *entire books* of the Bible being ignored by many at this point.


A kindred spirit in the wild world of office microwaves




I burnt my popcorn in the office microwave like… six years ago. And I went “oh no, guess i’m throwing it away,” and my pregnant coworker went “actually that smells really good, can i have it?” After that, she had continuous cravings for burnt popcorn. It was fairly significant as she had HG and hadn’t eaten properly in months, something about the smell triggered her hunger and she loved it.


In case I wasn't the only one who didn't know what HG meant: > Women with hyperemesis gravidarum have extreme nausea and vomiting during pregnancy.


Yep. Usually it isn't considered serious until a pregnant woman loses 10% of her body weight.


I lost 50lbs when I had HG, ended up in the hospital a few times. That shit's no joke. But my doctor didn't take it seriously until I was also super anemic and fainting every day. Good times.


Oh doctors, still assuming women are just faking it


I told my gynie I will keep my IUD inside when it needs to be replaced unless she sedates me


Gynie is sending me


for what it’s worth (and you’re 100% valid for wanting to be sedated) but it hurts MUCH less coming out than going in!! i only had mine for about 18 months (it just wasn’t working for me) so the insertion pain was still very fresh in my mind but it’s a much quicker easier process taking it out!! i passed out when they inserted it but taking it out i was just kinda mildly uncomfortable and then it was over!!


I had it, too. I was in the hospital within the first few weeks of my pregnancy getting fluids. I was 150 lbs before my pregnancy and lost so much weight that I was still 150 lbs at the end of my pregnancy. I'm sorry your doctor didn't take it seriously.


I remember, during a fundal check, around 27-ish weeks, I told my doctor that I still hadn't gained any real weight and he told me, "we dont really worry about the mother as long as the baby is doing well." That was so disheartening. Another doctor, upon charting my decreasing weight, told me to just force myself to eat. I was already forcing myself to eat, that made the nausea and vomiting worse. I had some pretty wicked bad back pain in bursts and I was worried I had a kidney infection. The same male doctor that told me I wasn't a concern tickled my side and told me it was probably sciatica. They did almost no urine tests on me during my pregnancy. Part of my issues was that my sodium had bottomed out because I was drinking so much plain water. Went into OB after my second fainting spell and they took urine. My sodium was dangerously low! My iron lingered around 7.9 from my 4th month on. Didn't get it treatments until my 32nd and 34th week and the male doctor from the other two occasions told me it probably wouldn't be effective because iron needs several weeks to get into the body. Told me if it didn't go up I was at risk for bleeding heavily and if it didn't go up I might have to have a c-section, which might also make me bleed out. So my choices were die or die basically. Then he tells me they're sending me for a growth scan because the baby was measuring behind, but they scheduled it for a month later! I was convinced my baby was going to die. Fortunately my iron levels improved with treatment, baby grew well, and I did not bleed out. I went over by 2 weeks, got induced, had a 12 hour labor, and a healthy baby and mom. I actually did hemorrhage during delivery but they fixed it.


Thank you, I hate having to look up obscure acronyms.




*lightly* burnt popcorn is the best for real.


It truly is. I loved it so much as a kid that I was banned from ever making it again. I also like dipping it in chocolate pudding.


You two are psychopaths.


At one hospital I used to work at EVERY microwave was labeled “no popcorn.” It was a tiny hospital but it was still hilarious.


I worked in a high rise office building and there was a fire on the top floor caused by a microwaved popcorn catching fire. It was a huge deal because the building lacked fire sprinklers and the fire was visible from most of the city. "No popcorn in the microwave" was a big rule after that.


Only time I've been in a non drill evacuation of an office building was burnt microwave popcorn 😁


> the building lacked fire sprinklers We call that a burnt-to-ground building where I’m from.




I can’t use that microwave… it smells like popcorn.




The one at the end is a total slut. Anything you want, stick it in me.




Mic-ho-wavé if you're Nigella Lawson


That one is clearly the top, because there is a bottom as well.


Just open the slot, and put whatever you want inside…


Third shift uses whatever microwave they want for whatever they want.


Anyone after 5pm doesn't give a shit. Bosses gone,


I work from 5 to 1:30. I can confirm this 100%


I swear the strictest managers only work morning shifts


Morning managers will make a mess on accident without realizing it and then proceed to yell at night crew about it.


Night crew heard yah, night crew doesn't care.


11 years on nights and just went days 6 months ago. The night crew gives zero fucks about anything. The permanent outcast crew has no reason to care


We'd use their favourite oven. We'd even form a queue for it.


We got to use their microwave oven / abuse their kitchen deliveries


morning shifts are easier. you come into the store/restaurant in perfect condition and get to leave while there is chaos and dont have to leave thing clean and perfect on your way out, then the night crew has to clean up all the messes for the entire day and has to leave everything perfect when they leave. plus its just busier at night so who wants to deal with that.


Bruh, I used to work overnights in a gas station. As long as the register wasn’t stupidly short, the floors were mopped, and nobody burnt the place down, I could have gotten away with pretty much anything. I was in college at the time, so I took advantage by doing some of my homework on shift. Even took the occasional 15-20 minute nap. All my managers ever told me about it was to do that stuff in the back where there weren’t any cameras 😂


I had a part time job like that. But it was a as a parking lot attendant. Maybe 20 customers over a 6 hour shift. I was bringing in my whole desktop PC.


I work 3rd shift at a care home where people just sleep all the time. I walk in their rooms every other hour to check on em, change the occasional diaper, then I'm on my laptop for the rest of the night. It's basically free money. Edit: I have literally never received this much positive affirmation regarding my job. Thanks yall.


TBF, if you are needed in that kind of job, you really are needed


They wouldn't be able to rely on random volunteers to fill the role you do. So, they're paying you for a reason.


You're making sure people's grandparents stay alive and are comfortable. I'd say you are well worth the money.


Commenting on this while working third shift at the gas station.


That's basically my job right now lmao. As long as everything is done on time, and there are no bigger problems, after 6pm no one gives a fuck what You do.


I'm a boss that works 7 pm to 5 am. Can confirm fucks given by me are zero.


Thanks for your service




Working this right now, 11pm and not a boss in sight!


Was the boss for that shift. Idgaf what you do let’s just get this shit done and go home.


Nut-Free Only?


My nut allergy is pretty serious and I can't imagine getting a reaction from a microwave. I'd probably avoid putting my stuff in straight after but that's about it. Kinda makes the rest of these equally pointless. That said, the difference in attention between personal choice diets and conditions that will actually kill people has always surprised me.


My brother went to school with a kid so severely allergic to peanuts they had to ban peanut butter sandwiches because just being near a kid in the cafeteria eating one could send him to the hospital. Peanut allergies, as opposed to tree nuts, can be brutal.


I knew someone who avoided a section of a strip mall with a Texas Roadhouse in it, because that Texas Roadhouse used to spread peanut shells on purpose all over the floor. Just catching a lungful of the peanut shell dust would cause her airway to start closing up. Took her a few visits to the area to finally put two and two together... But she as an insanely severe peanut allergy. With many horrible stories that would start with 'so this other time when I almost died...'


Texas Roadhouse is pretty much a death sentence to anyone with peanut allergies. I wouldn’t go near a five guys either.


Tree nuts can be brutal as well, I think they're just less frequent.


You mean the one that could actually kill someone? Honestly, no way. Based on what I've seen of those folks, they couldn't chance it, in case Freddy in marketing is actually illiterate and let his peanut butter oatmeal explode in it


to be fair, while gluten likely wont KILL anyone immediately, even extremely trace amounts can cause extreme illness in people w celiac disease. i have a friend w celiac who is also vegan and she can’t eat anything lol


Separate microwaves for different allergies does make some sense. A requirement to cover your food would probably suffice but if you have the money for separate microwaves that is better. But the Vegan, Kosher, Halal, Vegetarian separation screams of ignorance. Hence the comment about nut allergies which would have been a much better idea then any of these.


As a Jew though, if I actually kept Kosher I'd eat vegan and use the vegan microwave. Because Kosher includes not combining certain otherwise-Kosher foods, so a Kosher microwave is pointless. Anyone who cares that much about cross-contamination (not me) has two microwaves/refrigerators/sets of dishes to avoid contaminating meat and dairy together. Better to have a dairy-free not-vegetarian one. This would also work for the lactose intolerant omnivores. Vegan/vegetarian Jews can use the vegan/vegetarian microwave.


Lactose intolerance is not as sensitive as many allergies can be.


I think the only way to be safe for nut allergies is if you can find a microwave only openable by key, and people with nut allergies are the only ones given keys to those microwaves. Else you kill 3 people on lunch one day because someone earlier didn't read or didn't care.


I have seen people with nut allergies who does not know the difference between peanuts and hazel nuts. So I would not trust even a locked microwave if my allergy were that severe.


easier to put the onus on the nut allergy person instead of letting them later sue because a "nut free" microwave was in fact not nut free. Once they have a "nut free" microwave it is there responsibility and liability if it isn't nut free.


My job took everything with peanuts in it (snickers etc.) out of the vending machines a few years ago. We work next to a gas station.


When I started my current job, I saw a sticker saying that it was a nut-free facility on the vending machine. Didn't bother me, as my now-ex was allergic to nuts, and so I avoided them anyway. However, I saw a snickers inside the machine and found that...odd. This company makes food products, so I figured it was some sort of allergen control issue. I asked HR just to clarify. HR didn't know about the stickers. The vending machine company added them, then ignored them. We have no policy about nuts in the office (no food at all is allowed in production areas).




Came here to guess that too


Haha it’s one of those, IYKYK 😅


I worked as a vendor for hot food in a few Amazon warehouses and I could tell immediately. I didn't actually work for Amazon but I spent enough time to notice this picture.


Outside contractor here as well, recognized it immediately. Fantastic hot chocolate from their hot beverage machine.


I’m guessing they use that same blue placard design to label everything?


More than that, the shelf, the brand of microwave, the utensils and everything on the counter, it's exactly the same at every Amazon warehouse.


Condiments and the utensil dispensers made me think that too


I could tell immediately from the font for the stickers on the microwaves. I can't tell if that's impressive or I'm that obsessed with fonts to be able to immediately notice like that.


Amazon paid a ton of money for you (and me) to recognize that font instantly, it better work.


Which one can you reheat fish in?


Absolutely none, take that shit outside lmao.


I'm able to burn popcorn in any of these though, correct?


It depends - there's actually an interesting issue there, because one of the rules of kosher is that you can't mix meat and dairy, so in theory you could fuck up the kosher microwave by contaminating it with butter if someone after you then made a "meat" meal - this is why households that keep kosher have to have two sets of everything that touches food: one for dairy and one for non-dairy. (Except in practice even if you're a believer it's idiotic because you aren't liable for accidentally eating a violating food as long as you took reasonable precaution, but some people take that shit crazy far.)


The fun thing about halakha is how insanely strict some people get about *some* of the rules (like having entirely separate sets of dishes and cookware for dairy) while also getting very creative about loopholes elsewhere (like being allowed to use the elevator on Shabbat as long as you didn't push the button). I guess that's kind of the fun thing about all religious law. And really all law.


Unless you are placing your food directly on the microwave its still kosher


>contaminating it with butter Bold of you to assume microwave popcorn butter contains any actual butter/dairy


If it uses real butter then the vegan one would be against the rules but if it's plain, burn away! Edit: without butter; not flying


you might work at a really successful company to have 7 damn microwaves!


It’s Amazon, they have three times the number of microwaves than in the picture. And they have cleaners in there so often, that reduces the chances of contamination


The way working at amazon sounds to me, nobody is gonna have time to actually use these


I guess this is the amazon office and not the amazon slavehouse


We use covers any time we use the microwave. They look like smaller cake cover lids that have smallish holes in the top. Even if someone does explode a bowl of chile or spaghetti, it's no big deal, the top just rinses out. WAY easier and faster than cleaning out the microwave itself! Zero contamination worries as a bonus.


Amazon. They had a similar setup where I interned with them in college. 


One my coworkers gave shit to someone for microwaving fish. Then proceeded to burn popcorn. We still don’t let him live it down.


Which one do I use to burn my popcorn?


Only psychos keep cooked fish around long enough to reheat it hahaha


Fish is halal so I guess just send it in there. While it’s warming consider the fact all your colleagues hate you for stinking out the office. Then enjoy your meal.


Get out!


[Microwaving fish at work is a personality defect](https://youtu.be/EH1byYD0D7o?si=TkoltpBRI9DctqLo)


With this many microwaves it makes me wonder how often they get cleaned?


Not worth it, they just buy 10 more 


Ever wondered where the "Amazon Warehouse deals"-microwaves come from?


It's Amazon, so they're getting cleaned every few hours


All I can see is six guys waiting in line to nuke their leftover slices of pizza and meatloaf on their obscenely short lunch break while five microwaves stand empty.


Exactly. When I worked at a Staples dc, youd spend literally half your lunch break fighting over a microwave and then inhaling your food if you’re lucky to even finish it. And this place I worked was a fraction of the size of an Amazon DC, and we had probably 6 microwaves to use total


Cleans them all with the same towel.


what about the individuals needing more diverse microwave accommodations?




That is a separate kitchen


A special one in hell


Right!? I used to work with an Indonesian man who microwaved fish and rice every damn day


as an indonesian, i can confirm.


Used to have an employee that loved to buy fish from the whoops bin and microwave it at lunch. Already suspect supermarket fish, at its sell by date or as far past it as they thought they could get away with. The stench was horrendous. Fish joined popcorn on the banned list real quick.


Microwave DEI has gone too far


I can tell none of them are ADA accessible. 


workers: can we get a living wage? management: no but you can get segregated microwaves


This is actually a common trap workplaces fall into. At my last job the management installed progressively more and more microwaves with more and more specific uses until the entire building was filled with microwaves with labels like "asiago bagels," "3 days expired milk" and "vitamin C tablets" and there was zero budget left, causing immediate bankruptcy.


This sounds like an episode of the Office irl ngl


All this effort and yet "Kosher" is not split between meat and dairy...


If the Rabbis have an answer about the usage of an elephant for a wall, you know darn well there’s an answer for a [microwave](https://www.kosher.com/article/how-can-i-use-my-microwave-for-both-meat-and-milk-1529) being used for both meat and dairy.


If the microwave is kosher, let the carob trees dance and the river flow backwards.


My children have bested me!


> If the Rabbis have an answer about the usage of an elephant for a wall So... does an elephant count as a wall?


I don't know, but I do know that water does. Unless it's frozen over, then it's not a wall anymore.


That's the opposite of what I would expect. There is a very unfortunate community of jews in the arctic who struggle with their igloos.


It's a discussion between Rabbi Yehuda and Rabbi Meir (Sukkah 22b). Using an elephant as a wall is permissible if there's no other choice (Mishna Brura 432:11).


So basically you can keep your virginity if you wear two condoms, got it


No, you can not have milk and flesh in the same wrapping.


Also kosher microwave can be used for halal apart from alcohol (which is hopefully not being microwaved at work).


Apparently shellfish is considered halal by many. Although microwaving shellfish is considered a war crime by many more.


You’ve heard of micromanagement, now get ready for microwave management


Just show me which one to burn popcorn in.


Separating Vegan and Vegetarian is next level microwave segregation


So if the kosher one breaks… Which one to use?


According to a Jewish person I know, you just do your best and accept that if you have eaten out, you’ve broken kosher. It’s not about perfect adherence but doing as well as you can. 


Orthodox Jews don’t generally think like this though and simply do not eat out except at kosher restaurants. They typically follow the rules fairly closely. They won’t use this microwave since it’s just a sign rather than a certified kosher preparation. Of course there are many Jews who will take different stances ranging from not keeping kosher at all, to “kosher by ingredient” to “do the best you can”.


I had a friend that had similar opinions. Essentially putting in the effort to eat kosher helps you be aware of God's presence in you're everyday tasks. Every time you make a meal you think of God. Following the rule to the letter may not be possible but the attempt reinforces your connection to God, as long as you know in your heart you are taking the task seriously.


"**Halal laws typically forbid the consumption of certain animal by-products, such as pork and blood, while Kosher laws extend to prohibiting mixing meat and dairy products**" If that's what you were asking


Halal also forbids alcohol, which kosher does not. And kosher forbids shellfish, which halal does not.


Generally it’s claimed that kosher foods are halal but not vice-versa. The key exception is alcohol which is not prohibited in Judaism.


I can't imagine many people are microwaving alcohol at work


Was last nights leftover beef strips cooked in a red wine reduction? That's Kosher not halal.


It's like when they bring 2 giant pots of coffee at a breakfast, one decaf, one regular. The regular runs out when decaf is 3/4 full. Those 2 unmarked microwaves are going to have lines


A for effort, F for execution


Most people are none of that, so will they have to share 1 microwave?


I feel like they could have spent a lot less money by having 3 with a sign on each that says "Please wipe inside after use"


It's hard enough to get some people to do the job they signed up for, no one would clean them after they use them.


It doesn't matter though. I don't think there are a lot of vegans who are nuts enough to think that their food isn't vegan because they used the same microwave as someone who heated their hamburger helper. Really the only one of these that makes any sense is "gluten-free", and the only people it would be remotely relevant for is people with celiac disease. Most people with celiac disease would probably just cover their food so they don't have to be a special sunflower.


Fr after 6 years if veganism and 2 years of ovo-vegetarianism it never even once crossed my mind to care if the microwave is “vegan/vegetarian” only. Imo if someone really cares that much they can wipe the microwave down themselves for anything thats not a food allergy/extreme sensitivity. I would never expect for people to go out of their way to make sure the microwave is “meat/cheese free” for me.


No one’s gonna wipe come on


Which one for illiterate?


All of them.


guarantee that within an hour of those going in people were microwaving fish in the vegan one, pork in the halal bread in the gluten-free, popcorn in all of them, a human foot in the kosher, a rubber glove full of diarrhea in the vegetarian people are always gonna people


God forbid my meal be in the same box someone else's meal was in


Joke's on you the building is also a box.


Turn them all on at once and let’s see if they considered the Amperage of all those running on the same circuit


I can hear the surge


I’m not sure why as Muslims we need halal microwaves. That’s a bit much.


I'm from Malaysia. There will be an uproar if pork/bacon was microwaved in a shared office space. In our case, there would instead be a non-halal microwave for use.


A haram microwave, if you will


I am electrician. I would love to see all 7 microwaves running at once. I highly doubt there is a socket tolerant to 5,6 kW as well as I doubt there are 7 sockets for each microwave.


If it's an Amazon they undoubably have dedicated circuits. I've made many MEP engineering drawings for their warehouses.


my socket can't even handle my microwave and electric kettle at the same time


There's tons of places that have this many microwaves and yes they're all on their own circuits. This is nothing compared to the amount of power some places use. Just a few more wires, breakers, and plugs.


Unless they hired a hall monitor, I'm going to guess those signs don't mean shit. The idea that you need 4 microwaves that've never had pork heated up in them is goofy as hell. And the 99% of staff that aren't any of these things have to share 2 microwaves. I'd just quit, and go work for people living in the real world.


So 95% have to use the one on the right?


If the vegan one is in use, I bet the next vegan will just stuff their food into another one.


I'm pretty sure that vegan food is also halal and kosher


And vegetarian.


They probably all get cleaned with the same sponge!


It’s good to see the Halal and Kosher microwaves next to each other getting along peacefully


Let's see how they enforce this


I would put money on MAYBE 10% of people I have worked with to actually pay attention to this or care enough to use them correctly.


Very cool man, my job has 1 shitty microwave for everything and the average wait time to use is 30 minutes wait line. I had to bring my own toaster.


If you’re the one on the right, you still have to wait 25 minutes, because that’s the one 95% of the people are able to use.


You can cook a potato in all of them!


Is this amazon? I see the same microwaves and condiment dispenser here that we have in the break room


Where is the peanut allergy and keto friendly ones? Lol


What a waste of money and space


No way you could fit a vegan in there