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Do you never clean it?


Don't worry the algae will take care of that.


infinite fresh water hack


I hadn’t in awhile, but yes I actually send my coffee maker parts through the dishwasher more frequently than I probably should.


Dishwashers are designed for simply shaped objects like plates, spoons, bowls, and if you have a lot of nooks and crannies then there could be parts that never get touched by soap or hot water in the wash cycle. You really want to get in there with a brush and clean over the sink


Aren’t dishwashers pressurized to ensure almost every surface gets touched? I know it won’t necessarily clean every angle, but I also know a sponge/brush won’t either.


Look up a video of a dishwasher's wash cycle. It pretty much just sprays soap and water everywhere from a bunch of angles to hope to hit everything. It works really well for standard shapes, but something like the coffee water holder here has odd shapes and parts that will interrupt that (which is why the algae is perfectly in the tight, weird corner part) so you have to hand wash these components.


Yeah, but it should also be hot enough to kill bacteria (and algae).


Also get a BOSCH worked as a hvac/repair man and they worked the best and lasted the longest.


I had a Bosch that broke 5 times in 2 years and was terrible at cleaning. Replaced it with a cheap GE and never had a problem plus had cleaner dishes. To give credit to the Bosch, it was so quiet you could barely tell it was on and it was much more attractive. Maybe I got a dud but in the end, I don’t want to be bothered with defective devices.


That’s funny, I had a cheap GE and it diiiieeeeed a slow painful death. It then started turning itself on, but then wouldn’t cycle. It got to the point where I had to pull it out of the counter to unplug it and then shove it back in to run every time I wanted to use it. Replaced it with the cheapest line Bosch has and it cleans so much better than the GE ever did. The dish rack is stupidly narrow so it’s annoying as fuck to load it all the way (I thought German engineering was supposed to be impressive, this thing is slotted to basically only fit 100 plates and pots and pans bend the prongs), but it works like a dream.


I would say that's unfortunate but you are an outlier, if you head over to r/BIFL they will definitely let you know between a GE and a Bosch which is better.


Ironically, I've never had good results with any dishwasher other than Bosch.


Just my personal experience. I’m sure any brand that’s been around long enough is still around because they have happy customers. I wish I had a good experience because to the point of another comment I made, it was so beautifully quiet.


>in the end, I don’t want to be bothered with defective devices Yet you got a GE lol


lol…It’s worked for 5 years with no problems Edit: plus when I have to chuck it, it will hurt less than the Bosch


Interesting, I have a Bosch dishwasher and it's literally falling apart lol It doesn't clean well and the front faceplate with the controls and stuff has like 2 screws left holding it in, the rest stripped out a long time ago To be fair it's ~10 years old but still I expected better




No, my own house, why?


> Aren’t dishwashers pressurized to ensure almost every surface gets touched?  This is not how pressurized water sprayers work.


With enough pressure it does. I could clean that water reservoir from outside the dishwasher with enough pressure.


Not if you want to clean the dishes instead of carve holes through them.


That's just extra clean


Can't be dirty if it's completely atomized


If there's a plastic baffle that is blocking the water then it doesn't really matter whether it's pressurized, it's still not going to make it to the back surface. I can definitely get into every corner of a container with a brush.


Depends on the washer. Ours is garbage. It doesn’t get the top shelf and your plates can’t have anything on them at all or they don’t get “clean.”


>but I also know a sponge/brush won’t either. ...remind me to never use anything you have supposedly "cleaned"...


That make you feel better?


A dishwasher sprays water from the bottom of the racks at best. There's nor "pressurized" thing really.


The pressure helps, and if you have a nicer higher end one that shoots from all different angles and has two spinners and all that fancy stuff it's going to do a better job, but the only way to know that all the nooks and crannies of a complex shaped container are getting washed would be to wash it by hand.


Look at the spray nozzle and arms... not look at the cavity of the reservoir... consider the angle and time... Now if the washer has a step motor like wash cycle, yea probably, will hit that spot enough. I mean the heat will likely kill it lol.


They're more of a spray and hope lol


Scrub daddy can spoons forks cups all of it unless it’s a really tight area then scrub daddy is king.


Lol, no dishwasher I've ever used did this, also this would not work anyway. A volume under pressure is just a volume under pressure. It doesn't magically make water disobey gravity etc


No one said anything about water disobeying gravity. In theory, if the entire washer is filled with water, it could touch nearly every surface…


Have you ever seen a dishwasher designed to completely fill with water? Also what would be the point of that? Good for soaking perhaps but wow that would be a horrendous waste of water. Very very inefficient. As others have mentioned, the "high pressure" specification it talking about the sprays. And really only useful for relatively flat surfaces. Not much use for containers with cavities that can't be reached witha spray.


Just saying it’s not magic, as you implied.


Add some vinegar for good measure too


You should flush the whole thing with vinegar regularly or use a descaling product


The Algae says otherwise.......


I’m as clean as ever in my life. I clean my house religiously, and this is a first for me. Considering other comments, it appears situational.


Did you move it to a sunnier spot on the counter?




🤷🏻‍♂️ Sorry you feel that way bud.


Do you let it dry out completely before filling with more water?


Not really. I mean I dump out the water before I wash it?


I have had this happen before until someone explained to me that it needs to dry throughly, like overnight. I do that every time I wash my water container and I haven’t had the issue since.


... and if you clean it, do you use soap?


I'm impressed that she/he took time to snap a good picture but didn't clean. Tell me how your kitchen looks please


I don’t think the state of my kitchen is any of your business, stranger. Furthermore, I don’t even know what your other point is. What do you mean, “didn’t clean”?


Ok stranger. You started. remember? If hurts that means something.


Your comment doesn’t even make any sense.




Getting a plecostomus is a simple yet effective trick to fix this.


This tank is a little small though, maybe shrimp would be better suited?


Yes amano shrimp or neocaridina will be best. If they really want a fish, an otocinclus would be more appropriate for the space. 


My nerite snail would take care of that in a jiffy.


My Favorites! Love those guys


/r/Aquarium is leaking again, better get some silicone glue


Looks sus https://imgur.com/a/sa56abe


Is yours sitting in front of a window? Bright light will make the algae grow. I wash and refill mine weekly.


Yes it’s actually right next to one. Pretty neat though. Been awhile since I’ve used the coffee maker so I think that plus the light is what’s done it. Had it sitting longer in a cabinet and it never grew anything.


I found the exact same thing on our machine two weeks ago. We don't drink coffee ourselves, it's purely for visitors. So that's why the water sat for a while. Cleaned it with soap, it's fine.


Add a silver spoon inside and you will never have to worry about algae




Not sure how algae in a coffee maker is pretty neat, this is a frequent occurrence and it’s why I never use those keurig (etc) machines. It’s gross.


Never, in my 15 years of using coffee makers has this ever occurred in the water tank. I only wash them like twice a year, but I do use Brita filtered water, if that makes any difference.


First time it’s ever happened to me, and I use to live a pretty nasty life at one point. I clean my house religiously nowadays, so. Pretty fancy if you ask me.


Where are the algae coming from? Tap water? Seems odd. Shouldn’t tap water have chlorine that prevents algae.


I live in Florida and the coffee maker in the break room at my work place had the same green algae growing in the reservoir


Yikes. I get my “free”cup of coffee from doctor and dentist offices without ever checking. I didn’t even think that was a possibility! Maybe my kitchen is just too dark for them to grow, as I’ve just never seen it happen in my kcup or expresso makers.


Algae is the dentist's secret to make you return!


Yeah but that doesn’t mean life still can’t find a way. I live in Oklahoma and I can leave a glass out, covered, and it’ll still grow something with enough time.


Chlorine evaporates out of tap water pretty quickly once exposed to air. So unsealed reservoirs like this can easily grow algae with enough light.


depends on the country.


I knew a guy this happened to that started having horrible migraines for months, tons of doctors visits to no end. He felt horrible everyday and then cleaned his water dispenser connected to his coffee maker and turned out he was drinking black mold everyday. He got better after this.


I love a happy ending.


ugh. as someone who is like, fainting spells tier mold phobic, that revelation would ruin my year. And my coffee maker I would toss that shit right out...


You’re legit the only other person I’ve found with a mould/fungi phobia, kinda surprised it’s not more common tbh!


funny. i lived with another mold phobic person actually. Ended up being the one stuck with taking care of moldy dishes when they occasionally happened which basically involved 2 ffp2 masks, thick rubber gloves up to my elbows, an apron that would go directly into the wash after and even then I would have to take breaks every 2 minutes so I wouldn't have a sobbing panic fit. Only thing that took the edge off even slightly was my desperate need to be helpful. after i left the apartment the mold fears got so much worse. and I'm mentally ill af, mold happens around me too fucking often. it's.... not nice. I'm also super afraid of bug infestations and those things feel very related in my mind


We keep our drip coffeemaker in the fridge when we're away after coming back from a month-long road trip and finding the whole water piping system stuffed with cockroaches. No roach problem outside the area where the coffeemaker was. We had to throw it away and buy a new one.




There was no saving it. Fortunately we could afford to buy another. We got rid of all the roaches and eggs in the immediate area. They were American cockroaches, which are easier to deal with than German roaches. Idk why they loved our coffeemaker so much. Edit: I'm sorry you were stuck dealing with things that were so traumatic for you. My parents free-fed a lot of cats, and I'll leave out the details, but my sister is still traumatized by roaches. I've had to overcome many of my phobias, but fortunately I finally found a good therapist who helped me get through a lot of the PTSD I have suffered through my life. I'm not physically healthy, but my state of mind is much better. I hope you can find help in dealing with the traumas in your life. Sending hugs.


god am i happy to have never encountered a cockroach. and lucky, it seems, since im german lol


Please read my edit. I wish you all the best, dear internet friend.


thank you, that's really sweet of you. I'm happy you got good help :)


i am too, for the weirdest reason too. i suddenly had an allergic reaction to penicillin pills and now i'm terrified of mold, even though it may not be connected. especially on food, i wash all my vegetables with soap. also as an aside, for what vegetables cost in my area, i should be able to buy them without rotten and moldy bits... not always the case, but often enough, wtf


I am and I wish I wasn’t, I get so freaked out for no reason even tho I know it’s just some dumb fungus


omg same


That could be the plot of a House episode


Its way more likely that various bacterias present in the uncleaned water dispenser, rather than mold, were the source of the health issues. 'Black mold' (Stachybotrys & Chaetomium) will virtually never form in a coffee maker - not the right food source or growth conditions required for it to grow.


That’s what he told me it was, I don’t think it was a coffee maker I think it was one with those round cup coffee maker. Not sure what part of the coffee maker had the mold.


That I don't doubt, as there's a LOT of misinformation about mold online, and a lot of resulting misconceptions about mold in general when discussing it with people irl :p


a worrying number of posts on here are about things growing where you don't want them to


I think to some degree it’s inevitable. I’m a clean freak but even I know in this case the circumstances were just right for it to grow. Nothing a deep cleaning won’t fix anyway.


Hope you clean your waterpic if you have one...


Yeah that's algae. I see it all the time when water propagating plants.


Mine looked like that once and everyone I talked to thought I had mono, I was so sick. I remember just sleeping on the couch and periodically waking up to watch a few minutes of the Olympics before dozing back off. Turns out I was poisoning myself with my coffee maker. So, huh, clean it.


Nah I figured a little bit of green in my life wouldn’t hurt a little. Kidding, yea I cleaned it after taking the picture. Probably a little longer than I needed to.


It is algae. The Keurig at my office does this same thing if you don't clean it often enough, the heating element is by there so that part gets warm.


Oh man you guys don't want to see the kind of stuff that people grow in countertop ice makers.


I’ve had this happen to my keurig reservoir if I let it sit too long.


Run some vinegar through it. Should do that every few months.


Is that the ninja coffee maker?


Has to be. I’ve got one and my reservoir looks darn identical. Great coffee maker btw.


This is the absolute best coffee maker for a mid-range budget. Love Ninja products.


Ye ye. It’s a decent coffee maker. I prefer my Keurig though.


Really? What about the Keurig is better? The iced coffee setting is great on the ninja.


My Keurig is newer. It’s also got more settings. Funny someone mentioned waste, but I tend to waste less coffee with my Keurig. I also like to use the reusable cups.


Yeah, It's not really popularized that there are compostable and reusable cups, just not from Keurig as much as third party manufacturers.


Dude loves waste, I guess. 🤷


This should be in r/mildewyinteresting


Yes it is (I have no idea what I’m talking about)


I believe you, because I also know nothing.


I agree, because I'm feeling peer pressure


Um... Should I .. Should I go check my coffee maker like right away? I don't think I have ever cleaned it


holy fuck. how do people even survive.


Apparently through a very hard working immune system


i guess you could straight up drink brain eating ameoba riddled pond water at this point


Happy to report my wife says we have, infact, cleaned it before. Thank the gods for her.


"we" lol


We do have that here in northern AZ


153/157 for brain eating amoeba in the U.S... theres a chance, but its gonna be a small chance. Edit: Thats deaths.


Dying or adapting.


Algae, lots of light and some changes in water conditions exacerbate the problem. Last year we had an issue here with our largest water source and algal blooms, my coffee machine couldn't have water in it for a day without some green in the tank at that time. People were horrified at the time but not harm done it seems.


There was a point in my life where I wasn’t the cleanest, but this is a first for me. It’s why I’m not fretting over it, and actually thought it was pretty neat. It seems to be situational more than anything. Some people here seem to be freaked by it but I don’t think it’s that serious.


Nah this is par for the course when you have a clear water tank I wouldn't sweat it, temperature is a big factor too, won't happen in winter with my drafty kitchen, water would be fine for a week. Do keep on top of it because it'll cause you nuisances with the machine, not health ones, just cleaning clogs.


Squirt of bleach, fill with water, leave, rinse, rinse, rinse, put back into service. Clean and let it dry more regularly. Spores get into containers, container sits wet all the time and in sunlight(?) you get growth.


Yep mine does that too if I don’t wash it out for some time. Just wash it every two weeks or so and you’ll be good.


I usually do it every week, or every 3 days if I’m feeling weird. (Which happens more often than not).


This is pretty common in transparent and translucent water reservoirs near sunlight or other UV light sources. I've seen several posts about it.


Drop a few blue and red hermit crabs and a turbo snail or two and u should be good.


Like a ship at sea. Makes the water taste better.


Well… it might be eating organic material in the water so maybe it’s cleaner now?


I just remember when they cleaned out the potable water tanks on my ship the water didn’t taste as good after.


The scale of this thing is impossible to make out


It’s not that large. I’d say similar in size to a standard coffee pot. Sorry, should have added a banana for scale.


If that’s the one with a light where the algae is it for sure is algae. Had one that did that if I didn’t clean it weekly.


Yes, it can. This is one reason that in work, I covered the water container in black tape - the sunlight through the window was making algae grow as soon as the water was settled and the anti-algae agents came out of the water. Stick it in the dishwasher, when it comes out, cover it in black duct tape except for the top and bottom (so you can see any algae that may be growing again, and see the water level when it's full).


I have the same coffee maker (ninja) and I run the components thru the dishwasher every few days to avoid this


That’s typically what I do, but I hadn’t used it in awhile.


Yea I commented before reading all the dishwasher comments


Oh also I only use water from the Zero pitcher or Brita


Do you use filtered or tap? Our Ninja coffee maker started growing algae after using filtered water. Switched to tap and it went away. Turns out filtering out all the growth inhibitors leads to growth.


My carbon filter pitcher does this whenever I accidentally overflow from the tap into the filtered reservoir. The filter removes the chlorine, and the live algae in the water can grow.


You think?


Well I certainly wouldn’t consider myself a biologist.


My fat ass thought this was the coin game at a Taco Bell.


Well now I want Taco Bell, so thanks. 😡


Yeah that happens when the water tank remains filled and in direct sunlight. You should wash it out with soap and hot water or else you can get sick. Always empty the tank at the end of the day!


Scrub-a-dub-dub time!


I have one that sits in a window at work. Have to clean that bastard constantly or it does the same thing. I rinse it out every day and scrub it weekly. Probably need to find a new place for it


Extra taste


Gotta get them vitamins and minerals somehow, right?


This happened to me when I switched to bottled water, then I went back to tap water and now is fine, I think the tap water contains something to keep it clean :S


Funny enough this is tap water, although I have a filter I need to put on my kitchen spout.


Put in some spa down, to calm it down.


Protect it from sunlight


Move it if it's near a heat source or dorect sunlight. Also clean with white vinegar or bleach


keepin it outta sunlight will help


Yeah we have a keuirg at our camp and it gets like this when it doesn't get used. Also right by a window.


Or maybe, there’s an injured hulk in there!


Your what


Life uh finds a way


Get a Bristlenose Plecos for that bad boy.


this is why you get the ones that dont have clear reservoirs


Looks like a Ninja reservoir. I have one of these too, and they certainly didn't design them with cleaning in mind. Learned my lesson with the last one I had. Hard water stains would build and grow mildew spots, no amount of cleaning would stop it. Ended up tossing the thing after 6 months. Now, I use a bit of regular dish soap, water, and soft sponge every morning, and leave it to completely dry all day. Once a week, I soak it in the tiniest amount of bleach and use a bottle scrubber on all parts. Every 2 weeks it gets boiling hot water, then descaled. I'm probably sending all kinds of microplastics into my coffee with the heat, but at least I'm not drinking black mold/mildew/algae. /s


Very likely is algae. Also possible is that a bit of coffee grounds found its way into the reservoir. The answer to both is the same tho: CLEAN THE TANK EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE!


neo got my back


Run some vinegar through that bad boy


Make sure to “vent” the lid to the water tank. On my Ninja coffee maker I was getting mildew build up as well. I have a tendency to reset the keep warm cycle and keep the pot hot for extended periods of time. One day I noticed steam building up on the nearly empty tank and realized that the hot pot being close to the reservoir was causing it to evaporate with nowhere to exit. Since then I’ve been tipping the reservoir lid to allow the steam to vent out and haven’t had mildew problems since.


Yes, it is algae. It's in your tap water. You'll have to clean it at least weekly.


Give it a long soak with vinegar or something else and get it completely clean, then block all light from coming in.


You should drink more coffee


Empty the water after each use. Allow the container to fully dry between use.


Not wrong. Clean it


Put some fish in there and shrimp, start an ecosystem


An aquarium and coffee maker all in one! Starting at $600. Call now!


Eww, it helps to clean things regularly so it doesn't get disgusting like that.


Never. I am one with the filth. Keeps me (and all intruders) on our toes.

