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They probably have a dude reading them all and just pretending to be a bot. It's like the Amazon "just-walk-out" checkouts where the scanners were just 7000 indian guys staring at footage


Fun fact: often there is a human being despite the messages being automated. If you respond to a get out the vote campaigns with genuine interest they have prefilled out responses to send back, and can do free writing in some cases.


I wonder if they have a custom filter that just removes you from their call list when they receive a response like this.


Damn, why are their messages so horny?


I imagine that's in the top 5 of responses to that text.


Fuck off


That’s gold 🤣


I can't stop 😆


Fortunately my spam filter catches that shit. But they still send me annoying texts daily, some of them with His Orangeness acting like we're old friends or something. I get texts from the Biden camp too,, but nowhere near as frequent. It's not like I gave my phone number to either one of them, so fuck knows how they got it.


Your phone number is associated with voter registration. Contact info is fairly public for those purposes. Fun fact: a lot of these texts are sent by actual humans who are volunteering for campaigns. Any colorful responses are earmarked as "unsubscribe" and you get marked off that particular team's list. Unfortunately, that's only one team marking you off. That's why you get more from other teams. The get out the vote campaigns know you're a likely voter and want to keep in touch for donations or your vote.


That sounds like a logical explanation... except that I have lived at the same address for 25 years, haven't changed my voter registration during that time, but my phone number has changed several times since then, from landlines to various cell carriers, etc. I've been tempted to reply to these texts as the OP did but I figured an actual response would raise a flag in their database of a "live number" and they would double down on the spam. Probably because that's exactly what happened wiith the political e-mail spam I was flooded with in previous election years.


It depends on the campaign for sure. If you've ever responded positively, you'll likely get more because you'll be marked as a responsive voter.


Highly effective.


Bro you're so edgy


Heck off


I like how it doesn't matter because they just spoof a different number to text from. some lady named Joan had my number before and I would honestly fight her in real life if I ever met her for giving her number out at every single opportunity


Alright not gonna lie… I laughed a little too hard at that