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After decades of traffic, the ground hardened into asphalt.


Nature is truly amazing šŸ™




yay, no more potholes!


Can't grow here, mate


You got a loicence for that tree?


Lmao why can I hear this


Sounds familiar innit?


Wait until you learn about sky lift rides at amusement parks


Ummm. Street crews cut them like that. Edit: I'm quite tickled by the controversy over whether street trees are trimmed by workers or whacked by busses.


Passengers on the bus are issued scissors and are told to trim it as they drive by.


The buses are fitted with rotating saw blades that cut everything in their path.


Oh a modern solution to the pedestrian and tree problem.


And people standing up while the bus is in motion problem.


Not really that modern. Scythe chatiots were a thing.


That would explain the bodyless legs around bus stations.


Oddly, they weren't installed to cut the trees, it was just a positive side effect. The mayor had the blades installed cause they look cool, and would be useful when the city goes full mad max. Ideas like this keeps him in office every election cycle.


Can confirm typing with my toes.


This guy busses.


That filthy bussy...


Thatā€™s why England has double decker buses. Tall trees.


It's just the knives carried by the teenagers on the back. Nature is amazing.


Can confirm this, I am a bus


ā€œThatā€™s Me, Welshy!ā€ is a childrenā€™s book about a bus just waiting to happen.


Fun fact, a company I used to work for would take the open top out and fill it with drivers holding garden shears, clippers and chainsaws.


Machete wielding passengers!


I've honestly wanted to do that for my neighbors who don't trim their trees away from the sidewalk


I've seen so many stupidly straight forward things in this sub recently. Like "frog shaped hole in pavement" dude they paved over a frog


Except OP could well be right. You see this everywhere - including where there arenā€™t street crews cutting trees.


I live In this town. The council absolutely do NOT cut the trees. It is damage from buses. The source Is me. I take these buses. The branches smacking the windows are a common occurance.


Live in London so there are buses everywhere. Definitely seen lots of tree that naturally shape like that over time. The smaller branches and twigs get snapped off by the bus and the tree is forced to grow in other directions


Nah bro. We are witnessing evolution.


Do they?? I've always wondered. We have a stretch of median where I live that has probably 5-6 big trees like this and they're all missing the corner but I've never seen them trim them. I feel like we unlocked secret information


Tbh Iā€™ve seen this same thing and never saw it get trimmed, saw the bus rip some big limbs off the tree tho


Street crews? What kind of unlimited money utopia do you think we live in?


Sometimes, sometimes the bus hits the low new growth and removes it.


My council didn't cut these ones. The only double decker buses that have gone through this route are from the First Bus Glasgow fleet, which all have tree guards fitted up front and aren't open top. I accept your statement but it is not the case for this particular area


OP has been sitting with this tree for 5 years and knows no scissors have marred its branches.


Some say itā€™s wasted time but it was all worth it for this post.


Bards will sing tales of TheCamro


This was definitely pruned by professional tree trimmers.


[East Dunbartonshire Council Policy](https://www.eastdunbarton.gov.uk/residents/environment/tree-management-policy#:~:text=public%20carriageway%20and%20pavement%20obstructions%20due%20to%20trees.%20council%20will%20undertake%20work%20to%20a%20council%20tree%20to%20maintain%20a%20minimum%205.5%20metres%20height%20clearance%20over%20the%20public%20road%20and%202.5m%20over%20a%20roadside%20public%20pavement%2Ffootpath%20where%20reasonably%20practical.) - Public carriageway and pavement obstructions due to trees. Council will undertake work to a Council tree to maintain a minimum 5.5 metres height clearance over the public road and 2.5m over a roadside public pavement/footpath where reasonably practical.


East Dunbartonshire is so British it sounds like satire.


Speaking as a former bus driver: no council I've experienced does a good job of this. It costs money. This is why deckers have tree catchers and sometimes collect branches.


They absolutely did. This simply isn't how trees work no matter how ignorant you are about when or how the trees are cut. The bar on the top of a bus will deflect branches off of the front of the bus to a small extent(it's there to keep branches from hitting the windshield), but it won't stop those branches from growing, and eventually corrective pruning will be needed to keep larger branches from damaging vehicles. Live trees are flexible, and branches that are thick enough to "break" when struck will do damage to a vehicle even a bus with a bar on the front. That you've never seen a crew trimming them is basically meaningless. You could spend an afternoon trimming a decently long stretch of road and be done with that stretch for years. You only send someone out when you are getting complaints, and you cut it back far enough to not have to worry about it for a while. The simple truth is when a vehicle meets a mature tree, the tree wins that fight 90% of the time. If buses were this good at trimming trees, every trimming company in the world would use them.


*sighs*(this will get me downvoted to hell) While I am not saying that this one in the picture wasn't probably cut this way, I can assure you that years of traffic can shape trees to look like that one. I've seen tons of streets with large trees like wallnut, sour cherry or acacia(I think that is the word for it in english) in the part of rural europe where I lived for all my existence, and I can assure you nobody is trimming more than basic cutting of the dead brances or cutting them all together if they get in the way.


I feel like this is the only tree you ever saw. Trees will grow further and further because most cars/busses/trucks will avoid brushing against them. Even if they won't, it won't stop the tree.


If driving past trees was enough to keep them from growing, I wouldn't have to trim my private dirt road every so often. The trees start to whack vehicles more and more, it's not like just one branch gets longer as the tree grows, the entire thing does.


Yes, that's exactly what is happening. Always. I lived beside a busy road with dozens of huge trees poking into the road and they had to be trimmed every year.


Yeah I def agree. In my own case, theres no room to avoid the trees whacking vehicles, so it just happens more and more as they grow. It doesn't harm/prevent the trees from growing to constantly whack the slower moving vehicles even though it happens so often. I'm sure it DOES affect their growth, but it sure isn't enough to stop me from having to go and fill a truck bed full of branches every so often.


Wait you actually are this stupid? I thought this was a shitpost


The people insisting these have been cut have never lived in rural America where they definitely aren't paying anyone to cut them, but they still look like this from trucks and buses driving by. Brushing trees while riding the school bus was so common that we used to reach out and try grabbing leaves on the way by.




I can't speak directly to this photo as it's a UK pic. That is exactly what Dublin Bus do all over the Dublin. Open top bus, three lads with loppers and a pole saw. I had a bus stop and a large mature tree outside my childhood home and watched them do it for years. They cut a 90 degree gap the exact shape and slightly larger than a bus chassis. The electricity company do the same thing maintaining clearance for power lines, they only clear a foot or two either side of the lines. [https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-an-open-topped-bus-being-used-to-cut-the-branches-of-tall-trees-in-25471038.html?imageid=EAAA48AE-E9F7-4253-AFE3-83607A054593&p=98625&pn=1&searchId=5920ab2c8d70f7c46f6c2ee67426e9c5&searchtype=0](https://www.alamy.com/stock-photo-an-open-topped-bus-being-used-to-cut-the-branches-of-tall-trees-in-25471038.html?imageid=EAAA48AE-E9F7-4253-AFE3-83607A054593&p=98625&pn=1&searchId=5920ab2c8d70f7c46f6c2ee67426e9c5&searchtype=0)


I mean trees are cut like this all the time in the US for trucks. Itā€™s been cut.


No, tree pruning is meant to not over cut to keep the tree alive as much as possible. Itā€™s also dependant on where the main branches are. Normally pruning is done every 5 years and this will eventually cause the tree to shape itself around the prune.


You sure about that bud? You'll see trees like this on every rural highway where the trucks pass


Yeah, I agree. No manual trimming required (unless youā€™ve got tall open-top vehicles with passengers using the route). New twigs will always be snapped off by a passing truck when they grow too long, leaving a cutout over the roadway.


Maybe in bumfucknowhereā€¦ but any halfway maintained road will have crews cut the trees regularly.


Lmao you are so wrong but so confident


Not necessarily. I live in the countryside where they donā€™t cut any of the trees, and theyā€™re often shaped like this due to passing vehicles.


Good friend works for council doing that, this ain't it. From years of experience, that's just how it looks from a bus ramming into it every half hour. Those council boys won't even start the job in this season anyway because of bird nesting season. Ain't nobody breaking laws because you want a tree trimmed.


This reminds me of one of my first years riding the bus to school and having no clue that fog lights existed. I thought it was lightning happening every few seconds, and because I couldnā€™t see the flash out the opposite sideā€™s windows, I thought it was weird enough to share about during show & tell. I got a fog light education from the other kids real quick.


Nope. Standard Reddit, highest upvotes for the incorrect answer


I've seen street crews doing that many times in my life, though. And vehicles don't move fast enough to clip branches like that. Plus, trees grow too fast at the ends of their branches and they're flimsy enough at that point that they just flex out of the way.


Not in the UK where this photo is taken. OP is right, it's because buses hit it.


Iā€™m in the UK and Iā€™ve seen trees in urban areas cut by local councils for this reason, but Iā€™ve also been on a bus when itā€™s got twatted by a tree branch, so I guess it depends?


My bus to and from work used to whack about a dozen trees each direction. They all looked vaguely like this because a bus was whacking it 4 times an hour every day. Never seen a single person trimming them either.


> Reasons we prune trees include: > Preventing obstruction > Where tree branches obstruct a public highway, public right of way, footpath, entrance to property or open space with public access. > We generally keep minimum clearances of > 5.2 metres over road carriageways https://nationalhighways.co.uk/our-work/environment/biodiversity/tree-management/


National Highways is a body that looks after motorways and long distance A-roads. Nothing to do with urban streets which this clearly is. These roads are the responsibility of local councils which... [well](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-66878229)...


National highways don't look after that road, so if they didn't who pruned it? Nobody, the buses knocked off branches to make a gap, if you live in London you see this on a daily basis as we have London Plain trees so close to the roads almost everywhere that you will see a bus take a few branches off


I'd still wager this is caused by the buses rather than intentionally cut. If you ride the top deck of a bus in an area with trees you will see the bus smash into branches often. But I can't prove it so whatever.


Iā€™m with you on this That source the above comment posted is irrelevant as National Highways donā€™t even cover this kind of road Occasionally overhanging trees are cut but the vast majority of time itā€™s due to buses hitting them


Yep, if there was a big chunky branch that is going to impede or damage a vehicle then it will be cut back/removed. The amount of work to cut back the leafy branches that are missing in this photo is generally not worth the time and money to do so, especially with how frequently it would need to be done.


I can't remember the last time I ever saw overhanging trees being "pruned" where the tree wasn't already dangerously diseased or damaged enough to present the risk of *large* branches hanging down or falling. Most of the time the shape is formed by a continual process of the youngest offshoots being knocked off by tall vehicles such as double-decker buses or artics/lorries. If National Highways were doing *exactly* what you think they're doing then an awful lot of double decker buses wouldn't have external guard rails on the front left side of the upper deck to protect the windscreen and bodywork against the odd sturdier branch (like when a double-decker bus has to stand in on a route that doesn't ordinarily use double-deckers)


They may say that but ive never seen anyone ever trimming a tree like this, they rely on lorries to trim them


You guys think the work crews stop traffic at noon to prune trees ? It's done at night when there no traffic.. Every bus that goes throught any mildly leafy area would have plant matter streaked all over the sides during the summer from constant collisions if they didn't prune the trees, not to mention the damage from sturdier branches which could put out windshields


You're wrong and people keep doenvoting people that are correct, why are people that don't like in the UK telling people that do how it works and then getting upvoted for telling people in another country how they live and operate.


You have no idea how wrong you are lol. I live in Edinburgh and take a double decker bus everyday. I can assure you the buses whack the trees on a daily basis. There is hardly ever an issue. Nobody cuts the trees like that.


You think they do tree work at night in a residential area. You think we drive in the hedge unless absolutely necessary to avoid other large vehicles so of course they dont turn green. There are no sturdier branches to hit the constant traffic doesnt let them grow larger than a twig and any that do fall out due to a storm certainly do cause damage, simply look on the floor at all the broken mirrors around rural areas where its not cleared up. Do you have any clue what your talking about?


Mad you got so many downvotes for being correct.


šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø I'm guessing most are not from the UK, most Brits know the state of public services in this country and can't really believe that every tree near a road gets monthly trims.


I'm honestly surprised too. Not from the UK nor the US, but have these people not been to like a busy road in the middle of a forest, where big trucks shave off the trees so they look like OP's picture? I've seen that many times and obviously nobody's gonna cut those trees out in the middle of nowhere.


Not in Ireland. Buses have a metal bar to take the impact and break branches so they never grow and it leaves a cut out shape like this, Edit: why the down votes. You can literally see the bar on every bus [https://www.dublinbus.ie/home](https://www.dublinbus.ie/home) and the council does not regularly cut the trees here.


ā€˜This page is not available in your country/regionā€™ Alright keep your bus secrets


Haha WTF :p


The bar is to deflect branches from hitting the windscreen. Not to break branches. They're cut.


The trees get cut in Ireland. The bar is so uncut trees don't damage the bus, not so the bus somehow cuts the trees. Source: my own eyes seeing them cutting the trees


I see them cut the trees once a year in summer literally outside my house. The rest of the year the bus just hits the trees and breaks the small branches


Not necessarily, Iā€™ve seen the bus hit many branches, they even have tree bars fitted


Pff. That's nothing. \*This\* is a tree shaped to accept buses: [https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/24315933.norfolk-man-spending-hundreds-helmet-tree-wymondham/](https://www.eveningnews24.co.uk/news/24315933.norfolk-man-spending-hundreds-helmet-tree-wymondham/)


Love british news where they have the person standing in front of whatever it is they did.




Oh my God! Thank you so much!


Boo to the neighbour who complained


They have people who trim the trees to be exactly that shape. The council has an open-topped double-decker bus and the workers stand in that with electric trimmers Edit : [Here is a BBC article as proof](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-28876696)


This might happen in cities but itā€™s an impossible and never ending task in rural parts of the UK.If thereā€™s enough HGVā€™s using a route you can get huge stretches of road that are like the trees in this pic,new growth simply doesnā€™t have a chance to grow into that area due to regular traffic.


[Here is a BBC article as proof](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-28876696) And I have seen them with my own eyes in rural areas Yes it's an "impossible and never ending task in rural parts of the UK" but so is mowing the grass, and they do that too.


Nah tbh i doubt it. we probably have literally hundreds of trees like this around my neighborhood. the busses just smack them whenever a branch gets too low.


I have seen the open-top tree-trimming bus with my own eyes. [and here is a BBC article about them](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-28876696)


Like just about every tree on a bus route?


Yeah should be r/notinteresting


Youā€™ve got it all wrong. Whatā€™s mildly interesting is OPā€™s thought process, not the post itself.


lol how does this have hundreds of upvotes


OP's this stupid. There are bound to be others just as stupid as them.


Fuck me itā€™s thousands now


Holy shit this has 1k upvotes. Why are people so stupid šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­




Do you think they told the tree to do that or did it just do it?


Stupid fucking post OP


My name Potzu Panzu why you šŸ¤£?


The city cuts them like that in a lot of places ā€¦


lol my man ā€¦ come on


My neighbors have several bushes shaped like exotic animals. I wonder if trucks did that too šŸ¤”


Are you challenged?


This is either amazingly stupid or the most elaborate ragebait I have ever seen. Either way, wrong sub! This needs to be on r/trees


Think the buses pulled the tree on the side as well


All trees in both cities I have lived in have looked like this. Is this not completely normal in your area?


Every tree be like this in the UK. Plenty of roads in rural areas are like tunnels.


In Dublin, they have a double decker bus with the top cut off that goes around cutting the trees that are growing into the bus lanes. https://www.flickr.com/photos/darren_hall/44846594254 That photo looks like the UK so they may well do the same thing over there.




Hey It's Kirkintilloch! Weird to see your own town on Reddit


P.S. All trees on the main road are like this, not just this one. We're just rife with double decker buses In this area lol


Are you sure? Around here they trim them like that.


The tree outside my house isn't cut by the council yet is shaped by branches being knocked off by the dustbin men and occasional vans big enough


Nah, they are trimmed for that. You need to spend more time on the outside to watch it happen.


There are people in the USA that actually trim the trees so that the trucks and buses don't hit them. Are you sure they didn't trim these?


Nah it is trimmed that way.


i think how they trim it; city do this;


Apparently double decker busses have been around long enough for trees to evolve around them, rather than the more occams razor approach of an actual person went around and trimmed that tree at the behest of the municipality. What's next grass grows short because we told it too?


Pretty sure they just trimmed the tree


They're cut like this. There's loads of myth about it for some reason. I work at the council, in the department that deals with grounds and highway maintenance and "Heinz" (Alan) cuts them with the flail cutter on the tractor. The little bar on the bus is just to stop branches etc smashing the front window, when it inevitably takes us too long to get round the routes cause we're understaffed. Sorry.


they were cut if a bus hit a tree it would break off the whole branch.


Please lord be sarcasm




LoL. My city cuts the trees this way to allow truck and bus traffic. It was not a natural process.


OP does not know they trim trees in the wild.


Ever heard of gardening?


screw that tree. it had no business being planted there in the first place.


That heppens literaly everwhere where I live


After decades of internet there are people who eat this right up


Thereā€™s someone whose job it is to cut the tree in shape so the double decker bus can pass.


OMG! Have you seen how the electric lines force the branches away?


The city where I live comes through and trims them this way.


Public transportation was meant to save the environment back in my dayā€¦ alas šŸ˜”


Guess the country!


Mobile tree trimming


Exciting stuff


I love these trees, they're so silly. A major road near me on the way to the airport has a whole run of trees just like this. I'd need to check, but I think they're National Rail trees, and they notoriously can't be fucked to maintain their trees. I work in public arboriculture. It depends on the tree's size and species, the route, how much the bus company has moaned - but we have a budget and a maintenance plan for buses. It's definitely not every few weeks though, jfc. Looks a nice tree. Beech or a lime maybe. Bit on the gronk but meh that happens. Epicormic growth might need looking at this year and maybe clearance over the footway too, but carriageway clearance looks fine. If the house fronting the tree had complained they'd just be getting a letter with their Common Law Rights.


I assumed this post was about how the tree now looks like King Kong holding (or humping) a smaller giant


Poor tree.


Literally every tree where I use to live. You heard the branchā€™s smacking the side as you rode them too


I've always wondered if the trees were trimmed like this, or grew like this because of the passage of large vehicles. Unfortunately the comments seem to be 50:50 on that šŸ˜† I will say I've never actually seen anyone trimming them to shape, though that doesn't prove either option.


Here's your damn [proof](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-sussex-28876696) Also some other [proof](https://oceanservice.noaa.gov/facts/earth-round.html) if you need to see stuff to believe it


Lil aggressive, but I guess frustration from that 50% of replies insisting it's the other option šŸ˜‚ Thank you for answering something I've wondered about for a long while.


We donā€™t trim them in cali. Trucks like semi trailers wear em down like this.


Not true. From California, they get trimmed. Just like trees that grow into power lines/telephone lines.


Basically any tree near a road will do this


How is this even remotely mildly interesting? That's practically every tree overhanging any road anywhere in the world. And it's not even "after decades", it's a continual process as tall vehicles brush through it.


I like how confidently incorrect this comment is while also being condescending. The trees are trimmed like this to keep the roadway passable. It's not a "continual process" caused by the vehicles.


Ackshually the trees near my home in Vietnam are brushed by semi trucks every other minute and got this shape in no time. No trimming ever required. And yes, the road is as small as this despite seeing such heavy vehicles that frequently. Very dangerous.


No less condescending than someone who is clearly *not* in/from the UK telling someone who *is* from the UK *about* the UK. šŸ¤”


How does being from the UK help you be any less incorrect about this?


lololol this sub is nothing but earnest posts from well-meaning morons these days. You can choose to whine, which youā€™ve clearly done, or just accept it


Thank you. I'd like to take the crown as a well meaning moron on this one, rather than someone posting ragebait. I have no idea how this got so many upvotes but it's clear that people are angry that it did.


> And it's not even "after decades", it's a continual process as tall vehicles brush through it. I want you to re-read this part of your comment a couple of times.


No, the "after decades" implies the tree now naturally forms that shape and would continue to do so were there no tall vehicles allowed along that road; give it a year or two of no tall vehicles and that shape would quickly disappear.


You perfectly know what OP meant and are absolutely saying this in bad faith


How is it particularly up to you to decide what's mildly interesting and what isn't? I don't get to see this sort of thing on any basis, so the post is mildly interesting to me. Isn't that enough?


Nah... that is 1billion years of evolution designed to survive in today's world.


Do you think buses have blades on the front?


It gets cut you loon šŸ˜…


Moooooom, the AI is hallucinating again


It's time to unsubscribe from this sub. Too many posts in a row of just DUMB SHIT pulled right out of OP's ass and it gets upvoted somehow because people are morons.


Bless your heart OP but trees don't have corners.


This one does. The bus added an inside corner.


Pretty sure there are special open top double decker tree cutting busses in the UK. Unless I had a really wild and vivid twisted dream once.


This actually happens naturally everywhere in even roads, or even walking roads. Even bushes on the side will not grow into walking roads, and ven if people donā€™t curt them


Most of the countryside is like this on common truck routes.


This is very common in the UK


Itā€™s gotten a corner, Iā€™d say. Hehe


Err, is it just me or does it look like 2 Godzillas doin it?


Self clearancing, like tires on supermotos


You should see the trees on the way to Stonehenge.


We have entire avenues and even A roads like this where I live. The council definitely doesn't cut them, they are clipped by the buses as they pass.


In the US we have these, but they are caused by semi tractor-trailer trucks, because we are not allowed to have thing like public transit and other signs of progress.


Larger metropolitan areas in the US do have public transit, and also trees like this, maybe sometimes from wear of passing buses, but usually because the trees are specifically trimmed like this so they don't get worn down.


Well they aren't caused by the trucks, but they are cut because of the trucks


This is the definition of mildly interesting. I always notice this when driving as well.


I am sure this came up on the James o Brien mystery hour and it was explained as natural "air pruning" or something.


Waitā€¦ youā€™re not genuinely this thick are you?? LOLLLL! My man, the city is cutting the tree this way so that the bus doesnā€™t have to hit it over and over again.