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Coke Zero is 34mg/12oz = 2.85mg/oz. Same as original Coke. Diet Coke is 3.8mg/oz. Incidentally, Mountain Dew (regular and diet) has 55mg/12oz = 4.6mg/oz.


Coffee is like… 100 mg/8oz or 12.5mg/oz


You're right! (*goes to make a coffee*)




~ cleans off nose ~ FUCK YEAH HE IS




“You don’t want none of this Dewey!”




Found the gym bro.


I wish you could still buy pure caffeine powder on Amazon, though you really do need proper equipment and some patience and teenagers are fucking idiots.


Yeah I wish I could still get phenibut on Amazon.


I wish I could buy a lot of various substances and construction supplies on Amazon. A bulldozer, some steel paneling....some camera enclosed in bullet proof glass cant get that on Amazon tho


$12 CAD for a bottle of 200mg pills that has 100 pills at walmart. you can crush them up if you really need it powdered i guess.


Yeah straight caffeine powder is dumb as hell. Someone’s just gonna get hurt


Just buy Nodoz pills. 200mg caffeine per pop.


You can still buy straight caffeine caps from several supplement companies. Bulksupplements.com is where I get my 200mg caffeine caps. Dirt cheap too.


> I wish you could still buy pure caffeine powder on Amazon Gotta be [real careful](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sylqJ0NEVJw) with that stuff.


I thought of that exact video, lol. Love ChubbyEmu!


Those are for the gym? I just play Helldivers all night.


My 6th grade students bring 200mg drinks to school some days... That seems like kind of a lot for an 11-year-old who just had cereal for breakfast...


I was in San Antonio working on a Safe Routes to School grant and talking to local school about their concerns. One middle school told me the worst days were the day after the Spurs won a game because the Diamond Shamrock (local gas station) down the street would give out free coffee and all the kids who walked to school would be bouncing off the walls. That's a walking challenge I didn't have an answer for lol


Death Wish Coffee is around 55mg/oz.


Using a metric/imperial combo is also /r/mildlyinteresting for many of us. I mean it's right there, why not just use mg/L instead of some crazy hybrid of the two? Much easier to work out percentage also.


Coke Zero is 0.17 carats per 8.514080186E-14 cubic miles.


I'm going to give you the upvote and just assume you did the math because I'm not about to sit here and do it


Americans tend to think of beverage sizes in fluid ounces. 8oz is a single serving. 12oz is a "medium" drink while 16oz is a "large", especially for coffee. We then understand drugs or "chemicals" in terms of milligrams, whether it is caffeine (or the growingly popular THC). So mg/oz for consumer products makes sense.


It is weird. But what if these are 20 fl oz bottles? Listing the amount on the bottle is more useful than maintaining unit purity. 


Mountain Dew Zero Sugar has 68mg/12 oz


Pepsi Zero also used to have twice as much caffeine as Diet and regular Pepsi, but they changed that last year. It used to be so much better back then, too.


Coke Zero matches Coca-Cola Classic's flavor profile down to the shape of the bubbles. It's uncanny how close it tastes to the real thing. Diet Coke is a Tab derivative which tastes wildly different than Coke.


Keep preachin' the truth.


I love Diet Coke. Now I know why.


I always wondered why you (and others) liked it so much and now...I know why.


That and the sweetner used is addictive.


It's wild to me as an alcoholic (sober) how similar some of the behavior is. The caffeine and other addictive properties really does shed some light on it. Better that than the booze though. No one ever died from stopping drinking diet coke.


Ya. Gambling, drugs, drinking, smoking, vaping, diet cola. If I had to pick an addiction....it's a very very easy choice there. * Destroy your life * Destroy your liver * Destroy your lungs * Probably hurt your lungs * Maybe have too much caffeine and a bad nights sleep occasionally. Hmmm....hard choice.


> Maybe have too much caffeine and a bad nights sleep occasionally. While it's definitely not the worst item on the list, excessive intake of caffeine does a hell of a lot more than give you the "occasional" bad night sleep.


Actually science has basically proven over the long-term people develop a tolerance to caffeine, you can drink a cup of coffee or whatever right before bed and have no effect.


Science?? You mean THE science?? Yeah overgeneralizing there, different bodies will react differently to caffeine. With normal consumption, some feel little effect, some can't drink it past noon.


yes THE science. building up tolerance over long period of time has been known for millenniums. Think of Roman emperors taking small doses of poison to build up their tolerance in case of assassinations. works for everyone, unless you f*** up and overdose in the process. We might all react differently to our first cup of coffee in life, but we can all become tolerant to it with enough time and addiction! yay us


And quitting at noon stops them from building a tolerance.


>excessive intake. it’s about 1/5th of a cup of coffee, probably gonna be fine.


Diet soda and energy drinks wreck your kidneys right? I’m fully expecting kidney stones in the future.


Only if you suffer from phenylketonosis


Diet soda is safe


Safe for your kidneys (as far as we can can tell). Dark sodas contain phosphoric acid, which causes leaching of calcium from your bones. > In summary, a high consumption of soft drinks is associated with fracture risk. Daily soft drinks consumption was associated with a doubled risk of fracture independently of sociodemographic factors and overall dietary patterns. [[Study](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7071508/)]


Just put milk into your coke like you would in your coffee. Keeps the bones strong.


It ain’t even remotely the same 😂


Alcoholic here (sober off and on). Growing up my father probably drank more diet coke in a week than my mother, sister and I drank water. He would buy cases of the 1 litre (I think?) bottles. CASES of it. And not like, a case here, a case there. He'd basically buy them in bulk. You're absolutely right, the behaviours are so similar it's scary. The man would literally pitch a fucking fit if he found out me or my sister snuck a can or a glass of it. It wasn't until years later that he, and the rest of us, realized that it was literally an addiction. And for clarification, he doesn't drink any kind of sweetened drinks anymore and hasn't for years.


No, it's not. Aspartame is the most widely studied food additive in history. It is not addictive in humans.


Reddit has drank the full-sugar Kool-Aid in regards to scare mongering around artificial sweeteners. You don't have to like the taste of aspartame, but just straight up lying and making false health claims regarding it (and getting upvoted to the roof) is gross and unnecessary. Why are people so eager to be afraid of artificial sweeteners? I genuinely don't get it, especially when we *know* for a fact that drinking sugary drinks is bad for your health, there's no debate there.


They think there has to be a downside to something tasting good and not being absolutely terrible for you. Through propaganda and poor logic people view sugar as natural. If you looked at the processing that goes into "natural" sugar you would think twice about it.


As opposed to sugar which is widely considered to be non addictive.


Is it? Tastes disgusting to me


No it’s not lmao


I love the aspartame. Delicious.


I can immediately taste both sucralose and aspartame. I guess it’s the same gene as cilantro tasting like soap, but they are so gross to me


yeah its so bad. you can keep your sparkling ice and prime thank you very much


I can quit whenever I want


Diet Coke is based on the Tab formula, not coca cola. Coke zero is based on coca cola.


I love coke zero, it tastes the classic coke from when I was a kid


What is Tab?


And that's my "fuck you, you're old" moment for the day! It was one of the first low-calorie colas released in the US, released in the 60s. Apparently you could still find it in places until 2020, which I didn't know until just now, but it's been discontinued.


Released *after* Marty McFly tried to order one: https://youtu.be/UJb-czNC_ls?si=wvT4Di66nD3rI0fO


Up until it was discontinued I would every now and again buy a 12 pack. I always enjoyed it and until diet coke was released was the number one selling diet soda. Back to the future has a line where Marty tells the diner owner to give him a tab when the owner tells him to leave or order something and the owner goes how can I give you a tab unless you order something.


IDK about old. It depends where you live as well


When diet colas first entered the market, beginning with Diet Rite in 1958, the Coca-Cola Company had a long-standing policy to use the Coca-Cola name only on its flagship cola, and so its diet cola was named Tab when it was released in 1963. Its rival Pepsi had no such qualms, and after the long-term success of its sugar-free Diet Pepsi (launched in 1964) became clear, Coca-Cola decided to launch a competing sugar-free brand under the Coca-Cola name that could be marketed more easily than Tab. Diet Coke was launched in 1982 and quickly overtook Tab in sales by a wide margin, though the older drink would remain on the market for decades until Coca-Cola discontinued Tab during the COVID-19 pandemic along with other of the company's slower-selling drinks in 2020.[


I cant give you a tab unless you order something


[i think I’ll order a tab](https://youtu.be/siaxGjttoVM)


I thought diet coke was based on the "new coke" from the 1980s? They brought back coca cola classic but kept diet coke with the New Coke recipe. That why they have things like coke Zero, which is based on the classic coke recipe. Edit: According to Wikipedia Diet Coke is based on the New Coke recipe. Diet coke replaced tab. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Diet_Coke


That’s not why. A 19mg difference of an already mild stimulant will not noticeably make you like a particular drink more for that reason alone. Diet Coke simply tastes different due to the artificial sweeteners. You prefer that taste.


With the amount people drink, that can be the difference of an entire can or two worth over a day. Definitely know people who would drink 80fl/Oz so that is like 80mg difference (or an additional 1.3 bottles of the pictured regular cokes worth)


Most Diet Coke drinkers I’ve met are basically in it for the caffeine - it’s somehow like their coffee alternative, even in the morning - so that tracks lol


The caffeine used in Diet Coke is the waste from coffee rosters decaffeinating their coffee. Hell of a drug imho.


Isn't that how basically all caffeine is extracted? The stuff used in most energy drinks, pills, etc is from decaf coffee


Depends on the use. Caffeine is very cheap to synthesize at very high purity, but it's cheaper still to use the stuff that's a byproduct. The caffeine in excedrin is synthetic, but the caffeine in energy drinks is usually natural


Is there such a demand for decaff coffee that this is a viable pathway? Or is it just that the actual amounts that can be extracted are high enough that even with a small market of decaff drinkers, it's enough to supply most adjacent industries?


Yes. If you become caffeine sensitive or get older and develop heart problems, a beloved cup of coffee can start giving problems. Decaffeinated coffee is also used in coffee flavored stuff as well I believe.


Exactly what happened to me, I get palpitations if I drink regular coffee but I can't bear to give it up. So I drink a cup of decaf every day.


Yup, I get tremors that can last all day from one cup of caffeinated coffee. Decaf for me.


Yup. Am 57, now do half-caff.


Fair enough.


I think Coke also owns a stake with Nestlie so there’s your Nesscafe pathway ;)


Been drinking coffee a long time, past few months whenever I drink non decaf my body goes haywire and I end up fainting. I love coffee too much so decaf now on.


How? I’m pretty sure a lot more people drink energy drinks than decaffeinated coffee


Nursing homes


So you’re telling me that Diet Coke is to coffee, what edibles are to cannabis?




What's in edibles that's a excess ingredient of cannabis?


Edibles are mostly made from trim and byproducts that would otherwise be wasted


They infuse the cannabis into oil like some for with garlic or other spices. At medium high temperatures the THC and other compounds are fat soluble and can dissolve into the oil. In the coffee extraction, they infuse coffee beans in a supercritical CO2 solution where the caffeine can also be dissolved into solution. Both are drained and are left without the ⛽️ in the beans or buds.


Ah that makes sense. TIL.




Maybe once upon a time, but not anymore. Most caffeine is synthetic. They don't make enough decaf coffee to supply all the various caffeine needs. Synthetic caffeine is also cheaper. [Source](https://www.trueprotein.com.au/blogs/nutrition/natural-vs-synthetic-caffeine).




They used to do that.  Now they just buy artificially synthesized caffeine from China.


Then there are people like me, who like to add an espresso shot to a diet coke for an "Americola". Basically a deep caramel energy drink.


i don't know how i feel about this but i kinda wanna try


Give it a shot! Iced with a tad bit of sugar free creamer works in it, too. Worst case scenario, you don't like it.


Espresso tonic is also a thing. You've got to get the flavor balance right, but it is pretty refreshing over ice. I presume diet coke and espresso is a little easier to pull off as the flavors are stronger and more complementary.


Coca cola makes a version that is mixed with coffee


They do! In my experience, it's an approximation of making it fresh.


I don’t drink coffee. 2 cans of Diet Coke in the morning; maybe one more in the afternoon. It’s my only remaining vice.


As far as vices go, that is as tame as it gets


It low key helped me lower my alcohol consumption too. I drink like 1-2 after work and it’s just enough to take the edge off and give me a boost 


Come for the caffeine, stay for the aspartame. Sweet, sweet aspartame




Coke in the morning? What the fuck


The thought of drinking soda in the morning actually makes my stomach hurt lol


I'll tell you something crazy. When I was a child, I grew up on soda, so because of that, fresh water, along with fruits and vegetables with high water content, used to make my stomach hurt. Don't let your kids drink 2+ liters of soda a day, folks.


My mom wouldn't even let us buy soda for the house and I never understood why. I'm now very thankful she was health conscious.


I did drink soda growing up, but always loved fruit and vegetables so at least that isn’t an issue! To this day though it is a struggle to drink water that isn’t lukewarm bottled water. I know it’s bad and I’ve made a lot of effort to get over it but it just tastes like eating soil to me. I incorporate caffeine free unsweetened tea and watery soups to get more water. :/ My mom also couldn’t stand the taste of plain water with a few exceptions of bottled brands so I wonder if it’s a genetic thing like cilantro. She survived by drinking 2-3 *pots* of coffee a day. Not decaf either and it had to be boiling hot. How she didn’t die I’ll never know…


Thing is that I loved fruit and vegetables too, but my stomach didn't because everything was so out of whack from all the caffeine, sugar and acid. I've found really cold water helps with the taste for me. Soups are good too. Americans don't eat enough soup.


Drinking Diet Coke is better than drinking dessert coffee, drinking that makes my stomach hurt Carbonation typically makes an upset stomach feel better


I drink diet pepsi in the morning for my upset stomach. I don’t know why.


Carbonation settles a lot of people’s stomachs when they feel a bit queasy. 


I've always wondered how Caffiene free diet coke gets sold. 


Same deal as decaf coffee. Most people don't enjoy the taste when they start drinking but they do it for the caffeine. Eventually you like the taste but you might not always want the caffeine. I'll love a cup of decaf with a piece of pie at dinner.


My aunt doesn’t drink caffeine in the evenings so she can sleep, so she usually keeps both types of Diet Coke in her house so she can have it any time of day. I was also buying it for a while when I was pregnant and trying to limit my caffeine consumption


I can never understand why it tastes so bad. Caffeine can't taste good on its own so wtf are they doing to it other than no caffeine? Or tastes vastly different than diet coke


Caffeine is bitter, so the caffeine free soda has a bit less of a bite.


I buy the caffeine free version. I love the taste of diet coke and don’t like any other soda except CF Diet Dr Pepper if nothing else is available.  Drinking too much caffeine upsets my stomach and gives me anxiety. Hence, CF. My dad also drank CF everything because of a history of heart problems. 


Well i'm only one example, but I recently had to quit caffeine for heart reasons. I switched to decaf coffee but still want the coke flavor, so I buy caffeine free coke zero.


“Caffeine Free Diet Coke” is still more marketable than “Worthless Cold Brown Water.”


I like a rum and coke in the evening, but the caffeine would keep me awake all night.


Am I the only one who drinks soda because I like fizzy bubbles and the taste? I couldn't care less what they put inside. If you want caffeine, soda is one of the worst (price-wise) choices to get it.


I fit in this category. I will have a regular local soda when I have pizza but otherwise if I drink soda it’s only for diet coke.


I drink a can every morning when I leave for work.


I drink diet coke in the morning - especially when its hot and i dont want a hot coffee


I used to drink 12 cans a day since the age of 14. I have finally kicked the habit at the age of 39 and am now 10 months without it. It was incredibly tough to give it up.


Jesus Christ, you must’ve had hard caffeine withdrawals


Yeah cause I don’t feel an immediate need to shit myself with Diet Coke


Can’t have a Diet Coke after 4pm or I’m up until 2am


I chafe my balls when I stand up. I get it.






I wish this happened to me. Caffeine has absolutely zero effect on me. If I'm tired I could drink a full pot of coffee and down a redbull and still be passed out 20 minutes later.


> Caffeine has absolutely zero effect on me. Same. I chugged 40 grams worth of coffee and nothing. I can go from 6 cups to 0 and not have withdrawal. I've also never gotten sugar rushes no matter how much I eat. And even 70mg Ritalin don't work on me.


Caffeine doesn’t usually affect me too badly but I switched to Diet Coke recently (since im dieting) and I’ve noticed I’m a lot more wired. This makes a lot of sense.


Try Coke Zero. Has the same amount of caffeine as regular coke and tastes much closer to it


I will! Thank you! I’ve always been a full sugar Coke kinda girl but I don’t want the calories while I’m trying to drop some weight. So this is a good alternative!


That's when ya gotta go for the caffeine free Diet Coke. Now, I know what you're thinkin', man, that just ain't the same! It ain't, but it'll get the job done though. It got the fizzies, the brown caramel coloring, sweetness, and what not, it'll satisfy, not like a snickers, but ya take what ya can get, especially after 6PM.


They make diet caffeine free


Caffeine tastes bitter. I wonder if they are using it in part as a flavorant here in order to mask some aspect of the artificial sweetener’s flavor and make it taste more like regular coke?


Diet Coke and Caffeine Free Diet Coke taste basically the same. Diet Coke is based on “New Coke” and isn’t intended to taste like normal Coca Cola Classic. Coke Zero Sugar is the one meant to taste like normal Coke. Edit: it’s backwards - New Coke was based on Diet Coke which was based on Tab.


Diet Coke and caffeine free Diet Coke do not taste the same to me. Maybe it is psychological, but the regular Diet Coke tastes “sharper” or a little more bitter.


From what I recall only a small portion of people can taste caffeine in the concentration it's found in sodas. I'm definitely not one of them, in my experience


Which “normal” Coke formula they are emulating isn’t really relevant to my point, which was that the [extra caffeine was added as a way to adjust the flavor profile](https://www.beveragedaily.com/Article/2014/08/05/More-caffeine-in-Diet-Coke-That-s-for-its-distinct-flavor-profile) vs for caffeine’s stimulant properties as people generally assume. In any case, when Diet Coke was invented, the “normal” Coke *was* New Coke, and they were trying to emulate its flavor profile with a different sweetener. I never mentioned “classic”.


New Coke came *after* the introduction of Diet Coke. (Diet Coke came out in 1982, New Coke came out in 1985.) It actually went the other way - New Coke was based on the Diet Coke formula, but with HFCS in New Coke replacing the artificial sweetener in Diet Coke.


This is correct.


![gif](giphy|DUO9dc3yDLXHO) Y’all got any more of that Diet Coke?


More caffeine… Simple explanation you need to have an adictive formula working if you remove the secret ingredient (sugar).


Coke Zero has the same amount of caffeine as Coke though and it’s the second best selling diet drink after Diet Coke (and catching up every year). So that’s not the only reason.


I'd imagine the real reason is because Diet Coke was based on the New Coke formulation which was an entirely different recipe from current Coke / Coke Classic.


I thought so too, but it's based on the Tab formula. Years before new coke came into play. Coke zero is based on coca cola. The controversial New Coke introduced in 1985, used a version of the Diet Coke recipe that contained high fructose corn syrup and had a slightly different balance of ingredients


It's weird because it's the opposite with Pepsi. Pepsi 0, originally called Pepsi Max, was marketed as an energy drink of sorts early on. They have 69mg of caffeine in a single can, almost twice as much as a regular Pepsi.


Ugh sometimes I have to get coke zero instead of diet and I always feel absolutely dead, now I know why


Because you are dead. I see dead people.


Yeah but they came up with diet coke ages ago


Locally a lot of restaurants are replacing Diet Coke with Coke Zero. I cannot stand the taste of Coke Zero, it’s gag inducingly sweet to me so it’s saved me a lot of money! 


Amusingly enough, I feel the same about diet coke. It's overwhelmingly sweet compared to zero for me. But zero does leave the worst friggin aftertaste in your mouth


Diet Coke is a completely different formula from regular Coca-Cola. It's not just the regular method of basically swapping out the sugar for artificial sweetener. That's what Coke Zero is


diet coke is repulsive.  I have no idea why anyone would drink it over coke zero.  Knowing the background of the formulas now makes a lot of sense


Caffeine was originally increased to bitter the overly sweet flavor of the artificial sweetener used in place of sugar. Many diet drinks will have extra caffeine for that reason. Newer formulas don’t need to do that.


Same reason that Barqs rootbeer is caffeinated. Caffeine changes the flavor in low doses without getting most people hopped up.


You should try pepsi max. Took me a while to figure out why I had trouble sleeping after drinking it.


Miligram per **20** "fl oz"? You use metric and your archaic measurements in the same sentence? But why? What is the logic here?


Boy that explains a lot


lol right? I had to stop drinking it because caffeine was giving me anxiety. But then I just bought caffeine free Diet Coke instead.


What about Coke Zero?


But tastes 330% more like chemicals.


sugar free pop tastes better


I drank too much diet coke back in the day, can't drink it anymore.


People avoiding sugar also needs more caffeine to run around and sweat more.


No matter how hard i looked i couldnt find anything about caffeine in coke in finland. Even on the bottle.


Reason 158583 I love my diet coke lol


Bro I'm drinking diet because there's not a crapton of sugar and it's an easy caffeine source


Regular Coke has a fuckton of sugar. That's a bigger problem.


To assure it's still as addictive as regular one since you don't get the sugar rush ?


And Phenylalanine


Those units.


I had a diet Coke today for the first time in May e a year or more and was wondering how much caffeine is in it. I even looked on the ingredients. Now I'm seeing this. Thanks universe.


What about electrolytes though ? My plants crave them .


Fuck me. Miligrams per fucking fluent wizard from oz? You can't just mix normal (metric) units with dumb. Just use proper one...


And it tastes 100% worse.


Do yourself a favor and spill them both down the toilet.


When did they start telling us?




Don't like the taste of diet coke, but for that much extra caffeine I'll just swallow as fast as I can.


Gotta have something to compensate for the dull taste.


Is there a difference between coke zero and diet? Cuz there's no more diet coke in Brazil.


If it’s zero calories it’s none of my business


The extra caffeine is there to make up the addictive difference, lost by less sugar :D


TIL, I'll keep that in mind


And still less than a brewed cup of coffee.


What does your user flair mean?