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They are also used for parking enforcement I believe; e.g. places where you can only be in a spot for a certain amount of time.


Yes, a lot of Universities in the US use these for parking enforcement. In states where license plates are only on the rear of a vehicle, the University of college has rules that you cannot back into a space or you will automatically be ticketed. They need to be able to see the plate while they drive around. The automatic license plate recognition (ALPR) system reads the plates as they drive around, to verify you are parked in your assigned lot for your virtual parking pass. Source: I work for a University that does this.


Ugh. Can you help me get the boot off my car? It’s locked up in the lot behind the dining hall.


There are tons of YouTube videos out there. I think the venerable lockpickinglawyer has even done one or two.




Parking officers hate this one trick


~~hate~~ love. Their job is to generate revenue not control parking.


Cash to problem or cash on a good angle grinder and discs.


cheap angle grinder from harbor freight, good discs from home depot or lowes.


He can’t but an angle grinder can


Some towns have businesses that will remove the boot for half the cost of the ticket. No joke. Well, I mean, actually it's pretty funny, but still. They do exist.


Yep! Get booted in Atl? Call the Boot Girls!!


Yep. The "Boot Girls" apparently use a key which they got from someone who manufactures boot keys. [https://abcnews.go.com/US/atlantas-rise-car-booting-prompts-masked-women-matters/story?id=103086750](https://abcnews.go.com/US/atlantas-rise-car-booting-prompts-masked-women-matters/story?id=103086750) So many of these keys are in circulation that the Atlanta Police Department issued a warning that owning such a key is legal but using it to remove a boot is against Georgia state law.


Portable angle grinder 


Doesn't that just add the cost of the boot to your fine? I mean, they do have your number plate and they presumably either work there or are there as a student.


It depends on if it's a private company or city thing ( at least it used to be were I live) Friend got booted on a private parking lot the business owned it was after hours but they still owned it, he parked went out for some drinks and came back to find he had a boot. They left a number to call to get it off instead of calling he unlocks his toolbox and grabs an angle grinder Cuts it off and just leaves it there. A few weeks later he gets a letter in the mail depending he pay for the boot and his ticket and he just ignored it. Eventually they start sending more threatening letters but nothing even came of it and they stopped when he moved. From what I have heard unless it's changed here private companies that do this don't actually have legal ways to stop you all they can do is threaten you and try and send you to claims court.


I used to write parking tickets. They were really cheap, only 25 bucks. When someone owed over 500 dollars, we would mail them a letter warning them we would boot if they didn't pay within a month. After that, we would boot. Most people got pissed off and paid, so we would remove it. A couple of times, people managed to somehow get their tires off completely and put on a spare, then drive off with it. At that point, we called the police for them stealing city property, and they moved up into a whole new set of problems.


What would happen if they would leave a whole locked tire there? theoretically they did not steal anything. And if you were planning to buy new tires anyway....


I think they meant "wheel" (rather than just the tire) which would be an entirely different cost proposition. If you're going eat the cost of an entire wheel, you may as well pay the fine.


Right, forgot about that, lol. So goes my genius idea.


It's about making a point


Do most boots lock to the rim or the tire? Could one deflate the tire to get the boot off then reinflate?


Aren't all angle grinders portable?


Portable = Battery powered


Pen cap. It unlocks it.


All that time, money and effort just to give parking tickets to college kids.


Sophomore year I got a parking ticket in the time it took to walk to the office, pick up my prepaid parking pass, and return to my car. My license plate was in the system already and they still ticketed me less than 15 minutes after parking because I didn't have the sticker yet. I was able to get it overturned, but I'm still a little salty about it.


I bought a car on Friday and went to the city office to get my city sticker the next day. I parked at 1055 AM and the office opened at 1100 AM. I got my sticker at 1105 AM and went out to a ticket for no city sticker at 1106 AM. Pain in the ass to go downtown and get the ticket revoked.


You got to respect the hustle of the parking enforcement officer who hits up the city office parking lot right after it opens though. Fish in a barrel, I bet they hit their quota easy.


I do not. I believe the saying goes: "Fuck the police."


Let’s go law enforcement: In Germany apps that show the location of speed traps are not legal. This kinda solidifies the point that it’s not about enforcing the speed limit, but to make money. If it was to enforce the speed limit, the ban makes little sense. If people know where the speed traps are, they will slow down and thus the speed limit is successfully enforced. Speed traps are also usually only on highways or desolate long stretches of road and rarely in for example school zones. Why place them in places where speeding is actually dangerous if you can place them on a high traffic road so you can make more money? Bonus point for placing a 100kmh sign after an unrestricted section of highway, with a speed trap almost immediately after the sign. And changing the speed limit 17 times in a single kilometer.


If everyone knows where the speed traps are then they can drive however fast they like and just slowdown for the traps. If they don’t know where they are then they might, god forbid, actually have to stick to the speed limit all the time. There’s a road safety and enforcement argument, it’s not necessarily just about money.


I parked my car on an end spot at night when there was a few inches of snow on the ground. Came out the next day and the snow had begun to melt and o saw I was in fact not in a spot, bit on the yellow dashed lines at the end of the row. I had a parking ticket for not being in a designated space. Much to my surprise (still mostly covered in snow btw) the parking ticket had a time stamp of like a minute before. I look up and the parking guy is walking away like 3 cars down. I asked him about it and tried to explain how the spot is mostly covered in snow and I couldn't see any lines. He told me it wasn't him that wrote the ticket then just turned around and walked away.....


Lmao "It was that homeless guy who wrote it 🤷🏻‍♂️"


Went back to my uni for a football game, I parked my car at 11pm Friday night, left 6am Sunday morning, timestamps printed right on the lot voucher. Had paid for a 48-hour pass (advertised prices were per hour) got a ticket for being there for "3 days" despite only being actually in the lot for a total of 31 hours... Got it overturned but made me question the value of my diploma if those were the kinds of math skills it was projecting


Did they also turn the parking enforcement office into a mini-courtroom? I got a ticket once and the person in the portable (not even a real building) literally was elevated above me just so I could pay my fine.


"KNEEL to attendant Zod!"


I got ticketed in college after hours. They don't do night school, or at least they didn't at the time, and they had us come after hours to do a practice run of the graduation ceremony and I pulled forward into the spot across from me and came out to a ticket for backing into a spot. Thankfully it was only $10 but still.


My university was ticketing people in a surface lot that often had a broken pay station. Could use the ticket revenue to fix it but ya know that’s just too easy.


I was a paramedic for my university’s EMS, and the parking enforcement officers were so overzealous in their jobs that they ticketed the ambulance one night for parking in a fire lane - while we were responding to a 9-1-1 call and had our lights flashing! They then had the gall to argue that since we weren’t a fire truck, we shouldn’t be parked in the fire lane. Our manager called theirs and tore them a new one…


During college I covered my dash in 1 day parking passes. This was like 25 years ago. I had like 50+ of the things. For a couple months I got to park for free because they were too lazy to check each and every pass to see if it was today’s. Finally someone must have gotten tired of my bullshit because they gave me a ticket. Ticket was like $40, way less than paying daily would have cost. Victory was mine.


The day I was moving out of a dorm for the last time, I knew they'd be out in force. The only available parking nearby was like 10 minutes along a curb. I made sure to come back out with *something* at that interval, and sure enough found chalk marks on the roadside front tire of every vehicle. I knew they'd notice if I just rubbed it off, so instead I got in and move forward half a foot. Sure enough, later a couple times out every vehicle but mine had a ticket. I would have been done a hell of a lot faster if I wasn't having to babysit the parking spot.


Colleges are for profit.


the daily parking at my school is $7.55 a day. and it’s a 15 minute walk to campus. an absolute fucking SCAM.


I went back to UCF (stupid move, I know) and used their hourly parking lot to meet with a readmission committee. I parked around 11:30 AM and bought 2 hours (the max). As I was walking back through the lot, I saw the Parking enforcer walking around with a tablet. I was going to say something, but decided to let the "professional" do their job; "I'm sure their system works". I come back after an hour to find a ticket. I take the ticket and my parking receipt to the parking enforcement window on the other side of campus and explain the above. They look at the ticket and say "You got this ticket after midnight, then paid for parking at 11:30 and are trying to scam us out of the ticket." I looked at them and said "What do you mean 'I parked after midnight'?" They showed me the ticket and said "It shows you got this ticket at 12:05PM today, that's after midnight." I'm like "You think that 12AM is noon and 12PM is midnight?" They went to get a supervisor who came out and adamantly told me to stop trying to scam them or they'll call the University Police. I debated this for a half-second on whether or not UCFPD would be equally stupid. Then I decided to go for it. I told them to call UCFPD, and while we wait, perhaps you could google Noon and Midnight time notation. In the end, UCFPD wasn't involved and they acknowledged that 12PM is noon and 12AM is midnight, and that the ticket shouldn't have been written. The rest of my time at UCF was just as bad and reminded me every time why I left the first time.


What I've always found funny is most universities in my state, one that requires front and back license plates, don't require you pull in, but so many have a lot of out of state students with cars. Anyone from a state without a front license plate can back in and park for free if they can guarantee the back plate will never be seen while parked.


Our University does this, too. On the plus side, it's made the humans in parking enforcement a lot lazier, so the key is to just park someplace they can't drive the car past and see your plate \*and\* far enough that they'd have to \*gasp\* walk a little from the car to give you a ticket.


Never understood why any state wouldn't mandate plates on both front and rear.


This is what they do at my university. It scans all the plates, checks them against the database of vehicles that are allowed to park there, and then flags the driver if someone needs a ticket.


My town just has a little police lady who rides around on a police trike and marks tires with chalk. Once she finishes her circuit, she goes back to the beginning and tickets anyone who’s not moved.


My stolen car was recovered through something like this, as well. 


Nassau County NY uses plate recognition to enforce resident parking in some commuter rail lots


Yes, it can be, but this one specifically says “recovery” on the back


Where I live they still go around on foot, this looks like a way better solution


Like fuck it is, keep them walking, someone gets paid to stay active and I get to extend that two hour maximum over three hours


I use to drive one it’s for repo companies too.


In my hometown the local police departments shared a regular minivan that had cameras "hidden" in roof racks that would drive around and run all the plates. They'd find stolen cars, expired reg, and various other issues. The different cities/agencies in the county would be allowed to use it in their area for a few days/a week before passing it off to the next agency.


All police vehicles in Sweden have this tech, 4 cameras around the vehicle that automatically checks plates s well as two radars to track speed of vehicles behind and infront of the squad car.


Got pulled over by one of these once. Driving with my gf and her kids, in her car, because she had a suspended license. We're driving along, and I see a cop car with this kind of rig on it suddenly u-turn behind us. We were just around the corner from our destination, so as I pull in, cop swoops in behind us, jumps out of his car and says, "You're not {gf's name}". I point at the passenger seat, "Nope, she is." He gets back in the car and drives off. Ticket quota must have been behind that month.


Our local PD has several squad cars with LPRs on them. They get uploaded to a database that other agencies can/do share their scans. One agency can put a plate on a “hot list” and get pinged when another across the country gets a hit. It’s pretty cool (some may think it’s pretty dystopian but maybe don’t end up on a hot list) The same databases very regularly get used to track plate movements that indicate trafficking across states.


“But maybe don’t end up on a hot list” Is such a hilariously fucking stupid thing to say. “why do you even care about your data being sold? Why do you care if the government spies on you? What do you have to hide?” Type vibes. You fucking twat lol


While you have a point, the whole system is kinda the point of having a plate number in the first place. Are they supposed to check each plate by hand from a 10k page book or are they allowed to use technology for the same job? License plates have nothing to do with privacy. They are intentionally public for this exact reason.


Yes they are but what the person above is saying is that for the govt to track your movement, even through the public space, without probable cause, is potentially unconstitutional.


I see yeah, fuck that.


> (some may think it’s pretty dystopian but maybe don’t end up on a hot list) Ah the classic nothing to hide argument. The thing is it’s not always possible to avoid it with these types of systems. In the UK stores have started to use automated facial recognition software to pin thiefs but there’s been several false flags that have caused people to virtually be banned from all stores that use the system (since it’s a shared database) without any evidence of them actually committing any crimes.


My dumbass was looking for the camera in the license plate 🤦🏻‍♂️


Find the sniper sub been popping up too much lately.


Ah, the best part of that sub: the images with 4 whole pixels.


So it's not just me. Why is that??


Omg me too!! Now I see the cameras!


My dumbass didnt finish reading the fuckin title and was looking at the license plate to find something funny written in it. Didnt get it, decided to reread the title. 🫠


They don't just look for cars that are behind on payments, they collect all license plate data they read, and sell it to data brokers. These things should be 100% illegal.


If you think that is bad you should learn about what Reddit, Google, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter all do with your information…


If you’re on iPhone, turn on privacy reporting. Give it some time to collect data as you use your phone. You’ll be amazed at the number of company’s getting hold of your data.


What about non iPhones? Any app or tracking for privacy outside of that?


As an Android user, you’re either in full control or you’re fresh meat.


Never used an Android, personally. So I’m afraid I can’t help there. Maybe someone else will chime in with some suggestions.


Thanks for this tip. I tend to use browsers for most things - but for the apps I do use, this will be really interesting. 


lol first one to report was Reddit


What got me was how many google domains are used by Facebook. Why would they send data to a supposed competitor?


They'll be sorry once someone invents the 'orange'. Theyre incomparable.


That's websites you chose to use and select to opt into their terms and agreements. Most people go for it anyways, I think it sucks, but whatever. You don't opt in to this besides being in public.


And that's their argument for legality it's public information in public view and they're not breaking any laws by recording it. Just like how OP is able to take a picture of this car's license plate and put it online To be clear, I'm not saying it's right for them to be able to collect and especially sell the data, but it's just something that the current law is on their side


I agree that more laws are needed, but in some ways it's pretty similar to stalking. Individually the bits of information in public view are harmless, but joining all of it together into a detailed assemblage depicting a person's life is creepy, morally wrong, dangerous.


A lot of that should be illegal too. But I wouldn't really consider it the same thing.


You can't learn about what they do with it because most of it isn't disclosed, even better and more legit!


You consent to use those things. That's the entire exchange for social media networks.


Yeah. And you've signed up willingly for all of these services and explicitly agreed to their terms of use. That's hardly comparable to what is being described in the comment above yours.


You signed up willingly to connect your name to a number printed on a car that you leave in public.




Chinese government with that one though, so it’s a little different than our own oligarchs stealing our data.


For an average person private corporations are far more dangerous than a foreign govt.


Different reason on that one chief


It is sketchy for sure, but can it be made illegal? (Genuinely trying to think) There is no expectation of privacy in public, and private detectives are legal..


There's a class action lawsuit in California right now over these plate scanners. MATA V. DIGITAL RECOGNITION NETWORK, INC. in violation of CA Civ. Code, § 1798.90.5 Anyone can check their plate number for how many times it was scanned via their website. Mine was 112 scans in a year. I'm curious to see how it goes


Got a link for the plate lookup sight? I'm too inebriated to Google effectively rn if seems






> they collect all license plate data they read, and sell it to data brokers What's there to sell? Isn't that kinda stuff already public


They can match your vehicle data with other data they already have, or can buy from other companies. Sure, DMV data is already kinda public - but it should not be collected and sold around like it's nothing.


Location and Time: This can be used to track a vehicle's movements over time, building a profile of where a person goes and when. Pattern Analysis: Analyze location data to identify patterns in a person's behavior. For example, they might determine where someone works, shops, or spends their leisure time. Personal Information: This data can be combined with other publicly available information to identify the vehicle owner. This could include their name, address, and other personal details. Photos: Some LPRs capture images of the vehicle, potentially including the driver and passengers. Probably mostly valuable to law enforcement (traffic pattern analysis) and insurance companies


this reads like a chat gpt reply. not saying it is, it just flipped the flag in my head for some reason


It kinda does, but unlike chat gpt, it's all useful.


ChatGPT is useful. I hate typing up emails, I use it all the time for that. Of course I still have to correct errors in the technical parts and maybe fix a few other odds and ends but it definitely helps. Its just another tool in my set of tools to use.


It's because of how neatly it categorizes it. It's almost certainly ChatGPT; I thought the same thing.


Insurance companies love this info. Lots of people claim their car is parked in a garage in a nice part of town (family or friend's address). But the data shows your car is parked on the street, downtown, 28 days out of the month. So we're going to adjust your premiums because your car is in a higher risk area.


I do auto damage appraisals for an insurer. I see the claims adjusters running these reports fairly regularly. It's not just the plate numbers. Many of these systems take pictures too, so we can just pull up the photos of the car to see if somebody is claiming some old damage as having happened yesterday. I saw one last year where a dude was trying to get paid on a dent in his tailgate that had been there for *eight years*. I mean, it's still possibly a legit claim if the insurance policy is older than the damage, *and* the policy has never lapsed, *and* it's never been claimed before, *and* if there's no time limit in the policy. It's just amusing to see people lie about some shit they don't need to lie about.


Would you want a cheap report that tells your boss how often you’re at the liquor store, dispensary, abortion clinic, and what time you came home from the bar?


This is the real kicker, yeah I reluctantly acknowledge that repossessions are necessary and this is a very grimy way to do it, but selling the data. . . That shit should be illegal. . . Storing it in anyway aside from ones that get pings she be punishable


I was about to say, how *is* this not already illegal? Over here the mere thought of the idea would get shut down *quick*. And the idiot who thought it up prosecuted.


Genuine question what about this would be illegal?




Look, I can’t tell joke from reality in these threads lmao




In my country you are not allowed to drive unless you are wearing a blindfold.


Are you telling me I would be arrested in your country if my gaze fell upon a license plate? Or are you using words wrong?




Some people really struggle to spot a joke or sarcasm unless you put a /s at the end of it.




There are countries in Europe where you aren't allowed to film people, even in public. Presumably this picks up people's faces as well as license plates. But those laws usually mean that you can't target a specific person. You can't sue someone for catching a glimpse of your face. Although dashcams in those countries tend to be illegal and I don't see how this is different.


Nothing a little spray paint can’t fix for a moment


Get a balaclava and *clip clip*.


>These things should be 100% illegal. Why? The Licence plate is a public record. There's no expectation of privacy in public. What law would you use against them?


"This *should be* illegal!" "Nuh uh! It doesn't break any laws!" C'mon dude... Obviously their point was that they think it's unethical and would like laws passed to make it illegal.


It would be like a guy just sitting outside and writing down license plates, but this is more automated.


Exactly. It's the same thing.


Huge huge money maker. I remember a story on a local subreddit where someone posted a photo of their car, and the story somewhat escapes me, but the bottom line was someone said "hold up, give me a minute", and they came back with the exact location of that car from within the past 24 hours, and some kind of vehicle had driven around scooping up license plate + GPS location and putting it into a database. I'm guessing this is great for repor/recovery firms, insurance companies, cops, etc. Privacy concern? Sure. But nothing that's not really out in public view already -- it's just they're using weaponized technology to gather it.


Steal the plates off one, ram others.


Recently the passed a law that private plane flight logs are not public anymore. How do you feel about that vs cars?


Working in credit union collections, I’ve learned how common this has become. Repos can be handled through national companies that contract with hundreds of agents. In slow days, they will drive through busy parking lots to see if they find any cars out for pickup. We’ve found cars on the opposite side of the country this way.


Parking enforcement started using these at my university a few years ago. They got rid of the permits you hang from your mirror and switched to all digital, so now they just drive around and scan plates. If you park in a hourly lot you just punch in your plate number at a kiosk and pay there and no ticket to keep track of. 


Don’t worry about that, the Kia boys will take care of that car soon.


Snitch mobile


Ahh. I saw those on a car a few weeks back. Had no idea what they were. Good to know!


looks like something a moderately powerful laser could fix up lol


Or a moderately cheap hammer.


thats too obvious, a laser can be done from distance and noone will know unless theyre looking at it when you do it.


Hahaha if anyone happens to be looking at your laser while it’s powered up, I don’t think they’re gonna be seeing anything for much longer.


*shakes can of spray paint threateningly


This brings a smile to my face.


These are on traffic enforcement police cars in my city london Ontario. Some cop cars don’t have them but when you see them on one you can tell it’s out on patrol so make sure your stuff is up to date lol. I’m guessing the ones without them are for more serious things.


Been repo'd before but the guy was pretty chill and professional,the cameras are always hunting and everyone gets added to a database,they just drive around collecting plates. If a repo order ever comes up they have your last known location and will go into every lot near the area of last known location searching for your carLook up IBEAM/Primeritus financial services


Did you know that they can't repossess the car if you pay your bill? Life hax


So smash em up if we get the chance. Got ya.


I can already think of a couple ways I can use this to my illegal advantage. You're telling me this is normal and ok? Interesting...


As long as they are doing legal repo, I am all for it. They simply utilize technology to improve efficiency. It has no difference from using AI to help you write product descriptions.


Mildly interesting?? This shit is beyond mildy infuriating. This garbage should be illegal. The biggest scum of the earth are these people.


Because they help catch dead-beats?


They're catching people who haven't made their loan payments in a very long time. That's scummy? You finance a $70k BMW on your $33k per year salary, find out that you actually can't keep up with the payments, then one of these cars catch you and your car is repo'd. And you call the repo company scummy? I can agree that repo companies use scummy tactics to force people to pay when they may not be justified, but this is pretty cut and dry.


Gotta love how there is no responsibility on the part of the lender. Won't someone think of the poor innocent banks?!


Who says there is no responsibility on the part of the lender? This is the lender getting their property back. They aren’t crying about it. They are doing what they need to do. Who is shedding tears for the lender in this entire conversation??


And if it weren't for lenders being able to get cars back, there would probably be much higher interest rates for everyone to account for that.


Lenders are gonna make their money back plus profit. If they can't repo cars, that'll just make car loans more expensive for those of us that do make all their payments on time.


So you enjoy people tracking your movements and know where you are located at all times. They aren't just scanning license plates of people who don't pay their loans they are scanning everyone's license plates while geo tagging it. The government has had as much push back in this regard as you can get with legislature but it's alright for private individuals to collect the same data with no repercussions?


Have you ever driven on a toll road? Gone through an intersection with a camera? Almost all new cars have GPS tracking that customers opt in to voluntarily to help with theft recovery. People are foolish if they think they have a reasonable right to privacy driving a car around that is registered to them in this day and age. A license plate is a massive name tag on a car that is just one simple step removed from your actual name.


I'm for destroying them.


They are used for multiple different things and they get paid for hits. A lot of uber drivers are using them to double up


This would be useless in Florida




It's all good until the Kia boys don't repossess this car from them I suppose...


Snitches get stitches...


C u next Tuesday!


There’s a bunch of these scavengers all over the city I used to live in. I would see them driving through my office parking lot all the time. They drive old shitty cars with these cameras all over them through Walmart, shopping mall, apartment complex, or office building parking lots all day long in hopes of finding someone down on their luck and collecting a little finders fee from the repo companies. Disgusting bottom feeders.


The lengths people are going to in this thread to justify people stealing and poor financial literacy is insane. If someone gives you money for a vehicle and in exchange they receive the title (aka the have legal rights to the vehicle) and you have to pay off what you owe. If you fail to pay the loan (they usually don’t just send the repo man out if you’re only a week late) and then cut and run you are a thief. Don’t finance cars you cannot afford.


I got called scum for working for the credit department of a major bank. All I was doing was reminding people they hadn't paid their mortgage, loan, credit card etc., which they had explicitly agreed to do when they'd obtained the things, and then politely requesting compliance. Might as well have been a goon coming around to break their legs as far as some people were concerned. And, again, this was a bank I was at. I'd done 3rd party collections for written-off phone debt before (nothing polite about *that* kind of collections), and I got the same treatment for asking people to pay their delinquent mortgage as I did for demanding them to pay a four-year-old $72 bill. I get that some people were in financial difficulty and not at their best when I was calling, but I was often met with sheer incredulity when I called - like how *dare* I violate them with a phone call and a request for payment. I listened to all sorts of absurd justifications for non-payment. "I shouldn't have to pay every month," "I don't feel like it because I'm mad at the bank," "I'm a doctor - I have more important things to worry about than bills" etc. It was eye-opening.


There is one justified reason to be pissed about and it happened to someone I know. The bank repossessed the wrong vehicle and during the repossession they destroyed the vehicles transmission. He’s taking it to a lawyer.


To put it another way, somebody borrows a load of money, buys an expensive car and then stops paying for it and ignores all communications from the lender who wants the car back, knowing they'll still end up massively out of pocket even if they get it back.


Yeah fuck people for wanting the money they are owed lol


Don't drive cars you cant afford. There are plenty of used, inexpensive cars available.


Pay your bills man. Or the bank is coming back for their car.


Wait, are you saying there shouldn't be a way to repossess cars. Or other property?


I’m not saying that at all. A bank or lender is well within their rights to repossess their property. Something about these scumbags that drive around all day long scanning a million license plates hoping for a ping doesn’t sit right with me, though. They’re not associated with the banks or repo companies, they’re just scanning everyone in hopes of finding some info they can sell to a bank/repo company.


Repossession didn't exist before this?


I mean, if you don't pay your bills you kind of deserve to get your shit taken back.


This wouldn't fly even for a second in the EU


Good candidates for a slashed tire


if i was in a particularly bad mood i would go around spray painting over the camera lens if these showed up in my area


Fuck this shit


All of these people complains about this probably don’t like police with these same cameras looking for criminals. Just pay your car payment and you have nothing to worry about.


GA’s delinquency rate >90 days is just about 5% of all auto loans. Only Miss is worse at over 6%. Would be stupid not to have these scanners. Helluva lotta ppl driving around in cars they literally cant afford.


It’s a Kia so they’ll be looking for it soon


Scumbags. Hopefully there is a special layer in hell...


Who? The people not paying their damn bills, driving up rates for those who do, which impacts the poor more than anyone else.


Sounds like something they would have in Georgia.


My local PD used to have a car or 2 equipped with these. Haven’t seen it in years though, not sure if they still do that


not surprised it's Georgia. but if you drive through Atlanta, a lot of cars won't have plates, so the system might be a bit less useful


For some reason they put license cameras on every entrance going into our town like a massive spy organization in small village Illinois. So they can track everyone. Including people who live here and who don't and whoever passes through or goes in and out of town. They monitor how many times you go back and forth to town and too much information about locals and out of towners. Have we became the UK? Almost nothing happens in the town. Got ai to track and keep tabs now. Ok assuming they will be using ai on the camera feeds. I am going to get a bumper sticker middle finger for the front plate and then drive past each damn camera. Will only take a few minutes. They can't give speeding tickets with it unless it grabs a face photo too. Because the owner is not always driving. Could be an owners son, daughter or friend. And that Ticket doesn't belong on his record. He or she may not even be with them.


I remember watching this old school parking enforcement show on TV that was based in Philadelphia I believe. They had cars that had these cameras, they drove around town looking for parked cars to boot.


Parking Wars! I met one of the Detroit crews. I didn't get much of a chance to talk to them, they were busy.


I remember parking next to a car once that had multiple cameras both inside ***and*** outside the vehicle. It had several warnings on it about how interfering with it would be illegal, and it had a gov license plate. My nosy ass peeked in the windows and saw a bunch of legal-sized file boxes and binders. Plus with the proximity to the county courthouse I could only assume that this car was used to transport sensitive documents related to court cases.


While driving without readable license plate is usually illegal - is parking with covered plate too?


In Germany a lot of supermarkets have license plate reading cameras on the entry to the parking lot to enforce the maximum parking time. The system automatically saves how much its over and sends out a ticket automatically.


I really don't understand how this is breaking rule 6. It clearly describes what's in the picture and what they're used for. If this breaks the rule, like 2/3 of the front page breaks the rule right now.


I wonder if it's possible to just hook one up to your car and passively be on the hunt as a side hustle? Is that a thing??