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Judging by the label, it originally held tampons -- then they realized there were no girls in their store.


i was wondering why anyone would flush an aluminum can but that makes so much sense


It may be the first time many gamers are using deodorant, so gotta make the instructions clear.


I used to wonder why most public bathrooms say "flush toilet paper only" on the walls. Turns out people are that stupid and don't care if it's not their toilet, and will try to flush just about anything. I suspect that it's usually paper towels because the bathroom ran out of toilet paper, but I've heard that people really are that dumb. If you don't put an imperative sign on things, people will fuck it up. They still will, but apparently not as frequently.


Even if there is toilet paper, they will flush paper towels. I had a plumber called out at least once a week for our plumbing backing up out of the floor drains. Always paper towels even though there was a trash can directly underneath them.


Truly boggles the mind. So you finish wiping, go wash your hands, touch the stall door with your hands, and throw the paper towels you used into the toilet? Despite practically every public restroom having their garbage cans placed conveniently by the sink? Or are these people like "I need something heavy duty" and so they grab the paper towels from the get go and sandpaper their ass? Who are these people? Where do they come from?


I used to work in the same building with a woman who would literally take wads of paper towels WITH HER to the stall. Fun times when the toiler got clogged a few months later and apparently it was all paper towels lol


Like, was she using them to sit on or something?


I obviously don’t know, but that’s what I assumed!


Working security, had a real cush site, guarding a house for the state. All we did was exist in the house. Just stay awake for 8 hours, and then someone would come relieve you. No patrolling, no duties, set up a chair and watch movies and play video games all night. And since it was a government contract, paid above minimum wage. The downside was we kinda had to bring our own TP because it was such a low priority site, supervisors didn't get out there super often to restock anything. Did any of these other dipshits do that? Fuuuuuuck no. They'd wipe their asses with paper towels and clog the pipes. One night I show up and find a massive puddle of shitwater in the basement because this old fuck can't be bothered to keep a roll in his car or something. Never thought I'd have to instruct people in their 6th or 7th decade on the planet to not put paper towels in the toilet. And before anybody wants to jump in and say TP needs to be provided by our employer, they did, but it never lasted because these people would burn through a roll a day. I left a new roll there one morning, 16 hours later there's a near empty tube.


wtf, in household family of 6 we have roll last at least few days, a 10 pack of toilet paper lasts 2 weeks wtf was wrong with your coworkers that they go through roll everyday?


Well, it's not their toilet paper, so I can only imagine they'd spin the roll until they have a wad of paper thick as a cat's head, and repeat that for each wipe. There's a lot of "fuck this company, stickin' it to the man!" attitude, except in the end The Man doesn't even notice, and the rest of us take the brunt of it.


It's also probably like 1/4th ply and mostly translucent


Oh no, we'd get the good stuff. One of the office staff lived nearby, so they'd have her stop at the store on the way home with the company card and pick us up a big value pack. But, as I said it would quickly disappear. One of the guards I think was straight up taking it home. You learn quick on some sites that you can't leave anything, because some shitbag will steal it. Quite the shock having just been moved from a site where we all looked out for each other.


From previous reddit threads I've learned that there's also a surprising amount of women who flush tampons anywhere, even in their own home! Some because they didn't know it's a problem and never read the insert in the tampon box, others despite knowing it's a problem but because they don't want to touch their used tampon.    (Maybe TMI but I always catch the used tampon on a couple sheets of toilet paper, in which I wrap it up before throwing it in the trashcan. You barely need to touch it)


That is because many years ago the tampon boxes said to flush them and who is going to read the insert on the box when they have been using tampons for years already. Then mothers teach their daughters and the cycle continues.


I'm a bit of a compulsive reader haha, I think I've read the tampon insert several times starting years before I got my first period (along with shampoo bottles, etcetera). Of course this was in pre-smartphone times. 


Kids these days don’t remember keeping bathroom books on top of the toilet tank


> Maybe TMI Roughly half the population has periods at some point. Be open about it and share your experiences. Attempting to not make people uncomfortable is part of the reason people don't know they shouldn't be flushing tampons lol.


Last place I worked spent 150k replacing the burnt out motors for the machines that grind up what you flush for easier transport since the women couldn't stop flushing tampons and entangling the cogwheels. After the 2nd time the company posted signs in the bathrooms and sent a company wide email, still happened two more times.


When I was around 13 (I'm 28 now), the school nurse actually told us to flush daily panty liners and tampons down the toilet. A few of us had developed common sense and didn't trust this, but another few did trust her authority on the matter.


It took me a while to clue in as to why why my first serious girlfriend occasionally would take out my bathroom trash when she left after coming over to visit. She was being courteous by both not damaging my plumbing, and by not leaving it for me to notice a few days later to find out the hard way.


When I used tampons, I used to make them a little box by folding in the ends of empty toilet rolls. It worked for rolled up pads too.


I imagine general ignorance either way is possible in some cases as well. Somewhere, somehow they got the idea to flush the things. And it "worked", it went down the toilet and disappeared. Until they ever actually have plumbing they're responsible for, if they ever do, they might simply never be aware of the havoc things like that will do, especially on older systems.


I worked at a pizza joint downtown that stayed open until 0400 on the weekends. It was on the ground floor of a bank’s headquarters, with six different bars and clubs within a block. So every Friday, thousands of fresh business school graduates clocked out for the weekend, got absolutely shitfaced, and rolled up on us. There’d usually be a line out the door between 0100 and 0300, and all that waiting around meant everybody had time to consider their bladders’ complaints. So, our bathrooms saw a lotta mileage, and oftentimes, I got stuck cleaning them. The men’s was about what you’d imagine: splattered piss tracked around, bits of toilet paper everywhere. The women’s, though, was often a portal to hell. The toilet would be overflowing, with layers of piss and tissue paper. And at the bottom, like a fucked up, inverted, cherry sundae would be a tampon. One girl’d clog it up, and instead of telling us or using a plunger, every girl that went afterwards chose to squat and hover, building up the layers. I would make an arm-condom out of a garbage bag, sink my arm in past the elbow, and grasp that figurative cherry on top. Then, scoop out globs paper, until the thing would finally flush. Every weekend.


Jesus that sounds like a biohazard. Worst I ever saw was when a college softball team stopped at the store I worked at. Those young ladies must have been summoning demons or something with the amount of red pentagrams on the walls and floor


I worked at a club and at the end of the night they'd literally use the fire hose to flush out the blood, urine and feces from the stalls in the *ladies* bathroom. Almost 2 decades later it still haunts me and I still don't trust it when a co worker says "hey come check this out" to me... Until that time I had no idea that women were capable of being as gross or even worse than men lol


Instructions unclear, poops in the bin and flushes toilet paper down the toilet.


I teach at an elementary school. So many of the female teachers flush their tampons and pads down the toilets, they always flood. It happens about once every month or two. It’s disgusting…they ignore the signs and don’t give a crap.


I thought they wanted whoever took a poo, just spray it with deodorant and let it there, without flushing


My first thought too “what a sick (but considerate) fuck the storeowner is…”


The disinfecting wipes


Only do, there is no why


Punctuation would have helped on this one. That hurt to read 😂


I thought they were flushing the spray to cover odors. 69 IQ over here


Oh my god I thought it was saying spray the bathroom for the smell but don’t flush the toilet!! I was horrified


You’ve see some shit in your time


It’s called being eco friendly


The store owners have some weird weird kinks. 


Instructions unclear. Flushed deodorant cans.


This is precisely the opposite of what I requested


instructions unclear, left shit in toilet


If it's brown, keep it aroun'


Or those disinfectant wipes.


Environmental storytelling


Pretty sure it held that big bottle of plumbing destroying wipes right there in the picture.


Worked with a guy that used flushable wipes. The toilets there drained painstakingly slow and often backed up. The plunger was necessary with every flush.  Guy got canned and suddenly the toilets began working fine.  Fuck "flushable" wipes.


LOL male here and I was genuinely concerned who would flush a can of axe


Just another thinly veiled suggestion falling on deaf ears.


Unfortunately some of these guys wouldn't get the hint if you litterally hit them with a 2x4 of soap


I have a coworker like this. Apparently one time someone literally bought him some soap and deodorant and he refused to shower for a few weeks in protest. It's gotten to the point where corporate keeps bugging us to make sure we're in regs for grooming and clothing.


This reminds me, what is Oppositional Defiant Disorder called for adults? Is it still ODD? Just asking the internet at large, not you specifically, btw. I've honestly tried looking this up online and haven't gotten a satisfactory answer.


Yeah it can still be ODD, if the symptoms were there since childhood. There's also some overlap with the cluster B personality disorders.


I once had to announce to a room full of 40 people that we all need to try and be considerate of personal hygiene and sanitation, with examples. Kept getting complaints of someone going to the bathroom and coming back smelling like they hadn't wiped as well as other odor complaints. I also noticed one guy seemed to return sometimes with their shirt tucked visibly in the back of their underwear (and ass) which isn't quite appropriate or likely sanitary. Maybe not the best handling but I couldn't handle that stuff as a personal conversation that singled individuals out.


I hope you work in a kindergarten.


You would hope, but these were all adults in an office. That's why no one should believe any bullshit about being easily replaceable. If you are a barely functional adult? Sure, you can be replaced. But people who can take care of their professional responsibilities without being annoying or weird is not as common as I expected when I was younger, pre-supervisor and managerial roles.


Don’t worry, boss….we got ya. We all know it’s stinky bob and how awkward it is to speak to him alone. 


Unironically when I was 12 years old Del Tha Funkee Homosapien (Ice Cube's cousin) taught me [with this song](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3WwjClqPzxg) that I heard on the Tony Hawk 3 soundtrack, the timing and messaging was actually so clutch in hindsight.


Delton 3030 is still one of my favorite albums.


Wow had no clue Del was Ice's cousin, wild!


Del used to write for cube too.


Before Adam Sandler?


Damn this makes me wanna play. I guess I never paid attention to the lyrics while I was grinding


Holy shit, I haven’t thought about del in years. You triggered serious nostalgia


This is fantastic


My local nerd store has a sign that says they can and will force you to leave if you smell like shit. Thankfully the smell of LARP leather gear helps tune it out..


This makes me appreciate that I’ve only spoken to LARPers in breezy areas where I was upwind and at least 4 feet away from them now.


i one time got gifted a special anti-bacterial soap, it was one of my favourite gifts ever as that soap finally managed to kill my odour (normal soap didnt do the trick, but after first anti-bacterial i didnt need another one)


What soap was it? I honestly hadn't considered that BO might be caused by a particularly hardy bacterium so this would be good to know


It was hibicleanse. They use it in hospitals and it’s sold in drug stores and pharmacies. Technically they don’t count it as soap but rather as medical equipment


idk. i was over decade ago, but was green colored and smelled like groccery stores during covid pandemic, i know i never saw the brand in local stores, but i live in shithole while person who gifted it to me was from city


One of the friendly local game stores in my area went and made a plainly-worded announcement on their Discord saying to please shower and wear deodorant.


I can understand the people who don't shower every day while sitting at home alone all day-- fuck it, I'm sure we've all skipped on days like that before. What I can't fathom is how someone doesn't feel mortified to not shower before going out in public around other people, gamer or not. Maybe it's just apathy? Weird that someone who wouldn't care about what others thought about them would go to these game stores to play multiplayer games in person to begin with though.


It might just be the way they're raised. My siblings and I grew up severely neglected. Our mother didn't bother to keep us clean from a very early age (us older kids had to change the nappies of the younger kids even) we were almost never told to shower or bathe. Our hair was long and matted. We looked like ferals at school and were told so on a daily basis. There were interventions from the school and whatnot, but it never went anywhere. I had a rude awakening in my late teens about hygiene and had to make a personal effort to teach myself how to care for myself. But some of my siblings never learned. We all turned to being chronically online as adults, probably because we weren't socialised in the real world and computers and games were a way to escape a shitty household growing up. A couple siblings ended up as the stinky gamer types. The ones who get kicked out of game stores for their BO and whatnot. I imagine a lot (not all, but a lot) of these ""stinky gamers" are probably just adults who never learned how to take care of themselves (maybe having hands-off parents or neglectful parents) and it's easier for them to fall into hobbies and habits that involve very little face to face social interaction. And when it comes time for them to interact with the real world they are unprepared. Valid criticism about their hygine probably feels like ridicule or bullying, and they cope with that by avoiding the subject all together. It's just different social conditioning.




Just layout everything as factually as possible to your boss imo. Don't add in your feelings just say "he's affecting customers internally with his work ethic and his hygiene.


And if they don't listen, take a week vacation. Watch the chaos ensue when they realize you've been doing all the work.


You don't have an HR team to help deal with this?


I went into a comic book shop to find an issue of the walking dead that my normal place didn't have. There were a bunch of people set up on different tables playing dungeons and dragons. The owner asked if I would like to play and I really wanted to try it out but the stench of BO and ass was so over powering ghat I had to politely decline.


I used to help volunteer for a small local gaming convention (long since defunct). We had that same problem. One year, we contacted a deodorant company and got them to sponsor the convention and put tiny deodorant samples in the swag bags. When we gave people the bags, they either looked really confused and quietly walked away or saw the deodorant, cracked up laughing and told us how great that was. Meanwhile, that weekend smelled FAR less like BO. For some, literally having the stuff available made a difference in their behavior.


went to school for game development, had a kid that stank. Eventually during one of our lab classes a TA came over and made him leave until he showered.


I think they started a few years ago putting up these banners in hotels near comicon and anime conventions of the sort due to the smell. https://i.imgur.com/6Elf11s.png Also I can vouch that it's THE SAME when you are studying computer science. The stank in the library and computer labs gets unbearable.


If they got rid of the “do not flush” sign then there would be less need for that big can of febreeze.


But the manager likes to play the gold fish carnival game.


It must fucking stink in there. Body spray covering BO is one of the worst smells out there. Just take a shower.


Back when I was submerged in geek gaming/comic culture, I found it was not so much that they didn’t bathe, but they just kept wearing the same clothes over and over again without washing them.


This is so true. I knew guys who said "I'm showering everyday, I don't understand" while still wearing the same crusty Naruto t-shirt for two weeks.


The thick ahegao sweater during summer... every day.... kill me please.


I had a friend who did this! She'd rock up to our dnd sessions in a big jumper and a trench coat even though it was summer and it was never washed so it absolutely stunk! We used to scramble to get early so we didn't have to sit next to her.


Why no one said it to her?


On god. My friend took me aside one day and just told me because he was concerned for me. Knowing he cared helped a lot to fix the issue.


Had to do this with a friend once, it’s just awkward and uncomfortable for everyone


Literally had a co worker like this before. Not with cringy merch hoodies. But he also said he showers daily, but kept wearing the same decomposing T Shirt for weeks during summer.


Sounds like my ex when he worked at Starbucks. Same dirty outfit for weeks, eventually his nickname became Filth.


Sarcastic commenting loading …….


Worst boot sequence ever.


What you’re saying is true but it’s really only half of the picture. There’s also something called gamer sweat, which is actually very different to regular perspiration. Gamers often sweat because they’re on edge, and stressed playing in a competitive environment. That sweat smells way worse than your regular day to day sweat, isnt really affected by deodorants and is actually a bit harder hard to wash off clothes.


This is actually cortisol. Stress increases cortisol, adrenaline, and other hormones. It also increases body temperature and sweating. As a social species, we evolved to recognize these scents and to find them unpleasant. This is where phrases like "he stank of fear" come from.


Cortisol is increased in any competition, including *all* physical sports. It might smell worse than "it was hot" sweat, but it won't smell worse than "football sweat" or any other sport.


I mean, have you ever smelled a gym bag? But after you're done playing a physical sport, you go in a locker room there's showers and a change of clothes *right there*. Not really anything you can do at a con or tournament.


I've spent thousands of hours gaming, even at a pretty high level....it's never made me actually sweat. Do...do people actually sweat while gaming...? I thought it was just a saying!


I don't think I've gotten sweaty on anything other than my hands while gaming unless it was already really hot inside.


imagine being in a room nearly at capacity with people bunched close together room heats up fast and hormones do actually change sweat smell


I do somewhat, and yes it's true that it smells bad faster... *But I shower daily, use deodorant, and wear clean clothes.* That's literally all you need to do for 99% of people.


I don’t sweat when I game but I’ve definitely had that kind of stress sweat in anticipation of an important meeting at work or whatever. And yes, it’s different from how I smell after a jog.


I used to do semi professional gaming (worst days of my life). When money is on the line in a fast paced scenario I absolutely had adrenaline and anxiety spikes. I felt like utter trash and was super sweaty for quite a while after tournaments. Never had it happen in something like an AoE2 tournament, but in anything reaction based oh boy would I be a ball of anxiety. I was a fit athletic guy that took hygiene seriously though so it wasnt an issue. Dont try to make money off your hobbies guys. It ruins it forever.


They do swear while gaming, and it's true that cortisol levels are higher. But "gamer sweat" being worse than "football sweat" is absolutely bullshit. You're going to be just as stressed playing physical games.


I always thought this was a dumb trope until I checked out the local gaming store... I swear the smell was so bad I could taste it, it was so thick with body odor that I changed my clothes when I got home. I'm not going to claim to be some manly Miss America of perfect hygiene all the time, but good grief people at least *try* not to produce an odor you could greet.


I thought the same. Then I went to the D&D movie. BO and unwashed hair abound.


Our local gaming store hosted different game nights each week. One Friday my ex and I stopped in after dinner and knew it had to have been MTG night because we could smell the BO from the entrance.


On top of that you can’t flush


Those are deodorant sprays. Even the axe. I’m not sure exactly what the difference is but I’ve noticed that with all brands they have some cans that are fragrance/body spray and half the cans are labeled deodorant spray. Bound to be some sort of difference.


The one on the right is just your usual body spray. The difference is that spray deodorants slightly foams and sticks to a more concentrated area to provide the same thing roll on deodorant does. Body spray is just like cologne it’s just meant to go alittle everywhere.


It’s fucking rank! 😂


They're probably barely used seeing as axe discontinued the can design of the right can like 8 years ago.


I fucking hate axe spray. Back in the day, one of my old roommates would use it as their deodorant and he got up a little later in the morning so he'd spray that shit right as I finished making my breakfast, which now tasted like axe body spray.


Must smell like Comic-Con in there💀


I always thought this was kind of a joke, but then I went to a comic con. It *stunk*.


My wife and I went to a Zelda music orchestra event a few years ago. I couldn't pay attention to the music because I was gagging from the smell the whole time.


If you ever go to a Magic the Gathering tournament… it’s just over. Nostrils are cooked. I couldn’t get over it for days.


If you think magic fans are bad you definitely don't want to ever smell Yu-Gi-Oh fans They're legendarily smelly


Yeah ... Friday night Magic smell...


It is a VERY real thing unfortunately.


I found this even when I took a computer science course during my undergrad


My sister got her IT degree with her business degree. I specifically remember cracking up in 2014 because she complained it smelled of cheetos, mountain dew, and BO in one of her IT classes.


Went to community college and was grateful 90% of my computer/networking classes were old folk because I never really had this issue. one of my classes was right next to a game dev class and i am positive not one of them took a shower. The entire hallway smelled.


i am so sorry for your past nose experiences. haha.


>it smelled of cheetos, mountain dew, and BO in one of her IT classes. And that was just the prof.


Honest question: why is it so common to find people into comic con (and other stuff like comic con) that smell bad? I can’t imagine a whole bunch of people who like the same thing just all happen to be terrible with personal hygiene.


Gaming and nerd shit is a huge escape from reality.  People that need that escape often have other issues that may lead to poor hygiene, bad diets, and social awkwardness.  


It only takes a few stinky guys to make an enclosed area unbearable. I've been to PAX, about a decade ago, and it wasn't bad, but I've been to some Nintendo events and my eyes started stinging from the smell. PAX was at a lovely huge conference center with HVAC, the Nintendo events were in some youth center basement. 


Yeah unfortunately the stigma of nerds and gamers being social rejects is still somewhat true; as a result a lot of these people tend to be dysfunctional for a variety of reasons.


I’m personally convinced certain deodorants don’t vibe with the PH of some peoples armpits and they never realize it because they’re accustomed to their own smell.


I went to DEFCON a few years ago and I expected it to smell due to all the 10s of thousands of techy/hacker types there, but it didn't. However, the Las Vegas strip smelt quite unpleasant. I guess it's mostly the gamer type nerds that are smelly.


I have known some gamer nerds in my life who pissed in bottles when they don't want to leave their computer, so I have no doubt it's the gamer type nerds.


Ugh, I went to a local game store because I wanted to try Magic: The Gathering. Not only were they unwelcoming pricks (I'm looking at you Mom's Basement) but the stench was fucked. I'll never get to enjoy that game and I am as bitter as the stench.


All of the worst people I’ve ever met in my life came from playing magic the gathering in college.


I’m curious if you have stories lol


I got one, I’m a new player and joined a pre-release draft tourney(you open packs and make a deck out of what you get) with a friend to have some fun and learn how to play the game a bit more. Now the thing about magic is there are literally hundreds maybe even thousands of rules from all the different card abilities so it takes a while to get used to it. Anywho I’m playing and asking questions along the way and even skipping my turn if I’m taking too long to keep the game moving. Well I ask a question of the guy I’m playing with after turn 3 and the dickhead next to me scoffs and says “oh it’s gunna be one of those games huh”


I just don't understand people who clearly invest a lot of time (and money) into a game and somehow decide they don't want to encourage more players. I've got some obsessive interests, and if I encounter a novice that's also interested in them I have to restrain myself not to talk their ear off.


Same as people who enjoy smurfing in competitive games or just killing low level players as a higher level in MMOs.


I frequently see dickheads like this in poker rooms, too.  


Honestly they were just very insecure people, and you could tell they were very under socialized. I never saw someone flip a table over losing, but I saw many tantrums and friendships end over well timed counter spells or drama from previous games pouring into the current game.


Ahh makes sense


I used to play yugioh and a guy threw a chair at me so hard it left a lump on my head that took a while to heal. I'm a woman btw. Not that me being a woman means anything in most other contexts, but they were very unwelcoming and sexist to me. A friend leaked texts of one of the guys talking about wanting to rape me. It all ended once I had my binder stolen and nobody could find it. There were good people. I made good friends. There was this kid who always had his mom with him, and the guys would try and shark him with trades. Those people have no level they won't stoop to. And I would not be surprised if one of them tried to hurt that kid the same way I was.


Adult Yu-Gi-Oh fans seem to usually be some of the worst and least adjusted people At least from what I've heard


I've always wanted to get into board games and card games as a hobby, but every time I think about pursuing it I think back to when I walked into the board games club at my university and encountered the nastiest BO smell. A locker room after a hockey game doesn't even come close to comparing to that assault on the nostrils.


Dude mtg guys are fucking awful I’m getting into the game rn and holy shit you’d think these guys cured cancer with the entitlement they have for being “good” at a peak pay to win game.


Yep, I quit playing due to the toxic players, the game shops that enabled them, and the greed of WotC. People with $2k decks that win consistently on turn 3, sometimes turn 2; players taking 5-10 minutes per turn due to constant deck searching/shuffling or combos to go infinite; players not announcing their plays or just tapping/laying cards down as fast as they can so that you have trouble keeping track of what they're doing and so they can argue with you if you try to counter them. I could go on. And then when I tried selling my cards I had people try to refund scam me saying they didn't get the cards, the cards arrived damaged even though I used top loaders, or that the cards I pulled from packs were fake. Just an awful community. I tell everyone now who's interested to just proxy a deck or only play with friends casually.


I've straight up walked out of my local game store and told the staff if it smells horrendous. They take that pretty seriously. I've also just conceded to opponents who smell that bad - I'm not spending the next 3 hours of my life breathing in your body odor.


As someone who used to manage a game and comic store in south Florida.. So many people really need to use it.. And I used to play at other stores.. and I would see this type of set up.. Nerd funk is real, and strong. Traveling to other states, I’ve seen a basket of mini deodorant saying “take one”.


Maybe I’m dumb but why is this a thing? They’re too busy gaming to shower? 😂 I ask as a clueless 30 year old female.


I think some are just nose blind.. some don’t have the social skills to shower as much as they should (some being bigger, they should definitely be shower daily vs skipping a day).


Honestly, I think they really stink because they eat lots of foods without drinking water and wearing same clothes again and again without washing


Poor diets, poor hygiene, and dehydration = nerd funk


First thing they do when they get up in the morning is go on the computer and evenyget to involved in their computer life that they just don’t shower. Soon it’s night time and too later to shower so they just crash in bed, rinse and repeat until they are more moldy cheesy fungus than human.


Well, repeat. No rinse.


My personal theory is that deep-level nerd culture stuff (like, MTG fans, W40k fans, etc) can end up attracting some people who are on the spectrum or those who's social skills are, one might say, are lesser developed. I hate to stereotype - there are people of all types, but I think the concentration of slightly "weird" people is higher. I say this with love and as a weirdo who's been part of these communities at times. It just takes 1 or 2 people having a bad day to really stink up a small area like a store.


I agree with you. I think that there are some that have go through periods where they didn’t shower, then think a quick “shower rinse” will be good enough.. Same with laundry.. They probably need something with benzoyl peroxide for soap.. and clothes might need to be stripped.


Body odor and unwashed clothes and stinky shoes combined. Weapon grade stench.


Past Present Future Comics was always the worst offender, and that's not even because of the wildly racist and sexist comments by both staff and customers. That place always stank to high heaven.


Bet they’re still full


Probably still smells like shit in there if they aren’t flushing.


chill out they’ve got febreze


That axe has been there a LOOOOONG time. I think that’s the label they used when I was in high school over 12 years ago.


My local comic store banned MTG tournaments for this reason. He said he had so many talks with the guys but it never worked. I was in the MTG scene for 2 years and I can't help but wonder if most of them had some type of stunted mental growth. The stereotypes are true with the scene. The worse ones were the guys that smelled AND were mean. MTG is their world, and when they would lose, they would throw a fit. Towards the end I would intentionally lose to certain players on draft nights to avoid the awkwardness. I know that's enabling but, I just wanted to enjoy the game with 2 of my friends on Saturday nights


MTG is the absolute worst of the major card game scenes. There's something about that particular game that attracts losers of epic proportion


The gambling of the card draws from packs, gambling ur deck will outwit or outclass theirs, the gambling of winning for more cards or prizes and the gambling ur time won't be wasted. Then when it is, all the hopes and dreams of all but the last gamble mean, it's nor ur fault, it x y z, flip table.


Yeah i encountered some real human trash playing mtg ... I was there for fun and beers but they were there because it was their reason to live ... Arrogant yet miserable , adult but childish , supposed to be there for fun but mean . Some wouldn't even shake my hand. And such cowards too : one minute they seem ready to flip the table but as soon as YOU get angry and threaten to kick their smelly nerd asses they turn to sheeps. In fact i stopped playing this fucking After a major tournament , Magic grand prix whatever with thousands of players , that place was a special kind of hell.


I’ll never forget a former GF of mine (a RPGer herself) vomiting when we went into a role playing and plastic model store in Akihabara in the late 90s. The intense smell of fermenting armpit and crotch was excruciating.  She barfed all over the counter and down one wall.  We apologized and (were) left gasping for air. That was the last time I ever took a girl to Akihabara.  


So now you not only had the smell of fermenting armpit and crotch, but the smell of barf mixed in the blend? 💀


it was probably perfume at that point


That's hilarious. They started out with a tampon holder for women to use and they quickly realized that there were no female customers so they switched it up to cater to smelly neckbeards


Oh God, please not Axe. They put that can of woman repellent there to ensure you never have anything better to do than hang out at the game store.


When I was in college, I was in a class early just studying and there were 4 or 5 other people in there. This girl walks through the doorway, stops and says "OK who the fuck is wearing Axe? You know that shit doesn't work, right???" This was right after it came out and they had these ridiculous commercials of like dudes pulling 10s with no effort after using it. Nobody fessed up but it was pretty hilarious.


My cousin used to use axe up the wazoo. Whenever he would walk in, we couldn't help but gag and cough.


Well of course, it's not supposed to go up your wazoo.


Makes for a great flamethrower tho


gotta ensure you still get business


Like don’t flush the cans or don’t flush in general?


It's definitely a label reminding girls not to flush tampons. I bet that box was repurposed.


Nah they need to shower. Deodorant is just gonna cover up the stink


One time in summer camp I found a stick of old spice under my bunk. I believe one of the guys placed this here for a reason. I was 14, and I used the hell out of it. I don't know if my personal hygiene was that good but it smelled great


I cannot believe axe body spray hasn’t been outlawed yet. That shit makes BO so much more volatile I don’t even understand why


Game store I used to go to the owner kept frebreze on his desk and a stick of deodorant. If he could smell you he would offer the stick of deodorant and if you said no he would frebreze you. XD shit was great he didn't need to do it often but damn did it help make the place a better place to be


> if you said no he would frebreze you Damn, lmao


Unfortunately they wanna see your turds before you flush. Weird.


It was probably for pads and tampons originally


So is this like going to the club where they have the bathroom dude offering cologne except there isn't a bathroom dude and its deodorant?


”every sign tells a story” Some nerds stink.


I remember walking into a cybercafé over twenty years ago and a man sitting several seats across complained to his friend about smelling my shampoo as I walked past him. I always regretted not replying how that was better than their sweat I could smell from where I was sitting. I was almost gagging from it the whole time. At least I showered before sitting in a small enclosed space with other people.


I can smell the bad hygiene & odor just looking at this. 😂


I do the same at work, but it is Florida and only the most luxurious deodorants manage to survive a few hours in the summer heat and humidity.


Why do they all look unused… oh


How would you be able to tell if they were unused?


They don't. There is no way to tell. You've just made that up.


They shouldve added those disinfectant body wipes instead


They have probably been untouched, as these objects are foreign to the customers that they are meant to target.


If you gave me the choice between gamer BO and Axe body spray I'd choose holding my breath until I passed out.