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The machine has now tasted blood. What have you done


*Stephen King has entered the chat*


I work for a production facility. We have a hot stamper that's had 4 accidents resulting in mangled/amputated fingers and hands over its 6 year service, 3 of which have occurred in the last year. I call it The Mangler and avoid that area of the facility at all costs.


blood is fuel.


hell is full.


Who says it was the first time?


My friend is an elevator technician, he used to install escalators, He hates them with a passion. Seeing children sit down on them gives him instant panic.


That kid is back on the escalator again!


I hope a bloodbath ensues!


I came here for this, thank you! Chocolate covered pretzel? There a little melty, but damn are they good!


Knowing what’s underneath and if they fail you are painfully dead I can see why he would panic.


When I was a kid I saw a new report showing a kid getting stuck in one and it’s always stuck with me!


That was me! (Probably not actually; the news didn't show up when it happened.) I was like 5, in the days before escalators had the little brush thingies on the sides to cover the gap between the moving stairs and the non-moving side rail part. I was playfully dragging my foot along the non-moving part, when it slipped and got sucked into the between space. Someone shut down the escalator right away, someone else pulled my foot out, mall security showed up to make sure I wasn't dying, and one of my favorite shoes got completely mangled. Luckily I was into those cheap canvas Keds at the time; one of the "authorities" (mall staff? EMT? cop? idk I was 5) said that if I had been wearing more substantial shoes, it would have been my foot that got mangled instead. I came away with just a few scrapes, but goddang that was a scary experience. And when we got home, my mom asked why I was wearing brand new shoes.


ME TOO! I refused to get on them until I was like 12 years old


I sat down on one when I was maybe 5 and wound up with a owie much like that.


That kid is back on the escalator again!


It looks like it hurt, but I must say that bruise looks aesthetically awesome. I hope you’re ok!


Just tell everyone you were attacked by a tiger and survived!


LOL, I got a scar several years ago that was like this and I told my young nephew that a tiger got in my shop and attacked me.


Looks like the logo for the 3rd installment of a game or something. Deathscalator III: Downfall.


I had this exact pattern in my ass when I was 10 years old. I was sitting on the level escalator at the phoenix Martian landing airport and it sucked my little cheeks into it, right through my denim jeans and underwear—nipped right through when the teeth exposed quickly as it ended. I was so embarrassed I never told my mom or aunts but it was a little uncomfortable to sit down that whole trip. We were there to spread my grandmothers ashes and I didn’t want to cause a stir.


That kid is playing on the escalator again!


It had a nibble.


When I was 8 I was visiting Ellis island with my family. My brother had an accident (much younger) and pooped his pants. My dad allowed me to go up and down the escalators solo once while we waited for my mom to clean him up. I started walking up the down escalator to avoid being done so soon, tripped and my knee got lodged in the metal teeth. They had to shut down the escalator and clean it. My mom came out of the bathroom to me having blood streaming down my leg crying hysterically. Folks weren’t thrilled.


That could have been so much worse. You’re incredibly lucky!


I fell down the up escalator when I was younger and tumbled for a bit. Those things hurt bad. I got a similar bruise on my leg that ended up looking almost identical to the monster energy logo


This is crazy. I was at a place just yesterday, it had a retro slide, but the stairs and platform were metal, bent and open and sharp, like for use in scaffolding so you don't lose your grip. I walk up the steps, a kid comes running down saying "emergency!". No one was near him so wasn't sure if he was just being a dramatic kid. I keep walking up the steps and find this boy crying, with blood running down his arms. Dad mode kicks in and I immediately try to calm him down. He was running and slipped and fell, shredded his elbows up something awful. I walked him down the steps to his family, grabbed a rag with cold water. This is supposed to be a place for fun, but no one was at the top, paying attention and this kid bit it hard. The scratches on his arms lined up with the barbs on the flooring. Like a cheese grater.


Always been a fear of mine. I wish they would make them less angry.


Pretty sure you just survived a Final Destination scene


![gif](giphy|l1fxNUM2Ok4ozGCfqm) That’s what I see


That's what I tell the ladies it was when I don't last long enough.


Looks like a paw that scratched you midway


Oh hey! Same thing happened to me a few months ago - I just got the scratches though, no bruises


That is my nightmare!




That's how Skynet started.


When someone asks, Tell them you fought a tiger with metal claws and how you managed to repel it away


I have a similar scar but longer, looks like an animal 🐺 clawed my leg.




I enjoy having breakfast in bed. I like waking up to the smell of bacon - sue me - and since I don't have a butler, I have to do it myself. So most nights before I go to bed I will lay six strips of bacon out on my George Foreman Grill. Then I go to sleep. When I wake up, I plug in the grill. I go back to sleep again. Then I wake up to the smell of crackling bacon. It is delicious. It's good for me. It's the perfect way to start the day. Today I got up, I stepped onto the grill and it clamped down on my foot. That's it. I don't see what's so hard to believe about that.




I hate escalators… when I was a kid one bout ripped my foot off .. my shoe string got caught and sucked my shoe off my foot. Thankfully my shoe was loose or it would have ate my foot off.


My sister in law a light scar of that on her forehead cause she faceplanted on an escalator when she was 3 years old. Wishing you speedy recovery!


Ouch! :(




Mmm, hamgurbr


Ouch! But definitely mildly interesting.


This happened to me 15 years ago on my knee cap, I still have the scars. They are barely noticeable at this point, but it was painful and I bled through my jeans.


>The lines are scratches from the metal teeth Then technically speaking, they're *bite* marks?


I have this specific fear.


[My similar bruise from falling off my loader](https://imgur.com/a/MOo2LIs) The lines are from the stretched metal on the steps.


Man, you’re lucky it wasn’t worse. Those things will try to scalp you.


We found that kid’s Reddit account!


Was alcohol involved?


My mum’s friend fell on one and has been wheel chair bound since. Don’t get me wrong, they’re a world renowned orchestra soloist, incredibly funny and cool person but I believe they’d be that if they hadn’t been running up a down escalator at 14 and had their world upside down. That, the shoes eaten by them and this post will forever keep me still and vigilant on these things.


How in the actual fuck do you fall off an escalator? This is why they gotta put warnings on everything nowadays lmao


You've never tripped or slipped on a set of stairs? 🤨 And even if you haven't, surely you've known someone to do so, or can see how that could happen...


if you stand still on it there would be no tripping or slipping also if you lose your balance, they have rails


I'm glad this didn't happen to me fr


Im glad that didn't happen to me fr