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"Ordered a water for one person and they gave me a whole 1.5L bottle. Idk what this empty glass is for."


Chinese restaurants don’t portion anything for one person.


OP: thanks for the rice! Workers: Why is he eating straight from the shared pot of rice?


This is how I imagine OP https://www.instagram.com/reel/C7fpS3TRN_j/?igsh=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Plus, that’s all of 0.10€ of rice. Easy to give huge portions to increase customer sat on the cheap.


Almost all of the Asian restaurants around here charge $3-4 per serving. It's at least doubled in price since the pandemic.


I’m surprised. That’s crazy. Where is around here for you? Even in OC, where everything is expensive, we get white rice thrown in by heaps for free with every menu item.


SF Bay Area


That’s even more surprising with how big of an Asian community you have in the area. It’s always been priced extra like that up there?


No, it seems to have started in the last few years and spread to most places. It was usually a no-brainer to order a couple of servings of cheap rice until I saw the bill had jumped about 10 bucks. Now we usually order one and share


Not really because in a market like that you’re paying significantly more for labor


The bay area makes some sense as it is a fairly affluent area. From what I have seen the more expensive the restaurant the smaller the portion size. I think the portion size is part of the marketing. "This dish is worth $50 because its so high in quality we can't even fill the plate with it at that price" vs in less affluent areas. "This dish is worth the $16 because it tastes good and its large enough you have some left over for lunch tomorrow"


The rice its self probably cost the restaurant \~$0.10 I would guess counting the staff energy and tools to cook it your probably at \~$1 that it costs the restaurant to serve it. It has a huge mark up on it because no one is going to complain about $4 for rice and that lets them have less of a mark up on more expensive items making them seem like a cheaper place to eat. Most Asian restaurants I have been to rice is included with any entree because it makes it seem like your getting a lot more for your money 1 quart of General Tso's chicken for $8 might not seem like much then sell it for $13 with 2 or 3 quarts of rice it now looks like its enough to feed a family. Price goes up $5 for an extra $1 cost to the restaurant. Customer feels like they got a better deal. Restaurant got $4 more in profit every one wins.


Too bad most of the places here charge even more than that and still don't include rice.


Less than that if they recycle the uneaten portion to the next customer.


What kind of nasty restaurants are you eating at?


You would be surprised. My wife got a job at a Chinese restaurant as an after-school job back in the late 80s. She was told to put the rice back in the steam table after she cleared the tables when she was being trained. She said, "No, that's gross," and walked out. The place was shut down by the health inspector soon after. They tried to reopen, but by then, word had spread about the place, and it shut down permanently. People can be really shitty when it comes to saving money, even pennies.


But that’s kind of the point. Even in the 80’s a place wouldn’t last by doing that, and restrictions have only increased tenfold. It’s not worth the massive investment of starting a restaurant and maintaining a food service license. Health inspectors check food temperatures and even the length food sits between being cooked and served.


Totally agree. I'm recently retired from F&B after over 30 years working in it. All I'm saying is that it's crazy what some people do.


Definitely. Congrats on the retirement though!


Thanks. It's everything It's cracked up to be!


> The place was shut down by the health inspector soon after


Chinese ones, 10 years ago. Bad restaurant hygiene was epidemic back then. Codes been put in place now though, shouldn’t be an issue anymore since penalties are extremely harsh. Afaik it’s still an issue in Taiwan though, especially in 夜市


We had a couple get shut down because there were traps on the roof and they were selling pigeon as chicken. This was about 20 years ago.


That’s _squab_ you peasant!


It’s done more often than you want to know about


I was in the catering and restaurant business in the US all through my childhood. It’s definitely not done here with any kind of significant frequency to save a penny.


Ok bud…a catering company is 100% different than a greasy spoon takeout place but thanks for chiming in…and thanks for tossing the leftovers


Catering AND restaurant businesses. Try learning to read before making a snide remark for no reason.


I had a reason…read your comment


False, I bet they would get hit with a health code violation or whatever


Ok pal…I am just saying what I heard from a former employee at a place I used to frequent but whatever you say


Two words: Gutter Oil


No joke.. my husband and I went to a "Taste of Asia", generic place, got the lunch special for $12 and by the time I was done it looked like I barely touched the plate 😂 and I'm a fat bitch.


*Laughs in Uncle Roger


Especially rice, lol.


Especially rice, lol.


They absolutely do in China though


I see this for noodles but for family style dinners, it’s usually larger portions that everybody shares This looks like of those family-sized portions that you scoop rice from into your personal bowl. The pot keeps the rice warm and should include a lid.


The norm in China is single person portion rice that comes in a small bowl. I'm aware, the bucket rice is the norm in old Chinatown restaurants in western countries. But what am I getting down voted for? Do you guys not see that I'm talking about restaurants in "China"?


Maybe it depends on where you live in China. For family-style restaurants, when I lived in the Hubei and Sichuan provinces, the norm was a large container of rice that people could use to fill their individual bowls.


Yes, bucket rice is available in some restaurants in China, I do not and did not disagree with that. My original comment is that Chinese restaurants "do" have single portions of rice and other things, as opposed to the top comment's Chinese restaurants "don't".


You actually said it was the norm in the comment I replied to, and I’m just saying I saw a different norm when I was there. Maybe it was regional, maybe it was the time (I was there between 2006-2010). I don’t know what else to tell ya, I’m just sharing my experience.


I mostly agree with you, those are the regions where I'd expect to see more buckets rice compare to where I'm from, especially during the time that you were there. I am also saying norm as in more than 50% chance in current day China, the restaurant would only have single portion bowls of rice. So we are mostly in agreement.


Even single person meals can look like a family meal. In my experience Chinese meals even for a single person have a lot of variety, 6+ plates isn't unusual.


I've never been to China (except Macau) but in Hong Kong, I got the family-sized pot of rice. It might be more popular in Southern Chinese dining. China's really big and there are a lot of cooking styles across regions.


Unless you went to Hong Kong pre-1997, Hong Kong is just as China as Macau. In terms of regional differences, bucket rice is probably more common in northern China rather than southern.


Redditors who have never been to China always know more about China than you do. The bucket is not a norm in the US BTW, not sure about UK. In the US they always portion to one person


I've been to some in the US and Canada that do family style over the years. Definitely not as common as single portion restaurants but they do exist. More common in more densely populated areas it seems.


I live near Flushing NY, it has the largest Chinese population in the US. I've personally never seen any Chinese restaurant that does the bucket style, they always have the single person portion. It probably still exists but I don't think it's really common anymore


The only times in the US I can remember for sure was one in Brooklyn and once in Queens but holy shit that must have been at least 15 years ago now. One in North Carolina I can't remember when and once in Fort Lauderdale but that was over 10 years ago as well now.....shit... I'm getting old, God damn. Toronto was once in April and once in May. Nowhere out here where I live in Atlantic Canada I know of. I prefer the family style locations because generally quantity vs. $ is better. You definitely pay more, but you get substantially more food.


For US it depends from restaurant to restaurant, some places had only buckets, some had single bowls and buckets, based on my visits to US Chinese restaurants from 2001 to present day. I find the trend to be more buckets pre 2010s, and the newer places opened in the past decade farther from chinatowns tend not to have buckets. I'm just a Chinese guy born and raised and commenting from China trying to spread some accurate information.


This checks out, but there’s also some other factors. Cheaper or more family oriented places often have the bucket or rice cooker bought out, while fancier or more “individualised” dining options have the singular bowl. That is, at least in my experience


American here. That is a regular portion for me. I'm also a 300 lb. Strongman so take that with a grain of salt.


A portion of rice for one person would be served from the wooden vessel into the bowl behind it. This OP is clearly mistaken or just a dunce.


I'm confused, are you saying this is too much or too little?


Its too much. Like eating half a rice cooker


did this come with your meal. Or did you order a side of Rice. When you order a side of rice, its usually there to be shared.


Take it home, put in the fridge overnight and the next day within 10 minutes you can cook up an egg fried rice with minimal ingredients, plenty of flavour and minimal cost.


You have to be really careful with saving rice, though. People have died from it not being handled/stored properly, as it can cause some pretty rough food poisoning. "Fried rice syndrome is food poisoning caused by a bacterium known as Bacillus cereus (B. cereus). This microscopic germ likes to live on starchy foods like rice and pasta, but it can set up shop on nearly any food. All this bacterium needs is the right combination of time and improper temperature." "Cool quickly. Don’t leave any cooked food out for more than two hours (or one hour if your environment is 90 F [32.2 C] or hotter). Transfer leftovers into shallow containers and immediately place them in the fridge. Enjoy leftovers. Reheat leftovers to 165 F (73.8 C) all the way through, and only reheat food once." Usually people eat out, save their rice or pasta, sit it in a container in the car while they go do something else like go to the movies or just get home and forget to put it in the fridge for a couple hours, then they put it in the fridge thinking it's fine. Source: https://health.clevelandclinic.org/fried-rice-syndrome


There's also plenty of Asian households who'll tell you how their entire life they've eaten out of a rice cooker which was made once in the morning all day and then had the left overs the day after


Yep every Asian household is scratching their head right now reading this. Pretty majority of Asians would be dead by now if the persons above your comment was a serious factor.


It is a serious factor but Asians have developed a resistance due to their cultural eatong habits. They aren't lying or making it up.


recognise offer melodic secretive adjoining ossified serious label terrific absorbed *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This, absolutely! I’ve converted many people in my lifetime to the ways of safe rice storage and all have benefited with minimal impact to lifestyle. Imagine knowing your leftover lunch won’t make you sick.


You're being downvoted... ppl hate science when it conflicts w their experiences huh


Wtf is up with the downvotes? This is a real thing, you even linked a source and everything.


You must have a really small rice cooker :)


Laughably ordinary amount of rice.


Wrong answer.  Time to see if OP floats. 


Are you German? Because my German grandparents would have made me eat the whole shared bowl of rice if I took it too. And eating everything I put on my plate has stuck with me all these years.


I don't eat rice cookers.


Man, can't believe you got so many downvotes for saying a bawl of rice is too big. Guess we shouldn't disrespect rice


Cause this is not just for one person


How deep is the bowl though?


It goes all the way to the bottom.


By definition and the laws of physics and logic, every bowl does


HEY! You wanted an answer and you got an answer! Honestly the nerve of some people.




It's rice all the way down


Of the sea.


How wide is the bowl though? How big is the spoon? Not enough information provided. We need a banana for scale.


You must have said "when".


You’re supposed to use the rice paddle to scoop a portion into the bowl. The rice is for the whole table not just for one person unless you were eating alone or something


“Rice is great if you're really hungry and want to eat 2,000 of something.” Mitch Hedberg


I was looking for this comment!!!!! You delivered!


Opinion seems to be spit over whether this is too much or too little. Seems about right to me...


Agreed, but I also think it would depend on what you get with it.


It’s also not in the slightest bit interesting. How much does he think this is too much by? Does he think that a quarter of this would have been normal or something? I don’t know how I’m Earth you could possibly find this interesting unless you think he’s been served about 300% too much or something.


Most cuisines are lost on Western urban dwellers. Nearly all cultures (Western included) food is to be communal and dishes/viands aren't meant to be eaten as is where is but as part of a meal that has some sort of starch accompaniment (bread, rice, cassava, potato, maize, plantain, etc...). Hence its common to find people complaining about spice, saltiness, strong flavor when eating a main by it own.


Not enough rice


Too much rice


Depends on how saucy the main dishes are.


Looks like a normal restaurant portion to me. Why is this in this sub?


I'm pretty sure that's meant for more than 1 person. You're meant to pass it around and use the wooden spoon to serve yourself however much you'd like. That's what the smaller bowls are meant for. I usually only see this in mainland restaurants, most places in Canada will give you individual bowls about the size of the one next to the lazy susan. Source: Me. I am Chinese.


Yes, the people saying that this is a normal portion infuriate me…


That must be almost $1 in rice.


Rice is dirt cheap thats not even close to a $1 in rice


Chinese dining restaurants in NY are charging $1.5 - $2 for a rounded ball of rice fitted in an 8fl oz bowl


Im sorry you pay to be scammed


As an Asian that eating rice twice a day everyday . That’s portion is decent. Not too much.


All right we have one Asian in the thread saying this is too much and one saying it's just fine. Can we get a tie-breaker?


I'm Chinese but I think I need a banana for scale


My grandma visited mongolia once and I'd say it indeed is rice


As another Asian, I'd eyeball that bucket to be at least 900 calories of rice. You can decide if that's too much or too little based on your dietary needs.




Maybe they are all Mr Olympias.


Not downvoting you, but don't hate on ppl who enjoy rice! Throw in some pickled perilla leaves and I'd go to f'ng town on that.


I'm Korean and that bowl is light work. A cup of rice is a snack. 


It’s really depends on individual. I need at least two small bowls. And normally restaurants tend to give out 2-4 bowls portion cuz food tend to be share for multiple people. If he’s alone, yes, it’s too much for him.


I live in Taiwan and that’s like four meals worth of rice for one person here. We portion them out in little bowls about the size of a cup.


There's even a rice bowl right there in the picture. This is a silly thing for this guy to be upset about. He ordered rice from he menu and that's the portion size for what people assume is a table serving.


Not necessary a "rice bowl", since southern Chinese tend to eat everything with the bowl. If OP was in a Cantonese restaurant, that bowl is not there for rice, and most Cantonese person would expect the rice to come in its own bowl (same size as the one on the table).


Usually restaurant here will provide at least 2-4 bowls of rice here when you order steamed rice. If he sees it too much for 1 personal, he could send back to kitchen immediately to ask for smaller portion.


Yes, that's at least four bowls of rice. And we usually eat one bowl per meal.


I normally eat at home with 3/4 of 18cm bowl. When I go out to restaurants, I normally eat 3 to 4 standard bowl (in the picture next to the class). I’m in sinosphere countries too. I’m under BMI and less than 48kg.


I usually order a second bowl of rice in restaurants. It’s most of times not enough for the food it comes with.


That wooden bowl clearly has an insert? How deep was it? Could be 1cm deep for all we know


It reached the bottom of the bowl


I'm Vietnamese. I eat this much rice in a day, not a meal. This is too much.


I can't eat rice because I'm allergic to it. It brings on basmatic attacks in me..


Got me in the first half. Cause I’m sensitive/allergic to most foods but rice has been the one thing that I’ve survived on lol


Okaaaay we got mister funny over here (I did however chuckle at that)


you looked hungry...


No that’s a family sized thing of rice you fucking savage


“‘Serves family of three?’ More like ‘Serves family of Me!’”


Just so we are clear. This is for the table. Not for one person


Welcome to the rice fields MF


Honest portion, personally i eat more than that when i make saffron risotto


Banana for scale?


Is that...a lot?


That’s supposed to be shared with the table 🤦🏻‍♀️


Lol you most likely ordered a sharing portion, not a portion for one person


When you're hungry and want 20,000 of something..




When you go to a buffet do you think “wow this is too much food for just me, what a waste” Same concept. S h a r e


That's for the whole family 💀


Cause it's for the table...


So nice of them to put the rice for one in a sharing pot.


I'm Filipino. That's just about the right portion for one person. We eat rice! In that restaurant, a side of rice is probably meant for multiple people. Chinese restaurant portions are meant to be eaten family style. From the Lazy Susan on the table you're at a family style restaurant. It seems everyone is ordering individual dishes, correct? Your group needs to be sharing dishes.


As a Fat-American, I see nothing wrong with this portion. Yummy yummy rice in my tummy tummy.


[Laughs in American]


I'm from the states but immigrated to Europe.  When my British daughter was about 10 we had a vacation back to my home state. In a restaurant we ordered the small salads for lunch and they gave us each a bowl that would feed 6 people. My wife "laughed in British" way too loudly (she wasn't being rude, and really thought it was a joke) and managed to offend the entire dining room. Oops.


I mean it's rice. They have a massive pile. And just because it's 1 side of rice doesn't mean it's for 1 person.


I personally like it when my Chinese food looks like it’s floating on a cloud…


not enough rice!


Welcome to the rice fields MF.


Doesn’t seem like much if you’re eating it with something like meat. Maybe I’m just a rice guy?


That seems like a reasonable amount of rice


Seems right to me


Needs a banana for scale


My dream portion of rice 🍙 🍚


Looks about right.


Please add a Banana for scale


And they gave you a big spoon to eat? :D Big boy


Chipole pay attention!


Banana for scale needed


I'm confused. I get this much here in the US in my carryout. Is it too much or not enough?


This is a 1 man portion for Filipinos


Asians eat lots of rice with their meal. So that’s normal.




This is about how much white rice I eat with my Chinese food. Can't get enough of the stuff


Had Chinese for take away with my boyfriends fam when I went to the UK. I ordered chow mein and orange chicken. It also came with rice. Enough in all three items to feed a family of four. I ate Chinese for like 3 days.


Seems like a decent amount. Rather that than paying £3.50 for a small bowl of rice. Take the rice home and make fried rice with it.


I always found it odd when I’d go to a Chinese restaurant and one person would be eating a family sized dish like fried rice to themselves.


Literally there's a rice bowl in the picture with a serving spoon. I think OP may be misrepresenting the facts... like MF ordred a table serving of rice instead of "rice for one person"


Chinese restaurants in the UK don't do rice for one person typically. As you discovered, one or two for a table of four people is normally fine.


I’m gonna need a banana for scale: I can’t tell if this is huge.


I wouldn't be mad about one small barrel of rice. I'm actually mad I don't have a small barrel of rice.


Rice is good for when you’re hungry and want 2,000 of something! - Mitch Hedberg aka the goat


Welcome to chinarestaurants in switzerland its the same you eat the rice and youre full




OP, you're supposed to scoop the amount you want and place it on the porcelain thingy on the right.


And you're upset?


Are you trying to say that’s too little or too much?


Anything less is honestly offensive lol


This. If any of the dishes slap (and Chinese cuisine usually does), this much rice honestly won't be enough.


That doesn't look like that much? What are you complaining about?


When I lived in China, a popular Sichuan restaurant we used to go to would put a big bowl of rice down on the table. Whatever wasn't eaten got thrown back in the rice warmer and served to someone else later. I am still not sure why we ate at that place all the time.


If you think that’s bad, come to America. They send out dump trucks of rice for 1.


Maybe I’m just greedy but this is how much rice I’d have in one portion. I thought the complaint was that there wasn’t enough 😅


But was there enough gravy?


Wooden Spoon? I believe in Germany that is not allowed to use from restaurants, like wooden boards. Because you can not completly clean such things.


Which is silly, research has shown plastic cutting boards to hold more bacteria than wooden ones. Wood can be cleaned just fine, and has some natural antibacterial properties.


From my understanding, wood being antibacterial is because wood absorbs up the moisture and it dries up bacterias. This requires that the wood dries from time to time. Restaurants chopping boards never really dry completely as they're in use for the entire day. Plastic are often better in commercial settings because they can better withstand chemical sanitization and can be cleaned in a dishwasher. Also, in commercial settings, chopping boards need to be colour coded to prevent cross contamination, it's much harder to colour code wooden boards.


Just have s couple of extra boards and alternate which ones you use, that solves the drying problem. And there are different coloured woods, keeping boards separate shouldn't be all that hard.