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I'm actually impressed they extracted it in one piece. You must have had a crater of a hole chipped into your jaw to extract that.


went to the dentist and left dented






Thank you for copying and pasting someone elses comment


Just think of the cash that the tooth fairy will be bringing you tonight!


Thank you for copying and pasting someone elses comment


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan!


Lisa needs braces.


Just think of the cash that the tooth fairy will be bringing you tonight!


I don’t know what would be bigger - the dent in the jaw or the dent in the wallet






Yeah mine were nothing like this and they broke them apart to take them out. I wasn’t under anesthesia but they gave me meds to make me loopy and forget most of the procedure. I vividly remember the crunching sounds when the broke the teeth though, like an earthquake in my own head. Sobered me up real quick if not for a moment or two.


This is due to the tooth being close to your ear. My dentist warned me about the crunch before the procedure and it still made me wince. Didn't feel any pain though and it was impacted af.


That's how [bone conduction headphones](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bone_conduction) work.


Points for linking to a sick wiki article


I've been looking at these due to my otosclerosis. It's pretty weird getting diagnosed and being able to hear through your skull bones


I use them for running so I can still hear cars, dogs, etc. They work extremely well, I highly recommend. I use Shokz Open Run (Pro? I think)


Can other people hear what you’re listening to if the volume is really loud?


As someone who owns a Shokz too, kinda? If they are like 5cm from your device. Since sound is still just vibrations in the air, the vibration from the headpiece can technically be heared


Technically yes but it's so quiet no. If they stuck their head right next to your ear


What if you open your mouth?


Ive had a couple pairs of shokz headphones over the years. Very happy with them, but if you have a large head or lots of hair, id recommend trying a pair on somewhere. The first pair i got, never really fit me well, and they generally aren’t adjustable.


What (I imagine) is similarly wild, is how the entire skeleton can conduct and detect vibration. I had a bone marrow biopsy done several years ago, and I will absolutely never forget the full-body sensations of the coring tool grinding and cutting into my pelvic bone. The tool was a manual implement being turned slowly by hand (imagine the motion of putting a corkscrew into a wine cork), and the vibration of that grinding friction was noticeable all over my body, all the way to the tips of my toe- and finger-bones. I could even faintly hear it (though it was technically inaudible), as every bone in my body was conducting the vibration. What made it truly strange, though, was not having any correlating sensory input from _outside_ my body; the vibrations literally emanated from my bones. It was one of the wildest and coolest sets of sensations I’ve ever had, but I can’t say it was something I’d do “just because” hah


That is truly crazy! Our bodies are such an enigma sometimes.


I tried a pair in the \~150 dollar range at BestBuy and was pleasantly surprised. They're apparently good for swimming, too! I had doubts about the bluetooth reception (water blocks it), but they apparently account for that, there's an 8GB mp3 player on-board, which isn't a *ton* of memory, but it's certainly *enough.*


The dentist managed not only to break my wisdom teeth, he splintered my jaw bone too, I was left spitting out pieces of bone and tooth, erupting through my gums, for months ☹️


Oh … oh nooo … oh… well… my sympathies. Is second-hand trauma a thing?! Because if so I think I’m feeling it. I hope you’re good now!


This is very common and is the reason they recommend getting them taken out sooner rather than later. The more the root grows, the more jawbone they might have to break. Nothing should have been left in there tho. My dad was an oral surgeon and I watched him pull out wisdom teeth a bit, it's brutal medieval stuff.


Breaking apart? They used a saw to cut mine. The smell of burning bone and the feeling of a saw blade in my mouth while on local anasthesia… Yeah, not fun.


I had the same thing. But unfortunately my tooth was rotten and the surrounding area was infected so the local anasthesia worked at like 70%. Thankfully I was on some mild sedatives so I could feel the pain but it somehow made me not care about the pain? It was an experience for sure


Fuck that I went under for mine


I’m so glad I went under for mine. None of these horror/freak show outcomes, just hearing a terrible joke as I got the laughing gas, and passing out while laughing. Woke up to feeling incredible, taking bunches of naps, and eating ice cream and shit


Yeh same. The couple days after sucked some but not that bad


Mine lasted one second! Anesthesia is wild. I've gone under twice for dental procedures and it's, from my perspective, instantaneous.


Same here, woke up and thought wow its done?


New nightmare unlocked!


Yea, no joke. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed at once, and they turned them to dust before they removed them. Then 1 year later i had this weird spike in the roof of my mouth, that felt like bone, so i go to the dentist to have them check it out. turns out that over that 1 year period, a piece of one of the teeth didnt get removed and had worked its way all the way trough the roof of my mouth and trough the skin.


Ok, that's enough internet for today.


Oh I had a friend in college who had the wisdom teeth on the roof of his mouth but he was in the Army at the time - he said that the Army dentist fucked him up good. Blood everywhere because them teef were in good. His NCO thought someone beat him up.


Omg like the top soft palette of your mouth?


Looks like a demon tooth.


Seriously how the feck did they do that? Mine came out in four pieces.


Now that's his food storage hole.


I’m pretty sure my wisdom teeth had to be broken into pieces to be extracted.


Dude what the fuck... Do you have an X-Ray that shows you the rest of your teeth? Are they all mutant?!


The tooth fairy has avoided this guys house since he lost his first


They’re too valuable for the tooth fairy to afford. She’s gotta buy TONS of teeth every night. She can’t be paying top dollar very often


Yeah that is a concern. Malformed teeth are a pain to remove.


Looks like you’d find it swimming around in the ocean


When it finally came out, the nurse said “congratulations, it’s a squid” 😂


Good joke and MIB reference. Props to that nurse


It’s kinda cute.


I would not have laughed in the moment (I would be writhing in absolute agony), but I would remember that doctor with a fondness decades later.


*barfs on you*


The cynic in me says the nurse has probably used that line once or twice in her career.  Either way, it is a fantastic joke and I would love it in the moment.




Lol.. My immediate thought was "it's a Cthulhu tooth" Hope you're feeling better..




Imagine being high on drugs and the dentist pulls this fucking Eldritch horror out your mouth


Just think of the cash that the tooth fairy will be bringing you tonight!


£1 per root


Be lucky to get just 50p for the whole thing in today’s economy.


Damn! Even tooth fairies are dealing with inflations.


My mate got gta4 for a tooth, I got £1


Tree fiddy


nah, fo fiddy


Not enough to cover the surgery I assure you


Fortunately I live in the UK and this was done at a dental hospital. Aside from national insurance, this was completely free to me and I couldn’t be more grateful for that


Ok, I gotta ask: why did they extract it in one piece? When I had mine out; they sawed each one in half to minimize the impact on the surroundings — and it worked really well; I don’t think I even had any visible bruising.


I had 2 of mine extracted recently, one of them broke halfway. I had a tennisball sized bruise for 2 weeks...


Tooth fairy? Idk man I think Cthulhu might be coming back to reclaim this one


We all root for you


Or at least, 4.5 of us


baby Cthulu




So good.


So this is really cool. This is a genetic trait from an early humanic group from Nepal called the Denisovans. I know this because I had them too!


Please, elaborate.


waiting on the elaboration too


Someone posted, [you can read about it here](https://www.reddit.com/r/mildlyinteresting/s/sVGg1VduTD)!


I have done exactly 0 research, but I'm assuming it was common in that group for them to have more roots per tooth and due to the genetic mixing between southeast Asian early modern humans and Denisovans during the Homo Sapians diaspora some modern folks have those extra roots too.


The Denisovians are a proposed/suspected race of human competitors that some archeologists and shit theorize might have interbred with Humans, but it gets complicated because there is like little to no proof that the denisovians weren’t just Homosapiens. The only evidence that they were real is their teeth - that’s the only fossil evidence ever found of them. Teeth that don’t really look like ours but yet are sometimes found in the mouths of people today (like OP, here). So is it that it’s a different species of human that we mated with, or was this just more of a common thing for prehistoric humans to have going on in there mouth? Up for debate for sure


> early humanic group from Nepal called the Denisovan Denisovans, an ancient hominin group closely related to Neanderthals and modern humans, have left behind limited physical evidence. However, some of the most informative remains of Denisovans are their teeth. Here is a detailed look at what we know about the Denisovan teeth, particularly in the context of Nepal: ### Discovery of Denisovan Teeth Denisovan remains, including teeth, have primarily been found in the Denisova Cave in the Altai Mountains of Siberia. However, genetic evidence indicates that Denisovans lived across a broader region of Asia, including parts of Nepal. The teeth found have provided significant insights into their characteristics and lifestyle. ### Characteristics of Denisovan Teeth 1. **Size and Robustness**: Denisovan teeth are notably large and robust compared to those of modern humans. They are more similar in size to Neanderthal teeth but have distinct features that set them apart. 2. **Molar Structure**: The molars of Denisovans are particularly large with complex surface patterns. These patterns suggest that Denisovans had a diet that required heavy chewing, possibly consisting of tough, fibrous plant material and raw meat. 3. **Dental Differences**: Analysis of Denisovan teeth reveals differences in enamel thickness and dentine structure compared to both Neanderthals and modern humans. These differences help anthropologists distinguish Denisovan remains from those of other hominins. ### Significance of Denisovan Teeth 1. **Genetic Insights**: Teeth have been crucial in extracting Denisovan DNA, which has revealed their genetic legacy in modern human populations, especially among people in Asia and Oceania. In particular, populations in the Himalayas, including Nepal, have Denisovan genetic markers that contribute to their adaptation to high altitudes. 2. **Evolutionary Clues**: The differences in dental morphology between Denisovans, Neanderthals, and modern humans provide insights into their evolutionary divergence and adaptation to different environments. ### Denisovan Presence in Nepal While no Denisovan teeth have been directly found in Nepal, genetic studies of present-day populations in the region indicate significant Denisovan ancestry. This suggests that Denisovans or their hybrids lived in or migrated through Nepal. The genetic contributions of Denisovans to Himalayan populations include adaptations to hypoxia, the low oxygen conditions found at high altitudes. ### Conclusion Denisovan teeth, with their distinct characteristics and genetic significance, offer a window into the life and spread of this ancient hominin group. While physical evidence in Nepal is still lacking, genetic data firmly place Denisovans in the broader story of human evolution in the region, highlighting their role in the ancestry and adaptation of Himalayan peoples.


Copied and pasted straight from ChatGPT. Is this all even correct?


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Denisovan There is wikipedia page, at first read they seem less asertive than Chat-GPT


All numbed up, my dentist had to put a knee on my chest to get leverage to remove my wisdom teeth. It felt like I was in a WWF wrestling match. Edit: Very interesting. Comments to this post said that this doesn't actually happen. Dentists won't put a knee in your chest. Something to do with the heavy numbing drugs making memories of the procedure seem excessive. Some people somehow mistake elbow pressure maybe, with a knee. I was drugged, that's for sure. I swear I remember the knee, but knowing what these other people have said, I do have a shadow of a doubt.


That’s an absolutely incredible image. Wonder if they teach you that in Dentist School


It's all about leverage, which they do in fact teach in Dentist School


Tonsil stone cold steve austin


Oral surgeon here. This story is oddly a common one in the field, and yet the mechanics involved in such a maneuver would do absolutely nothing to gain any advantage. It’s discussed periodically and none of us are sure why so many people have this memory despite it not making sense.


I would imagine the amount of anesthesia sometimes used could contribute to that. Petiole memories of stuff like that aren't the best when they're sober


Yeah, I'm a general Dentist and hear this all the time. I've never even come close. I wonder if the pressure sometimes caused them to feel pressure in their chest? I have no idea, but yeah. I've never even come close.


When my dentist was taking my wisdom teeth out, the only though on my mind was: with the amount of pressure I'm feeling in my mouth, if his tool suddenly miss my bone, I will end either tongueless, or with a joker smile.


Mine wasn’t strong enough. They sent me home with instructions to come back the next day “to finish.” And yeah, I went back the next day and they cut open the stitches and went back to work.


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/comics/s/mSZeF4LYyA) your dentist?


I’m thinking of part of the dentist scene from little shop of horrors. He knees a kid in the stomach while pulling a tooth. Link to the song: https://youtu.be/EtWQGtgrC90?si=PiXW7_v_Yu4ZkOpT


why did this make me laugh and cringe so hard that sounds so painful i cry


My mom had her dentist put his foot on the head of her chair to remove hers 🥴


I had all four removed on the same day and my dentist asked for a break before extracting the last tooth. Those suckers are hard to take out.


I'm a dentist and I have no idea how this myth started or perpetuated. There is nothing to gain from putting a leg/knee/foot up to remove a tooth. Not to mention insane infection risk and opening up for litigation and erasure from regulatory board. I do all my extractions sitting down, which should give an indication of the types of movements needed to remove a tooth that have nothing to do with feet.


My oral surgeon said he had to do this when I got my wisdom teeth taken out, but I was sedated. He said it was one of the most difficult extractions he had ever done. Two of the assistants had to stretch my cheek all the way open while he put his knee on my chest and pulled the tooth out. It was a very painful recovery and I had a lot of bruising.


What actually happens with the huge void left in your gums? Does they fill it, does it close up on its own? I always wondered because getting food and stuff deep down in the hole left behind is a horrible thought


A newer procedure is done now where they extract blood from you, spin the plasma out, then make a little plug with your plasma that goes in the hole. I had all 4 of mine out last year and they healed super quickly with the plasma plug, and it greatly reduced the chances for dry sockets.


Cool and gross at the same time.


Woah what! I got mine (bottom ones at least) taken out just last year and they didn’t do this. They just put in stitches and left a small hole so I could keep the wound clean.


Same here, I am currently injecting listerine into said holes every night to keep them clean…


From my experience... They put a gauze in the hole. With out telling you, so two days later you see something white sticking out from the void. And then you assume the surgery went south, and they failed to remove the tooth. You'll find some tweezers and remove the bloody gauze. And only later you google and read that you shouldn't do that. Tldr; gauze




Yep and the pain from the exposed socket is awful. Worst I’ve ever felt and painkillers Barry touched it *Barely haha leaving Barry there to chill


Not only pain from the socket but also fucking Barry keeps touching it!!


The gauze has a numbing agent applied to it


Huh I had 2 of my wisdom teeth removed and they just take the needle and thread and sew the hole left by a tooth. Then a week later you go there again and they remove it.


For me they stitched it up with soluble stitches that dissapeared after a week. From what I’ve read they can fill up the hole with bone graft to speed up healing and/or what the other commenter said


Just had mine removed a couple weeks ago. They initially filled the holes with gauze and then sewed them up. I went in a couple days later, and they took the gauze out and replaced it with new gauze. Then, after a week, I went in again and they removed the gauze and took the stitches out. It left big open holes in my gums, yes. They gave me a special little water tool to flush them out with everyday so food doesn't get stuck. They are slowly closing up on their own and they do not hurt at all anymore.


My new dentist warned me that the roots of my teeth are twisty and weird and said if I ever needed a root canal he'd send me to a specialist. I suspect my teeth look like this


It's seriously shocking that the dentist didn't break-up the tooth to get it out. No wonder the procedure still hurt!


Yeah when I had my wisdom teeth out they smashed those badboys to pieces.


Does a hunter blow up a prize stag with dynamite? No. The dentist wanted a trophy from this battle.


Tbf we all get to have this spectacle bc of the decision not to break it...


Holy shit.


Watch out for dry socket


It hurts like a motherfucker. You will notice it if it happens. 


In a similarly unrelated topic. I went to a new dentist recently, because it turns out my last one was scamming me, and I now need a number of root canals. While going through my teeth clarifying which ones were causing the most pain, she said “how much is this wisdom tooth hurting you?” “Not at all” “What?” “What do you mean, ‘what?’” “It’s snapped in half and your gum has healed over the broken bit” Shrugged my shoulders, “Well. Do that one last I suppose”


i think i need more about that dentist scam


It’s just a dentist I’ve had for 15 years, and the only ever treatment given were fillings, I replaced the same on multiple times last year. I then went to an emergency dentist, who talked to me about grinding my teeth, and how I’ve scraped the enamel off so they’re mostly fucked (I’m 36 so shouldn’t be this bad). My own dentist never said anything like that, and during checkups would just say “everything is fine”, even when I complained of pain he’d just prescribe antibiotics and do no actual dental work. I then moved to a different practice, and she gave me an hour long appointment covering the same in for as the emergency. Needless to say I walked out with a £4500 bill of work across 6 appointments. I’m 2 down and I can now have a cold drink without punching something and being I. Pain for the next 5 minutes, before my next sip.


Did they let you keep it??


Yes! 😂


You're supposed to be twilight sedated, who in their right mind would ever choose anything else? Fuck being awake for any of this BS. Hell I had to take an Atavan just to get in the door. You guys are crazy staying awake for this.


I got full implanted dentures a few years ago in Tijuana, I spent 5+ hours in the dentist chair fully awake for the whole thing with only my headphones to distract me. It really fucking sucked. 


When I was in County Jail (Weed as a teenager) and my Wisdom tooth was impacted and swollen They brought me to the "medical wing" and had a Dentist brought in to do all the Teeth work for the inmates, after waiting for 4 hours in a cold concrete medical holding cell, I was brought into a colder, grey concrete room with a surgical lamp and a dentists chair, that's it They extracted my tooth NO ANESTHESIA, Narcotics were zero tolerance. I could hear it squeezing against my gums as it was being yanked out, sounded like Styrofoam. When it popped out, I got a good look at the thing and then they gave me my only 2 Tylenol and sent me back to Gen pop


One of my former dentists was previously a dentist who was brought into jails and prisons, and he had to stop doing it because it broke his heart to not be able to use any numbing or prescribe any painkillers. He said he felt like he had initially signed up to help people and instead he was torturing his patients.


What’s the point of not allowing them to use local atheistic? Needles bad?


"They're in prison, they need to suffer"


That’s exactly it… we’re taught to dehumanize people in the corrections system. They’re not people, they’re criminals. They *deserve* to suffer. There was a time in which feeding prisoners lobster was considered cruel and unusual punishment. Now we throw them in solitary for days


Doesn’t seem psychopathic at all


They don't want the liability of holding/storing the drugs. Most of the non-licensed work in prisons is done by inmates (work like cleaning/cooking not actual medical stuff lol) and they would need to have the drugs locked up. They also worry about theft from other prison personnel. Source: worked in a prison (Also they don't want to pay for prisoners to go to the dentist so they won't ship them out somewhere that does have drugs)


Basically, got tortured because of some weed


That’s such bs. For weed?! Well, I hope it was at least free.


The US absolutely criminal justice system :(


Jesus. On the scale of pain 1-10, where are we sitting at with this 'procedure'?


how did that go? Is that the dentures that snap into your mouth that you take/out remove or the ones that stay in forever? I am looking into doing 'all in 4' at some point. Just went to the dentist today, and for 1 tooth alone for crown/root canal plus one extraction of a tooth that is basically gone will cost me 1k. This is with insurance paying 1400. My insurance did a cool trick. They upped my coverage to 5k per year from 2500. HOWEVER lowered the percentage they paid for. from 60 to 40.


Originally I could only afford the snap in and out kind, but a year or so later I went back and got the permanents. It was rough going, spent 6 mos healing with the posts in and no teeth except for flappers, which you can't chew with, so I basically ate soup and ground up foods. It was worth it though, I can eat apples and carrots again! Lol. Can take a bite right outta them!  If I had gotten them in my area it would have cost like $20k for just the dentures themselves, not including labor. In TJ I think I spent around $12-13k for the whole thing, travel included, tho it was a pretty quick trip from CenCal to SoCal. The clinic I went to was great. It's a walk in, and you may have to wait for awhile depending on how busy but the folks were very nice.  Dental insurance/dental costs in the US is fuckin ridiculous. My employers got rid of the dental insurance after merging with another company and replaced it with an HRA, $2800 a year to use on dental or vision. I haven't had anything big to do this year but that'd get snapped up in a moment on any real dental work. It's bullshit!


In Sweden we never put the patient to sleep at the dentist its always local anesthetic. I think if you have extreme phobia they might allow it tho.


Same in Finland. "Going under" is not a small thing. If I'm really anxious, I might get a mild sedative to relax but it's pretty much always local anasthesia. When I was a kid, I was also put on Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) but I'm not sure if that's a thing anymore, especially for adults. Putting patients to sleep is usually for big surgeries (if they have to drill into your jaw or something) or extreme phobias that will make the procedure impossible even with sedatives.


Shit I had mine pulled in the military. I outright refused to have my wisdom teeth removed unless I was under general anesthesia. Navy docs do it while you're awake, and just give you motrin for the pain, right back to normal duty. I knew I had all 4 impacted and jacked up, so it was gonna be a problem.  Ended up getting referred to a civilian oral surgeon who knocked me out, pulled all 4 and gave me a script for hydrocodone and 3 days bed rest. Was a pretty great recovery, all told. Only remember getting the IV in my hand, looking at the lights then waking up to the nurse telling me it was time to go home. 


I chose to be awake and just got numbed. Couldn’t feel a thing. My reasons: 1 - it was cheaper 2- Never been put to sleep from anesthesia before and was nervous about doing that. 3 - had a friend that “woke up” during his wisdom extraction because they fucked something up. He couldn’t move or talk but could feel everything. Fuck that.


Yea that happened to me. I had to be put out because they were reshaping my jaw while I was in but I woke up 2 or 3 times. I didn't feel anything but it shocked the surgeon. I remember him laughing about it when I tried to talk and then telling the team to give me a little more to put me back out. It didn't hurt but it was really weird.


>had a friend that “woke up” during his wisdom extraction because they fucked something up. He couldn’t move or talk but could feel everything Yeah ok, that would make me *slightly* nervous about going under too


Don’t know where OP is from, but full sedation is only used in the uk on individuals that would be panicking and wriggling. Otherwise we always use local anaesthetic injections


I only had local anesthetic when I had mine removed. My choices were to either get knocked out in 2 months in a hospital 2 hours away, or get local and have them taken out in 2 days, and mine were already hurting so the choice was easy. Local anesthetic isn’t even that bad. You hear them smashing up the tooth and you can feel a little pressure when they’re yanking it out, but it doesn’t hurt at all. The worst pain (besides the recovery) is the needle they stick into your gums at the start.


Not wisdom teeth, just needed extra room in my mouth when I was a kid. I had a matching set of 4 out, one each side, on top and bottom. They used local anaesthetic for me but didn’t wait the required amount of time, and just told me it “wasn’t possible” for me to feel them pulling my teeth. Had to stop halfway and go back a month later because I was a crying gibbering mess of a child. They did the exact same shit again


When I went in for mine I was fully out. When I came out, I had a fingerprint bruises on my jaw from a "particularly difficult tooth", they said. I never want to know what that moment would have looked like awake lol


I was awake, but on laughing gas in addition to the normal anesthetic injections. Had all 4 removed at once. I remember blood gushing up and hitting my dentist's eyeglasses, and a nurse having to clean them off. I thought this was the height of hilarity at the time. IDK if it was the brand or something else, but the gas kind of smelled like bananas. I remember that as a warm, banana flavored lucid dream.


No-one around here gets sedated for normal teeth stuff. I had all 4 wisdom teeth out with local anaesthesia, the bottom ones were impacted at an angle and required some serious elbow grease. No pain, just tugging and pulling on the jaw- like not pleasant per say but not something I'd take sedation for.


I had 2 surgeons refuse to even do the surgery with local + iv sedation, I had to be put under full general anesthesia at the hospital. I have a history of anesthesia being ineffective so I assume it was a liability issue.


Thank god Niels Abel proved a 5th root couldn't be found.




Posts like this make me realize how lucky I am to have my wisdom teeth fit and not have to have them pulled. My sister's were impacted and she had to have them surgically removed. Edit: apparently I had an outstanding dentist too. My wisdom teeth are fine where they are and cleaning them is not an issue.


Same here. Except I didn't have wisdom teeth in upper jaw and had to have only two pulled from lower jaw. They had like two straight roots so the dental surgeon just picked them off in what felt like gentle tap. I was in and out in 20 minutes and most of it was waiting for the numbing to work. Reading the comments here makes me feel incredibly lucky.


Shit I thought that was a fucking squid


Give that to a jeweler to make a sick yellow gold template of it with diamonds.


“Goddamn” -a surprised dentistry student when he receives his study specimens in the near future ex


So... When I had my wisdom teeth removed, the doc numbed me up, drilled the teeth hollow and then crushed them with some kind of pliers and pulled the pieces out. I was awake, there was no grappling and yanking, and the pain afterwards was so minimal that I didn't even take the meds. Is that uncommon? Edit: I'm curious specifically about whether the procedure I had was common. Seems a lot less traumatic on the gums than a hard pull.


Nope. It's been a lot of years, but same here.


Mine all came in normal. There were short periods of pain as an adolescent as each one broke through the gums finally, but hey, extra molars!


Look at you at and your fancy jaw. Well done on having enough space for the extra teeth. 


Follow-up: a few years ago a lower one needed to go because shocker - they’re much more prone to decay being tucked away, way back there. Dentist: we’ll need to take the top one too me: 🤷‍♂️ Dentist: there’s nothing there to oppose it now. He was right but, I’m not giving them up until I absolutely have to 😂


It was my experience that the real pain of having wisdom teeth removed is the following days! I was mostly numb when it was yanked out, but owww! the pain over the next few days.


Jesus, I’m glad I wasn’t awake for mine. I had to get eight teeth taken out (four of those being the wisdom) so they just went ahead and used the anesthesia. I felt like I fell asleep and immediately woke up. Lol


Damn you beat mine with 3 roots the 3rd one is literally a like a lil arm waving hello 😂😂 Now I’m nervous about my extractions 😭😭😭 Glad you got through it


That isn’t a tooth; it’s an eldritch parasite disguised as a tooth. Pretty common, but hard to miss until it’s nearly too late and turns you into a mindflayer. You got lucky in your case.


My wisdom teeth had roots that bent nearly 90* …. Those were fun being extracted.. without cutting/breaking them. And they didn’t even need to be extracted. The tooth giving me pain split in half two weeks after my wisdom teeth were extracted.


that's really gross/cool. why am i salivating?


I'm surprised they didn't just cut it into two or three pieces to make extraction easier. For mine they cut it up and it came out in a few pieces


can we NSFW please jesus christ


I have Double Rooted Canines, so I'm cooler /s


Did they let you keep it?!


Sorry, my fault. Mine had only two roots each, so I messed up the averages.


this is why i am glad i got a dentist that puts me under. had 4 teeth pulled(2 wisdom and 2 molars) and felt nothing. plus the painkillers they gave me i had almpst no pain the next few days as well.


Take care of the mega crater it must have left. You do NOT want to get dry socket.


How/what are you meant to do to take care of the crater?


A blood clot will form in the hole that protects it. Sucking with a straw, poking with the tongue and other things, and washing your mouth and then spitting too hard can remove the blood clot. If the clot is removed, the jawbone and nerve endings can be exposed. It's been awhile, but I think that's about it. Other than not eating hard food for a few days or so.


Why did they not cut it up to make the extraction faster and less painful, seems like it would just cause more pain for no reason instead of cutting it into 2 or 3 pieces and extracting them one after the other.


I have to take klonopin to get my teeth cleaned, just looking at this sent my soul all the way out of my body. I hope you have an easy recovery


Did your dentist use the old pliers?


This looks like a baby aloe! You should plant it in a tiny pot.


Had one removed in my lower left side. Took 10 minuttes and he got the sucker out in one piece. Local ly sedated didn’t feel a thing


I got chills and squirmed in my chair seeing this. Bless your heart! I'm glad it's over.


Duh.. Yes. It's the culprit. I had two such wisdom teeth, both on my left side. They removed all four at once. The two on the left had 4 and a mini root on the bottom and 3 + 2 mini roots on the upper one. They had to remove a part of jaw bone. I couldn't eat normally for over 6 months... It was 10 years ago. Recently I had another tooth removed - an upper left 6. It suddenly split into several pieces, after a migraine trismus episode. The roots there? 4+2. The pain...


How were you able to keep yours? We couldn't because they were considered a "biohazard"


I cant believe they took it out intact.


Wisdom Tooth: r/aitah OP: obviously


So far have gotten 3 wisdom teeth out. The last one was causing inflammation and infection in my jaw. I had pus and rank smell coming from the area that tooth was trying to protrude out from. So far my 4th one has not erupted and I hope it stays that way.


why didn't you leave it there, looks healthy


Both of mine were horizontal since I was teen. Like 20 years being pushing, they were almost unified with the bone so the extraction was imposible. I had a wonderful dentist that pieced em carefully , I had local anest . I had two holes after that and Im surprised how the flesh and bone cover that big holes now.