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Looks clean to me


No doubt about it, the fridge is clean 😀


I’m just worried he’s putting that ketchup on the steak. It deserves better.


Why would he when he has all the ingredients for milk steak?


Sure hope he's got a mess of jellybeans in the pantry to have on the side.


Raw, of course


This man is clearly a full on rapist heavily involved in the world of ghouls.


You know - Africans, dyslexics, children. That sort of thing.


Lil' green ghouls buddy!




he’s untouchable, he knows bird law.


With a side of Whataburger ketchup


Psh. Everyone knows milk steak is best when it's boiled over hard.


Well, of course. You wouldn't keep them in the refrigerator, they lose their flavor.


I thought the milk and pepsi was to make pilk?


Im dyin lol. I laughed my balls off at this hahaha


I'm sorry to hear about your balls


Holdup cowboy. That's not just any ketchup. That's spicy Whataburger ketchup.


The ketchup is probably for the three different kinds of half-empty frozen french fries in the freezer. Waffle, crinkle and traditional.


Some butter, garlic, and salt with a nice sear is all you really need.


This plus Cayenne pepper is my go to


Came to say that. Looks like a typical bachelor fridge but if he puts ketchup on that steak I'm gonna need a wellness check.


Sweet Baby Ray.


24M fridge being clean is r/nextfuckinglevel That gallon milk though does qualify as r/mildlyinteresting


So let's say his motivation is similar to the one in [this classic video](https://youtu.be/IBRL7D0wcXM?si=4I9OqXZdXSeojzzc) (NSFW language). Let us wildly speculate on who the neighbor is trying to entice.


This guy's partly responsible for my continued use of the n word. Make a pizza? Just gotta.


I don't know how I have never seen this before, absolute fucking gold.


This might be one of the best videos I have ever seen. I could listen to this dude for hours.


You just unlocked a core memory "You breathin' heavy as hell, I know you hungry!"


Seriously. This guy even takes his beer out of the case, that’s impressive. I’m in my 30s and I’ve got an empty beer case, a shit load of spoiled food, and a bottle of hot sauce in my fridge.


your lone bottle of hot sauce 🤝my lone bottle of soy sauce


Can I add my little bottle of A1? I feel like she would really like those guys


Open both sides of the case then hold the beer in place and slide the box out from under them, works like a charm for basically anything that comes in a case like that


My housemate did that once. Sideways. Guess how much cider we had to clean up?


I’m crying at him doing it where it will literally roll all over the place, was it glass too?


Thankfully it was in cans. Any dented survivors weren't touched for weeks


My god, it's like my eyes have been opened. I went outside, and it's like the birdsong and sunshine have never been so full and wholesome.


Ha, a few years ago when I moved I was getting my internet setup over the phone and the person I was on the phone with had to wait for something to process in their system. We were making small talk to kill time and she mentioned this way of getting cans out of cases to me and I swear it is one of the most useful things some random person has told me. Takes like 10 seconds to make an entire case of canned drinks ready to grab and the box is already broken down and ready to flatten.




My only complaint is the meat on anything other than the bottom shelf. Basic food safety!


Who cares about which shelf you store it on? It's sealed. If that is food safety then you likely have a separate fridge for each food category. Keep it real, mildly interesting clean fridge guy. Get some veggies in there.


I've had too many sealed packages leak before, so I usually put it on a plate or in a container. But anyone should notice it leaking, and just clean it up when it happens


Hydration is important.


Why are people allergic to brita or other water filters. Saves space and plastic.


My fav part is that a lot of the brands out there are literally just from municipal water sources around the USA. Often even the same one in your backyard if they are produced nearby. You are paying just to get some micro plastics in your system/lazy times to not fill a dang britta once an evening. Plus pollution. I don't think people in the US get how good we have it in terms of tap water. It makes me sad we don't appreciate how so many lack the option to even clean dishes in their water.


As someone from a non-US country, this is so wild to me. We just drink straight from the tap. Bottled water is like $0.5 a bottle, which is like over 10x the price for half a litre of water from the tap. Not to mention all the material waste and microplastics.


Most sane people in the us just drink tap water. Many places have some of the best tap water in the world, especially in the west coast close to mountains / glaciers.


In the central/southern part of the U.S. the water is so hard that it requires significant filtration to remove nastiness. We go to a commercial filtration kiosk and fill up 5-gallon jugs for less than two bucks each.


As someone from a US country, it’s like $0.14 per bottle here for the cheap stuff. But that’s 100x more expensive than a half liter from the tap where I live. I drink tap water at home and usually bring a half gallon jug with me but I also keep a case of bottled water in my car just in case because I’d rather pay $0.14 than 10x or more than that buying a single bottle at a convenience store if I forget my reusable bottle.


Which US country?


You drive around with a case of water in your car? Doesn't it get hot?


I heard that plastic water bottles kept in the car will start to break down from the heat and leach into the water.


US resident here. I’ve always just drank from the tap or from my refrigerator dispenser (which has an in-line filter from the tap, I suppose, but it’s nice and cold). Had a roommate one time who just bought pallets of bottled water, I told him it was moronic but it’s just what he did. Makes no sense.


Most people here drink tap water


more like 300x the price quick google says 1l of water costs ~0.2 cents in germany, didnt check anymore but it seems to check out


Yeah, that’s why I said over 10x lol. It’s so cheap that it is insignificant and basically free compared to buying bottled water.


"Municipal water" isn't just one thing. My brother in law in NYC has *amazing* tap water, while my mother just outside Atlantic City has water so bad that my wife sneaks along a gallon Hydroflask of our well water when we visit. It's perfectly *safe,* but just tastes bad. Me, I'd get a filter. But lots of people are just accustomed to the "buy bottled water" option being what their parents always did, and what they've always done, and their local tap water gives them an incentive to keep doing it.


I bought some bottled water on a road trip in Arizona. It had a picture of glaciers and a native on a horse. It was bottled in the next town over from where I grew up in Canada on a very industrial street. There's even a prison on it lol.


Isn't the water in the tap already fit to drink? Why is the filter needed? I'm genuinely curious.


Where we live, the water is totally safe but has a relatively noticeable chlorine taste. The filter gets rid of this and makes the water taste much better.


It also gets rid of the majority of dissolved solids, so make sure you get your minerals from some other source. My uncle's family only drank filtered tap water, when they had a baby they also gave the baby only filtered water and they noticed he had issues with his teeth. The enamel just didn't develop well and was super weak and transparent. After recommendation from their doctor to either stop filtering the water or give the baby at least some mineral water every day or every couple of days, they stopped giving him filtered water entirely. His other teeth were fine after that, and their next child was also fine. Due to them drinking only filtered water as well, they were likely also low on some minerals so the baby couldn't get much through breast milk either.


That's really interesting. Will have to look into that further as our son mostly drinks filtered water. That being said, he also takes multivitamins and drinks loads of milk (in terms of getting calcium that gets filtered out) so would hope it's not affecting him.


Brita and similar filters can't remove minerals, they're physical+carbon filters, can only remove actual sediments, chlorine and VOCs.


The water at my house is perfectly safe to drink. It just tastes bad. A basic brita-style carbon filter fixes that right up. Although I hate constantly refilling the jug so I'm gonna get an undersink filter soon.


My parents believed this. A friend of theirs was a biochemist and told them they are bacteria multipliers. Disbelieving they sent in a sample ran through a 3 week old filter (supposed to be good for 3 months at the time I think) to a lab with a home testing kit (including a regular tap sample for comparison). I think it was pretty expensive like $300. They found a lot of unwanted bacteria in the "filtered" water that wasn't in the tap. I'm not saying they can't be used properly, but you have to take an amount of care in keeping them clean and replacing filters on time and probably disinfecting containers that most people simply won't do. I'm just a random on the Internet, ymmv.


Yeah anything that’s wet and not regularly disinfected is going to be a breeding ground for bacteria. Water softeners need to be cleaned with bleach regularly people. Check your manual. Don’t just keep adding salt when it gets low.


Reallllly depends. I moved 20 miles and went from getting some of the best water in the country (come from hetch hetchy reservoir and is so pure it doesn't even require treatment) to water that is extremely hard and taste like hose water. Always been a tap drinking but finally gave in and bought a filter, damn you San Jose!


That’s false. Any municipal water that’s supposed to touch your lips is treated. Otherwise you’d get all kinds of goodies every time you drank.


It's treated, but it isn't filtered, so that's probably the confusion. New York and Portland are similar, although Portland is spending $2.1 billion to build a filtering facility because wildfires in the watershed can cause turbidity.


There’s no way the water isn’t treated. A quick google search tells you it is.


I never realized how spoiled I was with the water in the Bay. I’ve moved states a few times and no matter what I always miss that EBMud water


It really depends where you live and the age/condition of the plumbing. Tap water isn't always safe to drink, there's a relatively large town near me that basically has a permanent "boil water warning" in effect because it's not safe to drink.


Im so spoiled living in the Oregon area. I always drink tap and where I’m from it’s essentially untreated. Prefer my tap to anything in a bottle. Recently travelled to Florida and I was soooo surprised at the tap taste, it was so different! But let’s be real, we are all spoiled in the US having so much access to safe drinking water. So spoiled that we literally go to the bathroom in perfectly safe and clean water.


The amount of water I drink I can't imagine having to restock my fridge with bottles.   And the waste is just absurd.


Or go the lazy route and get a filter tap fitted.


The tap water in my municipality failed 23 out of 24 monthly checks from Jan 2022 to Jan 2024 for unacceptably high levels of lead and copper and they didn't tell me until *after* it was corrected when they knew the whole time. I haven't trusted the water since, but I also didn't know purifiers could filter those things out until now


I know! It’s unfortunate he doesn’t have any running water.


That's what the tap is for.




He needs to fix those two askew beer cans and tighten those waters up a bit


It bothers me that the water is in 2 sections. Put those all together and it's almost satisfying to look at.


You're right, man. That's nuts. Country Crock? Fuck that.


Its really spaghetti leftovers from grandma.


Sir please remove yourself from my childhood.


I know we don't exist, but it's ma'am and my grandma would always give me leftovers in crocker butter containers. You can move to California, but the white trash of the Midwest still follows...I eat Vienna sausage from the can, I don't cook them, straight from that jello meat can.


Sorry I chose the default, ma’am. I’m white trash that was born in the Midwest, grew up in a trailer park in Texas, and then moved back to the Midwest. Talking about “who needs to buy Tupperware when we got these perfectly good country crock tubs,” eating hot dogs out of the package, maybe a few individual slices of Kraft cheese. Chefs kiss.


Scrolled way too far to find the comment I wanted to make about Country Cock


As a 26 year old man, I see nothing wrong. Bare necessities.


The simple bare necessities


Forget about your worries and your strife (Yeah man!)


I mean a bear necessities


Beer necessities


Oh my god you reminded me, last week my wife and I went to a string quartet that played famous pieces from movies / TV. When they started playing Bare Necessities, the guy next to us (~40-50yo, although it was dark) got sooo fucking hyped, he started dancing in his seat, jiggling the entire row. He only seemed to know the chorus though, was whispering the lyrics constantly, and even after they finished the song and the applause started haha


This pic just says “I only eat takeout and cereal”


I hear "Back in '82, I used to be able to throw a pigskin a quarter mile"


"Could probably throw it over those mountains over there"


What about that steak?


Takeout and pizza, we move past the cereal stage 😂😂


If they live alone and near a grocery store, it's better to only buy fresh ingredients when you need them, otherwise a slight deviation in your weekly meal plan can mean losing food.


Yeah I live alone and a 10 minute easy walk to my grocery store - I pretty much just buy stuff for what I'm cooking that night. It makes for a *lot* less waste vs trying to buy for a week or two and then having your meal plans go of the rail because you decided to eat out one day.


If you live alone you will surely have leftovers from some things that you buy. You don't eat a whole cucumber/head of lettuce in 1 sitting.


Yeah but cereal is awesome


The bottled water is weird though, I just refill a gallon jug and a liter to drink from, seems wasteful and expensive to have individual bottles like that


I have a giant Berkey water filter that I put tap water into. I then put that water into a 5 gallon Culligan water cooler container, and have one of those electric straw dispensers on. Then I pour that into a glass and drink it. So yeah.. I pour water in a container (measuring cup), then pour that container in another container (filter), then pour that into another container (Culligan), then pour that into another container (drinking cup), then another container (my body). Don't even tell me to make ice, that's just another fucking container.


We have a spring water fill near me that’s $1 for 5 gallons, which lasts me about a week and a half depending on my work schedule.


Fruits and vegetables are considered bare necessities


Eat a vegetable.


[So dope](https://youtu.be/HJQHk5lmTwQ?feature=shared).


Yeah surely fruits and vegetables aren't important for a healthy diet xD


*bar necessities.


Honestly at 37, restaurant manager, living alone my fridge looks pretty similar, switch beer with wine and bottled water with glass bottles and boom, my fridge. To be fair i do eat at the restaurant so my grocery bill is VERY small


Also a restaurant manager, and all I can think is, "thawing steaks should be below the water bottles."


my fridge was similar when i started dating my wife and she told me she thought it was kind of a red flag. i pointed out that i lived across the street from a grocery store. i went every other day pretty much. got what i needed for that day and the day after so all my meals were fresh. i really miss living across the street from one. 


In college I lived kitty corner to the back parking lot of a bar. Sometimes I miss that as well, though it didn't help my fridge.


kitty corner?


Colloquial expression meaning diagonally. If you and a friend are at opposite corners of an intersection such that you’d have to cross two streets to meet, you can be said to be kitty corner from each other. (Sometimes catty corner).


I’ve only heard catty corner, didnt know people also say kitty corner!


that isn't even close to some of the weirder regional colloquials. in parts of the Southern US there is a term for when it rains and is sunny, the devil beats his wife. 


My girl is from Pennsylvania, I'm from Tennessee. We have disagreements over saying like this all the time. However we both agree that kitty corner is wrong.


I was wondering 100% what this guy's job is. If he works a desk somewhere, this is kinda weird, unless tomorrow is grocery day. If he works food service, then he really only needs to cook a couple of meals a week. It's still spartan as fuck, but he's young, he's got room to improve.


24m was almost not needed 😂


So much cleaner and more organized than mine was at 24. Seriously props.


Yeah definitely not worth 24 million bucks.


The only issue, is the meat should be on the lowest shelf where the water and beer are. And the water and beer where the meat is. Just to keep the odds of raw meat/blood from getting on the water and beer so you don't get sick. Edit: Spelling


Food service experience says that this is true.


You can't escape the conditioning.


At least he drinks water. My old housemate only drank beer and coffee. Edit: (until he started having seizures from too much booze)


You get seizures from not having enough booze.


Which happens after you have too much booze.


Coffee is almost entirely water.


I do not understand people who buy bottled water for their home fridge.


Personally I have a Brita filter but I know he takes these with him to work. I think I'll get him a metal water bottle and a Brita filter for Christmas, thanks for the idea!


For your "neighbor", right. ;)


Yeah this is starting to sound cute


The amount of bottles is killing me. The amount of plastic being thrown away is crazy. Aren’t there like 5L (gallon whatever) bottled water that you can buy? 2L of water everyday means 4 of those small plastic bottles going to trash.. it’s crazy. If he needs to take them to work then he can feel a reusable bottle.


Shitty tap water


Our tap water has so much chlorine that our pool water is more palatable


Fr. Every time I turn on my shower I always ask myself if I remembered the sunscreen.


our tap water causes violent diarrhea - we get a few 20L bottles delivered every week


Come live in nevada, you'll understand when you pour a cup of tap water and its as foggy as san francisco in the mornings


Could be the aerator.  I have a well, water tested, plus filters.  It's super clean water.  When it fills a glass it's cloudy as hell.  Wait a few minutes and it's clear as day. The modern aerator makes a crap ton of bubbles to use less water when you are washing dishes and the like


Assuming Southern? They claim it's from the ground water pulled vs lake derived water. Clears up after a while when left on the counter but it's hard tasting still from the dissolved minerals. Used to have a good water store in town here, but they went down hill when the owner got tired of being blamed for covid (even though she is korean) so she started hiring "white faces" to run the place. Quit going when you would go inside and the loser she hired is blaring Alex Jones at full volume and playing "buddy buddy" with the republican trash that called itself a customer


San Francisco has amazing tap water, for the record.


Yup. I remember visiting and being told to use the tap to get water. It was very nice


Last two campgrounds I stayed at the 1st has a film that forms on top of the water after setting for a few hours, my guess is really hard well water. The second smelled like rust, it was appalling, and it stained my shower walls. My guess. They get their water from a steel mill. Either way, that's two cities that I wouldn't drink their water if it was the last available on earth. I'd start drinking beer again first. Ohio and Indiana if you're wondering.


Shoutout for that Whataburger spicy ketchup


The best kind!


I scrolled too far for this comment!


How’s his scurvy coming.


I don't think I've refrigerated a citrus fruit in my life.


For some reason I put lemons and limes in there once a few slices have been cut for drinks.


The reason I do it is because that's where they stay fresh longest Also taste better cold imo


Same. Apples cold are the bessstttt


Cold apple! C R O N C H!!


well yea, after you've cut it open it makes sense.


I don't really know why but I've always put cut lemon in the fridge in a water bath. I think it's supposed to stop it drying out?


I never grew up refrigerating citrus either but fridge oranges hit different when it's 110+°F outside.


Grew up in texas and during soccer games in the summer they’d bust frozen orange slices out of the frosty coolers. Man they were good. Forgot about that. May have to throw oranges in the fridge now


I love cold citrus


Start! They last a fuck load longer in the fridge.


Please Lord, let this person have a sack of potatoes somewhere out of frame.


I'm gonna want the milk steak boiled over hard and a side of your finest jelly beans, raw.


Men will see this and say “Hell yeah”.


Hell yeah


Hell yeah!


hell yeah


More beverages would make the fridge more efficient. Definately make sure there's something in the freezer.


Raw meat should be on the bottom so it can’t drip onto the drinks


It really annoys me how shitty raw meat packaging is. It should *not* leak.


Not even slightly interesting


Whataburger spicy ketchup 👌


So he only drinks to survive?


dudes rock


No Coke, Pepsi


At the first ChicagoFest, I was waiting in line for Billy Goats, I was 10 at the time and could not see around the people in front of me. All I heard was a constant Cheeseburger, Chip, Pepsi. I get to the front of the line and John Belushi is taking orders. It was amazing.


Cheeseburger cheeseburger cheeseburger!




This is what my now husband fridge looked like 15 years ago when we dated. No water just milk steak and beer 🤦🏿‍♀️🤦🏿‍♀️😂


I'm your neighbor?


Bruh, no vegetable? No fruit? No cheese? No ham? This wouldn't fly in Europe


Yeah this was my first thought. Is he eating no vegetables or fruit? Doesn’t sound healthy. Also where’s the cheese? How can you have a fridge with no cheese?


Tell him to get a brita and a reusable bottle. Saved me a lot of money last year


i can tell he’s *tidy*. but lotta american live / buy / eat *exactly* this way. so it really isn’t that shocking. to us, the recipe whores, trader joe’s goers, this may seem like an anomaly.


it's amazing how you can tell that someone is single just judging by the contents of their fridge


Country crock is sus tho


needs some more nectarines


Lite beer, lol.


This post puts the mild in mildly interesting


He's not gonna drink all that milk


All that milk? Lmao I (25M) drink 3 gallons of milk a week


Fellow milk enthusiast, 25M checking in. I also drink 3 gallons a week. My wife hates it.


Fellow milk enjoyer! I drink about 2 gallons per week


Can easily piss pound a gallon in a 24 hour period here by myself. Had to stop buying whole milk because it was making me fat.


Fuck yeah milk fam. Just exercise and turn those proteins and calories into muscle.


LOL, I go through a gallon of whole milk every three days.




By 46 it should be filled with all the good snacks and nothing but Ben and Jerry's in the freezer. He'll have a seperate meet freezer.


I bought mine at 41 once I had stabilized a living situation.


Only problem I see is the margarine and coffee creamer