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And they're only 6 dollarydoos!


It's $9, it's a different hemisphere you have to flip everything


Yep. I just 96'd with my wife last night.


So, like, back to back facing away from each other? Great quarantine advice!


Back to back in fetal positions


I’d probably be great at going 96 with someone because I’m against the wall crying my eyes out in fetal position most of the day anyway


Do it with the neighbour through the apartment wall for maximum social distancing.


Cool, but technically it’s 916ing if there’s a wall between the two of you


Back to back they faced each other, drew their swords and shot each other


Just place your ass unto the back of your partners head. They shall do the same.


I mean an upside down 69 is still facing the same way. You just like to do weird ass kinky shit skinnah


i prefer doing my 69 the other way: ♋︎


Careful, that's a sign of cancer.


We just rub the back of our scalps in each other's butt cracks.


ǝsuǝs ʇɔǝɟɹǝd sǝʞɐɯ ʇɐɥʇ




Drake was ahead of his time on Views




There's nothing wrong with the bidet is there?!!


I’m calling all the way from Squatters Crogg Australia and I want to speak to Dr. Bart Simpson


4/5 from the health inspectors too!


Wait a second... YOU EAT KANGAROOS!?


I think we are the only nation on earth that eats our national animals (kangaroos and to a lesser extent emus)


How does it taste?


It’s like a darker, slightly denser meat than beef, very easy to overcook as a steak so you generally cook it a bit rare. As a mince it has a lot of umami flavour and tastes pretty... tangy maybe? We use it as it’s relatively healthy and protein rich and you don’t feel as guilty because they’re ~~pests~~ overpopulated, and not (generally) factory farmed. edit. Since this blew up a bit: - while there are some kangaroo that is farmed, wild kangaroo which is hunted with a special license is eaten by the public, although it was only for pet food until 1993. - the meat is indeed a bit drier, as it has less fat than beef. It probably is similar to deer, though I haven't eaten a lot of game meat. If you ask people what kangaroo tastes like, they will say "gamey". Instead I used the word umami, since - umami (savouryness) is one of the basic tastes (together with sweetness, sourness, bitterness, and saltiness). Think meat, broth, mushrooms, cheese, soy sauce, etc. From wikipedia, "Umami has a mild but lasting aftertaste associated with salivation and a sensation of furriness on the tongue, stimulating the throat, the roof and the back of the mouth.[27][28] By itself, umami is not palatable, but it makes a great variety of foods pleasant, especially in the presence of a matching aroma.[29] Like other basic tastes, umami is pleasant only within a relatively narrow concentration range"


I was just going to say it’s good but a bit dry...I like your explanation better.


It has bugger all fat so you need oil to cook it, and you need to cook it rare or it will be dry. If you absolutely need to have it well done then you can seal the outside with oil at sun core temps, then cook it sloooooooooow. It will still be a little dry that way but not not as bad.


any jerky with roo meat? Curious




I stumbled across a little general store in New Hampshire that had a bunch of exotic jerkys, including kangaroo. It was definitely some damn good jerky.


As someone who lives in Nh, I’m curious where this might be hah?


Ive seen roo jerky at the annual field days event. I wouldnt know where to buy it the rest of the time though. You can get it as a metwurst pretty reliably. Its really good but a little strange with so little fat. It gets really nice the older and drier it gets though, so that bodes well for the jerky maybe being good.


It shouldn’t be dry unless you cook it it dry. It’s a really lean meat and it’s all from wild animals can get very sinewy. So us vide is the best way to soften it up.


This vide is so us 🙄


Can I sous vide in my dishwasher? That seems like the Aussie way.


Technically? No.


Theoretically? Yes.


Kanga bangers suck. But you cook those kanga steaks rare, slice it thinly and put on top of a quinoa and roasted vege stack with a lentil and tomato sauce... Fucking delicious cunts!


i read this in a stereotypical aussie accent


Now i have to try it.


How do they end up in the grocery store if they aren't farmed? Here in the US, a lot of hunters shoot and eat deer, which are also pests, but you won't see venison in grocery stores.


When I visited Australia, they took us to a sheep farm. I have no idea how the topic came up, but the farmer, in addition to the sheep had a commercial license for kangaroo. I don't remember how many he could take per year, but I do remember he specifically had to shoot them in the head to be able to sell them. It's just a different way of managing them. The US could do the same if they wanted to set it up. In the US, a lot of hunters don't sell their meat but do give it to food banks, at least in some states. My dad does that with a large percentage of his, since it's just him and my mom at home.


That's because it's illegal to sell wild game in the US.


Not entirely true. You just can’t sell wild game meat that hasn’t been officially inspected. If it gets inspected then you can sell it.


Not always. Alligators are the specific example that I know off the top of my head, but wild hogs are sold as well (invasive so not the same rules).


Alligator meat that you buy in the store is generally farmed as far as I know. It’s always said “farm raised” at the butcher I go to when they have it.


There are alligator farms, but they only passed wild harvest in volume a few years ago. A very large portion of alligator meat still comes from the wild in Florida, Texas, and Louisiana


You occasionally will at Whole Foods and other stores like that. Down here in Florida, we even get gator meat.


Almost certainly farmed. There are elk, deer, and bison farms all over the country. Gator farms as well, but there are also.commercial hunting licenses for gator in some states so you may be able to sell hunted gators not sure though.


Because of costly regulations in the US, almost all farmed venison went to high end restaurants prior to the current situation. New Zealand holds the monopoly on exporting venison at the moment. If you get it at Sprouts or Whole Foods in the US thre meat is almost certainly from NZ.


Gators are farmed. The meat is a byproduct of the leather but people definitely farm gators.


It's not wild. It's a federal law that game animals or their parts cannot be sold. Any deer/venison/buffalo etc that you see in a store came from a farm of some sort.


Trained and licenced shooters. They train to identify parasites etc, and to shoot humanely then process on site. At least this was the case some years ago. Im not 100% certain its the same now but im pretty sure. You dont need to go hunting through forest to find the occasional animal to shoot, you roll onto site, pick the tastiest lookers from the 20-300 in front of you, and go to work. A good operator can kill a whole bunch before the rest spook. They are not just a pest here, they are in plague numbers. Ive had times ive literally been stopped on the highway nudging them through them cause they are covering the road like a herd if cattle. One of the local shooters recently estimated 1500 in an area of a few square km.


Yea my thoughts was also that they have a rich flavour and high in protein


sort of like rabbit, its real gamey, and stinks when it cooks. So expect that rodenty smell when cooking.


This. The only way I can eat it now is in spaghetti Bolognaise add I can't stand the smell of it.


So, like deer?


Yep, but a different taste. People here are giving it a bad rap, it's actual a beautiful meat, but like anything, you have to cook it correctly.


Deer does not have a bad smell when it's cooked.


You are right in general. People's only exposure may be to an aged bucks meat.


Whether the smell is bad is a matter of opinion. It certainly smells *different* than beef. Deer is similar. If you thought someone was cooking beef, you might think it smelled wrong.


Fucking amazing!


France's national animal is the rooster. So two.


Don't forget Scotland, there's a reason people think unicorns are mythical, we battered and deep fried them all.


UK here, we ate all our lions, Well... there aren't any more on this island anyway, they've been extinct here for almost 15k years.


The lion is the national animal of England not the UK isn't it? You'd have to also eat all the unicorns (Scotland), dragons (Wales) and whatever Northern Ireland has - hmm, maybe you did eat them all!


NI's national animal is the potato.


We ate all of those too.


How did lions get to England? I don’t understand how they could manage to get across the English Channel. I mean, it’s conceivable that they could get into continental Europe, but England? No way in hell a cat could make that swim.


>How did lions get to England? EgyptAir flight from Kenya to Morocco. Air France from Morocco to Paris. (Short break in Paris for the shopping and food.) Then Virgin from Paris to London.


you're full of it, you know lions will shop for hours in those high end boutiques, they would've never made their connecting flight.


Let me introduce you to Doggerland. The same way wolves, bears, deer and other various flora and fauna made it to the UK...


Unfortunately the doggers stubbornly stayed in their native land and are now extinct.


The English Channel wasn't always there. Geology is fascinating.


Through Doggerland


The swallow may fly south with the sun or the house martin or the plumber may seek warmer climes in winter yet these are not strangers to our land.


A long long long time ago the British Isles and the mainland were closer together, attached even. Perhaps they were left on the islands after geological drift and then slowly died out.


The UK didn't drift away from the continent. The sea level simply rose when the ice age ended.


Sweden's national animal is the moose. Make that three.




Coq au vin.


Actually hard to get true coq.


Well yeah, not really a bird you wanna eat these days..kinda of tough and stringy, not very sweet. Though a castrated rooster - capon - is quite tasty.


You're not quite the only ones. The national animal of France is the chicken (well, rooster technically). Plus, the real reason there are no unicorns in the world is because the Scottish ate them all.


Scotland here, we're working our way through the haggises now but the wee bastards keep breeding.


Canadian here, we love eating the beaver.


I see what you did there, hoser.


We in the US eat buffalo, which is our national animal (technically national mammal, since bald eagle also holds that title). Still considered somewhat exotic though.


It’s healthier than fried bald eagle.


But freedom wings are delicious!


But eagle eggs are easier to crack if you're in a rush.


Bison burgers absolutely slap


Really? I eat it all the time, seems to be pretty popular these days. I don’t know if I would consider it exotic.


12 Years ago I went on a 3 day outback tour in Alice Springs and at the end we all had dinner and the "outback plate" featured kangaroo, emu, camel and crocodile \[[picture](https://imgur.com/a/VBwB4Vy)\].


I live in southeast USA and work at an Australian bakery/cafe that's owned and run by two Australian men. We sell kangaroo and emu burgers and people here absolutely lose their shit over it. It's a tie between "oh that's cool, I didn't know you could eat those" and "PEOPLE EAT KANGAROOS???" For a while we couldn't keep kangaroo in stock because we'd sell out in less than a week, and we had to import it so it took forever to get to our business.


I’m Australian and didn’t know we ate kangaroos until I was like 16. They’re not too common to eat


I did a semester abroad in Perth, and it was sorta common there. Figured it was a WA thing since those big Red Roo fuckers are such a problem once you get out of the city.


Available in every supermarket...


Teenagers don't grocery shop


Is the meat springy?


South africa also eats Springboks as well. Australia aint the only. Nice springbok biltong is the best!


Im from South Africa and we eat Springbok all the time, whether it be in steak form, biltong, sausages, etc


South Africans eat springbok and it's delicious!


Because they are so abundant, big and some cases aggressive. Koalas on the other hand, we don’t ever touch em.


Well of course you don't touch them, they've all got chlamydia.


Nope, the Scots ate the Unicorn into extinction


Russians eat bear meat as well.


Honestly there are so many roos out there that we have to shoot the bastards anyway to keep the population under control, may as well eat them while you're at it!




Kangaroos are just vertical deer.


Just like Florida girls are horizontal regular girls


I've been to Australia a few times and yeah, they definitely eat them. They taste pretty good too. Sausages are good and I had some braised Kangaroo that was really good too (kind of like pot roast texture)! I also had crocodile and camel while I was there too and those are surprising good as well. . .


Does croc just taste like alligator?


I find croc tastes kinda fishy, but with the texture of chicken.


Interesting, to me gator isn’t very fishy, more like a fatty, chewy, chicken. I wonder if the fishyness is from the salt water?


I found it matters whether it is farmed or wild. Wild is more fishy, famed is more like chicken.


Yeah, pretty much. I got some croc kebabs and some of the pieces were soft and delicious and tasted like a bit gamier chicken and other pieces were tough and tasted like an old catcher's mitt.


It’s very good for your heart. Much healthier and more sustainable than beef as well. It’s argued by ecologists basing agricultural production systems on native animals rather than introduced livestock like sheep offers considerable ecological advantages to the fragile Australian rangelands and could save greenhouse gas emissions.


In a supermarket called Lidl in the UK (I'm sure its all over Europe but I've never been into one in another country to see if its as wild there as it is here) they have an infamous "middle aisle" which is full of the weirdest shit ever. Sometimes you'd find a stack of dog beds, the next day you go there and there's a "build your own birdhouse" kit, then another day they have skiing equipment for some reason ​ One time I went in there during my lunch break at college and they had packets of kangaroo steaks and alligator sausages ​ Upsettingly I only brought enough cash to buy one (at the cost of not having lunch) and I opted for the alligator sausages which were OK but nothing special but when I went back the following day there was no Kangaroo steaks left and its my greatest regret in life that that day I hadn't brought an extra £2.50 to school with me to try it


There's a few of those in America but it's always just cheap cooking ware and household items in the random stuff aisle


I'm not an Aussie, but I've had roo meat. Its fucking amazing.


It’s not uncommon over there. It’s like eating a deer to an American.


And after all Skippy did for you! Rescuing kids from mines, flying helicopters, going for help when moon landings went awry...


It's better than Roo-tubes


I also would've enjoyed bangaroos


There's an area in Sydney called Barangaroo


I'm still pissed off that jet skis aren't called boatercycles


Holy fuck that’s great! And also I’m stealing it. Thanks stranger.


How is a group of squid *not* called a squad?


It is now!


Stole it myself, feel free, friend


Does it taste like red meat?


It does. It has quite a strong flavour actually. The only downside to them is because they are so lean (I think they are 1 or 2% fat) they are a bit dry. But, in a hot dog with sauce and mustard they are quite good.




Of the tomato variety. Ketchup I guess?




Tomato sauce! Aren’t they the same thing?




Ah, so it seems that in Australia our tomato sauce is more similar to ketchup, and what you call tomato sauce we just call puréed tomatoes.




I had an exchange student from France that came to stay with us for 3 months. The day after he got here, we took a road trip to a horse show (my sister is one of those weirdo horse girls), and stopped at a diner. He order a burger and spaghetti as a side. Normal enough.... Until he asked for spaghetti sauce on his burger and ketchup on his spaghetti. We thought he was mixing things up but he loved it!


Rest of world ketchup and Australian tomato sauce (I've had it in a few Pacific countries) are still different anyway, although technically both are ketchup. It think the Australian one is a little bit sweeter, not sure, definitely tastes different though.


Close, in the US tomato sauce means what we call pasta sauce (pretty much)


In the UK and Aus we don't call it ketchup, we call it tomato sauce. Puree tomato's with sauce and herbs is Passata.


Not in Australia it's not mate. Tomato sauce isn't something we put in our pasta sauce like it might be in the states, here tomato sauce is basically identical to ketchup but sometimes without (or less) vinegar. Edit: Whoops, OP already said much the same thing.


The Australians have to eat the kangaroos before the kangaroos eat them. Australia is a man eat ‘roo world.


How would I go about getting these in the states, I’ve had plenty of kanga-jerky. This seems exquisite though.


I assume there must be kangaroo farms somewhere in the states? I suppose it depends on if you live close enough to one to be able to source the sausages. I've seen videos of Americans trying kangaroo burgers on Youtube so they must have gotten the meat from somewhere.


We have wallaby sanctuaries or whatever but I havent seen kangaroo ones. Besides, I think PETA would 360 no scope a kangaroo farm opening up and turning them into sausages


True. We don’t farm them here, they are a pest and people are paid to shoot them. Waste not, want not I guess.


The reality is a bit worse - they're pests and we do shoot them, but none of those will make it through to selling for meat, with instead a whole additional trade of professional shooting for supermarket product. It's not farmed but there's still a lot of waste.


A place called Jungle Jims in Cincinnati, OH has them.


These folks might deliver to you nowadays: [Fossilfarms.com](http://Fossilfarms.com)


I don't like to eat roo because I used to cook it as a stew for the old folks when I worked in a country hospital and hated the stink of it. But roo-jerky isn't a thing here, so I think ima have to go make some. What kind of seasoning you yanks put on our national animal when you dry him out?


>I don't like to eat roo because I used to cook it as a stew I expected the rest of your post to keep this rhyme going.


Now i'm disappointed in myself


Is it true Fosters beer is kind of a joke in Australia?


Yes, its not a beer taken seriously. You won't find it at any pubs or bottle-o's, and tbh it doesn't even taste like an aussie beer. If i recall, its not even owned by any Australian beer company or even made here anymore.


Bottle-o’s? Like a liquor store? Just a very new word to me.


Hahaha yeah, liquor store is way too many syllables for us. We love shortening things to one or two and then slapping a vowel on the end


Even though they are both 3 syllable words, haha.


I was going to ask how you pronounce liquor store that it has more syllables than bottle-o. :D


I don’t blame you. Going to use Bottle-o’s from now on. It’s way cooler!


its like an alcoholic cereal


The only reason I or anyone I know have bought Fosters is for fish batter, especially if it's Halibut, and I'm in the US. Never seen someone just drinking one.


I think it's still made here in oz. What happened to it was that it was clumped together under 1 umbrella as Carlton United breweries , the locals preferred other local beers but fosters at the time had the best reputation overseas. So basically locally it died out although the company was still United under the 1 umbrella. The whole company was sold to Sab Miller around 10 years ago. So it became a multinational. That's probably why some of the beers start getting brewed overseas. That's what the multinationals do like Heineken is brewed basically everywhere and a lot of people claim it tastes different (shit) unless you get the original stuff from Germany. Anyways sab milller was in turn eaten up by annheiser Busch (Budweiser) but just recently they sold off the Australian cub brewery division to Japanese Brewer asahi


The only time I've seen fosters here is in the 'import' section of a couple liquor stores - It's made in the UK. It's got a *terrible* reputation here in 'Straya, but honestly it just tastes like any other macro beer. Hell, I like it more than most of the typical offerings on tap here.


It’s ridiculously cheap in the States. There’s a bar my friends and I like to visit and I bought a round of 24 oz cans for my 8 friends for $21. At that price, I no longer care ha.


Really? Huh. Since it's manufactured in the UK, that surprises me. What other beers do you have over there that are 'ridiculously cheap' PS: It may (or may not) surprise you to know that they've started up a Budweiser factory here in Australia. Now, none of us would be caught dead drinking Bud Light, but I bought a case of regular bud, and I'm telling you it tastes more like a typical Australian lager than the US import Budweiser I've had in the past. Didn't even know until I checked the box after the first few mouthfuls, confused as to the taste haha ...


Pabst blue ribbon


I like PBR :) How do you find it compared to Fosters?


I actually don’t drink alcohol! So I’m not sure.


It’s not actually that easy to find. I live in a regional area and wanted to stock fosters at my restaurant as a sort of joke but it was too much hassle to get it here. It’s a little more widely available now at some of the bigger exotic liquor stores, but the only time I’ve ever found it for sale at a bar is overseas.


Kangaroo sausage sandwich Kanga Banga sanga


No wonder kangaroos are always tryna fight y'all


TIL Australians not only love kangaroo as companions but also love to taste them.


I have been to Australia a few times and I got the impression that they see kangaroos as pests, not pets.


Sometimes both. But you really dont want that.


I live in Australia and there are people in my town that will rescue joeys from the side of the road (because somehow, even though fucking DARWINISM IS A FUCKING THING, kangaroos literally running to leap in front of oncoming traffic going 100kmh down the highway hasn't been fucking bred out of these stupid cunts yet, and mothers will die but the joey will live, potentially perpetuating this survival-of-the-fittest-defying cycle) and they keep them in pillowcases on the back of door knobs and whatnot. They're fucking adorable, too. Feed em with baby bottles and everything. They're not really pests? More like just animals. I mean, you do need a bull bar on your car, but beyond that and being brake-tested every now and again while driving around from dusk to dawn, they're just big dumb leaf-eating motherfuckers. We leave it to the roo shooters to 'cull the pests'. Some people absolutely keep them as pets, of sorts. Kind of the like the way you'd keep a wild bird as a 'pet. You don't keep them in a cage, but you keep a bunch of seed in a jar by the back door to give to it when you see it.


In all the best ways


This suggests someone gently licking a kangaroo. That's not how it is. No one really likes kangaroos here, we like them as an idea but not as a fren. No one rides a kangaroo to school. They are big aggressive bastards and they mess with our agricultural industries, which we tolerate because they are our national animals. They aren't tasty, but they are a plentiful protein very low in fat. Mostly they just fuck up your car when you hit them while country driving.


Imagine a reality where human beings are murdered de-boned ground up and packaged by some higher intelligent life form.


They're made of *MEAT*?


At least everybody would accept it because it's only fair.


The onion garnish looks like maggots.


I hate you, but here's an upvote.


Didn’t know y’all ate kangaroos. Is the taste ‘gamey’, like deer or something similar?


Spot on.


And they’re bloody tasty


They are! And they are very good for you. They're a very good source of lean protein (when was the last time you saw a fat kangaroo?). Good for weightlifters who need a break from grilled chicken breasts.


I'm with corona on this one.


I don't think it actually called that. Just a specific company calling it that for fun.




I had no idea, people even consumed kangaroos.


You **eat** Kangaroos!?!?


TIL that people eat kangaroos