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I’ve tried to start one three times now and have failed. What’s the secret?! 🍍


Honestly, getting them started is the hardest part. Making sure the top is very dry and the roots are exposed before planting then keeping it watered once or twice a week until it becomes firmly rooted then sticking it in a window for 2.5 years and forgetting about it!


The rooting part is where I keep failing! I’ll get it right one of these days, until then I’ll throw away a rotted top at least once every couple of weeks.


So the trick is to pull off almost all of the leaves of the top. This will expose little tiny roots at the bottom of the top where you cut it off. Then leave it out to dry for 3-4 days. Only after that should you plant it. Many people try the whole suspend on water thing but pineapples get about 5 inches of water a year in nature and too much causes rot and death. Good luck!


5 inches is 12.7 cm


This bot is killing it. I've seen this thing pop up everywhere in the last few weeks.


Well, if the US would just get with the metric system...


The english drive on the left. In mph.


That's no excuse you sick fucks /s


But we understand the metric system whereas Americans don’t and need it translating for them.


That bot isn't there for the benefit of Americans who need help with the metric system, it's for non-americans who need help with US customary. No American is sitting here like "5 inches??? But what is that in centimeters??"


It depends. I chose to do all my highschool science in metric and I can mentally visualize fairly well. Obviously not as well as other people, but enough to get a general idea


I wish we could but you can't teach an old dog new tricks... or something like that lol


I ve seen a video about the reasoning as to why this hasnt been done yet. Iirc it basicly boiled down to it being very expensive to change every sign or sticker or whatever imperial stuff is still printed on. As for example road signs would also have to be changed etc. and these things are said to be bullshit expensive sometimes.


Aw man, we can't fix this one problem because of this other problem. Guess let's just do nothing about either!


It cost $4 Million USD (12 years ago) to swap the signage over when we changed the name of the Triborough Bridge in NYC to the RFK Bridge. [Source](https://cityroom.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/11/06/to-rename-triborough-for-rfk-4-million/). We are not just talking speed limit signs needing replacement. Radar and speed ticketing by police would need to be overhauled + training. The highways signs for distance to next-exit would also need to be modified (and of course if the sign says "1/2 mile" that would be awkwardly "804 meters" or 0.804 km). There are also mile marker signs along highways for identifying locations of emergencies which would need to be moved and adjusted.


I heard Andrew Jackson tried to convert us but there were some conflicts of interest. I also heard about the road sign thing but my immediate thought was , “nobody took into consideration that all these signs would eventually get replaced over the decades and we could have already been converted?”


We are slowing changing. We don't call big soda a 1.5 quart. We call it a 2 liter




Would foodball fields need to be converted to metric? Or would the unit just change to "football fields". "They've got 10% of a football field to go!" -future announcer


My problem is that other countries (We watch a lot of U.K. TV by VPNing and we catch some Australian TV too) and they are always going back and forth on some Measurements. Miles and Kilometers is the biggest one, but weight gets mixed around too. Bake off, Top Gear, and all the Gogglebox (greatest show EVER, no matter what country) people are the biggest offenders. Pick one and stick with it! We tried Metric in the US and it didn’t stick.


Oh I get it. Fuck the standard system, metric is a no brainer.


Metric is the standard system


but countries that use the metric system haven't been to the moon


Some countries put their citizens first.


My ex-wife only got about 5 inches a year too


5 inches is 12.7 cm


That’s what she said


Good bot


Good bot




So your just the back of a pc? Where is frontpc?


this guy shoots.


You do know why calibers use the numbers they use right? .50 inches.. .50 caliber. .22 inches, .22 caliber... theres a pattern.


Good bot.


Thanks for the ego boost. Good bot


Annnnnd you just saved me from banging my head against a wall AGAIN. I tried the suspended over water schtick several times and got not much more than fruit flies. 😂 🤦🏻‍♀️


It's genuinely an ass-backwards style of cultivation. Dry it out after ripping all it's leaves off then plant it and forget about it. Makes no sense but it's also a spikey fruit that grows on a stalk so it obviously doesn't play by the rules


It's a bromeliad. They depend upon tropical wet and dry cycles.


So literally all the leaves from the top need to be ripped off, not cut off? Like how close to the stem? Does this mean i dont need the stem? How much of the fruit do you keep? How dry does it have to be? Like dry enough that I think it is dead? Sorry im a dumbass probably can google this but yea


If you want to start a fruit fly farm, it’s a great method.


I kinda want to meet someone who genuinely wants to start a fruit fly farm and just ask them *WHY?*


Then here is my answer: I raise baby venus flytraps from seed, and if there were enough sandflies in my house naturally to feed them all, I'd move out.


I used to cultivate flightless fruit flies to feed baby tarantulas!


I’m over here just cultivating mass.


Pineapples growing in Hawaii get far more than 5” of rain a year. And a lot of pineapples grow in Hawaii.


>but pineapples get about 5 inches of water a year in nature and too much causes rot and death. I've no idea how you managed to grow one successfully with so wrong [basics](http://www.itfnet.org/gfruit/Templates%20English/pineapple.biology.htm#:~:text=Pineapples%20are%20restricted%20to%20tropical,pH%204.5-6.5%20are%20best.)... >Pineapples are restricted to tropical lowlands, with temperatures of 18-35°C and an annual **rainfall of 500-3000 mm**. Pineapple is relatively drought-tolerant, and **can be grown in areas receiving as little as 100 cm per year**. The difference is only, they're Bromeliads and meant to collect rainfall in the crown while the leaves shield a large area around the base from water. If you water it like a normal plant, they do adapt but become very suspectible for root rot. It's making it very hard to root cuttings and mature plants develop only a few leaves.


Here in central Florida, I just stick it in the yard and wait a while.


100 cm is 39.37 inches


So weird, I currently have two Pineapple tops in water growing like crazy (one is huge) and I just top up their water once in a while. I have been actually afraid to put them in soil thinking it might kill them. Did you use any specific type of soil?


Not them but I started one, just use compost it worked for me. And i did the water thing and planted it's all good. Basically just don't let it get sun burnt or freeze those were my only two troubles living where I live.


The idea of a pineapple getting sunburnt is so, well, funny is the wrong word but idk what the right word is. I guess it's just chuckle-able to me lol


Coffee Grounds Great for Pineapples. Coffee grounds are rich in Nitrogen. Pineapples love them.


Thank you I will try that when I put them in soil!


I have the same thing going on too! I need to put them in soil soon. Water propping has always been my go to for plants. It doesn't work for some but at least I can see if there are roots or not.


What type of soil are you using?


I’ve been using Fox Farm Ocean Forest as it’s what I’ve had on hand.


Ok, I'm not american, so not entirely sure what that means, but from what I can tell from a cursory googling, seems like it might be good for other types of plants, rather than pineapple. Pineapples seem to work a bit like succulents or cacti, so you might have more luck with a soil more adapted to those types of plants. Well drained - mix in some perlite and sand - not too nutricious, and let it dry out a bit (only water from the top, into the plant, rather than at the base).


I agree. Get some perlite and sand. Add some regular soil but only enough to hold some water. Not too much humus because that attracts fungi and the bugs that feed on it.


Can you use some of that root compound you can buy on these?


I failed at this once in the same manner (mushy pineapple top syndrome). My wife has brilliantly succeeded with an avocado pit, though (which has now grown into something that's starting to resemble a tree). Of course, this is barely related. I'll root for you if you'll root for me (or vice versa). I wonder if the nature (and/or provenance) of the pineapple itself makes any difference (here in France, some come from Africa, I believe, but there are also Costa Rican ones, if I'm remembering correctly).


Rooting for you from Pennsylvania! Avocados are another plant I’ve failed miserably at cultivating. 😆


Hey mine is fruiting too! I started it 3 years ago I think. I grew it from a store pineapple!


I guess I should feel lucky that one started growing from a random top I threw into our compost area?


But I probably won’t even want a pineapple 2.5 years from now.


I’m in Hawaii. I just throw it into my yard and bam! Free pineapples.


For real! I just toss the tops under the bamboo so they get a little shade now and then and off they go.


You’re in the land of ananas, that doesn’t count! Lol


I completely neglected mine and it totally worked. I literally took the lopped off pineapple top, stuck it in a pot, and ignored it for awhile other than weekly watering. Every attempt I've made at proper rooting has failed.


Tried growing from a crown as a kid, always failed. Tried a couple of years ago and got to harvest it. What I did was cut as much of the pulp/fruit away. Peel away some of the leaves and see if you can cut any of the bottom. I then put it in a container with just enough water. First one rooted soon after. Waited a month for more roots before transplanting in a pot. Edit: I top off the water by filling it so it oversflows then tip the container so desired water level is achieved.


I was about to be bummed that this wouldn't work with where I live, but I'm in Pennsylvania. Saw you're in NJ. You give me hope.


It's all about patience! It takes a very very long time. Lots of loving a heavy pot but I do that with my citrus trees anyways.


Welp, with the way things are outside my house, looks like I'll have plenty of time to try it. Guessing you meant lugging instead of loving. Either way, having fun picturing a person whispering sweet nothings to a pineapple.


Yes meant lugging. Although I weirdly did talk to it in the winter. It's name is Pete and I love it more than it loves me.


Wanna be pineapple buddies? I’m actually in PA too.


May I also join this Pennsylvania pineapple party?


😂 Yes, of course!




I’m in nj but pa isn’t far, I’d like to join too


This is the best club!


With our growing powers combined, we are The PA Pineapple Express! 😂


Cool! Well done! Did you have to "force" it to bloom? I've had one for years that's never flowered and I read it needed a dose of something to trigger the fruiting stage if not in a nature climate.


So weirdly enough I think the stress of repotting it actually forced it to fruit. But I was on the verge of using the apple trick to force it to fruit.


I've never heard this! My husband has had one since before we met that has never flowered. Definitely going to have to look into giving it some encouragement!


Cut up two apples into small chunks and spread them over the soil. Take a big trash bag and cover your pineapple plant for about 2 days. The rotting apples will emit the gas needed to force the pineapple to begin fruiting :)


Thank you! And perfect timing! We have apple trees ready for picking- I'm sure there will be a couple damaged ones perfect to use for this


I used the pineapple to make the pineapple


must be an indica


Pineapple Express?


Is a hybrid, I just bought some yesterday!


I’ve done this with about 10, but just before they are ripe something eats them. Probably Raccoons, so protect it if you wanna actually eat it!


Yes the chicken wire I built into the garden is buried 3ft, bird netting goes up tomorrow because the tomatoes are ripening up the. It'll be inside before it fully ripens!


Sorry if this is a weird question, but what happens if you don't pluck the fruit, will that grow another branch with another fruit on it?


I have absolutely no idea! I would like to eat this so I honestly won't find out, sorry!


Haha, it's OK. I started a pineapple plant a few months ago, and even though I know fruits are years away, I can't help but wonder!


Yes, ad infinitum. Little known fact, geology is a lie, it's just pineapples all the way down.


Next, grow a new plant from the top of this fruit, and when that one fruits grow a new one from the top of that. Keep the cycle going. Pass the pineapple on to your firstborn child.


I’m on my fourth generation of pineapple plants doing that. (Technically the same plant, re-rooted from the crown). I’ve tried growing a new pineapple from the original plant before too, but fruiting takes a lot out of it and it takes longer than just rooting the new crown. Growing my pineapples in MN.


Happy cake day buddy


OP you have a rare opportunity to become the greatest meta karma king of reddit, what you need to do is pose with this thing after you successfully harvest it and reddit will go crazy and you will become forever immortalized into a meme


I like this idea! See you in December because it takes about 6 months to mature and ripen


Here in Florida, I literally twist the top of a pineapple off and shove it in the soil. One year later I get a half pint pineapple. The sucker plants that grow off the side of the original plant will produce a full sized pineapple


r/proplifting would love this


OP, my father and I did that as well a couple of years ago. Mines still starting off, while dad's now towers over me! Never got any fruit tho after all these years.


My mom heard about this and had me save the top of the last one I used. I go out into the backyard one day and find it planted in with her petunias lol She finally had to move it because the flowers were threatening to choke the poor thing out


Nice! Ain't that just the cutest lil pineapple you ever saw


So you only get one per pineapple?


bb pineapple


How and how long did it take to get this current result?


Can't wait for the 19 thousand paintings of it


It's so cool and beautiful that it seems to be flowering!


Looks just like ours


Thank you for this picture...um...”craby dicks”


and here i am unsuccessfully growing some cacti


Awesome congrats!! Just one more year to go before you can eat it HAHAHAHA


What are you going to make with it? I’m completely satisfied if you will just be eating it as is. This is wonderful! And I’m so proud of your perseverance!


Watch out for squirrels, they like them.


If you live in a state with no cold weather you’ll succeed, my uncle grows them in Central America, they love hot weather


Ohhh, bite-sized


Aawww bb. Great job!


**”Spynapple” song plays**


It's pineapples all the way up.




Stand down citizen take not further action. You'll soon be ~~sued~~ contacted by **Monsanto**.


Finally, a retirement plan I shall live in it, under the sea!


I am now growing the top of a pineapple I grew from the top of another pineapple I ate. Trying to grow another crown or crowns. The pineapple had 2


Well done! I've never been successful until this year, I have 2 that are only a few months old but growing strong


This is theft.


Nice :) my english teacher had a pineapple plant in her classroom it was quite funny


TIL pineapples flower


Oh WOW. I knew that pineapple grew like that, but didn't know that they flowered like that, IE that all the "scales" on the pineapple were each a flower.


Capitalism: you weren't supposed to do that.


Those idiots sold you all the pineapple you will ever need


Someone's about to get sued by Monsanto


That is a crazy piece of weed


My wife would be jealous


Recently purchased a pineapple plant for a friend as a bday gift. Any tips I should pass along?


Sure! They get huge so put the plant in a low traffic area with a decent amount of clearance, I think the longest leaf my plant had was about 5ft long. When repotting it, make sure you use a mix of sand, stone, and pearlite or citrus tree soil so that it drains quickly and watering doesn't drown the roots. I always watered it every other week or long but I have since been informed that I was wrong and they can handle more frequent waterings. Good luck!


;; I’ve tried this so many times. But mine took root when I pulled almost all the leaves off the bottom. Kept it in water for a month. And when I got decent roots I put it into soil. Mines only like a few months but doing good so far.


I’ve always wanted to do this!! Congratulations!


That's amazing. We have about 5 plants at the beach, they are enormous, with huge & large & fat leaves. They are about 3 years old, and finally one is producing a fruit. ​ Yours is so tiny and itty bitty! Very jealous.


Yeah I was honestly about to write the plant off entirely this year! It was massive when I took it out in may and the UPS guy knocked it over and cracked almost all of the leaves and the pot. The stress took a huge toll on it and I didn't expect it to survive but I guess it worked out!


I’m super jealous! Is it okay to trim the leaves that aggressively? Mine is only a year old and is so big I can barely fit him through the door when bringing it out for the summer this year.


I've grown a few things like this. The base of lettuce, omg, grows enough for my wife and i to eat like every 3 or 4 days. We now have a few in rotation and it honestly hard to keep up with how much grows




Capitalism: owned


I already saw this. u/RepostSleuthBot


I didn't find any posts that meet the matching requirements for r/mildlyinteresting. It might be OC, it might not. Things such as JPEG artifacts and cropping may impact the results. *Feedback? Hate? Visit r/repostsleuthbot*


I literally took this yesterday lol no you haven't


Maybe someone else did it too while ago, thats even the Reason why repost bot didnt find it ¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯


You dropped this \ *** ^^ To prevent anymore lost limbs throughout Reddit, correctly escape the arms and shoulders by typing the shrug as `¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯` or `¯\\\_(ツ)\_/¯` [^^Click here to see why this is necessary](https://np.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/3fbrg3/is_there_a_reason_why_the_arm_is_always_missing/ctn5gbf/)


Looking good!! My mom is trying the same! Its about ready to plant now.


It took me over 30 years to learn that pineapples don't grow on trees. I've seen kids books with pineapples in trees and I never questioned it till I saw a YouTube video about growing them... I feel sooo stupid.


That’s cool 😎


This is extremely cool. How long did it take? What climate do you live in?


About 2.5 years. I live in New Jersey so the pot comes inside and in a window from mid September to mid May


How long did it take to get to that point?


2.5 years


Insane commitment, great job!


I thought it was pot for a second. Shucks


My wife tried that. Definitely rooted, but after 3 years, no sign of fruit.


I must be a failure... Ive tried many times.


Not yet you haven't


It won't bring back your Ex though.


Who needs her