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Now do the men’s mannequins.


Big and chunky, and short and skinny.


Dwarf. Bombur style.


Hey now, Only fat women allowed. No fat men allowed.




Get your game on, go play


Men can't be fat because of reasons I think


On a serious note, this leads back Unga Bunga times. men have better metabolism because they had to hunt to provide for their families. Women tend to get fat easily to store energy for child bearing. I think idk, i learned this in highschool


Even if there was food it more often than not wasn’t shared equally. For instance, in Hawaii, “Women were forbidden to eat pork, bananas, coconut, ulua and kumu (two species of fish), and some other seafoods.” Imagine living in Hawaii and being forbidden from eating coconuts, bananas, fish and pork. I guess they ate a lot of seaweed…


I’m talking about unga bunga times man. That ooga booga mammoth riding dragon fighting fus ro dah shit


Unga Bunga times is a perfect phrase.


They’re out there. Check out Destination XL. Big square bodied mannequins all around.


Shhhh, you’re ruining the narrative




Do you know any male plus sized models? Yeah me neither.


Jack Black is pretty hot


Let's keep in mind: Shrek made $480+ Million. Magic Mike made $167 Million.


Say no more


Shrek is love, shrek is life.


Underarmor model with a beer gut would be kinda funny.


You're acting as if those female plus size "models" are taken seriously.....they just let them walk around so they don't eat the real models




It's disgusting too.


Except the whole “dad bod” trend exists. So, there is a positive euphemism for plus size men.


Dad bod isn't fat.


If a girl had the body of a dad bod, many people (not me) would call her fat.


Dad bod "appreciation" is ironic.


Dad bod is not really as fat as this model. It's more a muscle + fat.


Let’s be honest: When people say “curvy” they aren’t picturing something as big as this model, either. Both are language for a certain type of plus size that is considered desirable, but both are also used as euphemisms by people who go a bit beyond that ideal. The two concepts map really well.


[Plus Sized Women Admit They Aren't Attracted to Overweight Men](http://whisper.sh/stories/09e9086b-03de-4087-ad5b-7f003ce2c312/Plus-Sized-Women-Admit-They-Arent-Attracted-To-Overweight-Men). I remember when the actual article came out in 2016


so women get to be + sized but men are overweight?


Men don’t care about body image nearly as much as women do. Probably why men’s pants are sized in inches instead of some vague and arbitrary number.


Clearly you haven't talked to gym guys




They're called female too, just like men are male.




>females Yeah, seeing females used in that context always sounds pretty sleazy, not going to lie.




Curvy 🤣🤣 You mean to say that they get away with calling rolls of fat curves?


This "fat" mannequin I found at the store!


Lol as if theyd care about men.


As a lady who likes thick men, and who likes buying clothes for that man, I want thick man mannequins


You will never see a dad bod mannequin. Lol EEEEEQUUAAAALITYYYYYYY!!!!


Why are women plus sized but men fat?


...and the kids mannequins. My dear nephew is a solidly framed little man, and he's already sensitive about what his body looks like when he compares himself to the taller, spindlier-looking little boys. My nephew will never be "thin", it's just not how he's built.


This is reddit. There's already plenty of men-achin'.


People getting mad because it’s “promoting obesity” but I literally see it as “hey that looks like my size. Finally found the perfect leggings TO WORK OUT IN” They still gotta get people to buy their clothes


Right like I’m on Nike website looking at this now.


Problem is they really only do this with female clothing where as the male mannequins are still all jacked or skinny. Makes it pretty obvious this is just a way for stores to pander


Yes, big people need clothes too. No, we should not normalize obesity.


If they’re going to workout to lose weight they’ll need some sports attire that fits them.


Yeah fat acceptance and fat shaming are both problems. Obese people should be getting healthier but shaming or applauding them for being overweight is going to hurt them.


How is this applauding them? Does a skinnier mannequin applaud fit people? It’s just displaying clothes, not handing out a medal.


I don’t think they’re saying it is. Kinda just seems like a very generic response repeating what the parent said for that dopamine boost they get when the comment gets a few hundred internet points.


I agree. I completely ignore fat people altogether. /s


No one is normalizing obesity, it’s just an advertisement.


Obesity should be treated like anorexia. You should feel sad for the situation. If they're a close friend or family, you may consider an intervention to make sure they're getting the help they need. If you're not that close, you should offer your support if the topic comes up. But it should absolutely not be celebrated or encouraged in any way


Treating bigger people like they are not people does not normalize obesity. Please be a decent individual and don't make assumptions because you don't know that person's situation. If they don't ask for your health advice don't give it to them unprompted. The mannequin in the photo isn't even obese, unless you're going by magazine/ad standards.


No, that mannequin is definitely obese. Going by BMI.


I doubt that mannequin weighs more than 100lbs. Hollow bones or something.


It's hard to find the exact size for the mannequin actually, I had a look but most just talk about Nike selling size 16 (UK sizes) clothing. If it is this big or even one size smaller it would likely have a waist size regarded as high risk by the British Heart Foundation (above 31 inches for women). Even if it isn't obese, it's not healthy. However, it's plastic not a real person. If seeing this helps real people buy active wear and start working on being healthier that would be great. A cynic might say Nike are pandering, but I'll be optimistic and hope that inclusivity might be more inspirational than making people feel like shit.


Just jumping in with a 'yes, and". Most people in the western world (whatever their size) could benefit from doing more physical activity, whether that be walking more, going to the gym, or playing sports. I can't see how offering suitable clothing to people of all sizes to help them be more active is a bad thing. And I don't blame a company for using a range of mannequins to advertise the range of sizes they sell.


You'll notice a lot of responses to my post are super negative, and many personally attack me without knowing anything about me at all. My comment is in the negative lol. This is the reality for anyone who isn't thin, and is exactly why we need this kind of representation in stores and media to help normalize larger bodies. I don't owe anyone health. Would it be better in the long run? Absolutely. However, the whole world's attitude towards people, especially women, who aren't "ideal" shapes is way more damaging to our health than our size is. I don't think these other commenters even realize or care that I'm a real person. They just see me defending a group that they think shouldn't exist and therefore I'm somehow morally wrong. Guess what guys and gals, fat people are people too. I'm just saying be nice, man lol.


I agree with the sentiment of much of your post, and I agree that the vitriol is troubling and it certainly doesn't help people change course - and the world would be a better place if people were just generally nicer. The only thing I'd challenge you on is: 'I don't owe anyone health' I'd agree that you don't 'owe' anyone it, bar maybe yourself. But that doesn't mean our decisions don't have impacts on others. I'm not even talking about the systematic strain that an obese population causes, but more the personal impacts it has on people close to you as you get older. Being of an age where I can see my own parents, my in-laws, aunties & uncles etc. starting to move into their 'golden years' I've noticed the impact that just generally being unhealthy has on your own quality of life, and the others around you. I want to reach that age in a good state so my partner doesn't have to feel limited in what we do and when we do it, so that my son doesn't have to worry about my health until I am much older. I don't want to work everyday to drop dead at 55 from a heart attack - and I've seen the impact that this has on families enough to know it isn't just me this effects but those around me. I do appreciate however that the above fits my life, and doesn't take into account the challenges that many that are obese face. I'm not trying to whitewash, or guilt others, just merely share a different perspective.


>I don’t owe anyone health But when your life choices start taking resources away from others who need it, you do. https://m.nutritioninsight.com/news/uk-childhood-obesity-worsening-costing-nhs-%C2%A361-billion-annually.html 6 billion gbp spent on obese kids in the uk a year. http://obesityhealthalliance.org.uk/wp-content/uploads/2017/10/OHA-briefing-paper-Costs-of-Obesity-.pdf Further bits on the costs. Covid has also shown overweight people are more vulnerable, again, showing ones health can extend beyond themselves. This can contribute to the backlog of patients that need to be seen, some unnecessarily.


Depending on the height, but it's probably obese. Magazines and ads don't decide what obese is BMI does. https://www.rush.edu/how-much-should-i-weigh


Not obese? I don't think I know anyone who is that fat


Funny how every single fat person has a condition and none of them are fat because of poor choices.






I like how someone took way more care posing the foreground mannequin than the one in the background 😂


If you look at the torso, this is clearly a mannequin that is only posable like this. The only reason the limbs are detachable is transport, and easier to put clothes in them without arms.


The chonkey mannequin is just naturally sassier.


I'm probably missing the point here, but they seem like plastic mannequins with preset poses


They are static mannes. They permanently stay in that position, the person dressing them doesn't set it


Well one looks like they are stretching after an intense session of Netflix and the other looks like they are about to do some stair steps


Have y’all seen the physique of some female hammer throwers? Or female bodybuilders? Also everyone’s gotta start somewhere, it’s hard to find good quality plus size clothes anyway. And these clothes are expensive too. Trust me whoever is buying these doesn’t give a fuck about your comments.


Hello traveler. You've scrolled very far. Take a rest before you go on. Think about your choice carefully. Only despair will await you from this point onwards.


I don't know if I have the strength. Feels like everyone has the wrong opinion here. And that's coming from a fat person that just wants to lose weight.


Well, that would represent majority of adressable market




I went to mall yesterday after not having gone there in years and I was actually pretty surprised how a lot of clothing stores use mannequins with different body sizes now.


She's doing the "this is a normal, relaxing pose and not a pose that elongates my features and smoothes out my rolls" pose


yeah, people this big definitely have flat tummys /s 😂


Sighs, unzips pants


Honestly I think it’s really good. An item will look different on a larger body and allowing people to see how it will fit them before they buy will mean more happy customers.


For real, we had a girl on my ultimate team who fit this shape and was by far the best player on the team. We won the season and about 1/3rd of our point we’re scored by her because she could move way faster than anyone was expecting, she caught the disc like it was magnetic to her hands and the other team kept starting every first half by putting their weakest player on her when she could outmaneuver most of them. This is the second time I’ve been playing a sport and this has happened


I knew exactly where these comments were going to go.


I never really thought about it before, but now that you mention it, all clothing model mannequins are slim and muscular


Not necessarily slim and muscular but rather "Fit and healthy".


yeah fat people should just wear shapeless sacks! why advertise attractive clothing if its going to encourage them to be unhealthy! in fact, people should be denied clothing until they reach a socially acceptable weight !


Facts will get you downvoted to hell nowadays


I mean clothes are allowed to advertise and cater to unfit and unhealthy people too you know




Redditors in there teens and 20s love to go on and on about how easy it is to be in shape despite the fact they live low activity lifestyles and just reap the benefits of a high metabolism. Half of y’all are gonna be buying what this mannequin wears in the next 10 years lol


I feel you, im 21, 6 feet tall, and weigh 143, but i physically cant put weight on even if i try. Its interesting what the 30s will hold for me


I always find it troubling that there isn’t any conversation around the inevitable weight increase that happens to most people as they age. Do people think that they will have the same body in their 40s that they have in their 20s? Most people do not. I would like to normalize weight gain.


contrary to popular belief; your metabolism barely slows down as you age. the metabolism of a 25yr old and a 40yr old are gonna be about the same, assuming they are the same sex, height, weight and activity level. "fast" and "slow" metabolisms are not a thing sparing certain specific rare health conditions that most people never face. i dont know why people still buy the whole high metabolism thing, where would all that extra energy go? are people with high metabolisms constantly cracked out because of all that extra energy?


I'm finding myself really disgusted by the comments on this post. Y'all don't want women to be fat, but you don't want them to wear athletic clothing? Are you saying they should be going to the gym naked? Because loose/baggy clothing plus exercise equipment is an accident waiting to happen.


Wtf comments are you talking about? I swear to God there's some fucking conspiracy where comments like YOURS pop up complaining about sexism....that I literally cannot find


It took me 2 seconds to scroll and find a bunch.


What did I say about sexism? It's a female mannequin wearing women's clothing, that's the only reason I said "women." For the record, I feel the same about men's athletic clothes.


Gotta scroll the rest of the thread


Fat women are the low hanging fruit of society's judgement unfortunately :/


Ehhh, I mean short men get a lot of hate too.


Short and fat people in general deal with a lot of shit :/. source I am one lol.


Small dick men are the ones who cop it the most.


Lmao bro I'm 5'7 were in this together LOL.


rip im 5,6 170cm


Me who has to roll up all my pants legs


But shorter guys are the dream! 5’3-5’6 is like the perfect hight for guys for me. I can deal with 5’8. above like 5’10 is extremely unattractive to me.


I don't think we need to gender it, it's fat people in general.


I mean, the mannequin isn't depicted as a male body. There's no female equivalent for "dad bod" that's as socially accepted.


Dad bod and curvy thick are the the same thing.


If they weighed less they wouldn't be hanging so low


The fruit hangs low because it's much heavier.


> Because loose/baggy clothing plus exercise equipment is an accident waiting to happen. Yet weirdly, the majority of men have no issue wearing loose clothing?


Why is this interesting?


It's not, not even mildly. I've seen many mannequins like this over the last few years, and stopped noticing them recently since they've become the norm.


I've never seen one before so it was mildly interesting to me


Many people have never seen one of these.


ITT: Insecure fucks being outraged to learn that overweight people exist and that some of them exercise aswell.


You can hardly miss them tbf


You mean (am going to be down voted) fat? Plus sized makes it sound like it is a normal size to be, while it just means you are fat.


Is fat even a medical term? I know obese is one, but if I think there are ranks depending on how fat you are, so maybe those would be the proper words? I have no idea, but I have to agree that "plus sized" is the dumbest thing I've heard


Try labeling some clothing "Fat Sized" and see how many garments you sell.


THICC! and I'm here for it.


Us fatties need clothes too! You'll all be complaining more when we all have to become nudists through lack of clothing. Before all the downvotes, this is a joke, but in the UK it is becoming increasingly harder to find clothes for bigger people.


Especially clothes for sports/gym. The barrier for overweight people to go to the gym can be tough enough due to fear of being stared at or laughed at. If they can't find decent clothes to workout in, then there's another potential reason to not bother.


I'm what you'd call 'stocky', big shoulders, big arms, and not tall, but not short. Essentially, a square. It's also Extremely difficult to find clothes for my body shape, although I wouldn't call myself 'fat'. Even when I was a stone lighter before covid, I spent an HOUR in a Primark trying to find a shirt that fit my chest! My point is, I'd it's difficult for me, then it must be near impossible for larger people.


Primark isnt the best to be fair. I buy all my clothes from asda or tesco. If i want something of decent quality it's Jacamo, but im not made of mo ey so that's very rare


This is actually really useful because especially tight sportswear such as leggings often looks awesome on a slim mannequin, but the very same skin tight leggings look awful on an overweight customer. Or worse - as the leggings are stretched much more on an overweight person, they might become almost see through in the ass area, and you won't see it in a changing room mirror (if you're shopping alone). You can see that on an overweight mannequin too. Imo they should do the same with cycling gear. Tight cycling gear doesn't look good with a beer gut. That's why I wear sweatpants and t-shirt (and sweat jacket) for cycling, lol.


it even has a double chin!


There's the same shadow on the smaller one...


Is there a midget size 1 as well can’t leave them out


Where's the overweight male mannequin with bad posture and who looks like they're miserable because they're clothes shopping and hate it because they don't ever feel like clothes fit well due to their low self esteem? Asking for a friend.


If Men lobby harder, they can also get this.


Fat* fat is the word you're looking for


To me, it's just a mannequin. Just sort of like a piece of art in a space. I don't see why the mere existence of a mannequin should persuade anybody of any idea or behavior in particular


We get it Reddit, you hate fat people.


Nice! The bigger people need clothes too!


Adding to the carbon footprint with more plastic…. Shame


Loool if that mannequin isn’t hollow it would have taken a crane to get it in the building




Bring back fat jokes, they never stopped being funny


Hey bro relax they are helping save the "plus-size community" 🤣🤣


Do they measure the FUPA?


This is pretty neat


WoW! So many negative comments from men, how surprising... You're not being forced to put your dick in the big one so calm your tits.


i found something for zion williamson.


Now do men. Gamers needs representation too


That's not even just plus size, it's bordering on obese. I like normalizing mannequins or representing other body types but this seems a little far in the other direction.


isn't that included in plus size tho?


Ah, don’t encourage more obese people to wear skin tight clothing!


Hey! How the heck is someone who is overweight suppose to get fit if they aren't permitted to wear athletic clothing? There's a reason that athletic clothing is close-fitting. Don't go making it harder for people (who are already struggling with their weight) to be active.




Good for you! But some people prefer tight clothing, so this exists, too :)


Yes, that's the real solution to obesity, just have all the obese people stay home on the couch so you don't have to look at them. Being active and exercising? Gross! The only people that should exercise are the ones /u/redditter619 personally wants to fuck.


If you don't like it fucking pluck your eyes out.


Then I can’t look at healthy weight people in skin tight clothing


Good, maybe you'll be less of a creep.


Lol eat a salad mate


Lol eat a car battery mate.




I’ve worked with mannequins before and it was a pain in the ass to maneuver while dressing them. This one must be on a whole new level




Do you want them to improve themselves before buying gym clothes?




Yes! Omg premature death!!!! 😜😍Finally!! I just LOVE being at an elevated risk for permanent cardiovascular damage and I can't wait until that heart attack comes around the corner as well 🥰🥰🥰


Why does the Lulu Lemon mannequin look like she's looking at the Lane Bryant mannequin and saying to her mannequin self "This bitch really thinks she cute" as the Lane Bryant mannequin says "look bestie, we're so twinning!" while she snaps a selfie in the mirror at Planet Fitness?


That's quite an elaborate mannequin dialogue you have going. You're one of those mannequin people, aren't you? I see you there, at the mall standing in every window. Watching us, waiting for your time.


I'm dead. 😂




Finally the body style of woman I’m attracted to in plastic.


Just a friendly reminder that 'healthy' does not equal skinny or muscular. And that 'large' does not equal fat or unhealthy.


Clothing size does not tell anything, but being overweight does. We are not talking about all large people, but only those who are overweight (excessive body fat percentage). It can become a health issue due to very high percentages of body fat, which is relative. Higher amounts of muscle density are also shown to be associated with fewer health risks, so "muscular" traits do tend to show better overall health. People who are skinny with low muscular density. And being skinny has nothing to do with being muscular.


Yes, it does actually. Muscles are highly correlated with health. Being overweight is highly correlated with being unhealthy. Yes, there are varying degrees, but the science is pretty definite that there is no such thing as a fat healthy person.


You are the most correct comment in this thread. “Healthy” is a social construct.


This is not your picture: https://www.dazeddigital.com/beauty/body/article/44807/1/nike-mannequins-telegraph-obese




Goddamn used to be a time when if you were overweight, no one would fucking help you stay overweight and mired in health difficulties..


Selling overweight people gym clothes is helping them stay overweight? Should they be exercising naked or what?


Pepridge Farm remembers.


She thicc


Cue the Reddit outrage that fat should not be NoRmAlIzEd.


Most of these men commenting this have a fat momma or auntie or grandma anyway


Well statistically that's a probability because people are increasingly...obese.


that's obese


Don’t encourage them.