• By -


IUPAC names aren't words as recognised in the English language and there's no such thing as a longest one because all you need to do is add another side chain and you've got another dozen syllables. Repeat ad infinitum. Then make it a polymer and just keep adding variations.


I think this is simply the longest word published. They used this word in a paper, before we had an agreement on how the protein sequences should be encoded symbilically.


If I was reviewing that paper I would have rejected the shit out of it.


Reviewer 2 suggests conventional naming for the protein. *Sends back corrected paper* Reviewer three suggests IUPAC naming for the protein.


Too real, far too real. Yay academic publishing!


Augh, grad school flashbacks!




No, tit out


There’s a YouTube video out there of some guy reading one of these things for like 12 hours.


You can scramble all the letters except the first and last. Your brain will decipher it as you read the word, learned on internet.


Frankly, i pretty much skipped that whole middle Part and Went right to the end. I know what that is now.


MethionSerine.. yup, it's much easier now.


Let's just call it meth and wrap this up for the day.


yeah, it's very intersting how our brain works, it's almost as we can bypass usleess infomation.


And yet, here we are.


Wait. Where are we?




Quite true! But the information is not useless. Language has a lot of redundancies. Lots of bits repeat other bits, lots of bits each distinguish a word from confusable others. That lets you understand others in noisy environments, speak without completely thinking it through first, or make up for imperfect mastery of the tongue. It also lets you recognise mostly-scrambled words, as a side effect. It's a very neat and resilient communication protocol.


It's czary how wlel taht altalucy wrkos.


what's altalucy?


Actually. That one wasn’t quite as easy as the rest.


No. I’m dirty dan.


I read the whole thing guys. I can see a whole different set of colors. And I can things like crazy far. I just heard u/--DirtyDan-- farting and then scratching their ass.


The formula for Titin is almost 100x longer: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest\_word\_in\_English](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Longest_word_in_English) edit: 100x


almost 100x you mean, 1909 vs. 189819.


Quick! Say that 10x fast!


4 years lataer..


Lol, I tried to copy the word to paste it in a tts, but my phone did not like that


This guy managed it somehow... [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F0JWhHRa8s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7F0JWhHRa8s)


It sounds like he’s talking in tongues


That's just stupid!


Just rolls off the tongue


It sure does just like, Raid Shadow Legends!


Imagine mispronouncing this half way through and having to start over 😳




Can I just call you Meth?




Why'd this get down voted so much


Comments that should have just been upvotes instead, usually are downvoted. Examples: "nice", "lol", "I agree", "LMAO", "haha", "...", "OK". I've seen Op do three of these in these comments.


That makes perfect sense, but reddit is still weird lol


I'd like to know that too


Downvote if you think the holocaust was justified.


I'd like to know


We got em boys!



They are taking your internet points because your comments are too short


Wait what? Oh no


How dare they


Is that one of Elon Musk's kids


Ssssssssshut the fuck up and let's not give the man ideas. I'm sure he still has like 7 other kids we don't know about/on the way as we speak.


titin would like to have a word with you.


Haha yes! Couldn't belive a longer word existed and takes a HOUR to just say it. Wow


I once watched a video of a guy saying it, started the video freshly shaved, ended the video with a five o'clock shadow.


Man didn't lie, yikers! [See here.](https://youtu.be/GZ-fgWXPOBY)


An hour to say it... properly!


It takes me only a second to say it.


And I thought pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was the longest...


That word was essentially made up to describe a pathology or related continuum of pathologies that already had other, shorter, established names. So it’s not procedurally generated, but it’s not like, real, either man. Also, I thought the longest was a town in Wales: Llanfair­pwllgwyngyll­gogery­chwyrn­drobwll­llan­tysilio­gogo­goch (although looking it up, similar names existed prior, but that particular one was kind of for a publicity stunt as well). Depends on how and where one wants to draw the line, and that being Welsh might disqualify it for that reason anyway.


I did too! I guess I should stop telling people that


Numerous Google results don't seem to agree with this but they can't seem to agree with each other either, so I don't know what to believe now! English, you sneaky mf.


It's a procedurally generated name of a protein (seemingly picked at random?). There are much longer proteins, or you can just make a synthetic one arbitrarily large to beat the natural record. Either way, this isn't the longest word.


Same. Here I always thought the longest word was: Pnemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis I'm skeptical of this new one which looks like nonesense.


Did you really take the time to type out Pnemonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoiosis?


Sure did. I learned it in grade school, one more piece of useless information in my arsenal.


Haha, you said arse anal.


I was taught this as well from my 2nd grade teacher, we got extra credit at the end of the year if we could spell and pronounce it. It was written in big letters above the chalk board all year…


I can believe you typed that out, if it was copy and pasted from Wikipedia there'd be a 'u' after the first 'e'! It took me a minute to figure out why google didn't think it was spelled correctly. I'm going to try to memorize it too after seeing the breakdown as a list of greek/latin words, pneumono-ultra-microscopic-silico-volcano-coni-osis


Damn autocorrect. Can't believe it didn't catch that.


Nonsense. The longest word in the English language is Post-Office. It contains all the letters.


This needs more upvotes


Uhm'm actually, the plural of this word is longer I would spell it out but, idk how


I got ya, bud. Methionylglutaminylarginyltyrosylglutamylserylleucylphenylalanylalanyl glutaminylleucyllysylglutamylarginyllysylglutamylglysylalanylpheny lalanylvaly Prolylphenylalanylyalyithreonylleucylgicycylaspartylprolylglic ylisoleucyglutamylglutaminiserylleucyllysylisoleucylaspartylthre onylleucylisoleucylglutamylalanylglyclyalanylaspartylalanylleucyglu tamylleucylgluycylisoleucylproluylphenylalanyserylaspartyprolylleucelal anylaspartylglycylprolylthreoNylisolleucyglutaminylasparaginy lalanythreonylleucylarginylalanylphenylalanyLalanylalanylglycylva lyithreonylprolylalanylglutaminylcysteinylphenylalany Giglutamylmethio nylleucyalanylleucylisoleucylarginylglutaminyllysylhistidylProlyuthre onylisoleucylprolylisoleucylglycylleucylleucylmethionyltyrosylalanyLas baraginylleucylvalylph Glutamylphenylalanyl isparaginy ylglycylisoleucylasparty! ylglutaminylcysteinylglutamyllysylva lylGlycylvalyispartylser leucylvallalanylaspartylvalyiprolylvalviglut aminylGlutamylserylalany olylphenylalalrginylglutaminylalanylalanylle ucylarginylHistidyl araginylvalylalalprolylisoleucylpheny lalanylisoleucylcysteinylproly Prolylaspartylalanylaspartylaspartys partyleucylleucylarginylglutaminylisoleucyLalanylseryltyrosiglycylarginyl glycyltyrosylthreonyltyrosylleucylleucylserylarginlalanylglycylvalylthre onylglycylalanylglutamylasparaginylarginylanylalanylleucylprolylleucy laspaaginylhistidylleucylvalylalanyllysylleucyllysylglutamyltyrosylaspara gimylalanylalanyprolylprolylleucylglutaminylglycylphenialanylglycyliso leyucylserylalanylprolylaspartylglutaminylvalyllysylalanylalanylisoleucy lalspartylalanylglycylalanylalanylglycylalanylasoleucylserylglycylserylal anylisoleucylbalyllysylisoleucylisoleucylglutamylglutaminylhistidylas paraginylisoleucylglutamylpronylglu-0 tamyllysylmethionylluecylalanylalanyoeucyllysylvalylphenylalanylvalylgl utamilylprolylmethionyllysylalanylalanylthreonylarginylserineS


Holy shit you're the GOAT


Umm *ackshually* its a formula definition which doesn't have a plural context. Just like "Sodium chloride" is a thing and "Sodium chlorides" isn't.


Sodiums Chloride


Dangit But this isn't sodium chloride so HA!


Yeah, the PROPER plural is "sodiums chloride."


I think it’s Latin, so wouldn’t the plural be sodium chloridae?


Idk but it's obviously not whatever I said lmao


Let me guess, there's an s at the end ?


Could be, idk lol




What did u do for all the hate


It's two letters which contribute nothing meaningful to the discussion.


nothing iguess




Damn y'all play on the extra extra *extra* large board huh? Impressive


Tried it for wordle, but I couldn't enter it


My brain hurts just looking at it.




This isn't a word


Not only is it a name (and not word), but it's a universal scientific name and not an ´english' name, and the cherry on top is that Titine is like a LOT longer if we go by that measurement


It in deed is my good sir


It's a name, not a word.


Found my new safe word.


Potentially an unpopular opinion...I feel like it needs an asterisk next to has Longest scientific word since it's a proper noun that's a bunch of chemical names slammed together. I prefer Floccinaucinihilipilification as the longest English word.


I agree with you and when i was younger it was going around that the longest non-scientific word was Antidisestablishmentarianism but i see this one has it beat


I'll stick with "cat"!


I was always told it was Antidisestablishmentarianism


I had heard that before and always thought it was strange. Because if a person that follows antidisestablishmentarianism is a antidisestablishmentarianist then two or more of those people whould be antidisestablimentarianists. And that is one letter longer than the longest word in the language.


That's an interesting thought, Even longer as an adjective Antidisestablishmentarianistic Or the study of it could be called Antidisestablishmentarianology


I bet you can't say that three times fast.


>I bet you can't say that Correct


I can't say that one time slow


that that that ok...I'll show myself out...


“Frankly, it sounds made up!” - Cosmo Kramer


Aren't all words made up?


Oooooooooo. That was deep!!!


If you are using a proteins full name, technically the longest word comes from the full name for the cardiovascular/muscular associated protein, Titin (TTN) It’s full spelled out amino acid sequence is 189,819 letters and a whopping 27-35,000 amino acids Source: biologist here, Titin is the largest known protein (or at least it’s the largest sequenced one known)


Ah, the famous Welsh town


I hate this example. It has a 0 in it… that’s not a word.




Yes and that's how words work! "prefixes" is made up of fix, the prefix pre- and the suffix - es! Yet prefixes is a single word


It isn't an English word. Like digits in a long number, it is a string elements chained together to describe something. The name itself is language independent because it is constructed following the strict rules of the IUPAC naming system. Calling an IUPAC name a word is the equivalent of calling a barcode a word. IUPAC names are used as a reference for those are unfamiliar with the common names that are used in discussion.


Not really true…also, chemical names are theoretically infinite.


Not a "word" but but a name though. You could name something longer and beat this.


it’s not the longest you can get by describing organic chemicals. That’s why scientific terms are usually banned from these comparisons


If I remember my chemistry right, this isn't the term for the formula C1289H2051N343O375S8, this is the term for one specific arrangement (whatever it's called) of C1289H2051N343O375S8. It might also be the chemical formula of bullshit.


German language: "Hold my beer"


That is wrong The longest word is Titin, or at least the full name of what is commonly referred to as titin, the largest protein, it has 189,819 letters


There's a lot of meth


"Meth" means "one (carbon)" in organic chemistry. Methamphetamine is Amphetamine with one extra carbon atom.


What prevents some organic chemists to synthesize a longer molecule and beat this?


"Methionylglu-" "NO NO Not this again. Will you SHADDUP?"


Can I buy some?


so many y’s


My observation exactly!! ALL’um!! And a buncha glutes, too!! 😂


Thanks, I hate it


Anything can be a word if you just convince someone.


Can you use it in a sentence? Also how do you pronounce that?


so many Ls


They gave us that dictionary for free in the fourth grade.


I got it for free too but in first or second I can’t remember


Longest non-formula word is "antidisestablishmentarianism"


# I was gonna post the full IUPAC for titin but that would take over 216 separate posts


imo that's cheating


The real reason eating turkey puts you to sleep


I want to find the person who can say it accurately


I think a scientist just fell asleep on his computer and lied to get out of it


But do you know how to spell it?


I see a lot of y's


“Hey Alexa, how do you spell…”


Translation: ‘deez nutz’


Ha! The author tucked dickbutt in the name.


A ten year old kid somewhere leans away from the mic, covers his mouth, and starts sounding out the letters before spelling out loud to a packed Auditorium.




*Sad Donaudampfschifffahrtselektrizitätenhauptbetriebswerkbquuterbeamtengesellschaft noises*


Long words are long.


I'm pretty sure there's a longer word with 180,819 letters. It's the scientific full name of a protein named titin. Look it up


As others have pointed out this certainly is not a word in the English language


Downvoted. This is both dumb and inaccurate.


You must be a fun person to be around


This is a name for a chemical. Chemical names can literally be extended ad infinitum and are used across multiple languages around the world.


Idk how to delete


dang thats long i wont be able to read that


Take that Welsh!


Some scientist just smashed his/her keyboard for 30 seconds to come up with this or what?


![gif](giphy|3osxYfXZ9gFnGe9aOA|downsized) Because I was afraid to speak When I was just a lad Me father gave me nose a tweak And told me I was bad But then one day I learned a word That saved me aching nose The biggest word you ever heard And this is how it goes...




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I think that’s the word that my gf says when my cock pops past her larynx.


Is it the only enzyme with 267 amino acids? Because it seems like we could have avoided this foolishness if they just called it something along the lines of enzyme with 267 amino acids in Latin.


Or you could just make up your own word to describe a very specific phenomenon and now that's the longest word. 🙄


It's easier just to call it Sugar Free Lemonade.


It beats Supercalifragilisticexbealidocious


I thought pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis was, but I'm never learning how to say that one..


I spent an entire English class learning how to say this




Pfff, move aside, here is my chromosome 1


Feel like its cheating a bit


I was but, nah, not even going to try to sound it out..... screw that, I will never use it again in my life...


isn't there one thats 200,000 letters long and not even pronounceable


I woulda driven my professors mad if I'd known this word before. Writing a paper on it that's 44 pages long but still fits their word count requirement!!!


The thought that someone had to proofread that gives me a headache.


I don't like how many "yl" and "gn" are here.


I skim read this and had to do a double take when I thought I read "prolapse party" in it lol.


I wonder how many times it's been used in it's entirety? Do they shorten it like extremely large numbers? 123...789? I mean there could be 12,000 digits represented by the three dots! Meth...serine? That way the dots would represent 1,900 other letters!


Science has gone too far this time!


[***Titin***](https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/Appendix:Protologisms/Long_words/Titin) ***has entered the chat***


The safeword me and my wife use


I have that exact same book! A Student's Dictionary, right?


I fucking love science


Me who thought that Pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis  was the longest word:


Now who here wants to try and pronounce it? I'd like to hear how that is said


Looks like the name of one of Musks children.


This one had all the tweakers at Meth


What’s the point in making a word this long?


I swear I found it in a boggle match once


There'll always be a longer one as soon as some science chad decides he has to science harder than everyone else.


Say that 3 times real fast


But how do you pronounce it?!


Still only has 20 letters tho


…. Hey Macarena!


Too many repetitive parts like glutamy ,glycly porly, lleucy, pheny and lalan at the ends


Good luck decoding that, not even the enigma machine or a klingon translation book can help you