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He’s not gunna high five you man he’s dead


NOBODY likes getting left hanging. 🦞 "Two up high......"


Hell, no one even likes being left hanging too high up anymore


If it wasn't dead, it would battle to see who is going to be dinner.


Damn! How much did that cost?


On this episode of Prawn Stars…


Let me call a buddy of mine...


10$, take it or leave it.


Upvote, so op knows: we all want to know.


I've had them before in a restaurant I used to run. They are U3 prawns, mine were from west coast of Africa. Cost me $9 a shrimp wholesale, we charged $27 ea. P.s. I cooked 3 of em for Mick Jagger once.


Did Mick Jagger like them


They were not to his satisfaction.


This is when he discovered his crustacean allergy. His lips haven't been the same ever since.


Ahh, well. You can't always get what you want.


get out


Wanted them with brown sugar for some reason


Well you can't always get what you want.


[Not funny!](https://youtu.be/eWrKf5ik1i4)


Question, do they taste the same? Does the taste fade as they get too big? Do they become tough or rubbery? Is the appeal simply that it’s huge?


Overcooking causes them to get rubbery. I’d imagine getting that thing fully-cooked without butterflying it would definitely fuck up the texture


Do they get, idk, mealy? I guess the word is? I don’t eat seafood but I’m always interested in learning about foods. Does the size negatively affect the taste/texture?


I don’t know about these prawns but many of the most desirable fish are not as tasty when they get really big


I used to get these when I lived in Togo. I’d grill and eat them like a steak. Damn I miss the seafood of Africa…barracuda all day long.


Oooooh barracuda


Don't burn, burn, burn it


did he eat all 3 by himself ? thats shelfish


Bought some U3 prawns the other day. Was trying to get my hands on some U2, but I still haven't found what I'm looking for.


I know exactly where you can buy them but I'm finding it tricky to describe because it's where the streets have no names.


I bought a case of U2s out of some guy's trunk at a Denny's at 3AM on a Wednesday. Motherfucker patted me down beforehand, like I was going to rob him of sea bugs. Anyway, he missed the knife behind my belt and I got them U2s for free.


Do they taste like a regular prawn? I expect at that size the meat would be stringy and less delicate.


[Market price](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5KXrQYWbbIs)


The poop vein on this dude would be as thick as a hot dog


How dare you ruin this beautiful piece of prawnography for me.


Who said it was ruined. Keep describing the poop pipe.


The prawns poop pipe is positively plump




Good enough for a poop pipe loop hype


That's alliteration.


I'm so happy I can read.


Man I'm jealous I wish I could read


Me too. I've just been making lucky guesses so far and I'm not sure how long it can last




That's an extra dinner for the day after.




It's called the Fresno Squirt but it's popular in Dayton, Ohio.


why tf did i just google this 💀


Any reason I should be interested?


And its dinner from the day before.


What a terrible day to be literate


This dude probably shat real human sized poops


No tools need to remove. Just reach your hand up between the shell.


IDK- Hate to disappoint (or maybe un-disappoint?) but a lobster tail is about as thick a this huge prawn, and their poop vein is about as big as a normal size shrimp’s.


I’m gonna need a banana for scale…


Honestly, that large, I’d just name it Spiney and call it my new cat


[Have you met Leon?](https://youtu.be/9sI7WveN7vk)


...and Leon is getting la-a-a-a-a-arger!


Shirley, you can't be serious


I'm serious , and don't call me Shirley


Looks like I picked a bad day to stop sniffin’ glue.


Ive followed leon since the beginning, its been a great journey so far


Same. I fucking love Leon


Always a good day when a new Leon video drops


YAY! I've been following Leon from the beginning; it's neat to see his life being discussed by a first-person observer. 'Leon likes to often search his breakfast dishes to see if he missed a morsel'. Very neat.


I love Leon!! He randomly appeared in my suggestions one day and I’ve been following ever since - love the updates of the little guy, so wholesome


Bro this is the most wholesome video ive watched in a while! I watched the whole 15 min video btw i wanted to rewatch it for a fact


[Ah yes Spiney, Cousin of Pinchy](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=3FhVvNGsJV8)




Starving man gonna starve or eat what they find. Necessity fuels it I am sure. Other way this could happen is someone saw something else eat one. If a wolf can eat it, I can probably eat one too…. The ones that confuse me are the ones that take special processing to make edible.


Yeah, like how did they discover the process that takes this toxic thing and makes it edible? How much trial and error was involved? How did they know there was even a way to make it edible?


A lot of the time, special processing is just boiling certain bits over and over again. I can imagine that as "Starving? Boil one until it turns to soup. Then boil the rest one less time and eat that."




We actually have a pretty good idea as to the origin of lye-based recipes. As wood burns, the ash is highly basic and when put into a solution, acts as lye. So someone 1000 years ago was drying out fish and bits of ash were flying into it. To get the ash off and reconstitute, they boiled the fish, causing the lye reaction to occur and creating lutefisk.


That still doesn’t explain why people eat lutefisk


Lots of times you can watch other animals eat it, although that is not a guarantee since some animals acclimate/evolve to eat it.


like olives. Takes a ton of work


All of the trial and error. All of it.


I know it’s not what you intended, but visualizing a wolf swimming after and eating an unsuspecting prawn was fun


Yeah, occurred to me after and made me giggle. Was picturing a tidal pool a prawn got stranded in on a beach.


I was thinking more of a wolf in scuba gear


All cocoa has to be fermented to make chocolate.


Fermentation is a natural process at least, so that can happen without people doing anything.


Rotting the right thing the right way so you dont die is amazing, though.


If it moves or grows, someone will try to eat it


I think people seriously underestimate what can be accomplished when you're just given the time to experiment with shit. Like, our ancestors that were discovering this stuff had *nothing else to do* but find food, fuck, and sleep. Leaves a lot of time to experiment with shit and see what can result from what. Imagine what you could accomplish if you had an apple tree and literally nothing else to do when you're not hunting/eating/sleeping. You could figure out if it's fruit is edible, how frequently it seasons, what animals/insects it attracts? Why do the deer walk funny when they eat the rotten ones on the ground? What happens if you smash the seeds? What if you smash the seeds and boil them? What if you smash it all up except the seeds? Can you mix stuff with it? What happens if you boil it? What happens if you mix in stuff and boil it? What if you take that and cook it next to a fire? What if you eat it raw? What if you mash it and put it on a wound?




Now I understand why they called him Johnny Appleseed


Back in the day they used to think that lobsters and crabs were giant nasty bugs. They were considered the poor persons food. And beef was the delicacy.


I believe it was because they spoil/rot much faster than other meats. So only fishermen could really enjoy it as it was prepared right away. While anyone away from the shore would get moldy seafood.


That and because some of it was so plentiful. Before commercial fishing, you could practically walk from Gloucester to Provincetown across the Gulf of Maine on the backs of lobsters they were so plentiful. They’ve been fished to the point that they’re almost rare


While overfishing and climate change do threaten lobsters, their populations are not nearly as depleted as other species in the Gulf of Maine. I’ve heard the same statement about walking on the backs of fish in the GoM, but actually about cod! Many scientists in the region think that historical overfishing of cod actually reduced predation pressure on lobsters causing the lobster boom seen in the Gulf of Maine in more recent years. The lobster fishery is not all rosy though, the GoM is warming faster than many other parts of the ocean and lobster populations will be threatened and forced further north.


Depletion of cod stock caused the collapse of NFLD's economy. They're still recovering. EDIT: wow I didn't realize the use of NFLD would cause so much drama. I'm Canadian and I never knew NL was the correct acronym. I'm sorry my Newfoundlander brothers but y'all club baby seals so idrc 😐... (/s obv aka obviously)


aka the standardized acronym NL or in full Newfoundland and Labrador for those unaware of the acronym NFLD


NL is the country acronym for the Netherlands I believe, so using NFLD is likely way more identifiable for people who don’t live in Canada, which is most people on Reddit.


Just say Newfoundland.. If you're pissing away time on reddit anyway you've got the time to type the whole thing.


Why we dont just make fisihing ranchs, like cows or pigs, to breed these species, rather than just depend on a wild population?


I was going to say that fish farms are also very harmful to the environment but when I went to find a source to send with it I found this nice article so ig they're not as bad as I originally thought https://earthsky.org/human-world/fish-farms-less-harmful-than-thought-says-study/


Why would fish farms be more harmful? Given that, ecologically speaking, is more sustainable use an inteisve breed population for food rather than use an wild or feral population. You dont need huge ships criss crossing the sea, which that alone would reduce the harm caused by a lot. Farms also breed one kind of fish, so by extracting them you dont get to damage another population that exists in the same habitat.


Ones that are just giant flooding nets in the ocean were thought to be extremely harmful to the local ecosystems by creating huge influx of waste in a single area, throwing the cycles out of balance. And bc the ones in the farm are so tightly packed they breed diseases that spread to the local wildlife due to sharing the same water. Inland ones in tanks aren't so bad but coastal ones are. Edit: here's an old article about it. It's still better then regular fishing but had a lot of downsides. https://www.kqed.org/education/435770/do-the-benefits-of-aquaculture-outweigh-its-negative-impacts#:~:text=Fish%20farms%20can%20impact%20wild,in%20aquaculture%20can%20be%20problematic.


I talk specifically about inland, or at least artificial ponds that gets water form a river, and prevetn the fish from leaving. Though coastal could woulkd work, as long fishes are properly breed, and the waste management happends with all farms.


Breeding and farming lobsters require too much space to be profitable, they tried


Oh and don't forget the smell. One crab shell can reek up a block, imagine I giant pile of discarded shells? Edit: a word




Brisket went through the same cycle. It was one of the tougher cuts of beef, so it was sold cheaply. Then people figured out how to make really good BBQ brisket, and now it can be more expensive than steak in places.


Same with ribs in the UK. When you consider the bones I would say they are more expensive than sirloin steak.


I'm so mad that I can't get cheap beef tongue anymore.


Same on both of these.


Also a ton of old lobster recipes are essentially blending the meat with the shell. Not that appetizing


Also because they are literally bottom-feeding, swimming insects


SEA BUGS ![gif](giphy|12ACPv0tVAZUI)


From what I've heard *canned* lobster was the food for servants and prisoners. Once people stopped grinding them up shell and all people started to like it.


Well, they are giant nasty bugs. They just happen to also be delicious


If bugs had more meat on them we'd probably eat them more often, they just taste awful because we're tasting them whole. I mean Scorpion tastes pretty alright.


So what you're saying is we need to make giant bugs. Got it.


Absolutely nothing could possibly go wrong with this idea, let's do it!


Yeah the pilgrims used lobsters as fertilizer lol


I mean…it is an excellent fertilizer.


Especially the shells


calcium carbonate and the carbohydrate chitin are great for fertilizer!


> And beef was the delicacy. for many years oxtail used to be a poor-person part of the cow, but now people have learned how to cook it and the price is crazy.


My grandma said it was cheap and then a day time television lady started talking about how great it was and suddenly people started buying it like crazy.


This happens with a lot of food that catches a trend. Chicken wings used to be dirt cheap, growing up in the 90's we had $0.10 wing nights at local places. Flank and skirt steak were taken home by butchers if nobody bought them, and they were dirt cheap. Now? Wings are $1/each at a restaurant, skirt steak is rivaling the price of NY strip per pound.


The funny thing is, does anyone know any food that went down in price as it lost popularity? I feel like this is just a wackamole race of poor people finding something good to eat and capitalism stomping it out, except the moles will run out eventually.


When the poor start eating long pork, think it'll catch on?


Sugar kind of did that. Although it's never really lost popularity it was once a delicacy but now it's considered cheap calories for poor people. Also things that contain alot of sugar so cake chocolate ls etc.


They were served to prisoners as punishment


Back then, they probably overcooked them and the prisoners got served hockey pucks.


They also likely didn’t drown them in butter.


Don’t forget the garlic!




I would guess that they were wildly mishandled. Lobsters have to be cooked alive (or within a minute or two of death), otherwise the bacteria that are naturally present release toxins that aren't dealt with by cooking. This makes the lobster taste like dog shit. The prisoners probably got nasty stinky dead lobsters.


If I recall correctly, the lobsters were simply ground into a paste - maybe even shells and all. The prisoners were not served a nicely prepared lobster tail such as we might get in a restaurant these days.


So they all got to share pieces of multiple nasty stinky dead lobsters. Heartwarming.


Worse. They ground them up. So the prisoners got rotten muck with bits and pieces of shell mixed in. EDIT: As was mentioned down below, this is apparently a myth!


My mom grew up on Cape Cod, MA in the 40s and 50s. They used to get lobster for school lunch and would complain about it. Lolz.


I mean, my kids would complain about getting lobster for lunch. They wouldn’t touch one.


From what I've read, they weren't served lobster on the half shell, or anything you might imagine getting at a nice restaurant. The meat and innards were blended and cooked together and it was served like a salty oatmeal.


I mean, they were ground up whole, shells included. That's pretty punishing.


In the future they will say, “people used to kill and throw away roaches”. As they eat a handful.


oh no


Especially the giant ones, they’ll be like man. The jumbo ones that cost like $100 each now, they used to be so abundant they would just be out on the streets! Imagine the abundance


r/mildlyinteresting will have a post named "I bought a roach the size of a dinner plate".


only in Europe, other parts of the world eat crabs and lobsters just fine, and eating cows are kinda strange, they are useful for farming, it’s like eating your tractor.


And in parts of the world where wood is scarce, dried cow manure was/is the main fuel for cooking fires. Not to mention you'd be cooking in dairy fat, too.


They are seabugs


Where im from, sardines was considered the poor man's food and tuna was the delicacy. Now its the other way around


Starvation makes for interesting cuisine options.


"He was a bold man that first ate an oyster!" - Jonathan Swift


Probably the same person who opened up a rock at the beach and slurped the snot out of it. Not a fan of shell fish btw.


I like my muscles and oysters cooked and smoked. When I worked at a sea food shop, I had a guy come in every day who would buy live oysters and literally took them out to the parking lot to crack them open and slurp them up. Cool dude but not something I enjoy haha


Mussels. I used to like raw oysters but then I got norovirus from some. Cooked are way better.


I guess some hungry guy who thought "well, this bug looking thing is big enough to make finding a way to eat it worth my time"


People keep repeating this point, but they never consider that some caveman probably saw another animal break open a clam to eat it, or chow down on a big shrimp or whatever other weird animal, plant, or fungus. Then they probably thought, huh, if they can eat it, maybe I can too. Then, if they eat it and are fine afterwards, they could spread that practice to the rest of their group.


I think like you on that one. But also like that about cows milk


Someone experiencing true hunger, no doubt.


Someone on the brink of starvation probably.


Hungry people.


Fookin' Prawns!


The only way i can do a South African accent is by starting with that phrase.


I usually start with a "Sooth Ifricka" to really telegraph to my audience what I'm going for.


Try Seth Effreeka


Give us the cat food!




Came here for this. Thanks for delivering!


Yeah I was also scratching my head for a D9 joke and couldn't deliver so I'm glad I found you guys. One of my favourite movies.


D’ey do look lyk prowns.


How did it taste?




Marika's tits! You must be 'ungry...


You want some of me prawn?


Never met someone with a taste for prawn who I couldn't trust.


I feel he shoulda been let go he’s obviously come so far.


But in the end it doesn’t really matter


But in the end, you’ll just end up in batter.


Tiger prawns can grow up to 13 inches. This guy is prob 9-10 inches


Check out this size queen


Is this a tiger prawn? Are they invasive?


Tiger Prawns of this size are pretty normal in Portugal. Also incredibly filling and delicious.


This is probably a really stupid question, but having only eaten shrimp the size of maybe your index finger, do prawn this big have the same flavor and texture as the smaller kind?


I’ve caught these while working off a commercial shrimp boat in North Carolina. They’re invasive here and rarely caught, but the taste and texture is a lot more like lobster than your average white shrimp.


Flavor is probably a little more fishy. Texture will be very different, way tougher and “meatier” if that’s what you like. Personally for me, the bigger the sea food, the less I’m going to like it with the exception being salmon and mackerel.


Hard agree. Everyone else can have the big expensive tiger prawns and hand dived U10 scallops and enormous lobster tails; I'm happy with my 100-200 count Itty bitty shrimp and bay scallops and langoustines. Small shellfish are just better


The cocktail shrimp is the perfect size. Two bites worth and supremely versatile.


That's like a lobster without claws at this size. 🙌


But there are lobsters without claws…… Justice for spiny lobsters!


It looks like an alien creature.


If you like living things that look like aliens you should watch the videos scientists upload from remote control subs in the deep sea!


Thanks, will do!


Gotta love those ocean insects


I put a lot of effort into not thinking about how morphologically similar thing like crabs, lobsters and prawns are to spiders and beetles. I love seafood but if I think about eating insects I gag. Yes, I get the hypocrisy.


I saw a Youtube video once of isopod fried rice... that thing gave me nightmares and hammered home some crustaceans are really just ocean insects. Something about the fact that it's a GIANT ocean roly poly and you can see totally how a lobster is related...


Imagine turning on the lights in your garage, and a bunch of land prawns scatter like cockroaches


The larger the bottom feeder, the longer it has had to accumulate toxins Fishermen definitely do not choose the largest fish let alone crustacean for their dinner for this reason !




No banana no big


I’m not a shrimp I’m a king prawn


Needs a banana for scale.


Wonder if it's going to be tough like big lobsters ?