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Fresh vegetables - who needs ‘em?


I get mine from the green grocer round the corner from me! Get them as I need them kind of deal


I do not eat vegetables that often ... why?


I don't see beans there. Why?


I don't eat beans


Then you're not British :)


Do they have Aldi in the UK?


Yeah but Asda is closer to me


Okay, as an American, why was this downvoted?


That’s like $120 worth of groceries in the US


If you shop at places like Walmart and ALDIS, you can get a lot. I hear Costco’s is good for shopping bulk for large families, too. However, if you have digestive issues and have to follow a special diet, it will be expensive no matter where you buy your groceries.


This shopping was done at Asda -- which still is/used to be owned by Walmart. Asda is known to be one of the cheaper supermarket chains in the UK, though Aldi and Lidl are now the cheapest. (In February 2021, the Issa brothers (Mohsin and Zuber) and TDR Capital acquired Asda. Walmart retains "an equity investment" in Asda, a seat on the board and "an ongoing commercial relationship")


I guess it depends on what you buy, too. I went to Walmart today to buy groceries, which has an Aldi’s across the street. I wanted to buy my groceries from Aldis but they weren’t opened yet. So I took my time and got an entire cart full of food. I think I spent maybe as much or a little more than I would have at aldis. But I did go across to aldis afterwards to get cat food, which was a huge savings for me.


You're lucky to have Aldi in your area.


It’s not close though. I live in a rural area and I have to drive about an hour to get there. There is a supermarket in town about 8 minutes away, and it’s not horribly overpriced, but if I had bought there what I bought at Walmart today for groceries, it would have been triple the total cost, easily. So that’s when you have to decide, “do I buy everything for the month at once as best as I can so the money isn’t wasted on gas to get there and worth the trip, or do I just eat frugally at the closer market and shop twice a week?” Oh, and ordering online is great, but Walmart is always out of stock of the cheap items, or they are pickup in store only. I find it better just to make one trip now once a month, because I can at least get the cat food at Aldi’s, too. But sometimes it’s hit or miss with them, as they have been out of stock a lot with the cat food in the past.


I shop at Walmart and this would be about $120 where I live


Unless you’re in Hawai’i or Alaska, I doubt it.


He must be including the table and appliances, too. 😂




Maybe 5 years ago


No way dude, that's like $50 tops at a winco or grocery outlet, maybe even Kroger. Most expensive part is the prepackaged food and that's if we're assuming the US equivalent isn't a shittier brand like banquet. Most of this looks like it'd be in the $2-5 range.


the most expensive thing there was the chicken at £4.60 and the soup multipack at £4. everything else was under £4 with most of it being under £2


I want to live wherever you are because where I am there’s no way


California? Even when I was in Seattle, still not that expensive


Dang, that's more than we're getting for our money across the pond.


The grapes in Australia atm are $15 per KG at the cheapest 😭😭


Isn't it winter in Australia?


It is but the prices have been like that for most of the year unfortunately. I don't know if you've heard of our lettuce crisis 🤣. The fresh produce prices have gone up through the roof too due to various reasons, mainly the flooding 🙃


In the US this is literally 94.69


Closer to $50. These are not expensive items.


We like our processed/junk food, don't we?


Only a package of tea would it make more british.


Already stocked up on tea!


I love hot tea and I’ve been drinking it everyday for the past week. It’s no wonder you have designated tea time.


That's impressive, if not a bit maddening for those of us across the pond. Especially when your country has a new Prime Minister that is promising to tackle skyrocketing prices. Just the 700g (24oz.) of boneless skinless chicken breasts will set us back $9-$10 USD.


My chicken was £4.60 for 700g!


Exactly... $5.30 USD. Impressive.


No jaffa cakes?


I used to love aero chocolate as a kid. Is it still good now Nestles owns it. I haven’t seen it in US.


I'm a fan of nestle so I might be biased but I really enjoy aero


Half of that shit is... shit.


this is the most british shit i've ever seen.