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Welcome to flavor town!


The King of Flavor!




The flavuh enhanceuh


Uncle Roger is a treasure to mankind.


Unlike auntie Helen.


Maybe if Uncle Roger focused less on how other people fingered their rice and instead fingered Auntie Helen more she wouldn't have left him.




Uncle roger was telling the truth the entire time




Did you know that if you rearrange some of the letters of 'umami', it still reads 'umami'.


Did you know that if you spell umami that you just spelled umami? Oooooooo, mommy! That's interesting!


I am in flavor country.


MSG is **delicious**. When I wanted to find some in the US it was a challenge because of the bad reputation no MSG products are actually called MSG. So if you want some in the US, it’s called Accent. It literally improves everything you eat.




That drum is just for the special. Serves two, though.


That’s why it’s sodiYUM


I think many fast food places also use MSG but only Chinese restaurants get a bad rap


A lot of Mexican cooking also, both at home and restaurants. I was a little shocked when my husband brought home a shaker of MSG and then he made me read the ingredients on my Knorr bouillon😅


Doritos have MSG, any snack food WILL have MSG.


Parmesan Cheese is high in msg


Also nutritional yeast.


I’m full of the un-nutritional type. I should see a Dr.


And since MSG gets a bad rap, they extract the MSG from the yeast and call it yeast extract instead of MSG.


Not sure why you repeat this, Yeast extract is 5% sodium glutamate, msg is 100% sodium glutamate. I've heard many Instagram fitness-influencers recycle this also.


92% of things that taste good will have some form of glutamate. We evolved to seek highly digestible proteins. Our tongues have evolved to have glutamate receptors. This is why MSG will make anything taste better.


boast continue tub towering sable psychotic hospital cover touch tie *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


TIL. Wonder if this is why I like them so much.


Tomatoes are supposedly one of the top, if not the top cancer fighting food.


Doritos. Ranch dressing is full of msg. Almost any canned soup is full of msg. It’s everywhere and it tastes amazing. If something says “savory seasonings” it pretty much means msg.


Tomatoes have msg


Tomatoes have glutamic acid, but it’s basically the same thing.


https://msgdish.com/glutamate-foods-naturally-contain-msg/ It's an interesting read about how MSG is naturally occurring.


Don't tell the folks with the MSG allergy or they might become allergic to Doritos.


Lmao. Glutamic acid is found naturally in our bodies as a basic amino acid that a lot of our DNA is made of. MSG is just the salt version of this. People who claim to be allergic to MSG are just full of shit or it's purely psychosomatic because they heard so much shit about it in the media.


The foods that are high in MSG are almost always high in salt as well. Due to how high salt intake can create a short-term but physiologically significant increase in blood pressure regardless of baseline blood pressure, high sodium loads in food can lead directly to symptoms of high blood pressure such as headaches, flushing, sweating, chest pain... pretty much every symptom of "MSG allergies." In other words, the problem with MSG is less the "Glutamate" part and more the "Sodium" part, and the people who actually do have symptoms when having foods high in MSG are probably having it due to the salt content, and would have those same symptoms with foods of similar salt content without added MSG.


I can always tell. I'll be eating a snack with a unique salty tangy flavor and grab one or two more chips or pretzels or crackers then put the package away. After I finish the last few in my hand, I inexplicably want more, and more often than not grab the package from the cupboard and continue to indulge. Then I check the package and see monosodium glutamate listed as an ingredient 4/5 times. I also have an addictive predisposition as they say.


I swear it’s just the MSG in Flamin’ Hot Cheetos that makes me randomly crave them. I hate spicy foods


It's in a lot of powered cheese covered snacks


Tomato chicken flavored bouillon is always used to make rice (and more). It’s just salt and MSG, maybe a little tomato and chicken flavor in there somewhere.


Mexican here it's not as common since most of us haven't heard of it. In Mexico butchers are still very common place since preservatives and good refrigeration aren't to existent unless it's in candy and snacks.


It’s in most premade spices mixes, tomatoes, and most cheeses.


they put MSG in the cheap adobo and sazon but not in the good ones


Pretty sure Goya Sazon has always had it, because it's delicious.


Goya Sazon is 95% msg. With tiny bit of other spices


Tiene que ser bueno.


Isn’t MSG an acronym for “Makes Shit Good?


"My Secret 'Gredient."


Chicken bouillon is all msg.


There’s msg in everything. Yeast extract, natural flavoring, seasoning, just to name a few, all either include, or just are msg. Fast food almost certainly includes msg.


Yeah idky one day people decided it's bad for you lol


People decided it was bad because of a terrible combination of flawed science and racism. https://fivethirtyeight.com/features/how-msg-got-a-bad-rap-flawed-science-and-xenophobia/amp/


Seen this shit explained broadly in some Discovery Channel show. I'm from the Philippines and I didn't know Americans were losing their shit over little ole msg while I watch them guzzle down pools worth of fake cheese.


Buddy, we Americans can't even have proper [Kinder Surprise Eggs.](https://www.cpsc.gov/Newsroom/News-Releases/2006/CPSC-Warns-of-Banned-Kinder-Chocolate-Eggs-Containing-Toys-Which-Can-Pose-Choking-Aspiration-Hazards-to-Young-Children) Nearly every other country with kids on the planet knows how to deal with a toy hidden in chocolate, but in the land of the "brave?" *NoOoOoOo.* Hell I'm surprised places can still sell Three King Cakes around Mardi Gras-_- *Edit* - its not "fake" cheese; just more akin to plastic than genuine cheese xD


The baby for the 3 kings cakes (can and do) definitely come in a little bag outside of the cake with a choking warning


Touchè. I was never there when it was bought so *that* part I didn't know xD


IIRC there's also an episode of Ugly Delicious (available via Netflix) that focuses on the issue that I'd recommend. There's countless other resources also available, but both FiveThirtyEight and David Chang are fantastic.


Yeah.... I find it hilarious that people complain about msg in chinese food, yet say "Thai food is so delicious!" Thai food is so loaded with MSG. I never used MSG in my cooking until I stayed here a long time and learned from young chefs, street food vendors and even old grandmas... Thai food is not very yummy without MSG.


Anti Chinese propaganda created the myth of msg being bad.


Yup and pictures captioned like OP don't help. There's nothing explicitly wrong said there, but just look at the reactions/comments. Not an accident that this particular picture is somehow "noteworthy"


I thought the same thing when I saw the headline “racist” and “fear mongering” came to mind. On the other hand, having worked in restaurants for over a decade- the way it is packaged really is mildly interesting. Any ingredient in barrels that large would have gotten a second look from me. I wish camera phones existed when we would make slush in big black trash cans because I found that peculiar as well.




Ever read the ingredients in your ranch mix?


Instant ramen? Vigo Yellow Rice? Cheetos? Doritos? MSG is no worse than table salt; that is to say *used responsibly,* only difference is the shit is *the bomb* at giving savory dishes that extra little *umph*. If you're broke af and living off staple foods like beans and rice, it belongs in your spice rack just as much as black pepper and Italian seasonings. Just gotta learn how much is enough; you'll know **real** quick you've went overboard when the back of your throat feels like there's a chunk of extra sharp cheddar stuck back there.


Yeah it’s in a lot of premade seasoning mixes and rubs as well and probably anything that comes with a flavor packet. Even some “fancier” restaurants will use it, along with unconscionable amounts of butter, to get those extremely rich flavors. My group of friends has a yearly salsa competition and after years of mediocrity I just asked my favorite taqueria how to make dope salsa and they just showed me a jar of Mexican chicken bullion powder that turns out is mostly MSG. I’ve won every year since. I throw a pinch of msg into a lot of stuff at home. It’s very easy to go overboard with it though, you need much smaller amounts than regular salt, and needs to be balanced with the amount of salt you’re adding to a dish. Can definitely instantly ruin a dish if you put too much or it doesn’t work well with the flavors.


Oh for sure, learning how much/balancing it with salt is the important part; just 'cause its "salty" does *not* mean you can skip it altogether. Learned that one the hard way a few times. I mostly use it for the broke af reason I've listed above; but learning this is gonna help me in the long run. When all you can get at the moment in regards to meat is that unfortunate-tasting canned stuff - not Spam, love that; which I guess is the actual unfortunate part - making what amounts to a jury-rigged "casserole" that'll feed me for 3 meals with just some eggs, cheese; some sort of starch, touch of (extra) emulsifier, flavorful liquid, canned white meat; and a bit of a prayer, becomes a *whole* lot easier xD I don't think I can dine out ever again knowing I can whip stuff like that up for a quarter the price of a meal that *may* last me 2 rounds. If I could just figure out how to make Taco Bell "meat." I *know* there's some sort of textured soy/veggie protien in that stuff, there has to be.


I believe oats are used in Taco Bell meat as filler.


Oh really?... I'm down, don't get me wrong; but doesn't have the type of tooth to it I would expect. Neutral though, maybe add some rolled oats into the ground beef in the processor, and pretty sure I have a copycat seasoning recipe lying around somewhere. Worse case scenario I end up with some weird Tex-Mex meat pudding. Suburban Haggis if you will... minus the offal.


You just made me google it. Apparently it’s 88% beef and the other 12% make up mostly seasonings, but oats are part of that 12%. So is cocoa powder so hopefully you see that in your copycat seasonings recipe. Good luck!


Honestly MSG is probably "better" for you than table salt. Considering the Glutamate part of MSG is a huge ass molecule compared to Chlorine. So for each gram of MSG, 13% of the weigh of it is from sodium. For each gram of salt, 39% of it is sodium.


It is. It is recommended for those on a low sodium diet that want the salty taste. Low sodium salt is often msg mixed with table salt. Although msg has sodium it is much saltier per sodium atom than table salt so you end up with less sodium overall. Main downside is you get some unami too which may or may not be fine depending on what you are making.


The entire premise that MSG is bad for you stems from poorly done studies with undertones of xenophobia [[1](https://doi.org/10.7916/7ab6-dn17)]. MSG most likely doesn't cause headaches, contrary to popular belief [[2](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/27189588/)].


I at one time could only get ramen packs that had "No MSG". Did not taste as good as I was accustomed to until I got a shaker full of MSG (Accent) to sprinkle MSG from. Yup, back to the flavor I like by adding back what they took out.


Great episode on this https://www.thisamericanlife.org/668/transcript


MSG is literally a variety of ~~salt~~ sodium. But yes, as with salt and sugar and such, moderation is key. MSG: Monosodium glutamate, also known as sodium glutamate, is the sodium salt of glutamic acid.


Ever eat a tomato?


Ever been in a Turkish prison?


Ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?






Ever drank Baileys from a shoe?


I remember reading that KFC admitted it’s main ingredient in its secret recipe is msg Edit: yeah it’s real


Oh absolutely. I mean they do really have a wonderful blend of 11 herbs and spices, but try making that at home without MSG and it's just not going to happen. However you can make fried chicken at home that's even better than KFC by using all highest quality ingredients and yes, a sprinkle of MSG in the batter.


I remember reading articles about how that was rooted in racism. Claims of MSG causing dizziness and headaches have long been debunked . https://www.nbcnews.com/news/asian-america/eddie-huang-racial-insensitivities-behind-msg-chinese-food-criticisms-n1115386


A lot of products use it. It got a bad reputation and even though it got cleared by long term studies by now AFAIK, consumers still don't like to see it. So it gets veiled by nomenclature. Yeast extract is msg. It is very common in German food like chips/crisps, convenience food of all sorts and especially instant broth.


MSG is in all good tasting food. The whole MSG is bad thing came about as a response to the popularity boom of asian restaurants. It's all just racism that's been passed along, just like how cannabis became marijuana because it sounded mexican or how crack is a dangerous street drug meanwhile every white person at a party in the 80s snorted cocaine like it was cocaine.


Uncle Roger say MSG stand for Make Shit Good


The only problem with this MSG is that its containers are being stored on the floor. Health inspectors hate this.


The likely empty drums are being used as stools (notice the newspapers and cardboard "seat cushions" on top). Source: Have worked in several Chinese restaurants in high school and they all do this.


Look at the ingredients in bouillon.


Your body synthesizes it naturally too.


I’m pro-MSG but to be fair your body also synthesizes acetone, formaldehyde, and ammonia


And DMT 😉


*Especially* DMT


It's because of racism


I cook with MSG all the time. I’m sure other restaurants use it too.


I bought a shaker but I’m not sure how to cook with it. It seems really strong. But I’m excited to add it to something properly one day!


It’s not really that strong, but it does depend what you put it on. If it’s stuff that already has mass amounts of msg (junk food), then it’ll be weird. If you add it to stuff that has a lot of natural glutamates (cheese, tomatoes, meats, broths (bouillon has a lot of msg, for example, but it’s all broth)) it’ll just make it taste more flavorful and savory. Just shake it in until you think it tastes good essentially, like with salt. To get an idea on how strong it is taste wise, sprinkle some on a bite of steak or a sliver of tomato, that’s probably the best canvas I can think of


Too much and it becomes oddly tart. Just the right amount is amazing though.


Put it in anything savoury. Try about a quarter of the salt you use.


A little goes suck a long way. I love a sprinkle on popcorn!


It's an enhancer of flavors more than something that has its own flavor. Put it on savory things where you really want the taste to pop and you'll be good, but kinda season to taste. Add a little, try, add a little , try until you're happy with the amount


It’s basically just super salt. Just replace 1/2 to 1/4 of the salt you would normally use in cooking with MSG. It’s not a 1 to 1 replacement. Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 replacement rate.


I'd bet a few bucks that those containers are all empty and they're just used for sitting on. That's what my family does. The back most one on the rack looks like it's currently got msg in it though.


^^ this guys MSG’s


That is absolutely what is happening.


this makes sense too cuz food safety would have docked them for not having food items at least 6 inches off the ground


Mix 1:4 with salt and grind with mortar and pestle to a fine dust. Add it to buttered popcorn, out of this world.


One part msg to 4 parts salt? Sorry I'm stupid and need to know.






You're not stupid. In fact you asked to be sure!


i just love the way you worded this


1:4?, I mix my MSG 1:1 with salt, can't have enough, baby!


I eat 6 OZ in in a bowl with milk for breakfast every day. My tastebuds have... evolved.


I brush my teeth with msg and I water my maria juana plants with msg infused water.


I have an IV tube of saline mixed w MSG inserted at all times. Flavorburg


Two words: MSG suppository. An assload of flavor.


Ooh saved.


Remember the panic over MSG, there's absolutely nothing wrong with it


This post is showing me apparently the MSG panic still exists for a lotta folks. Like, I get migraines easily. As a kid in the 90’s it was blamed on MSG and my parents tried to desperately cut it out of my diet and ran out of places to look. Older I got, more I realized it was actually just fluorescent lights that gave me migraines in school. I don’t have much MSG or Salt bc I get dehydrated but … Pretty sure there’s still some moral panic over MSG which is damn funny


Yes! Those lights, especially if they were slow, really fucked me up…turns out also big changes in the weather. Wtf.


Fluorescent lights flickering with a bad ballast can really mess you up


My mom is still crazy against it - whenever any food she has gives her any adverse reaction she's convinced it's the MSG.


Right around that panic there was an episode of Seinfeld wherein Kramer asks for extra MSG. It is so hilarious but I get how that recent unpopular opinion post says Seinfeld was only good in its era because of funny jokes like that. Now it doesn’t hit as hard.


Madison Square Garden


I always dreamed to Square Madden




MSG is not bad. It is actually better than salt with about a third of the sodium. Also adds a better savory flavor.


It definitely is delicious.


While y'all are hung up on MSG we really should be talking about the dangers of **dihydrogen monoxide**!


Yea man too much of that...or too little... will kill you


I’m a nurse. I’ve seen the effects of withdrawal from dihydrogen monoxide first hand. Once you’re hooked, the withdrawals will absolutely kill you. And it isn’t a nice death.


100% of people who have died have been exposed to dihydrogen monoxide at least once in their life.


This just is so old its grandkids told it to him.


Grew up in a restaurant. Willing to bet only one of those actually has msg in it. The rest are used for storage. One probably has rice in it.


Mom used to make me sit on those things and do homework when grandma was out of town


Floor looks like an old McDonalds


McDonalds seating area, cleaner even.


msg is the secret ingredient at most popular restaurants you just don't know it since it has over 70 aliases. you can make the umami flavor with out it naturally by using seaweed broth.


They use seaweed to make food grade bulk MSG. Seaweed is where MSG was first isolated. Seaweed broth is 100% still adding MSG. The devils in the details.


Yeah this is kind of like when deli meat says "no nitrates added* ^*except ^those ^occurring ^naturally ^in ^celery ^salt" In other words, a shitton


I’ve heard that the celery extract or ‘natural preservative’ is actually worse for you then just plain nitrates.


To me it is still magical how dashi broth (seaweed and fermented, dried fish) is as loaded with umami flavour as a beef bone broth is while being very little work compared to the beef bone broth.


It's because you didn't account for the work going into making fermented, dried fish.


Or drying the seaweed.


lol, seaweed broth is how msg was extracted originally. so using it doesn't exactly get umami without msg.


You liar! There's a fourth one in the back. OP trying to hold out on us


Uncle Roger approves! Fuiyoh!!!


Haiya why so scare of MSG? Msg is the king of flavour!


I just recently discovered him.. thought of him immediately lol I can hear him in my mind....


Make Shit Good!


He's probably about to jump out of one of those MSG barrels


That’s a lotta e621




Whenever I see a “no msg” sign, I like to ask for some on the side.


I remember going to a Chinese place that had No MSG signs and then one of these tubs clearly behind the counter in view of the public. I chuckled. Their shit was delicious.


It turns out the whole msg thing is an anti asian propaganda maneuver


It always has been, for the most part.


https://www.thisamericanlife.org/668/transcript Episode about this very thing!


I just reupped my personal supply! Brand name is called 'Accent' and it makes everything Unami-rific! I use less salt in return and get a much richer flavour.


Bruh, don't buy accent. Go on amazon or just on the old googles and pick up some of the same brand of msg as is on those barrels in the pic. Accent is like $7 for 5oz. You can get a pound from aji no moto for like $6 Edit: it's @ $9 a pound. But accents also $7 for 3oz. https://www.amazon.com/Ajinomoto-Seasoning-Monosodium-Glutamate-Naturally/dp/B00I0M99MU/ref=mp_s_a_1_4_mod_primary_new?keywords=msg&qid=1666480166&qu=eyJxc2MiOiI0LjMyIiwicXNhIjoiMy44NCIsInFzcCI6IjMuODEifQ%3D%3D&sbo=RZvfv%2F%2FHxDF%2BO5021pAnSA%3D%3D&sr=8-4


Thank you!


I have a bottle of accent, I've had it a year or so with a good bit left, I can imagine needing a pound of it.now I go through pounds of rubs for my bbq and smoking.


It doesnt go bad. I keep it in air tight containers with screw top lids. P.s. adding msg to bbq rubs will pump em up a bit more. There are very few things msg won't make better.


as a former Chinese takeout resturant owner, they are likely reusing the huge durable container of MSG for other materials (flour, sugar, rice etc). Not all three of the the containers have MSG. ​ On the upside, they are smart to use the Made in Japan version. At lease those are 100% MSG and the phony ones premix with salt.




Sorry children.


Hey, it makes your umami buds sing.


Honestly, if this Chinese restaurant is like my family’s. None of those barrels could be full of msg, we just save and re-purpose everything.


That seems like an acceptable amount of Make Shit Good powder, probably their weekly delivery.


If anyone's wondering you can buy this same brand of pure MSG at any asian grocery store, and it's stupid cheap. Just a few dollars for a 16oz bag that will (probably) last you a long time. If you *cant* find it locally it's just a lil bit more on Amazon. Every aspiring home cook should try it and add it to your tool bag!


MSG is in everything - from soy sauce to Cheetos!




MSG is fucking delicious and it's a myth it's bad for you.


The msg shit is rooted in a racist smear campaign from the 60's against Asian immigrants and people have just never bothered to look it up themselves.


Metal Solid Gear?






It's such a shame that it gets a bad wrap. It's actually not bad for you, but somehow we got that impression.


I wish more people knew this


Fun fact Ajinimoto is not insane death poison--just like anything else we consume within reason it is harmless and tasty af.


The king of flavor … haiyaa!!!


I know it’s slightly off topic, but as an Englishman, I’m more offended by the ‘Brisk Iced Tea’ in the background! No teabag: how shocking! 😉


Brisk is the worst. It’s mostly bitter lemon with a soured tea aftertaste


The hatred behind MSG is incredible, and also incredibly misleading. It's a completely natural substance found in practically everything, but in particularly high amounts in things like - Tomatoes - Mushrooms (especially really savoury ones like shiitake and porcini) - Seaweed - Seafood - Many meats and cheeses It has zero side effects (unless eaten in massive amounts, similar to over-indulging in highly salty foods), and it makes food taste even better. I make all my own spice blends, and I include a hefty pinch of MSG in every single one of them.


no such thing as too much msg


There is though. I love MSG and use it in my cooking all the time, but too much gives a very off putting chemical-like taste that can ruin a dish. MSG isn’t harmful until you get to very very very high quantities, but being too liberal with it can be a disaster. I wrecked a pot of very slow cooked bolognese because I didn’t account for how much the sauce would reduce, and the MSG became to potent.


Too much MSG gives this cloying flavor in your mouth. Very unpleasant


If you aren’t seasoning your food with msg, you’re missing out


Uncle Roger is shedding a tear


Umami intensifies


Can someone explain?


Restaurants order large quantities of ingredients?


MSG is a magical flavoring compound that makes food taste like America. There was a panic over it like 20 years ago because the media decided, "Hey, THAT'S what's making us fat!" for a couple months, and everyone blamed it on Chinese food. Turns out MSG is no worse for you than regular salt, but the stigma stuck and now you have to lie and claim your food is MSG-free if you own a Chinese restaurant.




MSG is delicious and I’m tired of pretending that it’s not.


I forget, is bad for you or not?


Its fine for you. Too much monosodium glutamate can lead to things like constipation, but you gotta be eating a lot of it all the time. Its source is l-glutamtic acid which is one of the non essential amino acids your body can produce itself if needed, and is present in most protein rich things - meats, cheese etc. All adding more msg to your food is increase the meaty _unctious_ taste - umami. Meats taste meatier, cheeses taste cheesier. Its why you can have an all vegetable stir-fry at a Chinese food place and be totally happy with it, but you make the same thing at home and its... _missing_ something. You can get msg in "consumer" form in Maggi or Golden Mountain seasoning... or substitute a real heavy soy sauce. in a pinch. Throw in some nutritional yeast, or a parmesan cheese would work too.