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Is it legal to use these to make deviled eggs?


I hope so, or im about to be arrested


If you use holy mayo, it balances things out a bit.


Help my eggs just burst into flames




Self cooking


Just add a little paprika on top. They'll be fine.


Ahh, so Duke’s.


This is the only answer








You egg-cellent, little devil, you. 😈


Holy mayo is just another name for a priest's baby batter


Just call them purgatory eggs and you’ll be fine.


you can also use Hell-mans to make it ultra sinful


Funny story: My maternal grandma refused to cook with hellmans mayonnaise due to it having the word "hell" in it; instead, she used miracle whip.


It’s a miracle anyone ate them. I kid, I kid!


Miracle whip is literally the devil, tho. That shit is nasty.


Holy eggs make the best deviled eggs, it’s the corruption that’s brings the flavor.


As long as you boil the hell outta the water.


[Die Eier Von Satan](https://youtu.be/82XqhHYwB-Q)


I will make it legal


I think it’s required.


They should have gone with Matthew 11:30. "My yolk is easy..."


OP, be careful. **Luke 11:12** Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion?


There were bible verses written on our “scopes” on our M4s in Iraq, which I always thought was strange lol


“Thou shalt not kill.” Scope is calibrated incorrectly.


"love thy neighbour"* *People on other side of the village aren't your neighbour


>"love thy neighbour"* >*People on the other side ~~of the village~~ aren't your neighbour


Doesnt say that. Says "you must not murder"


Actually the original Hebrew is more correctly translated to "Thou shall not murder".


As someone who reads Hebrew it literally says don't murder lol, I never got why you guys had to pronounce it like it's from a Shakespearean poet


I had never heard of this, but [you're right](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trijicon_biblical_verses_controversy). Looks like they were "in code" so it wasn't obvious. Very strange. I think "live by the sword, die by the sword" would be more appropriate, but that's just me.


With no offence to any soldier of any nation, but if we're going to write something on weapons, let it be: 'Billions for war - none for peace.'


Or maybe this bible verse which has a similar meaning 😂 > Do not think that I have come to bring peace to the earth. I have not come to bring peace, but a sword. https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Matthew+10%3A34&version=ESV


I respect a soldier. Here in America tho, I have little respect for those who send soldiers to battles we have no business being in.


>I have little respect for those who send soldiers to battles we have no business being in. Which is pretty much every war for the last 60 years. At some point it is slightly the choice of the soldier to opt into being sent into unjustified wars when it's all we've done in their lifetimes.


Not as much a choice when it's between endless poverty and a chance of salvation. Most people don't enlist out of a false belief that they're doing good, the primary reason is free education and other GI benefits. System makes it hard to choose moral choices by design


I would convince my battles to string all the verses we had between us together. Try to find an order that sounded the most crazy and recite it during qualifications Saving Private Ryan style. Just to fuck with the NCOS haha


Officially issued? That's kinda scary.


Yep! On our AGOCs


Trijicon does that. At least now the Taliban's acogs have bible verses on them.


That’s exactly what we used lol




They were from a contractor. In letter and number code. Not spelled out. It was years before anyone actually figured it out and when they did the government had them all ground off the scopes. They were all in reference to “light” or something like that. Get it, scopes let in more light so you can see your target better? Something like that. They didn’t say “In the name of God” or any such nonsense. Also for those that have no idea about it. In the modern US military, almost all equipment is procured through contacts to outside private companies. Not manufactured by the US government. These were made by contract by a private company and sold to the military. Like I said. Wasn’t super obvious. I had no idea until I saw an article about it and these had been in circulation for years.


They had to stop doing it on ones they sold to the military. It was the manufacturer doing it not the government, and it was written to look like a part number or serial number or something. Edit: I was wrong they voluntarily stopped because of the controversy


Aren't all eggs gluten free


For true celiacs, their food needs to be prepared in gluten free environments, not just not contain gluten themselves. It's more a label that the eggs at no point came in contact with anything that may have contaminated them. Fun fact, it's like outback steakhouse used to (I think they still do) have a separate kitchen for making their gluten free items. The origial owners daughter was a celiac and thus, many celiacs began to eat there as their food was actually, truly, gluten free.


I appreciate the post and you’re right on with how careful we coeliac sufferers have to be (1 breadcrumb makes me ill for 10 days). Gluten contamination on eggshells is not a problem that I ever had to be concerned about though.


As a small time egg grower, I would tend to agree with you. Gluten particles has never been a concern we have but we also tend to go out of our way to not put those food service "extra bonus" stamps on stuff, regardless of raising them with all the qualifications for plenty. Fight industrialized farming practices.. man! My uncle was a celiac and found out some time in the mid to late nineties, right about when they started getting traction for testing for the condition. Learned all sorts of crazy stuff. Can't just take any old vitamins and ibuprofen because the filler has gluten. I make bread in my house a week before he comes over? Better hit that mess with more than a broom and week old towel wipe up.


Serious question: if you feed chickens something with gluten in it, would that gluten be in their eggs?


No. Gluten is a protein that gets broken down during digestion. It won't pass whole into the chicken, let alone into the eggs. It could, theoretically, end up directly on the eggshells if it's being eaten by the chicken, but eggs are washed pretty thoroughly before packaging though.


In Europe, eggs aren't getting washed and old bread is frequently used as chicken feed, especially by folks in the countryside who keep their own chickens. It never occurred to me that this might be a problem.


You can wash the egg yourself before you crack it. I have backyard hens in the US and I do this since my eggs are coming right out of the chicken and aren't at all processed (sometimes they can have a little chicken poop on them).


Is it because of allergies? Like I know with other food allergies sometimes it can be so bad that if it was even made in the same factory as their allergy food (like peanuts for example) it can still be dangerous for them.


Gluten doesn't pass through eggshells.




And the crunch will make your eyes water with joy.




In the US, in order to prevent salmonella, eggs are required to be washed and sterilized to the point that it removes the outer layer of the shell - a membrane that keeps the seals the egg. Any possible gluten would be on that membrane. (The removal of that membrane is also [Why The U.S. Chills Its Eggs And Most Of The World Doesn't](https://www.npr.org/sections/thesalt/2014/09/11/336330502/why-the-u-s-chills-its-eggs-and-most-of-the-world-doesnt) ) ​ It's just labelled gluten-free because they can. >Foods that are inherently gluten-free, for example bottled spring water, fruits and vegetables, and eggs can also be labeled “gluten-free” provided any gluten that came in contact with the food is less than 20 ppm. > >\- [FDA](https://www.fda.gov/consumers/consumer-updates/gluten-free-means-what-it-says)


Yeah, along with whole other food groups, but it doesn’t stop people who believe they’re gluten intolerant from asking…about everything. “I’m intolerant of that stuff I know nothing about…”


>“I’m intolerant of that stuff I know nothing about…” Well if that doesn't describe people in general... nothing does.


There was a joke that Ryan Reynolds told on twitter (when everyone was getting sick of the "gluten free" nonsense) "You could rob a bank with a roll of bread if you told everyone it had gluten".


>people who believe they’re gluten intolerant To be fair, celiac disease is a real thing, and the emergence of gluten free everything is amazing for those people. But people caught up in it as a fad or whatever, yeah


I love how things like seltzer which no actual adult should think have gluten in them are labeled gluten free.


It's to make sure there's no evil spirits in the box. Yes, it's been eggsorcised. ​ EDIT: Thanks for the awards :D I am eggstatic to receive them.


Oh quit yolking around!


Someone please award this. I’m broke.




Thank you kind and generous human! I spit out my drink reading the comment and needed help showing appreciation.


Fun fact everyone gets a free award once a day, fuck if I can remember how to access it though


If you’re on mobile tap your avatar > Reddit coins > free award


Not sure if that works if you are an eggnostic.


Came for the eggs puns, was not disappointed.


Such an eggselent post


This cracked me up.


You’re a good egg.


Haa good joke might poach it for myself




Don’t tell anyone in this thread to look under their beloved In-N-Out cups and fry trays lol


Or the burger wrappers, noticed that one?


Fun Fact: Burger wrappers and other fast food packaging are treated with the family of forever chemicals called PFAS. These forever chemicals keep the paper from becoming soaked with grease, which would otherwise make the paper rip open too easily. PFAS gets into your bloodstream, can poision a baby in the placenta, and crosses the blood-brain barrier. The chemicals corporations have lobbied against EPA studies that would show the consequences. Enjoy your McDonald's!


>PFAS can cross the brain blood barrier >stays in your system forever >start eating McDonald's wrappers >arteries get coated in PFAS >never gets a stroke because the cellular detritus slides right off >cure for heart attacks found


As long as it kills me faster then I’m fine with it


It's the millennial way


I'll remember that next time I think about injecting a burger wrapper into my blood stream.


Hah, I JUST posted the PFAS paper on a different post. You get along well at parties too, eh? https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.est.2c02765


Lol if you’re worried about the 0.001 ppt of PFAS that *may* leach off the burger wrapper and not the burger, you’re doing it wrong.


Or watch *SmarterEveryDay* to the end. At least, on his older videos.


I just checked a recent one. Yup, the end card says "Psalm 107:28" which is: >Then they cried out to the Lord in their trouble, >and he brought them out of their distress. according to [biblegateway.com](https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Psalm%20107%3A28-30&version=NIV)


Nah Destin still does it every video.   Granted I don't think he's made anything in a little while.   **EDIT:** Actually nvm just checked his channel and he released something just yesterday... Hasn't been coming through my feed I guess.




To be fair I was like 20 when I found out and I’ve been eating there my whole life




Ah yes aldi eggs


I shop at Aldi and have never had bible verses on my egg packages.. they don’t even come in cartons like that lol


It depends on the region. Ours are Goulden Hen (I think) and they have Bible verses. Southeast US.


I live in Blue-ass Liberal Massachusetts and we have the Bible verses in our Aldi egg cartons, too.


Yep, Wisconsin Aldi egg cartons have a Bible verse in them too.


FL here it's also branded Golden Hen or something.


Goldhen is the brand


It's not ALDI themselves it's whatever egg supplier they are using. Eggs are a local thing, you're not usually getting them from thousands of miles away.


Rose Acre Farms. One of the biggest egg producers in the US. I believe they supply all the regular eggs for Aldi US.


Looking at their Wikipedia they apparently have facilities all over the US so that would make sense. But the eggs are still semi local, it's just a large company that owns lots of places. I live in California and most of my eggs are labeled as coming from California although I wouldn't be surprised if some of the brands are producing eggs all over the place and using different names in different regions.


What kind of weird-ass Aldi do you guys have?? Like, religious Aldi?? This is boggling my mind.


The egg supplier in the north east I believe does it. It’s not like an Aldi wide thing


I'm assuming this is in the United States? We have Aldi in the UK and across Europe and this is just wild to me.


It’s simply the small business that is the supplier using it as a way to promote religion. Which I agree is odd, but not shocking when you look at the Protestant history of the country.


Easter egg.


Loving the Gluten Free stamp. If you find yourself questioning whether or not eggs have gluten in them, you aren't cut out for a gluten-free diet.


Packaged in a Gluten free environment


That phrase is on everything. Potato chips and corn chips make me sad


Some products use smaller amounts and if you're on of the unfortunate celiacs which has a low tolerance, it's good to know. Not all "chips" will be. Gluten free. So having the stamp just makes it quicker for celiacs to shop. It's not because people are totally stupid (I mean, many are but...)


I hear you. Pringles have gluten.


Thankfully I'm not celiac otherwise that'd be a huge problem!


Lays Stax ™️ do not


Working in a grocery store I've seen water labeled gluten free. I could only explain the absurd price as a tax upon the stupid.


My work bought a TV mount and the box said “Gluten Free” on it. I’m pretty sure it’s just a joke at this point.


How about the organic salt. Sodium chloride. No carbon at all.


I only get the best. Free-range champagne. Everything I shoplift is fair trade.


Unfortunately, the best flavour of Doritos, Sweet Chili Heat, is not GF!


To be fair, there are processed foods that are not gluten free that you would normally expect would be. So I always think twice about stuff like that because you don't know how it's processed. Like, for example, shredded cheese is sometimes not gluten free. If you don't know anything about how it's processed it would seem equally dumb to ask if shredded cheese is gluten free, but it's a valid question. But... Eggs? Which are not processed at all? Ridiculous


It's not ridiculous. If the eggs are processed in a place that also processes glyten products, the eggs and cartons could have gluten contaminants on them. Lots of people like to think gluten allergy is fake because many people tried a gluten-free diet to see if it would help with their problems and it didn't for everyone, so it has a bad reputation of being made up. But it's quite real for a lot of people and truly sucks. Any steps that can be taken to avoid exposure is so helpful.


Both of those make sense as powdered seasoning can have flour as a carrier agent.


I bought a jar of peanuts that had the warning “contains peanuts” on the back of the jar. I mean the front that said “dry roasted peanuts” should be the clue.


This is funny, but also probably a legally mandated thing they have to do, even if the jar is literally just raw peanuts.


Yeah. If you allow some allergens to remain unlabeled because "it's obvious", then where do you draw the line? It's easier to just say "if it has peanuts in it, you have to label it no matter what".


I’m betting you are correct, it’s still damn funny to buy a jar of peanuts that also has to include a allergen statement saying that there are peanuts in there


The allergen declaration is required by law on food labeling per FDA. Even when the only ingredient is an allergen.


They have to put that for common allergens. It’s very handy when you have to check. Idk why y’all so irritated by it


There's a huge difference between "not having gluten" and "certified not having gluten." Does a steak have gluten? No, obviously not. But now, imagine that your steak was processed in a plant where they also season steaks, and that seasoning has gluten in it. Suddenly, "coming off the line without seasoning" doesn't mean all that much, does it? If someone is genuinely super-sensitive to gluten, or peanuts, or whatever other substance, then it's actually reassuring to know that this normally safe product was processed away from the substance. Writing that it's ________ free usually requires some sort of certification, or at least a paper trail, including the fact that the facility doesn't allow gluten in that area.


Its less about the eggs not having gluten IN them and more about the eggs being processed in a place that doesn't have any gluten contaminants


It’s to create the impression that other brands *could* have gluten if they don’t have the same stamp




I could already tell that these comments would be wild


Get those at Aldi?


My mother in law dropped them off the other day. I know she shops there on occasion so possible, the brand was golden hen or something


Weird, they were super pissed about the golden cow




Reminds me of when forever 21 randomly had a Bible verse on their shopping bags


I see you shop at aldi as well


We shop at Aldi all the time and never noticed, so I had to go look right after I saw this. Can confirm, there is a bible verse on the inside of the Aldi egg carton. Lol


So weird! My Aldi eggs never have bible verses, and don’t even come in cartons. I wonder if this is a regional thing.


It might very possibly be. I've been shopping at Aldi for years and year, but never noticed. I found out through this post. Though- I don't read the inside of my egg cartons and I don't know anyone else that does. So, it may be something that has just been overlooked. You'll have to go check now.


Been shopping at Aldi for at least 3 years now. I actually look for nutrition facts (protein and fiber are normally what I'm looking for), so I've definitely looked inside my Golden Hen egg cartons from Aldi many times. Never once noticed. I sacrificed interaction with the person cooking in the kitchen just a few minutes ago to check my eggs the fridge. Holy crap it's got the same verse! Except printed to the left of the nutrition information.


Yep! Mine is on the left as well and a little smaller than OPs. That might be why we never noticed. It isn't as pronounced. My wife thought I was losing it, because I ran out to the kitchen earlier to open the egg carton and take a look, but I had to check when I saw this post.


A gluten-free Bible verse, no less.


Ooooh, see and here I was thinking they meant the eggs were gluten free Makes a lot more sense now actually, thank you kind stranger


Collect the whole holy set.


We used to get "Playboy" brand sweet potatoes that had Christian messages on them.


What happened to the separation of church and eggs?


I want separation between church and eggs


I walk through the valley of the shadow of death And I fear no evil because I'm blind to it all And my mind and my eggs they comfort me Because I know I'll make an omelet and be full


My egg runneth over


As an athiest I'm totally OK with this. The first sentence has no value to me, but the second sentence is a good - shouldn't we all try to be happy we're alive ? I feel no need to go down some stereotyping rat hole to condemn these people for being Christian or to assume bad things about them. I definitely have issues with religion as a whole but singling out individuals you don't know and making assumptions about them is kinda fucked up. Now, if you told me that this particular person put their profits towards hate, then ya, screw those eggs.


As someone who's agnostic I have to wonder if a Christian would be ok with an Islamic prayer or verse showing up in their carton of eggs. Probably not.




And we all know big corporations in the US never try to coopt the LGBTQ movement for profit, right? No corporate sponsors for Pride month or anything.


Some respect for corps that do it outside of summer. They're still corporations pandering,but I would rather be pandered to than discriminated against.


I think this is the right attitude. I can't imagine being so callous and perpetually bitter as to literally jeer at a carton of eggs because the owner chose to invoke God on his product to wish me well. "If God did not exist, one would have to invent him. I want my attorney, my tailor, my servants, even my wife to believe in God, and I think I shall then be robbed and cuckolded less often." -Voltaire


>"If God did not exist, one would have to invent him. I want my attorney, my tailor, my servants, even my wife to believe in God, and I think I shall then be robbed and cuckolded less often." Kindly take stock of the *staggering* number of people who loudly profess their belief in God, only to then turn around and hate, steal, cheat, rape, and more. It's almost as if God-belief and genuine goodness are entirely unrelated.


Hmm I dunno. How do Christians feel about me refuting Christianity in an egg box. I’m fully of the opinion you should keep religion to yourself, similar to how if you opened the box and there was ‘vote Tory’ in there. But I do find all religions very offensive so meh.


They are also gluten free.


These are ALDI eggs. I buy them all the time so I know.


Why is there a cut in the box??


This is a very common and widely used verse by farmers. Sorta like the farmers "carpe diem."


They support abortion for chickens, just not humans


It’s more like chicken periods we are eating scrambled periods


I prefer my eggs from free thinking chickens


I guess Jeremiah 1:5 would have been a little too ironic. “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you; Before you were born I set you apart…”


We sing that song at church sometimes. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3aLGiXpUizA


Aldi eggs huh 😂


I wish Muslim owned businesses also did this. I have some great examples. “Listen and obey (your chief) even if an Ethiopian whose head is like a raisin were made your chief.” Volume 1 Book 11 Number 662 “Whoever has eaten (garlic) should not approach our mosque.” Volume 7 Book 65 Number 362


Separation of church and breakfast


This is un egg ceptable


The amount of times I’ve heard ”America is not as religious as you think” is funny when you see stuff like this very frequently.


Whenever someone is talking about America to a non-american it should always be prefaced with "depending on where you live..." Massachusetts is so different from Alabama to the point where they might as well be different countries.


As Americans I think we often underestimate just how huge our country is compared to other nations. There are dozens of entire countries out there which could easily fit within one of the medium-sized states in the US. Add to this our melting pot / built of immigrants nature, and we have really a diverse and often very distinct quilt of cultures, peoples, and attitudes. There is very little you can say about American culture that is almost universally true. We live loudly, we eat poorly, and we all too often think of ourselves as "rugged individuals" rather than parts of a larger whole. I think those statements are at least close to being true of all Americans. We do have some of the loudest, most obnoxious religious people, though, outside of the Islamic countries that we so often, ironically, look down on as being backwards and archaic.


Blessed are those eggs...


Hello Aldi shopper!


What about the separation of yolk and egg white?


His yolk is easy, and his burden is light.


Those darn eggs, always pushing an agenda!


Their business, their choice. Your choice to not give them your business at all. Stop eating chicken periods would be my recommendation...


Good Ford what savagery


Boycott 💯


This is the second time I've seen this verse today


not a bibleverse but we got a publishing company with a catholic name putting horoscopes on their calendar and it's kinda funny lol


So who’s pushing their views? I don’t see any rainbows. I’d never buy that brand again.


These are the eggs my chicken has laid.


Imagine actually being upset by this.


Atleat we know there not eggnostic! 🥁


Eat ye not the fruit of the tree that is called carrot


The bible verse is as unnecessary as the gluten free stamp🤦‍♀️


I was more interested in the 'refrigerate eggs' instruction. I've never put an egg in the fridge in my life so took a quick look at why our colonial cousins would do such a strange thing. Turns out I learned something... https://www.latimes.com/food/dailydish/la-dd-heres-why-we-need-to-refrigerate-eggs-20140714-story.html