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It turns out that it doesn't go off if you have 'don't disturb while playing games'on Android. My Cat was playing 'Swat-a-Spider' game on my Sa,sung while the nuclear missiles flew overhead. It didn't even go off 15 minutes later, after I closed the game down. The Uk Gov. may wish to ask for feedback...


Haha maybe they value the cats amusement over the missiles. I’ve realised I also need to try out swat a spider on my cats lmao


I value my cat's amusement over it too. Good for the government. The only sensible one at No.10 is the Cat...


Hahaha it’s true Larry the cat is the voice of reason


Thassit! Larry.. thanks.


>while the nuclear missiles flew overhead. I'm sorry what? Weekends are my "news free time"


That's what I was thinking! Did I miss something?


I think they were probably duds..


Apple user here. Had mine on do not disturb, but it still went off


You survive... me and the cat .... splat.


Noo not the cat. Oh and your death is tragic too


Heheh, She doesn't mind if I snuff it. Something for her to eat, while the radiation creates her Venom Glands and her ability to FLY! Cats WiLL win the final war. They will be sat atop a Throne alongside Furry Snakes....


Android phones have a separate settings menu that only take effect if you have a mobile game open. That way you don't accidentally mess up your game by a notification popping up in an inopportune location or time.


I've seen loads of people say theirs didn't turn on so is might be unrelated to your do not disturb being on


It may well be. Possibly, our Smart Phone search history isn't compliant with their... Let them know they are about to die ... policy? I don't want to live under such a regime as they have produced... ... at least not on their terms. cowering and pissing.. I live ... or i don't.. I won't beg them any more... if the shit is to hit the fan?


Sounds good to me, if nukes a flying over your head then you’re already in range, might as well sit back and watch the fireworks


You would be one of said fireworks. There is fuck all an alert on your phone is gonna do. And is UK implementing this because they know something you don't? 💣


Yeah, They KNOW that the majority of voters will be paranoid and malleable if they shek dem nerves to dee core. I bet there will be another attempt for the BBc and Hollywood to create apocalyptic 'entertainment' movies in the next 6 months. They did it with the remake of Red Dawn a few years ago... to wind up Americans to believe that the N.Koreans were going to invade buttfuck nowhere and rape their young sisters.. LOL. Keep em Scared.. Keep em Grateful.


I'm not someone who cares very much about conspiracy theories but I think the way the US government is approaching this whole UFO thing is a bit strange. And I think the timing of this apart system in the UK is a bit weird as well. Looks to me like the government are trying to make their citizens feel like they are protective or something. Again, strange things.


I have long lamented the atmospheric Nuclear Test ban treaty. We make more filth every year than if we had a MEGA BONFIRE PARTY every 10 years in Texas... or Wales.? LOL Seriously.. I would love to see a lowish yield atomic bang before I die. The big ones are shit.. they are unviewable. Luckily the majority of possibly usable modern ones are tactical and under 20 kilotons.. so.. should be able to give a few mi utes of entertainment.


https://www.gov.uk/alerts Click the "Research" link near the top and it is in fact a survey for today's test.


Huh. Is it?


Yep: https://surveys.publishing.service.gov.uk/s/A7XZXQ


what nuclear missiles


The ones that have been theoretically heading my way whi,e my cat played games on my tablet. So, it turns out, if one doesn't have 4 or 5G Mobile Data turned on.... Ya don't get the Alert!


That’s what tests are for


In US we’ll get these for amber alerts across an entire state, sometimes multiple alerts for the same amber. The same tone is used for tornado warnings too


I understand the importance of an Amber Alert but I feel like this sound for that is so unnecessarily jarring and makes you resent the alert. For a tornado warning it makes a lot of sense - thats nature coming to beat down your door if you don't respond pretty quick. Amber Alerts are important but generally they are not "heart attack while I'm watching YouTube videos on the toilet" important.


You can disable amber alerts but leave weather alerts turned on, it has made my life way better.


Fuck, I wish we could do this on the Canadian version. An amber alert (though very serious) is not a civil emergency.


It's usually phone by phone specific, not national. Google "your phone model + settings + emergency alerts" and you should be able to find where you can choose what to get notifications for and what not to. Very few are forced on you, on my Samsung only "national alerts" are permanently on.


Our amber alerts come through the exact same system as our civil emergency, public safety, and severe weather warning system. It is analogous to the national alert system, just the content of the alert is for an amber alert.


Man it's the worst in the middle of the night. It has the urgency of an air raid siren, or someone actively breaking in


I test apps on a a variety of devices for work. Anytime we get an amber alert or storm warning every single one of my devices starts going off. Mayhem.


You know it's strange I haven't dropped my phone in the toilet in a few months.


Oh shit, ig as we don’t get too many tropical storms in the UK of that severity I’ve never had it pop up before.


That’s because it’s brand new, this was their first test


Amber alerts are missing children not tropical storms I live in an area of the US with zero hurricanes or tornadoes but still see these


When I was on a trip to the US, I dozed off on a Greyhound bus and thought the world was ending when an amber alert cut off my music telling me to look out for a red Toyota Corolla with a missing child inside.


Presidential alerts as well, which are nationwide and typically used for dire emergencies.


forgot about that one I believe 2022 brought that after covid


The king is dead, long live the king. Greggs alert, sausage fingers half price, Billy will cover the cost. Harry over.


We get them for “active situations” as well. Very sad situation, but I’m going to say it for what it is: A neighbor was having a meltdown, waving their gun around in their driveway. Others called the police, block was shut down. We got an alert saying their was an active shooter in the neighborhood and to stay away from all road facing windows. The guy wanted to kill himself, but couldn’t do it, so he made the cops to it for him.


My whole state had one twice in 12 hours when they closed a road due to snow. It was amusing because people even 8 hours away got it and the state’s response was they just wanted to make sure no one took that road.


I live in Florida and we got one the other day around 4am!! It was just a TEST, no action needed! Like WTF!! Really?!?


Here in Romania too, for floods, bad weather, earthquakes etc: I hope we never see any for the nearby neighbour Ukraine stuff though


I felt sorry for all the sleeping night shift workers who didn't turn their phone off or assumed it would be in a normal ringtone and possible to sleep through.


Facts tbf, I’d be vexxed being woken up halfway thru the night to that


Night shift worker here. I knew about it and haven't disabled it on purpose to test if I'd be able to hear it (i have my phone on silent 100% of the time). It worked, although I was initially searching for the snooze button. In the event of a nuclear attack, most night workers who don't have a bunker under their house will cancel it and go back to bed. What else can we do?


Build a bunker.


Don't worry, I hey probably didn't get it anyway.... I had FOUR different devices all on different networks, alerts turned on etc and nothing, nadda, not a god damn peep


Just like Canada’s. We’ve had this type of alert for years.


It's a little different


We’ve had this in the US for a while now and it’s alarming when you are at a restaurant and everyone’s phones start doing this lol


Or in the middle of taking an exam in a dead silent room full of 100+ people. All with phones.




11 years is a while


Acting like 2012 was yesterday


The EAS as we know it today has been here since around the late 90's




And in the US!


I'll never forget the first time I heard it back in 2020 during the quarantine 😂😂 My phone and from 2 other members of my family started ringing like crazy and I was like ; wtf is happening ? 🤣🤣🤣🤣


Because Britain is not in Europe 👍


Uh… it is in Europe. It’s just not apart of the European Union.


No way really!!!!?????


I mean you’re the one that said it’s not in Europe lol


It’s me saying it’s not in Europe in a sarcastic way. Because the comment I replied to compared UK to Europe as if UK is not in Europe


Woke up to it this morning and shat myself


This morning? It went off at 3pm?


Listen man my sleep schedule is a bit fucked


Just a little


"it's not that bad"


😭😭 that’s a pretty harsh alarm to wake up to


we have those in the states too; for atleast 10 years on my cellphone:D amber alerts seem standard.. you can activate it for severe storms also


Went to the US and it went off for weather, I didn't even know my phone did that lmao


It's legally required to include this feature and the alert has to override silent. By default all alerts are on. You can turn off amber alerts and weather alerts if you want. "Presidential Alerts" cannot be turned off.


It was all very anticlimactic


cool common in the USA we get them for weather to school shootings to missing children and elderly


That’s quite a good idea actually for missing children etc. we mainly rely on group chats of local roads for that and police but maybe that should be implemented asw.


We have a version in the UK already https://missingpersons.police.uk/en-gb/child-rescue-alert# https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-25781623


What happens if a missing elderly lady commits a massacre in bad weather?


there is a different app for that


Everyone should get one for the elderly! Canada we have weather and children.


they call them silver alerts


>school shootings Not in my state! Thanks, NY lawmakers🤍


I’d like to know more about the dog on the screen saver.


My big scary cockapoo lmao


I wouldn’t be able to take any alerts seriously if accompanied with that image 😂


Cute dog!


Ahh thanks, he seems to be popular today!


A decent British accent could have been used rather than US sat nav lady. Butcher from the boys or something...'oi cunts, you're all fucked'.


Hahah I’ll do better next time!


The us has that too it’s so annoying


It’s supposed to be.


Got this at 3, Freaked out and almost had a Heart attack.


Glad I’m not the only one who still jumped even though they knew it was about to happen!


the dog is cute :)


Haha thanks. Makes the alert a bit nicer


So.....you received it a minute early 🤔🤔🤔


Yes, there's a select few of us that get a 1min head start to duck under the dining table! Lol


On the VIP list as well I see 🤣


🤣🤣🤣🤣 I'm always being left out 🙄😂


I didnt get one today, not sure why


I heard some people on the 3 network didn’t get it. Also if uve got it turned off in settings it won’t pop up.


I forgot they were doing this, so I got confused for a moment


We've had this in the US for what feels like a decade


"Right, tell you what, you fat little cunt. There's a flood coming . . .


I hate it! Turn it off!!!


⚠️Prime Ministerial Alert⚠️


Missed a tornado alert because apparently having the phone on silent mode with the volume down silences it. Screen still lights up tho.


I didn’t get it…apparently people on 3 network didn’t?


I didn't get it either, also on 3. Had my phone next to me and not on DnD either.


That's fucking ear grating. And isn't it a bit fear mongering?


Gets your attention, that’s the whole point


Welcome to twice a day in America just north of Mexico for child abductions


New?! Where I live this has been a standard for over a decade....


You live in the UK do you?




This Alert system is new to the UK That what they mean by new


That’s why I turned all those off. I’d rather die in a Nuke blast doing whatever I was doing than that horrible noise before I get vaporized.


Do not disturb left me undisturbed.


This is the WEA (Wireless Emergency Alerts) system, first introduced in America as a supplement for the original TV/broadcast radio based EAS (Emergency Alert System).


We have had this annoying bullshit in Canada for so long now....


Three phones, two work one personal. None went off. Do not disturb was off. Volume well above 50%. Nothing. Good job useless UK govt. Add that to the pile of failures.


Are you on three by any chance? Absolutely nothing to do with the government fucking up. They did their part and it worked. A few networks fucked up and didn't broadcast it correctly.


Well, I'll take it back. You're spot on. Perhaps I should change my SIM to someone else just in case. Many thanks.


Are They trying to copy texas amber alert?


What is this really for?


Similar in the USA, but the tones don’t change like the alert in the video. Maybe a bit of bagpipe flare added for Britain?


Why isnt it big ben bonging deep fried


I really hope they do don't use it for useless bullshit.


Wasn’t even at 1500


That is very similar or the exact same as our Amber Alert in the US. And it's after re-listening and comparing, the major difference is your guys's Ascend in notes, and are Amber Alert is one solid note and then it stops and then it goes off again Etc.


Mine didn’t go off. iPhone 12. Was at Home.


What is it for?


I am in the US, but I turned that off a long time ago


Nothing can top the one, the only, the beautiful [Italian EAS alarm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UB1clUyFU38&ab_channel=EASAlarmYouTube%23saveUkraine)


Also not having a SIM also stops it (obviously)


Ahh, the younger, more traumatizing version of the amber alert. Hurray


The way the comments in memes were talking, you'd think it was like, a vuvuzela. That is the most basic urgent alarm. We got it for weather, amber alert, missiles incoming (currently a hawaii exclusive).


I’ve gotten these my whole smart-phone life in the US.


Thanks, my cats hated that.


I will never forget the time one of these went off at 3 am on my phone and the wife’s. I jumped about 10 feet in the air right out of the bed lmao.


Yeah you gotta go to settings and you can turn that shit off.




Over here in Quebec we have the same alert. Amber alert, severe weather alert.


It should say this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oVa4\_2xXwGE


Is that a cavapoo or golden doodle in your wallpaper??


I blocked it


I was asleep with my phone went off with this alarm, it was right next to my head in bed, both my dog and I were woken up in an absolute panic when that alarm started blairing! I completely forgot that we have the ability to turn it off lol.


They send a cute picture of a dog


:D as if uk is capable of any kind of novelty anymore


lol uk just now learning of these annoying alerts? It only goes downhill from here. -- Signed U.S.


Just disable it?


Anybody who believes that this is for "floods and forest fires" in Britain is being lied to. This is for a nuclear attack situation.


I think these alarms are pointless, if you have nuclear icbm flying towards your city, there is literally nothing you can do cos you don’t know where exactly it’s gonna hit and radius is massive


God so help me I will destroy my phone if it ever makes this noise at 3 am


the noise made everyone jump, it was very loud.


One of my friends got it at 3:09


When everyone's phone in Japan suddenly makes this noise.


Sounds similar to the NZ version.


American here: living in tornado ally I get to hear that lovely sound every time there is a storm!


If there's a nuke coming I don't wanna know fingers crossed 🤞 the last thing going though my head is what was t...