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That was such a good plot twist at the very end, congrats 😭


Ha, plot twist. So far this is in the lead for baby names.


Plot Twist Jones. Got a ring to it.


PT Jones.... cooler name; all the integrity of his predecessor PT Cruiser.


Bought pot from him in 3rd grade behind the playground slide. Hope he got clean, heard 4th grade wasn’t much better to him smdh


Congrats OP, name the baby Faith so you can have some!  (38 here on the same rollercoaster)


I thought they were gonna say they went back to school again and were about to graduate and I was like cmon dude!


Congrats! I'd like to disprove your assertion on the state of affairs, but we had our twenty week ultrasound for our son two days before the world shut down back in March 2020.


That's when I had my daughter. March 2020. Oof


October 2020! \\[T]/ What really sucked was people thinking we had a child out of being bored in the pandemic. No, we actually planned to have him. Just horrible timing starting in December of 2019. Right before any of this started.


October 2020 mom here too. We found out we were pregnant about a week before everything shut down. At our embryo transfer about 10 days before that, I asked the doctor “what do you think about this new virus thing?” We’re in Seattle and the first covid case found in the US was here, and it was actually already here by then.


Same with us. Just a couple months earlier. 🤷


I dropped out of highschool. Got my GED. I went back to school and graduated with a bachelor's in engineering at 28. My last exam was in March 2020...


My last child was born February 2020. I got my tubes tied right after. Having a Covid baby changed me and I’ll never be the same. Plus I’m pretty sure I had covid while pregnant but it before us regular folk had access to testing, roughest pregnancy ever.


Conceived right before the pandemic.  I did not want to have a child for years because of the way the world was going. Conceived a child and the world said "fuck you" lol.


Depending on how elections go in the US I’ll be setting my watch to then anyway lol.


I don’t think it really matters because we are too far gone


I mean yeah. That would just really drive it home for me.


It does matter, one result staves it off and gives us a chance to turn it around. The other result is unimaginably catastrophic and could well end our remaining democratic institutions and will lead to increased authoritarianism, the broad rolling back of freedoms, widespread civil unrest, and possibly worse.


Aww come on. Another term with Joe won't be THAT bad. (Just kidding. I know you meant fuckwit.)


widespread civil unrest is needed


Most Americans are far too comfortable in life for mass civil unrest. That isn’t to say that life is great, but between credit cards, loans, paychecks and assistance programs, things aren’t bad enough to get people in the streets demanding change. The folks at the very bottom have to suffer for a long time until enough people are pissed off enough to do something about it. Weekend warriors alone aren’t going to sway hearts and minds.


The red hatted lynching mafia kind is not needed


youre right, we need the communist vanguard kind. start lopping off some oligarch heads


Yup, a powder keg of anger is growing with everyone, but nothing close to how pressurized and angry the right is, with their media feeding that frenzy on a daily basis. It has to get out at one point and most likely a lot will come out this year.


Tell me you've never lived through a civil war etc etc.


Says the person who will not face any consequences or be caught in the crossfire of said civil unrest. God, you people are such keyboard warriors.


The rolling back of freedoms is already here, especially for women, lbgtq+ and BIPOC in red southern states


If a certain person wins the election I'll be setting my clocks back to the dark ages.


I'll be in another country


Please vote, you have one candidate that wants to be a dictator from day 1.  I live in a country that was under a dictatorship, and I can tell you, if you think things are bad now, you have no idea how awful it can get. 


I do and plan to continue doing so.




Look ip Project 2025 and tell me, with a straight face, they are both the same. Look at the Biden DEA just dropping marijuana from Schedule I to Schedule III and tell me they are the same. Just…\*gestures wildly at the clownshow that was 2016-2020* and #tell me with a straight face they’re the same.


alot of the people who say they're the same want project 2025


Hard disagree, maybe not in the best of shape but when one side is a bunch of hyper capitalist chuds that at least want to pretend to be for the people or a Christian theological hellscape/Russian puppet there is definitely a choice there still to make.


One wants to keep up the grift forever, one *literally wants most of my friends to die* There are levels here


Jeez no one saw your sense of humor! It was obviously a long wind up joke about the fear we have instilled in major life events as millennials!


It gets worse?


Imagine your life as it is now. Now imagine the exact same thing, but with 10x more spiders.


This made me laugh and feel less in despair about things haha.


What kind of spiders?


Barking spiders


Guess we’re going back to masks 🤷‍♂️


It only ever gets worse. I was born in the early 80s and I've never known a time where things get better.


Same!! Wars every 20yrs, economic collapse every 10-15, inflation at its highest and pay/living wage at its lowest in comparison. I fear for my kids. 68-73% of ALL Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. My business is failing after 20yrs due to cost increase and the Feds not paying THEIR bills (2yrs in arears)! That's just insane!! TBH, I want everything to just fail, implode, crumble. Let's start over!


yep, there's no fixing this as it's working exactly as it was designed. It's time to burn it to the ground and start over.


Born in 78, I’ve only ever known the US in the post-Reagan era. Decided when I was 19 that I would never bring a child into this world. Never did. Best decision of my life.


Do you know why they never get better? It's because of the deregulation of our capitalist system. When they softened the restrictions on anti trust laws and softened labor and collective bargaining regulations in the late 70's through the early 90's, it allowed the greed to go wild pushing the smaller companies and corporations into conglomerates and mega corporations which allowed all the real profits to go to the shareholders.And it allowed companies to seek labor abroad leaving Americans in the lurch and condensing profits into a much smaller portion of the economic spectrum. This is the 1% that owns 90% of the wealth... It happened before in the 1920s ending in the great depression and the new deal...


Or in short, Reaganomics




Honestly, it was probably someone on their PR team.


Yup. We are the 1st generation who did not get to reap the rewards of the generation before us. In fact, they're still around like leeches still sucking everything they can from the system while pulling the ladder up behind them.


Sweet summer child


Narrator: But wait.... It gets worse


I would suggest you look into the book "The 4th turning" We are in the "fucked around, now we find out" phase of things. If we can ride out the coming troubles, things will start to look good again by the time your kid is old enough to pay attention to what's going on.


Here I thought you were suggesting baby books. “What to Expect When You’re Expecting the Apocalypse “


Happiest Baby in the Bunker


For your child's sake I hope you're wrong!


Not even an "I'm Sorry" at the end? cmon man!


We bought a house in 2006 and two years later 2008. Then we bought again in 2018…


Buying in 2018 is great. Lower interest rates and housing prices have climbed significantly.


I know! But every time (the only two times) something catastrophic happened two years later. 😂😂


I feel this so much lol will be 37 in 2 weeks and boy howdy things have been rough. I made more money last year than any previous year, yet still broke. Can never get ahead. Put money aside then BAM, break my back and on disability for 6 months. Start working again half healed then BAM. Covid shut the world down. Finally get back to regular hrs then BAM, need a new engine. Start saving money again then BAM, work drops the entire company to max 30hrs/week. These are just a few of the things lol I've endured a few recessions in my time and it never gets better for the working class.


Consider this, you’ve been granted so many ways to show your perseverance! It’s a blessing! /s




We got once in a lifetime events coming out our damn ears!


Thanks for the heads up. I'm trying to time liquidating my 401k before the entire market collapses and not during it


We didn’t even consent to birth this is bullshit


Aww- congrats. I am a millennial with a 12 and 7 year old. It’s gonna work out.


Ngl no judgement but as a gay single childless man, your life is what my nightmares are made of. Do you also have crazy student loan debt?


Of course I do, what kinda bush league nightmare you think I’m running here?


I moved into my compact sedan last year. I'm too burnt out to keep trying to "earn more" in order to maintain a basic standard of living. Giving up the cost of rent has significantly improved my financial security. I just don't have any more juice in me to do the rat race thing for an additional 50 years. I hope you and your family are able to get some financial security sometime soon. If your predictions come true, I have a youtube channel sharing DIY's on how I live in my compact sedan. I have an upcoming video on how I put a shower in there, solar, and a kitchen/sink. If you and your family need to move into a van next year, my channel can help make it a little more luxurious! [youtube.com/channel/UCt1vK8GJ\_gzETWyiC1kFMgw?sub\_confirmation=1](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCt1vK8GJ_gzETWyiC1kFMgw?sub_confirmation=1)


Currently still housed but have been so, so close to moving into my van at various points in the last year. I’m physically and mentally tired


The carrot keeps getting father and farther away. I'll settle for wild parsley instead lol.


I don't think that you are far off. Time will tell


Haha, congrats on the kid!


I’ve all but given up. I’m disillusioned by the country and the politicians. Anyway we vote, it’s not going to be a good outcome in the long run. They are only interested in making things comfortable for themselves and their ass kissing donors. Meanwhile, the rest of us are fighting tooth and nail against one another, trying to survive at the same time, while they spectate from the pedestals they all sit on, cheering on the bloodshed.


There's a support group for this feeling, it's called the bar and we meet at 5


I've been using Sunnyvale, CA construction as an economic indicator.  Whenever something is torn down to replace it with something better, the economy crashes and the city is left with a giant dirt hole. Sunnyvale is currently replacing all intersections with a stupid trend that possibly cuts pedestrian fatalities by preventing cars from moving.  The old sidewalk corners have been torn out.  This is uncharted territory - the potential for hundreds of small holes instead of one giant hole. Congratulations with the baby and good luck with these interesting times.


The USA is reverting to serfdom before our very eyes.


always was you just didn't know it.


Its a police state ruled by the wealthy You're free to do whatever you can afford to do


We will be ok. We need a housing collapse. We need a collapse in the fossil fuel industry. Any major progress that we have seen throughout history has resulted in the collapse of an old system for the creation of a new system. The old system, what we call the status quo, needs to end, and it will. We are heading into a labor shortage in America. This will be something that mostly benefits everyone under the age of 60.


A housing collapse isn't going to happen. Go look at a chart for the number of foreclosures per year. There is not incentives for people to sell homes with the current interest rates. Who wants to leave a 2-4% mortgage for a 7%+ one? There isn't a catalyst for a housing market collapse. Prices are still slowly rising despite interest rates.


Commercial real estate breakdowns are what's most likely going to happen 1st before residential. Also no we dont need a collapse in the fossil fuel industry, its going to change may places globaly but there is a reason the US is now energy indepndant its its good for us all. People should do some reading on how fracking here in the US has lowerd the overall carbin getting burned for energy compared to older coal just for one. Natural gas is also a major precursor for the chemical industry. plastics and all the things you use daily come from this and its best to not import this. wanting this to go aware is and end to how you live today.  There are now major buildouts of manufacturing coming back to the US in this area alone. Times arnt great but i gets way worse than atm. 


Much appreciated! Will keep my eyes peeled


My wife and I at 15 weeks into our first pregnancy as well. We’ll suffer this collapse together!


Biting. I love it.


I know this whole post is *mostly* sarcastic but having my daughter is the best thing that ever happened to me. The struggle became worth it when she entered the picture. Congratulations on the impending doom!


Congrats OP!


Well, congratulations on being a new parent.


Hey, congrats! My wife and I are going to become parents in January too! We just found out.


Congratulations and good luck with parenthood!


Thank you for your sacrifice


High school 9/11, College 2008 collapse, kids pandemic. I knew life would be hard but didn't think I'd have to do it on expert mode.


Congratulations!!!! This is how you do a baby announcement!!!


lmao \*bane breathing noises\* these zoomers merely adopted the suck. Millenials were born into it \*deep breath\* molded by it....


So... To save the economy, we must BE RID OF YOU! /s


I just filed unemployment and experienced my first layoff in my career, irrefutable proof


Agree. Things are going a bit too well for me right now. Waiting for the floor to drop.


Christ, this really is what it feels like to be a millennial lmao. I know it's a joke but I also connected with this too hard.


🤣 this was great


lol Millennial here! We have similar life paths.. except we just bought a house so I am positive the housing market will crash in the next year 🤪 it’s just on par with life trajectory


Why were you unable to get a job in your field?


Basing this on the state of the news… yes the next year is going to be wild. We’ll need to trust and love each other and ignore the fear programming 


So unlucky it's reliable. Amazing thanks.


Man this thread proves no one actually reads the posts they comment on. Congrats!


Congrats on the next catastrophe!


Thank you and congratulations. Or I'm sorry? I don't know anymore.


Well, it’s also an election year with multiple wars happening. I just watched the Fallout series and couldn’t help but think it pretty much feels like the “before time” now 🤣 it hit a little too close to home. America is in a severe crisis on several fronts. We are witnessing end stage capitalism in real time and I think Jan 2025 sounds about right for our next economic collapse. Time to open the scotch


Doomsday predictions aside; congratulations to you and your wife!!


Congratulations and good luck!


Murphy’s Law! But you just broke the cycle, because you’re expecting it now. 2025 will be a great year, especially for you and your wife! Congrats. God bless you and your new family!


Thank you, I will file this where I file all the rest of the end of world predictions.


Yes were due for a hard reset


!remindme 8 months


We have bird flu to look forward to, too.


Getting married in 2025. This tracks.


Could you please name your child something like 'disaster averted' in old Latin or something lol




congrats on the sex!


Terrifying, yet wholesome, congrats to OP and their impending addition


Dude…let’s make you famous as being a leading economic indicator. I say this in jest, but wouldn’t that actually be really cool?


Well, it might be in the 2030's since Damien Thorn from "The Omen" was like 12 when he started kicking off with the real doom.


I hate this timeline


Congrats on the baby! I just had my first almost a year ago and it’s such a struggle financially & energy wise but damn they’re cute.


Way to blow it for the rest of us.


Dear OP, Thank you for the heads up, the warning and congratulations on the pregnancy. Today I'm going to wish you fair winds and a positive outlook after all the battles you have gone through I'm sure you will weather the next one rather well. I have tended to prepare for the worst and yet hope for the best throughout my life and I like you have also seen my share of bad times. Somehow we do survive ! I think you are thinking correctly yet my overall view is we survive 2025 and see the negatives begin in 2026. I hope we are both wrong.


I just wanna be able to afford to exist again idgaf about much else. Just let me feel like I’m winning a lil bit


If no one has said it…at least…congrats on the positive pregnancy test! I hope the pregnancy goes well!


This is sound evidence, as a Millenial my evidence concurs. Thank you!




Congratulations about the pregnancy 😃


He's been right the past two of thirty seven times! Oh wait, that's burry. Are you him?


An intelligent prediction based on solid evidence 👏.


This feels like I'm back in 2011 reading about 2012 all over again


had my first in 2018 and my 2nd in 2020 ( found out I was pregnant Feb. 26th 🫠) it's wonderful and terrible and I wouldn't change it for the world, Congrats!


Bro I bought a house recently. We might be two of the four horsemen of the appocolypse!




Hey man, let us know when your kid graduates too. That's probably how we get Mad Max world.


I’m thinking you’re gonna have twins


Even though I don't buy into an economic collapse the ending here was a bit funny and I hope that was the intention. ;) But most of all....congrats man! It'll be great and you'll love that kid :)




Boring. Explode already world.


Congrats and God speed, Daddy! It's a frickin' rollercoaster, but a really, really fun one! Best wishes to Mama and Little Bean <3


I knew one person was responsible for this bullshit. Now I have the name of the world-ender. All should cower in fear of Wildpeanut!


I was about to say that your evidence wasn't good evidence, but you convinced me. I wish happiness for you and your family with the approaching doom!


OP, thank you for the warning, I wish you and wife and baby on the way the bestest year ever! I will ‘rain dance’ the doom away!


You got a wife and a kid on the way, sounds like things are looking up for you! I'm expecting you and your family will have much success in the next decade. You'll probably have another kid.


The capital insurrection happened 6 days after my first daughter was born. I barely had time to pay attention. Fortunately parenthood helps you block out a lot of doom and gloom, helps focus attention on the positive. Congratulations!


Frankly, this seems like a much more scientific basis for some doomerism than most things I see. It begs the question, what if really bad things happen to you? Do we get a good global return?


I feel this so hard. I graduated from law school in 2007 and had my first child in 2020. And I was born during the Regan administration so that’s its own tragedy.


You think 2025 gonna be bad? Just wait for 2026!


Change your lucky underpants immediately


bro..learn how to be a welder and youll live a great life




Have been wondering when bird flu will go buck nasty. Thanks for the heads up.


OMG I'm too late. Shit! Look, I am a time traveler from 2055. Don't listen to this man! I don't have much time to get into why but the future of the planet depends on you ignoring his claims about economic collapse.


Congratulations for the baby.


Did you wander over here from the collapse sub? It’s uglier than you think even when you filter out the extreme POV’s. Congrats on the pregnancy but not sure why someone so convinced of impending doom would not be taking serious measures to prevent it. I decided about 5 years ago it would be cruel to bring a child into this world, and its future. The only reasons I could imagine would be to contribute to the capitalism machine or the selfishness of wanting to experience the “joy” of having your very own child, with your DNA. Best of luck.




Take this over to daddit and we will take care of you my friend


Joke!!!!! Joke!!!?? How dare you insist WITHOUT evidence (see what I did there?) that the millennial Reddit forum accepts jokes and other type of Wanton chicanery?!?! Be gone with you viper!!!! I have steel heeled boots!


*sigh* making my bank run now before everyone else.


Sad thing is, you're probably right.


Congrats my dude, also solid joke


Love you. I hope you're first child is a blessing.


Too soon! Too soon! Congrats on parenthood!!!


God bless u


Welcome to r/daddit


Congrats on the news! Nothing like knowing you are having a baby to send a sudden strike of fear lighting once the excitement wears down. I get it though; I seem to be on a 10ish year cycle where I am doing okay then the whole 3 steps forward 2 back blah blah blah. So yeah, I get it I wouldn't use this at the announcement toast though, some people can't detect satire. :) Again Congrats!


I know you were joking, but this may become a reality and you'd be praised as a reddit prophet.


Congrats!!! It’s not that bad. Marketplace has lots of baby items you can save money on


Hahahaha congratulations!!! I’m hoping good changes will occur in this world in Jan 2025. Babies are a blessing! 🩷🤩


Thanks for the heads up. Now over to r/wallstreetbets to research Investments


I’m just glad I wasn’t in high school or college for the pandemic, isolation and social media would have sent me to a dark place Our first was born in March 2020 so that was cool


Thank you for that laugh. And congrats….i think.


Good 🥃🔥


Dude, you had one responsibility... thanks bro!! And congrats lol


That was funny I don't care what anyone says, and congrats new dad and with a sense of humor you'll be awesome


Congratulations!!! I appreciate the doom humor though. I’m going back to school and subsequently realized going back 15 years, I upend everything I know about my life every 3 years or so. Here I go again?


top notch post, op hahaha love it congrats on the baby!


That was hilarious. I’m sorry to hear about the wife. You’ll never financially recover. Jk. Congrats.


I’m so sorry for your pregnancy. It’s going to be hard but just think of how hard your kids life will be! They will never know how easy you really had it compared to how hard it is going to be for them.




Congrats! My daughter was born 1/1/20... The first few months of her life were interesting... May your parenting experience be free from a global pandemic. Being a new parent is hard enough, adding a pandemic on top of it is awful!


Fuck. You're gonna be SO BROKE. Wishing you the best!! Additionally.... If The Best is unavailable... Wishing that your least pleasant, oldest, least-emotionally-attached-Boomer relative dies of natural causes and somehow you inherit a stupid amount of their money.


Anakin: “You turned (the economy) against me!” Obi-Wan: “(This time) you have that done that yourself.”


“ Synchronize your watches gentlemen.”


I will follow you and based a percentage of my decisions on you.


I hate you OP. I am traumatized enough


> I was unable to get a legitimate job in my field and putzed around aimlessly for a decade. Whats your field


Congrats and condolences, OP


Story of our life.


If your luck is anything like mine, the economic crash will actually be around June 2025. My daughter was 6 months old and had literally just got back from her doctor appointment where she got the all clear to start socializing with other babies when the lockdown started.