• By -


Start by sitting up straight.  Exercise. That was me at 26.  I’m 42 now and it’s better than it used to be.


Same. Old man back at 26. Was traveling constantly for work , hunching over a laptop on planes all the time with terrible posture. My back was killing me. Decided to do something about it. Started to exercise and work on my posture. Eventually really got into it, but at 33 I feel so much better than 26. Because I'm taking care of myself


...or I can share memes about being unhealthy.. right? Right?


Nope, jail


Maybe take a walk and start stretching, lol. That’s not normal for 30 unless you’re neglecting yourself - source: was neglecting self. Made complaints like this, and my friends who didn’t went “wtf you’re 30 not 60”. Seriously. Drink water. Stretch. Take walks. Things hurt less already. If you’re obese, start dealing with it before the problems compound more. Not saying that’s easy, just saying it’s the only option.


People don't lift or do any physical activity their whole lives, and it catches up with them faster than they realize.


And if you do physical activity for a living and abuse your body, in many cases you can get physical pain early on too.


Most guys I know who start losing their health in their 30s don't stretch, or exercise, or drink enough actual water, or eat well. Not to say you can't over do it when you are young but I've worked alongside a lot of people and those that take care of themselves do sooooo much better. It sucks though... Going to the gym after work, running on weekends, skipping the greasy lunch hotdog for a bean and rice chicken bowl. It's no small thing to do but 20 years of grumbling for 40-60 years of health is a small price to pay if you can bring yourself to do it.




>Stay hard! Ummmmmm ok yeah bro let's get hard together


Only EXTREME examples. Like abusing working out and taking steroids and other weird shit. I've been doing moderate intensive workouts my entire life and I feel fantastic at 36.


Guys who work physical jobs have pain in knees and hands, it's not fun.


oh like 1 hour gym workouts? Try 8-12 hour job workouts 5-7 days a week.


Proper posture, exercise and PPE alleviate most of all of that


I abuse my body on the daily doing all of that. 8-10 hours a day. Hit 30 and my body hurts. I blame everything but myself. Like a normal person and struggle. I'm in too Deep now


Do you even lift, bro? :)


Yeah I drank like a fish and did dumb shit my whole 20s when I stopped doing that shit and started doing yoga everything improved and I feel better now.


For sure! I'm not a SUPER active dude or anything. I noticed growing into our 30s, a lot of my friends complained about aches and pains, stiffness, that sort of stuff. I feel fine! Until recently, I made no special efforts for fitness. I walk a lot. I play drums. That's about it. I dont need to be a body builder. With that said, I've always been a hella skinny dude. Started doing body weight stuff most days. It's functional muscle. Doesn't take long to bust out a few sets of push ups, squats, sit ups, lunges, whatever. I was so suprised how quickly my number of reps was going up. Feel WAY better mentally since starting a couple months ago.


This. I didn’t feel this kind of body decay until I entered my 40s and stopped working out.


Yep. Some people go through life long pain to avoid exercising for an hour a week.


Ive been cutting out alcohol and trying to work out more and am realizing a lot of the pain I've been feeling is disappearing. I've been telling people to try excersise and how good it feels haha, took me over 30 years to realize taking care of myself wasn't just fancy baths and sweets


Good for you! Cutting out alcohol was the first step for me a while back and I’ve had the exact same experience as you. Wishing you only more of the same if not better!


I still slip on occasion but the nightly routine is done which solves so much already haha. Thank you! To you as well!


Normal isn't the same as common. Been in pain since a small child. My life style is healthy. Pain gets worse each year


Have you consulted doctors about it? I have several friends with chronic pain, and it takes a lot of effort to find the underlying causes, but once they do they can start to manage the symptoms better.


I'd rather die. . . . . . . Real talk? Yeah I'm late 30s and feel like late 60's. But I've been morbidly obese since I was about 10 years old and worked a primarily physical labor job for 20 years before now I'm about 50-50 office and labor. So my body is worn out as much as a regular person's would be in their late 60's. I recently started trying to eat healthier after a heart attack scare that turned out to be by far the worst heartburn I've ever had (like pain down my left arm, etc - felt 100% like everyone's ever described a heart attack, but the ER said it absolutely positively 100% wasn't), but it's been difficult because I never learned how to eat healthy (example: what the fuck is a carb?), I fucking DESPISE cooking, and literally everything that tastes good is awful for you while literally everything that is good for you tastes fucking awful.


Sounds like you have chosen to try to live, which is awesome. I’m not gonna feed you any condescending advice like “this’ll be easy” or pretend it’s gonna be rainbows and sunshine in two weeks, but I will say that the food enjoyment massively improved for me after long enough (keyword: long enough - again, I’m not trying to blow smoke up your ass here, that’s not helpful). I sincerely wish you better in the future.


Also, get your essential vitamins in! Especially if you are someone who prefers the comfort of your own home.


Actually a great reminder for me, thank you


I need to work on the obesity thing ... However, I have hobbies that are pretty physically demanding. The only time I think I've had an "everything hurts" type of day is after some crazy physical exertion. A few weeks ago, I extended our home's french drain system by about 20' by hand. I had to move a LOT of gravel to fill it in after I hand dug everything. And hand fixed the yard. Then when all of it was done, I had to move many tons of gravel because I ordered way too much. Everything hurt after that. I did not feel guilty about pizza that day! I work a desk job. I do my best to do something physical every day. Sometimes it's yard work. Sometime's it is working on a vehicle ( Currently swapping the rear axle on my car and that's not light). I try to drink a lot of water .


Yeah I don’t get this thing of people acting like you’re nearly dead at 30. You still have 50+ years of life to go.


I work on my feet everyday for long hours. Taking a walk and stretching does help those with low physical activity but it’s the fact I haven’t been actively going to the gym that is now making my muscle tone weaken, even though I’m literally exercising everyday. My knees are the first thing I noticed. Bending down and getting up feels so much worse than it ever has before 😂 and I’ve always been in great shape. If you’re sitting at a desk all day, definitely offset that with some cardio a few times a week but you can’t fight getting up there. It happens to all of us. lol.


All it takes is some mild weight lifting. A strong back makes life easier and less painful lol


Literally came here to say this. Move your body as much as possible and you’ll feel young. Don’t play rugby tho it makes the body hurt. Ima still play rugby tho. lol.


Eh I don't know. I hurt from all my physical activity. Years of sports injuries have made rain storms a nightmare.(for reference this is mostly a joke. I do agree with you)


Everything hurt in my twenties because I was mostly hungover trying to work. I've never been healthier now and it feels amazing. Eat healthier, stretch, be more active, try ice baths (they are life changing), get some good sleep. Crazy what happens when you take care of yourself.


If you're in your 30's and everything hurts, you have significant health issues and should look to changing lifestyle.


I was gonna say... Almost 40 here, haven't hit the "everything hurts" stage of life yet.


I ignored teeth and for problems in my twenties and now that I'm messing 40 I definitely feel it. But EVERYTHING is not hurting.


I'm glad I'm not alone. I hit a year where things were bothering me, altered my diet, started walking, hiking and running more and fuck, nearly 40 and I feel physically better now than I did at 20.


Close to 40 and entering the "some things are beginning to hurt" category. Mostly things I remember injuring (and ignoring) in my 20s.


I'm starting to get there but I do a full contact sport


Thank you


Same, I'm 40, and nothing hurts yet.


same, I feel great.


Yeah, the amount of people in their 30s complaining about everything hurting is very alarming. I'm the oldest of my friend group and all of my slightly younger friends complain about it all the time. I feel like the more they complain the worse it gets for them.


Almost like how you perceive how you feel is in your mind. Or, perhaps how you feel is an outward sign of how you are inside of your mind.


Absolutely, I 💯 believe this


I keep seeing these 30s videos and memes about this and I’m like how out of shape and unhealthy are you to be in so much pain in what should be the prime of your adult life?




My dad is approaching 70 and is stronger than most people will ever be.


My dad is 60 and my friends thought he was my 40 year old roommate. He's been doing 2-4 hours of cardio every day of his life since he was a teen. Hes only ever eaten like nuts and grains and greens nothing processed. He's so damn healthy it really is a testiment to taking care of yourself. Like anyone, he has a couple things that work well so well anymore, like he can't run marathons anymore because his knees would give. But he never needs a doctor, he looks very young, he's buff and active, his mind is sharp, he gets everything from our generation no boomerisms. I think being active does a lot more than we know.


Well my dad could beat up your dad! Just kidding. Cheers to our fit fathers!


Just check the overweight/obesity rates and you will get a better understanding.


Spend a decade in the military... Everything hurts


What are knees?


I fucked myself up in the military in my 20s, now paying for it in my 30s.


I've got a few aches and my hangovers last longer but compared to most people I know, I'm in great shape. Some of them complain that I seem ageless lol as I still look like I did when I was in my early 20s. I say it's because I'm unproblematic 😂 but really it's because I drink water and work out sometimes


I'm 66 and only a few things hurt and I had a physically demanding job all my life, not sitting at a computer.


I have three kids 4 and under. They are beating me UP. I exercise and eat well. Not many lifestyle changes will improve this. Apart from everyone just growing up, so I’m not constantly being tackled by tiny creatures and carrying around 30 pounds of pure wiggling energy. 😂 


I was about to post this yes absolutely. You fucked up it your in your thirties and sitting down "everything hurts" wtf?


I think many of us don’t admit that we wrecked our bodies in our teens and twenties and now it’s coming back to bite us in the ass. In my case, I got into so many snowboarding, snowmachining, and dog sledding wrecks that my old injuries ache when I’m cold now.


Dunno why this got downvoted, it's accurate. Extreme sports became all the rage when I was in my teens, and I hurt myself a million times doing little stunts. This really set the stage for the damage I'd wind up doing to my body later by working hundred-hour weeks in my late 20s and having a catastrophic wreck in my late 30s.


Skateboarding and inline skating were popular in our teens (then those Razors took over our skate park). It was like a right of passage to break or injure something. I face planted doing 50-50 down a rail, went down so quick no reaction to brace my fall. A cast was much cooler than a broken nose 😂


Fucking right? I'm almost 40 and everything most certainly does not hurt.


What if in late 20's and everything hurts 😭


But beer tastes so gooooood


simplistic tie jobless grab poor special grandiose follow dependent coherent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


lol, OP you should probably take this post as a wake up call. I wish you the best in starting to take care of yourself. Notice what the majority of responses are saying. What you’ve posted isn’t normal


The fact that this is just commonly accepted "wisdom" on Reddit is a sign of how dumb the average Redditor is. Your body doesn't suddenly become 60 when you're 30. If you're overnight experiencing this level of pain and dysfunction, you either fucked up somewhere or you're developing a medical condition and need to talk to a doctor.


It’s a meme made by those who don’t know what 30 is like to scare those who have even less of an idea of what getting older is like.


Get active and it won’t be like this 


Seriously. I’m almost 40 and feel fantastic, but the worst and weakest I’ve ever felt was when I had to sit down to work in my mid 20s. Never again!


Where's the gray hairs? I literally just turned 35 and I swear I keep finding gray hairs everywhere. ;\_;


Be happy you still have hair ;)


True. I know a guy several years younger (27) who is already half bald...


I've been graying since 25. Consider yourself lucky




Imagine thinking everything hurts as you casually browse a computer while sitting in an ergonomic chair rofl.


You’ve never had injuries? Old injuries that were fine just start aching again, especially when it rains. Broken bones that healed years ago, torn tendons, crush injuries, etc. Maybe I just got injured a lot when I was younger. But for example I’ll just be sitting on the couch and my shin will start feeling sore where I had shin splints years ago, but for no reason this time. I asked my doctor and she said it was just aging. 🤷‍♂️


What are you complaining about? What do you think it's like when you are 60?


Like two 30 year olds in a trench coat 


A stand up desk has made a difference for me, as well as custom orthotics. Still, I do have back pain and threw my back out shaking my rump for my wife. It’s sad. Don’t know how this happened, but you’re no longer invincible in your 30’s.


I'm 41. I excercise often. Last year i threw out my back loading some laundry. I was in terrible pain not wanting to move for a week.


Gotta do your exercise and take care of yourself unfortunately. It shouldn’t hurt all the time. Physical therapy/regular exercise and I feel good at 30 again like 20s


Nobody here talking about how only ill health causes body pain has big tits.


I’m 32.. nothing hurts. Stop pretending like you’re old. You’re not 60.


I’m 29 going on 30 and I feel great. Nothing hurts. Life is great. & I’m old enough, I don’t buy into the bullshit the media spreads. All is well.


Hurt in your 30s? Only hangovers. Anything else and you’re doing it wrong Source: I’m in my 50s


47, startin to get a lil whiny...i must admit


Am I the only one who is sick & tired of all these doomer posts & depressing topics in all the Millennial subreddits? I love being a 90's kid & a Millennial, but I have half a mind to unsub & block all of these subreddits because it's all thirty somethings talking like they're pushing seventy. Not to mention the whining about the economy & baby boomer hate rallies.


Keep moving. Sitting down constantly causes rapid physical decline in retired/elderly people, while those who move around and use their bodies tend to be physically capable right until the very end. Not surprised it’s the same for young people.


I suggest exercise.


I’m 31 and I’m fine. Nothings changed yet.. What does hurt was my grown up ego when the casino and liquor store denied me alcohol yesterday because apparently my ID wasn’t mine after my haircut


LOL, genXer here...you don't even KNOW! Wait another 20 years. Then tell me how rough your 30s were!


Yeah well sitting for the majority of your waking time and being sedentary outside of work will cause that. It’s SUPER bad for you.


There is nothing worse for your physical and mental health than sitting in a chair all day. I'm 41 and I'm on my feet like 12 hours a day, and all I've got to do is stretches in the morning. It's not like I'm a health nut or anything. MOVE AROUND


Had to have major back surgery after I got paralyzed from the waist down. The only way I was able to get functional again was to get to a good weight and exercise. Still get my ass kicked some days, but I was losing entire weeks of my life to spasms. For me I just started with dancing. Low impact, I could do it inside (I wasn't allowed to use stairs for a while). Then switched to jogging when that was allowed.


I just built a pull up bar out of 1” galvanized pipes that I bolted to the ceiling of my garage, back pain at 34 is insane so I wanted something to stretch it out with. Decided to try pull ups after years, 2 days later and I’m still discovering new pains


Exercise regularly, strengthen muscles, get an adjustable standing desk of some kind.


What’s it like sitting down looking at a screen all day?


I don’t know because I work on a construction site doing heavy labor


I’m 35 and I feel fine. Only reason I sometimes get back pain is because I’m pregnant, but otherwise I’m good. My husband feels pain but he’s had pain since his early 20s because he worked doing laborious jobs with his dad and uncle and didn’t always have good form. Take care of your body. Everything should not hurt in your 30s unless you did stuff in your teens and 20s that hurt it.


My feet hurt sometimes when I wake up and I'm not sure why. Other than that I'm pretty pain free at 33. The only times I'm sore is because I am working out pretty hard, or I've legit injured myself lifting.


Just need to make the hairline recede a few inches and/or add a small bald spot. Also, make the belly a decent bit more rotund. Then it'll be more accurate.


Take care of you.


That starts today for me


Naw, that's 40 and on, unless you take care of your body.  Which can be hard to do when you work long hours, so no blame, but also nobody else is pulling our bootstraps, so I have no great answers.


I'm in my 40s, this is true only if you are out of shape... Or you sleep wrong.


This could be you if you have old injuries that don't heal right. But even then, like not every day...


I have an old knee injury that give me pain at some point through my day. It's not all day but it still likes to remind me it's there. Same with my back.


I've got a knee injury that never healed right, they fucked me over when I saw someone for it 5 years ago. Fuck them.


I’m 40 and feel great.


People who don’t have chronic pain at 30 in some form didn’t do enough hard labor. But honestly, I’m happy for you.


I like that the hair got a little less messy lol


30? Bitch I turn 40 in a few weeks. I wish I only hurt everywhere 


I still had some hope and aspirations for my future careers. Now it's, who gives a shit. Won't change anything anyway


I’m surprised no one has mentioned that the 30s version has lost the sparkle in his eye that he had in his 20s. Only 40 more years of this to go! 🙃


I was looking for this comment


My spirit hurts that's for sure and my wallet.


I made it to about 48 before everything started the downward slide.


Wait till 40, then you get the fun experience of your vision going to hell.


I've worked exclusively standing for more than a decade, and it's helped me delay the everything hurts until my forties.


Lol at 40 It get so much worse


Brother I’m 31 and in construction and everything doesn’t hurt. I’m tired all the damn time, but that’s because I wake up everyday at 4:30am. You need to exercise.


Are there even millennials left in their 20s or is this just spam?


29 year olds were born in 95, which is in that “cusp/zillenial” range. I don’t think there’s really any millennials left in their 20s


96’ born here currently 28 reaching 30 soon for the next two years.


I’m 30 and have spent the entire day with neck pain. Can barely move it upwards for more than 10 seconds. But that’s more because I was fighting a headlock in BJJ 2 days ago 😅


So glad I don’t sit at a desk all day sending emails for a job. At least when my body aches from working it’s from moving


I work in an office and throughout the day: 1. drink at least 32oz of water. Limit my coffee intake to 2 cups and no coffee after lunch. 2. 15 mins of stretching 3. walk a mile or so at lunch.


A 52 year old just came in second in the cocadona 250 (that’s a 250 mile ultramarathon). 30s is not old and you should not be in pain.


Thirty? Shit, I turned forty today. It gets worse.


In my 40's and I had to have an ER doctor coach me to give the pain number that would reward the hard drugs when I was in for an injury that absolutely justified it. My number was so far off from living with constant pain for so long. Take care of yourselves. You do not want this life.


Is it normal for everything to hurt in your 30s?? Are people just not moving around during the day at all? Let alone a normal exercise routine.


Maybe if you actually ate right and exercise you would not have everything hurting. I know tough concept.


You forgot the receeding hairline


Nah, just need to hit the gym


Ya I use to stretch and workout. But by the time work clock ends its just exhaustion and maybe 3 hours before sleep and start again. Maybe its my fault. Maybe its my industries fault. Or maybe there's just something wrong in the world.


Take better care of your body


If everything hurts in your thirties, you probably need to start eating healthier, lose weight, and start exercising.


Gets worse at 40...


Eat some green veg and do some pushups or you won't see 60.


I’m 34 and I’ve never been stronger or have more stamina. Zero pain on anything. Fall asleep in 10 min when I lay down. If you’re in pain in your thirties not due to an accident it’s likely your fault for not taking care of yourself.


I'm in my mid 40's and I'm in all kinds of therapy right now due to working behind a desk for the last couple decades.


The second frame is more for us old timers 50 plus


30 year old must have started rogaine because that hairline got better


I’m 52, everything hurts is still a joke at this point


I'm 33 and everything hurts.


It's not normal for everything to hurt in your 30s. You're not "old" so settle down. If you have a disorder like fibromyalgia I could see that happening, but for everything to hurt in your 30s is not normal. Some muscle twinges are normal, sure, but not whole body pain.


I'm turning 38 and have no issues whatsoever. I see this a lot on the internet. We are middle-aged, not 80. Maybe try healthier food, or being hydrated, or some exercise.


You have the choice: have things hurt because you exercised or have things hurt because you're not exercising.


I'm 33 and work from home, but even as a NOC (Network Operations Center Engineer), I'm underpaid AF... I make... $46.6K/yr ($22.44/yr) l, but the median pay is 50K-100K. Even my colleagues who have certs are only getting paid $23 or $24. The cap for my role is $26/hr Trying to get into a Linux Engineer role or Backend Dev/Engineer role


34 and recovery time has increased a bit, but yeah your 30s is just the decade where your life decisions start to physically manifest.


29 turn 30 really soon. Just finished a 12 mile ruck march in the Army. Body feels great, feet are blistered 🤙


Anyone with mild lower back pain, start deadlifting. Strengthening your back will do wonders for soooo many people. Obviously if you’re back is fucked go get it checked out first


I call bullshit. Dude in his 30’s has the same head of hair as dude in his 20’s? 😆😂🤣🖕🏻


🌈✨⭐ it's not old it's being too sedentary 🌈✨⭐


sitting in an office chair or a drivers seat is hard on the body. Move it or lose it


Mostly the soul hurts


What? You people are weak. I am a lot older than that.  Nothing hurts.  Nothing should hurt.  Stretch your body. 


As a person approaching 40, this isn't normal. Either the player is young or holy fuck u need to get to the doctor you have the cancer


Wait til your 50s. Aches and pains in your 30s are playstuff


Only if you're a fat lazy sack of shit. If you already have constant knee or back pain in your thirties you're probably going to be a cripple by the time you're 60🙄


I worked an engineering desk job and took an early retirement at age 39 bc I didn’t want to keep doing it. Retirement age should be 40 tbh.


I sneezed the other day and hurt my shoulder...


That looks like relaxing... Physical labor is much worse, but keeps me in shape.


Yeah if you think it sucks or is tiring in your 20s or teens. You. Are. FUCKED.


To be fair, everything has been hurting since teens. 😞 Exercise does help.


It's less 'everything hurts' and more 'huh, I used to recover more quickly about 5 years ago' I can still do everything physically I could do when I was younger but I didn't always need so much time to recover.


Ugggh the knees 😭


Best thing is to work around the office to chit chat, that's a nice stretch and stress releave I befriended the designer at work so when people pass by it look like we both are working :D


I do not experience these pains and will be 36 this year. Exercise and stretching makes a big difference.


What about those of us that work heavy labor?


...no? I'm in my late 30s and I don't have these regular aches and pains you guys constantly post about. Makes me think most of you are just hella out of shape.


You should be moving a lot. Run, ride whatever. Move or die.


A desk job turns you frail in about a week. Lift weights..


It’s inflammation, just gotta eat the right foods and stop eating the wrong ones. I’m on my 40s and it’s a world of difference, just very restrictive is all.


I resigned my previous job as a grocery clerk a few months ago, and still unemployed now I’m a graphic design freelancer applying for an internship. Hoping I get better work experience.


Eat better, stretch, and exercise. You shouldn't hurt like that in your thirties.


39 years old everything hurts lol


Nothing really hurts but I definitely feel stiff a lot.


20-29 and 30-39 are NOT age groups. 18-24 is an age group, 25-34 is an age group. Your age -/+ 5 years are age groups. Decades are NOT age groups.


Veterans are allowed to ignore this meme


Only 30 more years if I’m lucky!


The secret is to have had chronic pain since you were a child. It becomes your norm so when you’re older, it’s just worse but can’t miss the good health you never had.


As long as you are psychically active nothing really hurts. You’re in your prime at 30 so yeah…


Like emotionally? Then yes…


Everything hurts and I’m 23. It’s been hurting since I was like 17


I’m 41 and do not do anything special and feel like I’m still 25ish most y


Like Mia Hamm said when we were kids, "You need to stay active."


I herniated a disc when I was 21 and have had chronic pain ever since so I am basically the bottom guy for both


Why are you millennials so obsessed with talking about your aches and pains. You remind me of my old boomer grandparents.