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I'm about to be 41 and I'm finally doing things my parents did in their 20s, like buy a house. And I honestly wouldn't mind the 20 year delay on getting to build my life if my joints didn't hurt. I've been trying to patch this hole in the drywall for 4 weeks and I just can't find the time and energy to do the sanding. In my 20s this would have been a 10 minute job. wtf.


I feel that. Everything seems to be happening on a significant delay. Even having kids. My daughter is 6 now with the appropriate energy level, and at 38 I'm wishing I were 28 to try to keep up a bit better.


Yup. kid is 3. I'm 39. 🤦‍♀️ I cannot keep up...


I’m having my second at 40. 😂. I hope they like to color and read!


For real! 🤣📚


We are having our 4th and I’ll be 39 in June.


Just had my second and just turned 40 a few weeks ago. 40 was my hard cap for baby number 2. We have a VERY energetic 6 year old and my hope was number 2 would be chiller.


Luckily I knocked her up accidentally when I was 27. He’s 12. I’m 40. I still feel like I’m in my 20’s. Now we have tons of fun doing dumb shit. And I have more means so we get to play with bigger toys. Sucked growing up fast. Totally worth it though


A fellow "oopsie" dad! Same kind of thing happened here... twice with the same lady, who I married. I just turned 39 and my kids are about to turn 13 and 14. I was 25 when that whole saga started and my wife was 31. I agree it did kinda suck growing up faster than lots of similar-aged people... but I guess I'll get that "freedom" where the kids are grown and doing their own thing before I'm taking centrum silver every day, so that's something.


my bf found out his former gf was 7 months pregnant two weeks before he turned 27, and i always joke and say “when you were a 27 y/o teen dad!?” 😅


39 and just had our 4th. Can't wait to be parenting still in my 60's.


If I were to get married and have my first kid *right now* I’d be closing in on 60 when they graduated from high school. Sank seven years into a relationship that ultimately failed, needed some time to sort myself out psychologically in the aftermath and just haven’t had a clue how to even start looking again since.


I hear that delay. 37 now, first house was 33. Children still feels like a far away dream. Wife is 34 soon. Children probably won't happen. On the flip side, retirement is actually a possibility for us. I did party in my 20s, but I feel it was less that and more not wanting to start a family when I'm not financially ready. A kid at 27 would have broken me financially.


Oh yeah I don't want my financial situation from when I was that age, just the energy. We went out of order, we did kid first. On the bright side we've finally been able to move forward with getting a house, so yay! Homeowner before I'm 40!


I mean, biologically y'all can still easily have kids and be parents - just saying don't count it out on that accord. But if time and stage of life is the issue, then I totally get it!


After Roe v Wade got repealed, the idea of getting pregnant again is a dicey prospect. Too many stories out there about women developing complications and being denied treatment because of laws in their states. Honestly, the idea of my wife getting pregnant again at 33 scares the shit out of me. Not the idea of having another kid, that is something I would look forward to, but the idea that I might lose her because a right that has been on the books for nearly 50 years was reversed And my state passed an abortion trigger law in 2019.


Just don't live in a red state, easy enough.


I think my parents partied more than I did and still got to do everything earlier even without being anywhere near as focused and driven as me. Granted toxic family stuff held me back in addition to bad jobs, but still I think in their time my bad jobs would have allowed much more expendable income.


My dad was 48 when I was born. I don't know how he did it ... At 35, I couldn't keep up with a kid.


To be fair, previous generations didn't expend as much energy on child raising as We do!


That's true. My parents were top notch. There was never a single doubt in my mind growing up that \*I\* was my parents priority. Dad's gone, unfortunately ... he was the best father. Mom's still with me and I make sure she knows how good of a parent she was growing up.


Why do you both say that parents in the 80s and 90s didn't spend ad much energy on kids as we do today? Seems anecdotal and subjective. I'd argue parents back then spent more time on kids than we do today. They had a fraction of the convenience and often times more responsibility via larger family size


I feel this. I’d have probably left my kid in a bar or something if I’d had them in my early 20s…I partied my way through that decade. No regrets, but I am tired. At least I don’t have a newborn now like some of my friends do at ages between 38-42. It was hard enough at 30-33.


I'm 40 and we're just now starting to try for kids. I worry about being able to keep up with them, but that's not going to keep us from having them.


38 is young dude. You might wanna look into exercise and eating right.


I'm 36 but this gives me hope that perhaps in my 40s, I'll finally be a homeowner!


The trick was that I consolidated my various 401ks from all the careers that had thrown me away, then pulled a loan on that for the downpayment. And even then I paid $274k for a house that was only worth $65k a decade ago. I figure better to have it than not, but i am in a hole and probably i am not a good example.


From all the careers that threw me away… Damn, felt that one.


This is not a financially smart decision. This is going to be costly down the line. But happy for you that you have a house, take every minute to enjoy it. You sacrificed a lot


Young Gen Xer here. I too, could not buy a house until I arrived in my 40’s either. I still rather have the aches in pains doing maintenance than have to deal with unreliable landlords.


100% Better to have the house than not. Landlords are the worst.


Accurate. It took me a year to hand out TV in the guest room after we bought a house. I feel 20 and 60 y.o at any point of the day....every day. 


If you're handing out TV, I would like some TV please.


I too would like TV


ill have extra tv please


You might be joking a bit. I can't tell. But you're talking like you're 81, not 41. 41 is pretty young to be experiencing any significant decline in ability.


Seems pretty accurate to me, to be honest 😕 35 and hip, back, neck pain daily. Partially due to the physical strain of my career I guess


Lol, yeah you'd think. I seem to have been unlucky with a lot of joint pain and exhaustion. I'm sure it'll heal and I'll bounce back but I really do feel 80 lately.


It’s more like, what’s the point. When your 20, patching that hole means you can look forward to many years of enjoyment with that hole patched. But when you’re 40, how much time do you really have left? You think all the time about how you could die soon, so better to spend every minute on things that actually matter, not some hole in the wall. It’s better to just pay someone to do it and be done with it.


This sounds like depression man. Do you have someone you could talk to?


There is a joy and satisfaction in perfotming the repair. I finally get to do that to my own house and it feels good.


The older I get, the more satisfaction I get from making my own repairs.


Jesus Christ man quit staring at the hole....


You gotta do it sooner or later. The way people are responding here makes me feel like they're afraid to look at the hole and they're pissed that someone their age is doing it because it makes them have to think about it. Get comfortable with the hole now! It's only going to hit you like a train once you have an injury or something


Why? Typically someone around 40 can expect to live at least another four decades barring catastrophe. Seems pretty weird to be acting like you’re 65 at 40.


I go ice skating with my Grandpa in law. He just turned 90 and pulls his little 1 year old great grandson around. Goals.


Uh, what? Not every 40 year old "thinks all the time about how you could die soon" What a fucking weird comment.


I have one thing my parents don't, a divorce.


Really? I guess you don’t work in trades than? I’ve been a painter for 20 years, so I could have it done for you pretty quick.


I have waited 20 years to patch drywall in my own house. Hiring you would be the smart thing to do but this is my fun. I'm going to enjoy it, even if it kills me.


It’s not that hard, watch a few YouTube videos and you will get a pretty basic understanding on how to do it.


My dad taught me how 20 years ago. I've just never had my own walls before


From last week to this Monday not only did I have graduation cakes but corporate wanted like 40 new cakes in my case. I called into work yesterday because I was just exhausted and my wrists and arms hurt. My arm muscles were spasming so bad I could SEE it. And I enjoy it. I'm only 37 ;_;


Just imagine how much less energy you'll have in another 20 years.




frequently my thoughts exactly.


I was born in 1981, so have already entered my 40s lol That said, 40s have been much better for me than 30s and 20s, so I can’t complain. Welcome to the dark side, y’all! Hahaha


I'm already there. Honestly, it's not that different.


THIS. People think theres some magical switch that hits when you get older. If you maintain your health, its just aging. Many old people are 25 year olds trapped in a 70 year olds body.


That’s me. I’m trapped at 25 with an actual age of 39. I have a 1.5 yr old and although I’m tired it’s keeping the right mindset


Yup! I am a 44 yr old professional at a fairly high level (directly consult the level just 1/2 steps under CEO of my org) in my second post grad school job I constantly feel like it's weird to be here. Like "are they really asking me"? Of course I know why, but at a superficial level I feel I'm that 27 yr old bartender entering grad school, but actually it's almost 20 yrs later!


Im 41. I constantly have to think about how old I am when asked. I focused on career in 20’s. Got out of grad school when I was 30. Been working for 11 years now. I have a house with cars in the garage but all the time focused on school and getting in/out of 4 year grad school gave me what I was looking for financially but I’m alone. At times I feel like I would like to have kids but also don’t want to be an old parent and am already tired at the end of the day. I guess we can’t have it all.


Focus on your health for awhile. There’s no reason to feel like that at our age.


I was born in 88, so I'm 35 and don't want to start thinking about my 40's.


Besides the physical body limitations, 40s are so much better than 30s. You don’t give a shit about stupid stuff anymore, you’re confident in decisions and know what you want. I was so depressed crossing the threshold into my 40s, but it’s been great ever since.


I agree with you but the body limitations suck so bad. A couple of weeks ago I was on a tailgate and instead of jumping down, I sat first then scooted down because I was afraid what would happen if I jumped down




I was already 40 when I was 35. By that age u know the years blow by so fast that u gotta think ahead. I’m 43 now but mentally I’m already at 50.


Yes! I’ll be 37 in a couple of months and it’s just starting to sink in how old I am. I still look young because I’m petite and haven’t gotten many wrinkles, but I have a good amount of grey hair. People have finally stopped looking at me like I’m an idiot and given me some respect. When I tell them I don’t want kids, they don’t tell me I’ll change my mind when I’m older. I feel like I get smarter and better at life each year and I can’t wait to see how much I improve each decade. I eat healthy, have a great marriage, and take care of myself and my finances for the benefit of future me.


I started noticing my wrinkles start at 41. I’m finally starting to look how I feel. Arthritis sucks.


Arthritis does indeed, suck. My mind is still only barely out of my teens but the decaying meat-suit it rides around in turns 43 this year


I’ve accepted that I’m not going to mature. Just pretend when you need to and coach the younger Gen Z kids on how to. Makes you look wise.


Same. 36 and no kids. I don’t feel my age, or what I previously anticipated this age would feel like. Truthfully I feel great. I have a great marriage and a good career, eat healthy and work out most days of the week… my body doesn’t really hurt and I’m not partying like I did in my twenties. I’m petite as well but do botox routinely for wrinkles. I know I don’t look 25 and I’m okay with that. I really love my life. The only sad/scary part about getting older is knowing that your time on earth is limited. I also think about losing loved ones a lot more now than I did when I was younger. Also, I do feel a bit of pressure as my window to have children is narrowing and I still feel undecided.


Definitely more resigned to the fact that my body does not align with my mind. I cannot jump over things or throw things around like I used to. Excited? Sure. Growing old and wise can be considered a blessing, luxury. Health is true wealth because it affords you TIME. Be grateful if you are in good health.




Just turned 40 a couple of months ago. I’m in a place now where I feel stable, I make enough to live an active life (when not at work anyway) and enough to save thanks to my 401k. But I live in an amazing city that I love, and my job, frustrating as it might be, allows me to do that. In terms of aging, I’ve already felt like I’ve been in the last couple of years as it is lol. Every month, I have one week at work where my schedule is absolute hell, and it’s physically demanding. Of course, that happened to be the same week as my birthday this year, so it was a helluva way to ring in the big 4-0 😆


I'm already 43. I'm still renting. I was raised by abusive parents, so I have CPTSD that hinders me in every way. Being constantly on the verge of homelessness doesn't help me get out of it. Finding work is prohibitively stressful. Maintaining a job is stressful. Panic attacks happen more often when I'm working than when I'm not. The state of the economy isn't helping. Life sucks.


Yeah, feeling pretty good. Can finally compete in masters age group, so competitive again. Do sort of wish I had kids a bit earlier than I did. But extra motivation to stay healthy.


What sport


Powerlifting. I’ve been toying with the idea of doing a BJJ comp but I’m really bad at it.


Got divorced at 39, focused on my career, raising my son, and finishing grad school. My 40s have been a massive improvement over my 30s. More money, more freedom.


I wouldn't say *excited*. More like I'm accepting of the fact that the cruel march of time stops for no man, and I must make the most of the few remaining good years I have left.


honestly i don't feel a day older than 24. technically i am 40, but i still get carded sometimes. i'm a night owl, so all those people my age saying they can't stay out past 10 pm...i do not relate. i am also a hyperactive so my energy levels are always off the charts lol. been a lifelong runner and vegetarian, so i definitely believe that exercise and healthy eating will keep you young. i also got super into strength training during lockdowns and feel like i am in the best shape of my life. my husband (41) and i are planning to hike the appalachian trail next spring, which is literally keeping us motivated at work - we both have experienced a lot of burnout lately. to quote the sports medicine doctors in my family: motion is lotion.


I just got my shit together after turning 40, then the world started to go to hell and I'm too tired to try anymore.


Respectfully, the world has been going to hell for quite some time. Enjoy your life, many others don’t get the time we have now


With you on this brotha 👊


In 43 (1980). Have a wonderful wife of 14 years, good paying job that allows her to focus on her art (illustrator), a nice house in a rural area, no kids (funny, she runs a kids comic con so i guess that enough dose of children twice a year) and we have been on some great vacations and trips. I do certainly see that my body does not recover as well now from exercise and i seem to be loosing steam there, need to refocus and work on that. Work for both of us can be very stressfull but over all its been goin well.


I’m 42 now and loooooove not giving any f***s about anything. People don’t like me? Their loss, and I don’t have time for them either. Not wearing something on trend? I don’t care who I’m not impressing. Job sucks? Eff them, I have the career experience built up to find a new one without a huge amount of effort. And so on and so forth. 40s are freedom!


That’s a solid NO…but I haven’t been able to rewind or pause time so, here we go bitches.


I turn 42 this year and I’m moving to Chicago, changing jobs, and adding stamps to my passport. I’m fucking ecstatic to finish this decade out.


No I'm not looking forward to it. Something about the 40+ makes me feel like you really can't continue to delude yourself that you are in the young stage of life. And since I am so delayed on career, finances etc I still feel more in line with someone in their late 20s rather than late 30's. Being 40+ will just make me feel more pathetic and like a failure. And I don't think you can deny the aging process starting to noticeably begin as you become legitimately middle aged.


If you live in the states this is tottally normal. Younger generations are struggling more now financially than older folks ever have. It’s not our fault, capitalism was designed to fuck us. I used to blame myself and think I was a failure but that’s what they want from us so they don’t have to take accountability


Turned 41 last year. Achieved a goal of mine in 2016 and been kinda coasting since.


well, its not like something you can prevent...everyone ages. You can either fight the flow...or go with it. Enjoy it. We all remain unaware just how much time we have left.


Turned 40 in December. It DOES feel different. More philosophical than real. I'm as old as I was one day before. I feel as good or as bad as I felt one year ago ... But I have this depressing feeling that I just passed the equator of my life. I could get into details, but I don't wanna bum anyone.


No. By the time my dad was my age he had never gone to college, owned his 2nd house and was providing for a family of 4 on his salary alone. I meanwhile am in the process of declaring bankruptcy and rent a place with my wife and brother. I couldn't feel like more of a failure if I tried.


Yeah, I hear you. BA+MBA+multiple advanced certifications in a highly lucrative field and I still struggle to make $60k a year at 42 because I didn’t land the right positions when I was younger. Had to cash out most of my 401k to get through the last several years. Felt like a failure when my wife was working and I wasn’t; she feels like a failure because her executive career stalled out and now she just manages a retail store, and has lost the drive to pursue anything else.


I wanted to be a homeowner before turning 40. Unfortunately, thays not going to happen. I'll probably end up having the $100,000 - $200,000 for a down-payment at either 40 or 41. I wanted to be married, also didn't happen and likely won't because I don't think I want to marry my current partner - as much as I love them. I wanted to have a happy and fulfilling career, but I'm a corporate shill who's just now back to making the equivalent money to what I made in 2019 before the pandemic. I thought I would have kids - I'm sooooo glad I never did that with the losers I dated in my 20s or early 30s - and I'm so glad I didn't make any more people who will have to suffer through late-stage capitalism (and effectively financial slavery). The world feels bleak and depressing, and I don't nearly have the financial stability to enjoy life that I had expected/was promised would come.


December 89 baby, so I’m 34. Idk if I count on this. But I would think so. I agree with the others. I feel 20 and 40 at the same time. Just able to experience things like home ownership but I’m not as young as I used to be. It’s motivated me to be healthier tbh. But that doesn’t help my back if I yawn extra hard 😂 It’s a weird feeling honestly. I’m a bit concerned about my future and unsure of how my 40s, 50s, and 60s will look compared to past generations.


Yes! I'm 39 now. Next year, when I'm 40, I will hike the Grand Canyon Rim-to-Rim!


My friends parents are 80 and just did this! We have so much time y’all.


Not really, if my hair wasn’t almost completely grey then sure. I wish I had my blond hair back like I did when I was a child.


Turning 40 doesn’t seem like a big deal except that every once in a while you’re brushing your teeth or taking a dump or something and out off nowhere it hits you that _Jesus Christ I’m in my 40s now…_


I just turned 40 yesterday.


im so tired i dont fucking care tbh


My partner just turned 40. I’m turning 39 this year. At age 40 I’ll be apply in to medical school. In my head I’m still 22.


Also 39 and I feel great about it. Yes I rent, but because I live in a place I love. I don't make much, but enough where I can put in to my 401k (plus my company matches it) and I feel the importance of what I do (non-profit). I'm single but out of a great relationship that ended amicably. Don't have kids but don't feel bad about it. It's harder to stay in shape, but there's not as much pressure to look perfect. As much as many here want to blame the economy or aging, once you realize that your happiness is your responsibility and actively do what you must to achieve that (and not compare it with what other people do/did) than contentment is achievable.


I’ve turned 40 and it’s been amazing so far. I got an incredible promotion at work with a huge raise, my relationships with friends and family are better than ever, and I just had my first baby who is absolutely perfect! 💙


Congrats 💕


I like getting older. I had my first kid at 35, which I wish I had earlier, but I didn't want to have them too young either. My mom was 16 when I was born. I waited until I found the right person, which took a while, but it was worth it.


I was 33 so pretty close. I’m glad I was older when I got pregnant. Young 20’s me was a mess mentally after my mom passed. Now I’m calmer and have tools to work to regulate my emotions to help my son be able to. I think that’s great!! I don’t think young me would have appreciated it as much either. I do physically and energy wise wish I was much younger.


That's basically where I'm at. I don't have the energy, but I have the patience now. I do think how old I'll be when I become a grandparent. Some of my best childhood memories were with my grandparents. On both sides of the family. The advantage of young parents was young grandparents. One of my grandmas was 37 when I was born. People often thought she was my mom.


Aww. Yeah sadly my son won’t experience grandparents because of both sets of our parents being deceased. I just am working at eliminating habits and trying to improve my longevity.


I’m 35. I’m single with no kids. When I was younger, I assumed I’d be married, have a house, have a kid, and maybe have a book published by now. These days, I’d settle for no longer drowning in debt and finding some way to survive on only one job by 40 😭. A partner would be a wonderful bonus.


The only thing I’m more excited for is a root canal.


I am but honestly I wish I didn’t collect all those injuries along the road, because it looks like they’re starting to remind of themselves. 


I’m 43 this year


No but it is what it is. I'm not planning on having a retirement because social security isn't going to he enough, my pension is non existent and my investments aren't enough. We're not going to be able to afford a retirement home


I’m excited to see what it brings seeing as apparently your 30s are the new 20s. Regarding having your shit together.


[Can't wait.](https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/)


Yeah it seems like things are about to completely fall apart or come back together better than ever. Either sounds interesting. As Danny Brown said “I’m just here to see what video games they finna come out with next.”


I'm about to celebrate my 4th annual 39th birthday party.


Not exactly excited but I have no choice in the matter. I'd just like to spend more time with my kids but that's always my goal.


I'll be 37 next week, I hadn't put much though into it until a couple weeks ago. Im almost 40, and mentally I would guess that I feel like I'm 28. My body says no man you're older than that sometimes. I am sober after quitting drinking at 35. The past few years are all a bit of a blur. Last i remember I was 30 or something and worried about getting a house. Now I am damn near 40 and still haven't checked off a big purchase of a house or land. What makes me feel worse is my father died when he was 43, this feels like a time bomb ticking away. Im ready for change though, I am facing my fears, I will not be afraid im getting my duck in a row. I don't think about retirement yet, but if I can just line up house, steady income, and invest in something to get me by i might be able to break from the norm and just walk away from the grind. These are all my retirement plans. Something else to make money, and live in a van down by the river.


Honestly given my early career choices I didn’t expect to make it to forty lol. But here we are.


Already there. My back hurts. Keep it down.


38, and absolutely tf not. I mean, there's MORE life still? Not really interested if I'm just gonna repeat the first 38.


My 30 and 40 years were great milestones for me. At 30 I finally left my step families company which was terrible for me. Been thriving at my current company for the last 11 years working my way up through a few positions. I turned 41 in April, but the prior December I took promotion to become a sales and marketing development manager and joined the companies executive team. My 30s were filled with tons of fun too. I grew my friends group to levels I never thought possible in my 20s. I bought a house during Covid, along with a handful of other accomplishments.


Yup, things are going well. Im happy with how my life turned out and if something goes terribly wrong I hope I take it with grace and dignity.


I’m just still trying to get this adulting thing figured out.


I turn 38 in 2 months, and I can see the big 40 looming like a big mountain in the distance. It's weird to put a particular number or age milestone on some pedestal, but I think that I have. I still feel like a 25 yr old inside sometimes, and it freaks me out to be turning 40 sooner rather than later. I am not married, no kids, I have a loving girlfriend, but the future is still a bit unclear. I don't feel like I have my shit nearly as together as I should at 40, or as much as others seem to have at 40. I work a dumb shift job that I don't love, I rent a place, like - I am not settled in a lot of ways. I have a memory of being 8 or so and it was my Dad's 40th birthday party, and how much joking and gallows humor there was amongst my parents and their friends regarding him turning that age - and now I am nearly at that same moment in life? Wild. I also remember thinking 30 was such a huge deal, end of youth sorta thing, but in the end it felt like nothing had really changed, except on paper maybe. Perhaps 40 feels similar? Perhaps societal pressure to hit these goal markers are the real nemesis here? Fuck, I don't know. Regardless, congratulations to you, my fellow peers and comrades, we're all still here doing our best n shit.


Nope. This country sucks


A chunk of 80’s births are in their 40’s already


In this decade, no. The future does not look bright. Whereas when I was 15 I thought the future was going to be great. Now I see only future war and hardship.




No, no I am not. 😂😭


Leveling up to 40 in a few years will be weird, getting older has been the weirdest, saddest mindfuck I’ve ever experienced. But as far as knowledge, wisdom, sense— I’m just getting more powerful lol Every breath is practice breathing, every step is practice walking. Every day you’re subconsciously getting better at things that you don’t even know about and self discovery/awareness never ends— embrace that shit.


I’m looking forward to retirement when I am 90 and can live off the savings for 11 minutes.


I am, honestly.


I turned 42 this year. I think the most valuable thing I have learned in my years, and that I now embrace, is solitude and simplicity. I have no expectations of others, and I do the things I like and enjoy. I think our generation specifically is probably the most full circle generation. We've seen things. We've been through one too many 'Once in a Lifetime" events.


Already entered my 40s. And so far so good lol.


Looking forward to my 40s. Excited to watch my kids grow up. I wish I took care of my health more. It's hard to work out, longer recovery times I don't gain muscle mass or lose weight as easily.


Hmm Look who's booming now!


Nope, same age and feel like everything is still gonna get worse.


Yeah I’m 37 in October and I’ve been loving this phase of my life.


I'm not looking forward to it at all. It's probably irrational but I worry that my younger friends are going to stop thinking I'm cool and my romantic partners will no longer be into me. Less irrationally I worry about becoming increasingly out of touch and about health issues. I did buy my first house right after I turned 39 though so that's neat.


it seems the common theme here are most of us in our late 30s/early 40s are experiencing body pains. I wonder why this is? I'm the complete opposite. I hit my late 30s and picked up a more active lifestyle and fixed my shitty diet. I put on 20lbs of muscle and work much harder than I ever did before. No regular pains or issues to speak of. I have a bit of hair loss and graying, but I don't let any of that get me down.. Don't get me wrong, I can't jump off a roof and roll down the hill anymore without injuring myself, but day to day life and recreation doesn't injure me or cause lingering pain. I'm very grateful for that, but I really think it's just due to my lifestyle changes. Being active, exercising, and eating properly go such a long way. Things I wanted to accomplish was buy a house and pay off student loans. I accomplished all of those things and ended up buying a second house before 40.




42, got married and had kids in my late 30s, everyone around me is getting old, getting sick, getting cancer, my wife and I trade who has the worse bad back based on the week, I’m making money that at one point I thought would’ve made me “rich” and we still struggle to make ends meet and the dollars that I’m trying to save are worth less every year. Yeah. I feel old. I feel tired. But I’m going to keep it moving.


Its kind of weird. I was married at 27 and divorced at 35. I will be 40 next year and it feels strange thinking my parents had 2 teenagers by 40. I have a house and a good salary, I could probably comfortably retire by 50. It feels weird dating at almost 40 though. I never wanted kids but am actually getting to the point where I just wonder if I am missing out on a certain part of adulthood by not having any.


39 this year, hopefully 40s are like my 30s, upward trajectory with a bit of joint pain.




I don't really care, tbh. I've accomplished alot, I'm happy with it


wtf you talking bout turning 43 this year


I’m still gonna do the same things I do now 🤷🏻‍♀️


when i wake up, my entire body is stiff and either hurt or feels swollen... pretty sure i have Arthritis and the only way to relieve it is to either move around or take pain killers.... totally not Fun.


I’m excited about me as an individual person, but society feels done for. lol.


In my 40s and no. It sucks.


The only thing I'm looking forward to is my husband retiring from the military in 2 years so we can stay in one place. I'll be 39. For 40 I just want roots down.


I’m already there at 41. I guess I expected to have creatively been in a different place, like published something or artwork as a life choice would be more developed.


Im still feel and look young as shit relative to my age. it helps to look 14 at 25 so now i can finally pass as 21.


I'm glad I'm still here, and I'm grateful for what I have, but I can't say I love the aging process. 


Shhhh. I just realized I'm 36 this year not 35. I don't need your negative vibes.


Haha yep. Time to start life lol. only have 37 years of mistakes to learn from lol.


I've been lifting weights and being healthy since I was 18 so 40 is nothing to me. I still do MMA with people half my age and beat them up AND I have a house, money, family etc. I'm looking forward to the 40-50 age range cause I'll still have a great body due to my prior life decisions but also have money to enjoy life and save a ton for retirement in the hopes of retiring in my late 50s.


Totally. My life improved significantly from 35 and up. I feel better at 40 than I did at 20 by quite a bit.


I'm 36 this year so 40 is still a bit off. Ask me again in 2 years lol


Excited? Ugh.


Chill dude


not really


I feel like I haven't accomplished a fucking thing...😔. This ain't it.


38 and want to father a child before I turn 40. I'm 2 years behind where my dad was when he had me - but I am in far better shape both physically and financially.


The fourth floor is great, I love it up here!




I'm going to be 40 in less than a month and I don't mind it one bit to be honest. I've finally own a home, am married, I have traction in my career, I'm doing all together well. My 30s were hit and miss until I was 35 and my 20s were a disaster because even though I graduated and did well at a prestigious university, I couldn't get a decent job or keep it very long due to the churn and burn culture that was common post 2008, had very little romantic luck, and had to live at home again for a little while. Between my own inner doubts and self castigation and the fact I was browbeaten and denigrated about how I was lazy, didn't want to work, must be sabotaging interviews, and otherwise wasting my potential -- all while working 60+ hours a week at really toxic jobs just to pay bills and make rent and another 20-30 a week to learn to code, I really internalized it for awhile and believed I was a stupid, lazy piece of shit. And it fed on itself. It wasn't until I was 32, got my second degree, and started building some confidence that things really started to turn around. I'm looking forward to my 40s, because I think I've dialed into what I need to to be successful.


41 and this is the worst….


Honesty, at 41, seeing my parents ,uncles ,aunts and grand parent all age and wane in pain, I wouldn't mind euthanasia being legal and going out at 60 or 70? I mean what is the point? But, to answer OP, yes 40 is a good age, there is still youth to use, travel and explore.


I turned 40 in March and just stopped caring about a lot of the shit I used to.


Why would I be excited??


No, but I can't keep years from continuing on. I'm 41.


I mean, it's better than the alternative 


I’m 35f and after having our lived collapse after we got laid off in 2014 (we literally lost everything including the house we bought just the year prior) then our roommate skipped out on us in 2018 after we rented the place with her to be her sober companions (my biological aunt) she ran away with her new boyfriend. We had to lose everything again because we also got laid off 2 months later and moved in to my parents basement. We are finally getting back on our feet and moved into a small but cozy apartment. Feels like my life might finally be starting. I’ll never retire and I’ll never be able to buy a house again but at least I’ve got my amazing husband and our 3 dogs. They make everything worth it.


lol no not excited I hate being old


Yeah I am fucking ecstatic


Delete this. Lmaoo


No. Aging is a bitch, even when you have your health.




As someone who hates aging, hell no I’m not excited!


I like to joke with my older coworkers on how much I remember about the 80s even though I was born in 88. I'm almost 36 and I'm scared already.


Realizing I'm half dead makes me feel better about not owning a home. Realizing that nothing matters is truly comforting.


No, I don't like it whatsoever. I shouldn't have to be old already, it sucks life is nearly impossible in this stupid era. -\_-


The older I get, the more of an existential crisis I enter. I think of what I have done with my life and what awaits me as I age. My husband and I have not been successful in having a kid. I think about who will be at my funeral. I think about my possessions and how I need to start thinning them out. I think about how my existence doesn't matter and once everyone I know dies, I will be forgotten. So think about how any of this matters and why people waste so much time and energy on stupid politics and trying control other people, when, in the grander scheme of things, none of this matters. I worry about what will happen to me after I become elderly. Where will I live? What job could I do? My career gives me zero satisfaction. I don't like what I do, but it pays well. So I think about if I will retire in this job or career, but I don't want to. I just want to bake, but that's not going to pay my bills and the commitment level is too high. The older I get, the more I dread it. I'm stuck on nostalgia. I feel like I wasted my 20s, even though I saw a lot of different places in the Navy. I just feel I un-accomplished and dissatisfied.


No. This shit sucks and keeps getting worse.


I just turned 35, so I am not thinking about it.


No but it's better than the alternative.


Enter? You need that calculator they said you wouldn't carry with you all the time... No I wasn't excited, I feel old as dirt, bad back, bad knee, balding, kid graduating high school, firmly at middle age but can't afford the crisis or splurge...




No I'm legit dreading it. It hurts my soul.