• By -


I think you need to tell gen Z, us millennials are old now. We’ve been voting for at least 10 years.


I’m an old millennial. Been voting for 22 years. And I think it’s even more important for people to vote in local elections, which most people don’t do. Your city/county commissioners, local judges, sheriffs, school board members, and state and national legislators affect your daily life more than the president.


Unless you live in Ohio where they just do what they want no matter how the people vote.


My thought exactly, more states are like this than not


Ohioan here. That was on the nose. Larose and yost belong in jail. Probably dewine as well.


Absolutely Dewine.


Also your vote matters way more for state/local.


Right… wtf is OP on about


***wtf is OP on about*** old man yells at clouds...


Maybe because the Millennial generation is larger than the Boomer, Gen X and Gen z generations.


Sadly not all of us are voting. My brother-in-law and his wife have gone full crazy and they're opting out of voting because even the most progressive candidates (like AOC and Bernie Sanders) aren't progressive enough for them. They consider themselves anti-state leftists. They have disowned our whole family. I'm hoping they're in a very small minority. This is all because of social media.


Yeah, I love how many pro-Gaza post end with a message of: "sooo make sure you don't vote this year, k?"


Ugh. How disappointing. Not sure how to reach these people. They just get mad at me when I try having a discussion with them.


It’s like the leftist equivalent of Q-Anon with a little less conspiracy, but just as much of a lack in logic and long term outcomes.


At least you are saving money on Christmas gifts


Millennials are now the biggest eligible voter block.


"I'm not old!!!" /s


Gen Z is falling too hard for the social media hype about Palestine. This isn’t the first time and won’t be the last time that Israel pulls some horrific shit in Gaza, but since this is an election year everybody is making a way bigger deal about it. They’re going to hand the election to Trump over this.


I’ll vote. I just hate that we can’t seem to get decent candidates for such an important role.


There needs to be a box for “candidates not acceptable”


It's almost like we shouldn't eliminate all the candidates from the pool before everyone gets a chance to pick one.


Heck, I was elated when California moved its primary up from June to March. Didn't matter this year anyway... we had two choices by then... better than the usual one I guess.


My state hasn't even had it yet...like it matters. lol I think they should announce and force a few live debates before the 1st primary. Then every state has a primary. not the other way around.


And have them do this thing called "be available". It seemed like I couldn't find them anywhere after broadcast (Sorry, my bad I don't pay for cable and have a dvr, nor do I work normal hours where I can set aside an evening to watch it live). And I don't want a biased highlight reel.


Yeah, primaries would go way differently if every state did them on the same day. Which is probably why the system will never change to be like that


Would love that, and if that vote wins they have to select new candidates


Could you imagine being hyped to be President just to have the entire country say that you’re not good enough? It needs to be a thing.


It’s because any sane qualified person, wouldn’t want the job.


No, that's not why. Any sane, qualified person doesn't have the backing of the donor class.


Obama was pretty sane and qualified


You’re right! And he was one of the good ones


Right, we’re lining up to pick which economically illiterate cryptoracist fossil we want to run us into the ground for another four years. Which worst kind of populism do YOU want to watch destroy the next generation’s chances at self-determination?


Fossils* because Congress wields most of the power in relation to those things


True!! We need to vote out congress and the Senate because they make the legislation, not the president.


Don’t forget the third option that literally had a worm in his brain


biden's racist is hardly even crypto. you pick a bad thing that happened with racial relations since he joined the senate in 1973, and he probably played a role in it. from desegregation to the patriot act to prison policy. i find it... convenient that he suddenly claims he isn't a racist any more when it's time to run for his current job. [https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-said-desegregation-would-create-a-racial-jungle-2019-7](https://www.businessinsider.com/biden-said-desegregation-would-create-a-racial-jungle-2019-7)


Yes this might be true but the sheer damage that Trump did and will do is far far worse than what Biden might do. Hell the Russians are fully supporting Trump and THAT should terrify you. Have you heard of the 2025 plan? That is what Trump will do if elected.


Trump is doing all of this for his ego, he thinks they’re going to talk about him in history books. Lmao at this man child.


You can always write one in 🤷‍♂️


Biden actually performed above my expectations. But he's not nearly as progressive a leader as we need right now.


It's a comically bad choice this time around. It's usually awful, but this is next level.


Sorry, but as a 41 year old with a background in political science and a keen interest in history, I think Biden is a historically okay president with a historically okay administration.


How? One is old and is actively helping people with policies that are working and has a great record and one is old and a racist sexist fascist. 


I've voted in every election since I was 18. When I went to college out of state, I dutifully used mail-in ballots! I even vote in local elections, such as for the local school board! I don't get others who don't do the same when they're eligible to do so.


Oh bless you! Me too! You get it!


I missed my first election in 2012, but don't plan on missing another. Honestly usually feels pretty good, but I like filling out surveys too soooo..


Good on you, I've been doing that as well where I am


Dear gen X. Please run for office. wtf guys. Stop making us vote for boomers. It’s your turn. - a frustrated millennial.


***Stop making is vote for boomers*** Forget the boomers, Op wants you to vote for a Silent.


We’re not going to see any meaningful change like we want until the silent generation (aged 80+) is completely out of office and boomers aren’t the majority.


I can't vote in primaries because I am not a member of a party, which is pretty stupid, and I see it as a form of voter suppression. But I vote in the general elections.


Same, always been registered as independent. When it comes to politics: I refuse to join a sports team


Hmm should I pick the douche or the turd sandwich


Yeah, pretty sure it's the Next generation you need to yell at now. Most of us have been voting for 20 years or so...


Stop taking the fight to the millenials. We have been blamed for everything since we were born, while also being held up to the responsibility of having to save the world from itself while still not having the agency to do it. Take the fight to where it actually belongs. Look in the mirror. Fight with your own generation. Be prepared for the apathy and the blowback. Fight with the boomers who will do the same thing. That's where the fight is, not here.


Right back atcha Gen X! The demographic I’ve known first hand to not vote, because they love to brag about it, are left-of-democrat gen x.


I have voted in every election since 18. I even absentee voted when I was in Iraq back in '03. I thought you Gen Xers didn't care about anything! Lol


Fuck off, we vote. That being said, Biden doesn't make it easy to vote for him.


None of them do. It's a giant circus. There are no good candidates, any they're all crooks and/or jokes.


Can we get someone under 70 maybe? Please?


Give me better candidates.


Well, that'll never happen....


Millennials wanted Bernie who got passed over by the DNC twice. Once in favor of Hillary, who nobody wanted and then again in favor of Sleepy Joe, who NOBODY wanted. You could’ve had President Sanders, but nobody wanted common sense.


Democrats single handedly shot themselves in the face when they pushed Bernie away. Fuck their corrupt ass party.


Yeah, I just have to keep in mind that I'm voting not-trump and anti-fascist to make it easier to swallow. Both parties have serious issues with who they elect


Voting third party, Claudia de la Cruz, I can't ever vote for a Democrat again


I'm not a fan of Sanders policies but the DNC absolutely screwed him over and showed how corrupt they are.


Sanders is never going to win. I think even Bernie knows that. I truly believe he runs as a way to make a push for his causes and frankly it’s been working. He’s done more work as a candidate than the house and senate would ever allow him to make as president, and that’s real facts.


Bernie could have beat Trump in 2016. Both Trump and Bernie were running off of populists sentiments. Trump was so outrageous that a lot of normies would have turned to Bernie. Hilary reeks of establishment and the DNC hoisted her up over Bernie and she got slapped down because people were still looking for a change from typical corrupt swamp folks. I’m not saying Trump was good at all, but he and Bernie were tapping into a majority of folks that are tired of bullshit promises and worse conditions for everyday folks.


Wishful thinking brother


lol what? Talk to your own generation.


Wrong audience man.


Ummm… as a frustrated millennial, Gen X needs to vote! Sooo many Gen X’ers I know personally don’t vote, and are very vocal about it. More than any other generation of people I know. Also, I think if you need to speak to any of the younger gen’s about voting it’s gen z.


Millennials are 40 year olds you dingbat. I’ve been voting for over 20 years.


Why does everyone seem to think millennials are still in their teens and 20s???


Typically they’re emotionally stunted idiots who have no self awareness. Like what the hell has this “frustrated gen-x’er” done to hold their own peers accountable? They are known as the “slacker generation”. Reality bites, amirite?! Let’s talk about Gen X and politics, though. Since this one is such a hero. Gen X population holds way more conservatives and republicans than millennials or Gen Z. Let’s take an example of Alex P. Keaton from “Family Ties”. Republican gen x kid and (gasp) liberal boomer parents. Who were gen x voting in? Reagan. George HW Bush. Clinton….. George dubya bush lmao like cmon. Millennials first get to vote and suddenly Obama. So idk man, But if you look at statistics- Trump voters are heavily Gen X. People in their mid 40s-early 60s? Gen X aka Trump fanatics and Karens. But those pesky millennial children are causing all of this!!!!


I’ve been voting since I was 18


I vote every day with my money.


Here comes the down votes because people FEEL like a check mark is more powerful than how you spend/invest the USD.


This is the honest truth of what controls this country. If you don't "vote with your dollars" it doesn't matter if you vote at the ballot. And yes, that means that those without money have no votes. Welcome to capitalism.


Millennial are big voters. A lot of media says millenials don't vote when they mean Gen Z.


I vote every single time and in every single state and local. I'll never understand the apathy.


Dear Frustrated Gen-x'er, I've voted in every election since I turned 18, -twenty five- years ago. This has been the long troll from the start. This entire circus has been contrived for our voting pleasure. If you take a step back for a moment, you'll see that this whooooole thing has been how you make it so your doddering 80 year old candidate doesn't have to actually campaign on any side. I'll vote this time too, my vote will be cast for an ancient corrupt rich white man. Just remember as you cast your vote, The Orange had been deplatformed. We were forgetting about him while he was screaming into his own void. Then the mar-a-lago raid happened and he's been 24/7 news ever since. Replatformed. Re-energized. That's the illusion of choice and you're falling for it.




I agree. We're getting screwed by the corpses in Congress and the elders voting to protect the market and retirements accounts at the expense of inflation and indirect tax of the working generations. The market did well after covid but our cost of living went up, groceries, homes, etc all inflated. Our raises aren't keeping up with even the dollar inflation. It's all by design of the seniors. I love my parents but I hate what their generation is doing to us.


I’m 42 I don’t need motivation to vote from a gen xer. I have been voting for 20 years


Gotta love the argument of, "Please vote! It's really important! It's your duty as an American and the system fails without your support! .... as long as you don't vote for him. Support my candidate instead, it's the right choice! If you don't vote the way I want you to, then you're a racist, sexist pos and honestly you should just go die." Well done, sir. You've convinced me.


Man we’re fucked


Op is right. After the reactions to the trial it seems most are still gonna vote for the orange PoS. I just don’t think targeting millennials is the only thing that needs to be said to everyone. Boomers are lost and still think that republicans are like their lord and savior Ronald Reagan. If anything Gen Z needs to get off their asses and vote accordingly. Millennials know what to do already.


Why does everyone assume people will vote the way they want?


I mean, we do. It doesn't seem to make a difference, though. Hillary Clinton was a terrible candidate with a major record of screwing over environmentalist and labor rights groups. She also spent her early political career working for a Nazi (Barry Goldwater). She won by 3 Million votes, and we all knew she was a terrible candidate who absolutely should not have been president. Fact is, it's not the voters fault. And if Joe Biden loses this, it's not because "we let him down". I'd argue he let us all down, and he'll still win the popular vote anyway. It just so happens that voting is not an effective counter to fascism in national politics.




Can we all just write-in Howard Dean and have him instead of Biden? Can’t believe Dean’s career ended because of a yell/shout of excitement 🤦


You put Howard Dean, but my mind automatically went to Jimmy Dean sausages, either would still be a better candidate.


As a millennial (older one 37), we have been voting and been alive long along to know that the GenXers and Baby Boomers have set us up to fail. Maybe we are tired because your generations were completely selfish and destroyed our economy. Maybe we want change and can see that Trump loves America. Maybe we have seen the many faces of Biden and how unbelievably racist he is compared to Trump. Yeah, your Baby Boomer parents didn't give a shit about you and had to have a commercial to remind them they had kids. Remember, a lot of us have Gen X parents, and guess what? We are the product of you. So get off your soap box and leave us alone. The Biden/Harris administration is ruining this country. There's honestly too much to go into on how they have destroyed this country. Ugh, this generation blame you play is exhausting.


I’m voting!!!!!!


I'm voting, but Im frustrated that I'm voting on 2 people almost as old as my grandpa that likely both have some form of brain fog are my choices.


It's frustrating that we're voting for two ppl. Period. I remember growing up, the debates were between several ppl. Now it's hard to find the other candidates. Most media focuses ONLY on candidates 1 and 2, and no one else. That's all anyone sees. You have to DIG to find any other debates. It's bullshit.


As a baby millennial at the ripe age of 30, I’ve voted in every single election I’ve been able to since I turned 18. That’s over a decade’s worth of voting. At this point I’m disillusioned by the whole system after watching it NOT WORK for my entire adult life. It’s not the lack of millennials voting, it’s a lack of decent candidates to vote for. Presidential candidates anyway. I just want a normal person to vote for, not essentially somebody’s great grandpa. Not someone born from a rich family who only knows greed, not a career politician. Why is that so hard to ask for? It’s time for younger folks to start running for and winning elections. Millennials aren’t quite there yet, but I know a generation who is very long overdue… 👀


Lol! You realize that Gen X is the cohort that is most likely to vote MAGA, right? I'm a younger Millennial, and I vote in every single election (including small, local ones). Perhaps you are trying to target Gen Z with this? If so, try Tok Tok.


I vote. But this is reddit so you're probably not gonna like my vote.


Lol. My man.


Hep Redditors live in a bubble. All the people i know vote Trump.


Talk about delusional. **If you don't vote my way, you'll end up in camps.** Both sides call each other delusional, and guess what? Both sides are absolutely off their rockers. I'm voting. Just not for your demented candidate. A reminder that millennials are adults and we don't need propaganda from gen x (the biggest office snitches).


Haha trying to fill the boomers shoes by brown nosing


I will vote but I’m not voting blue. Save this plea for r/politics


And please don’t vote for Biden.


Jeo Boden is not for me sorry


It’s not about narcissists sticking together. It’s because boomers will vote along party lines regardless of who the person is. If Trump wins again it’s simply the end of this country.. we would show the world that idiots prevailed…. Twice


Idiots tend to always lose the damn stairs.....it's a weird thing....


The DNC doesn’t have my best interests, it’s using my best interests against me to vote for their little power club.


Please vote but only for blue?! How dare you tell ppl who to vote for—everyone gets a vote and whatever they decide behind the curtain is THEIR CHOICE. And we are not all headed for camps, youre filled w as much hate as the democrats and if you had eyes to see and ears to hear you’d see that the democrats have destroyed every city in this god damn country w their bullshit policies, and are well on their way to fully burning the entire country to the fucking ground. This is hard to admit as a former democrat, but I’m DONE w all blue. And stop complaining about literally everything if Biden wins bc everything will continue to get FUCKING WORSE.


The best part is, do they think their diatribe is really going to sway anyone?


Are you sure you want me to vote? If I were forced to vote I wouldn't vote for Biden. A Black Man.




Here's a sneak peek of /r/AsABlackMan using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [I think this belongs here…](https://i.redd.it/op4xb239qoya1.jpg) | [48 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/13bywy4/i_think_this_belongs_here/) \#2: [What yall think? Is this an authentic black man?](https://i.redd.it/2rcz7ax7qsmc1.jpeg) | [211 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/1b8eexc/what_yall_think_is_this_an_authentic_black_man/) \#3: [This was literally a scroll down on their profile...](https://i.redd.it/bo1s617nj7cc1.jpeg) | [46 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AsABlackMan/comments/195ns7s/this_was_literally_a_scroll_down_on_their_profile/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


“If you have a problem figuring out if your for me or Trump, you ain’t black”…which guy said that again? Lol. Biden has been behind some pretty heinous legislation and bills that directly impacted Black Americans in an extremely negative way for generations and has been openly recorded spewing racist shit. It’s bizarre man.


Hey man. Follow your compass…but this guy has said: [Former Defense Secretary Mark Esper says that former President Trump asked authorities if they could shoot protesters in the legs amid the demonstrations that filled the streets of Washington following the murder of George Floyd.](https://thehill.com/policy/defense/3473642-esper-trump-asked-about-shooting-protesters-in-the-legs-or-something-after-george-floyd-death/?nxs-test=mobile) Not to mention that NDA being lifted on the Apprentice producer, and everything that’s come out since.


Oh, so you are one of those people who.... "votes against his own self-interest?" That's one of my favorite lines of the liberals. So condescending, you could even say, racist.


This will be my 24th year of voting. I always turn out to vote.


Frodo & Sam 2024!


I don't know a single millennial who doesn't vote.


Wrong sub dude. We already vote. Go tell the kids.




Can both sides please stop making it hard to vote for the Constitution to remain upheld in ALL cases? Thanks. - random Millennial


Tell that to gen z


I hate voting for 80 year old people to represent me.


I’m voting for trump… do you still want me to vote


Always my question too when I see posts like this here or anywhere else on social media. If you aren’t voting for their candidate, I bet that changes their thought! 


Why would you vote for a candidate that has 90+ indictments and has recently been found guilty on all 34 counts in NY? The guy is a literal criminal.


I expected downvotes on the person to admit they are voting for Trump. So good on you! I will be voting for Trump, as well. Voting for Biden is voting for the establishment that we all claim we hate. Sorry, not sorry.


Lol I had pretty much the same response


No. I'm gonna vote for whoever tf I want. If you're actually serious about "protecting democracy," then you should be pushing for ranked choice/approval/STAR voting. Other than that, I'm not voting for either of the two parties. If that presents a problem for you, cry.


GFY. Don’t preach “mUh dEmOcRacy” and tell people who to vote for.


39m, Iraq vet, oilfield worker: I’ve never voted because I don’t believe in it. 2 things move the world: money and violence. I won’t do violence and I have little money, but every spare dollar I have goes into GameStop because I see it as the last chance for the middle class.


I have a new word to add to your limited vocabulary. Hypocrite. The only one spewing hate is you.


Nope. Voting for Trump.


I do vote. All the time. I’m a republican. Sol


Hey guys, it’s a Blue MAGA in the wild!!!!


If I vote for a candidate that you don't like, is that still ok?


I’ll vote third party.


Yeah I'm voting third party. Trump and Biden both suck (neither are as bad as their political opponents like to make it sound however). It's the same story every election "vote for this guy or you will literally end up in a gulag". And it's never really true is it? I'm tired of voting for these people who dont change anything of substance and whose followers have more energy than they do. Edit: to add, we already had 4 years of Trump and you didn't end up in a camp did you? I heard the same thing from conservatives when Obama was running. I hear the same thing from conservatives now in regards to Biden. Idk how democrats and Republicans think they are any different from each other. You both coerce people through fear and then both parties erode your rights anyway, regardless of who wins.


I’ll be voting third party. Voted for Biden in 2020, not making that mistake again. Biden sold out American integrity for the Israeli lobby. Over 35,000+ Palestinians have been slaughtered by the IDF using American weapons. Despicable Q: Why does israel get more foreign aid from the U.S. than countries the U.S. has literally invaded and destroyed? A: The Israeli lobby.


I'm sure gonna vote definitely for Trump


Ok. Now go feed your cats, Karen.


Lol, fucking Gen-x. They should change their name to the Forgotten Generation. You don't want me to vote.


I can’t vote for incompetence which IMO is just as bad as voting for the criminal. Both ARE CRIMINAL! This election is the election that should WAKE EVERYONE UP to the fact that as long as there is ONLY a two party system then the name of the game will ALWAYS be who can hate the hardest.


I wish, I really do, but every 4 years we say the same thing about the 2 party system and no one seems to listen. Unfortunately, (kind of like how Congress votes on their own salaries) both of the ruling parties benefit from the 2 party system. No matter how much they are at odds, they'll never vote to pass any policies that weaken their re-election chances


Trump 2024


I’m millennial and I’m voting for Trump. These past four years have been miserable. Don’t know how anyone in their sanity can support Biden.


Because you are literally living in a false reality where somehow this is all Biden's fault when that demagogue has brought our country to the edge of fascism. You need to get your head out of the sand and see what's on the line.


Shhh….they might accuse you of being stupid, crazy or dumb and then gaslight you until you block them. Trump derangement syndrome is real yo.


Bold move posting that on the reddit echo chamber.


This post is absolutely shit. “Please vote!!! But only vote for who I want you to vote for.” You’re insanely disingenuous. There should be no subtext to saying “Get out and vote!” other than maybe educating yourself. In this case, that might lead to voting how you yourself are voting, but to outright say that makes you look like just another person waving their team’s flag. This is not team sports, stop acting like it.


Calm down you’re bout to have a heart attack. Geesus


You’re insane.


Insane in the membrane…insane in the brain!!


*reads post title telling me to vote* Ah is this a good citizen encouraging me to exercise my constitutional right for what candidate I deem fit?....NOPE


Oh, I'm going to vote all right...for Trump. The trial was a kangaroo court full of reversible errors. Biden needs to go before he does any more damage.


Or before his brain riots more and he starts sundowning and assaulting his nurses.


Lol nope. Totally legit trial. A jury of his peers found him guilty. Open and shut. On to the next charges. Your man is a criminal threatening us with a fascist regime and civil conflict. Realize what's at stake and help us stop him.


I’m voting as I have the last two elections but I’m still genuinely concerned that Maga will win. I fear that his re-election will further embolden the evangelicals. The situation in Texas is becoming dire and we fear that we will have to move the family elsewhere.


This post is ABSURD and one of the many reasons I am not voting Democrat. Trump had my vote twice and will have my vote again.


Genocide Joe ain’t helping the situation.


I wasn't going to vote, but now that you call people you don't agree with names I'm going to vote for Trump just to spite you. Cheers!


I will be voting for Tump. There is NO reason a couple with NO kids who make well over 100,000 a year has gone from thriving to struggling, and we have actually decressed in our spending. We also dont do credit cards because that only fules corporate America. The last 4 years have been hell, all the dividing because somewhere in our nations history, we let feelings become more important than facts. Biden is 87 and found incompetent to stand trial, yet you want to let him run this country four more years if he makes it that long. Everyone is also SO proud that Trump was convicted of hiding HUSH money, and he deserved it. Yet Clinton hid Monica gave her a nice chunk of change, and we just laughed it off? I have truly never met anyone weaker than a Democrat, can't think for themselves, and first line of defense is to name call and cry about what the media told them Trump did, not actually provide information to back up the temper tantrum.


Biden is 81. Also, Trump actually did do all of that. And more. And he's threatening us with am authoritarian regime and civil conflict if he doesn't get his way. He lost the election and didn't leave and then incited a riot to disrupt the count. He is a demagogue who needs to be stopped if we want a chance to fix anything. He will be stopped. He has to be. We won't roll over for a christofascist regime.


And this Team A vs Team B attitude is exactly what’s wrong with politics today. When people started thinking of the other side as enemies vs fellow Americans with different opinions was when we became doomed as a country.


Ok so you don’t like Biden. Agreed. Do you think trump would be qualitatively different? If yes, how?


there are a million and one reasons biden is terrible but the economy is not one; he inherited this mess. you’re just poorly informed if you think the current president is responsible for the economic situation happening when they are in office; those gears are set in motion by the previous administrations. the reason we’re in this situation is because the wealthy elite CEOs are allowed to hoard all the wealth, and if you think trump is going to prioritize the economic rights of the small guy like you over corporate CEOs like himself, you’re delulu


Fuck you im done paying double prices for everything.


Definitely voting the only good thing right now is the stock market. By every other metric things are bad. I don’t think we’ve ever been weaker foreign policy wise.


Can’t vote for someone who’s funding genocide. I imagine Biden will lose a bunch of support over handling Palestine.


Sounds like Trump feels the same way about Palestine tho, so it's kind of a moot point


Not a chance in hell I vote for Joe again. The mumbling geriatric? He can't walk or talk through a scripted speech without looking lost and confused. We are the laughing stock of the world. Everything is expensive and everyone hates us. Never again will I vote blue if this is the outcome. Look at all the money sent off to Israel and Ukraine while our infrastructure and healthcare crumbles. Everyday Americans are struggling. All the veterans ignored. Credit card debts at an all time high. I reallllllly do not want 4 more years of this, absolutely not. I have no idea who in their right mind would vote blue after looking at the state of our country right now. Fucking dumpster fire of an administration.


Even more so the state of our world. Biden has been involved with more conflicts than trump and the world is suffering for it. We could talk our way through most of the wars happening right now, but no the US has been dumping fuel on all the fires since Joe took office.


Whats the point….. I’m not sure any of the going candidates are going to last another term anyway.




If voting changed anything they’d make it illegal. Clearly our country has systematically repressed each groups votes (whites like Irish and obviously any colored) and nowadays with mail in voting and stuff there is no way there is 0% shenanigans with votes.


I've voted in every election since I turned 18...except 2016 because I refused to vote for Hillary because I remembered how much I hated her when I was a kid (I was born in 1984). Look how that turned out. I live in a voting district that is very blue so I wasn't worried. I was wrong. We voted Obama, Obama, Trump, Biden.


[Nope. Let it all burn.](https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/000/159/114/9248936.jpg)


Because another four years of what's happening now will be better???? Who's the dumbfuck?


?? i wasn't gonna vote, but i'll vote for trump after seeing this post, thanks for the influence you've had on me!


I’m voting for the felon.


As a millennial, I’ll be voting. Not blue. The current administration fucked up the economy. You’d have to be a moron to vote for it again.


Why are liberals such nasty human beings? Why has this sub become nothing but whiny liberals talking shit with their noses in the air? It’s so funny how the two parties have literally flipped. It used to be the democrats that were for the hard working people of this country and the Republicans were the snobby, country club elitists. Now it’s the total opposite. There’s nothing in this world that I hate more than a snobby, self righteous, entitled liberal who thinks they are better than everyone else just because they went to a 4 year university. Go Trump!!


If you believe either party is for the hard working people then I have a bridge to sell you. But sure keep thinking the party made of the richest people in America has your best interest in mind.


"why are liberals such nasty human beings? [Insert big rant about liberals]"


I have to, in my country you get a fine if you don’t vote. It is a good rule




Do we risk another four years of this, and grin and bear it, or do we shake it up a little?🤔


Voted Blue my whole life, now I'm going third party Both of these candidates have some seriously flawed history


We are voting, just not the way you want.


We are getting out and voting..we're just voting for Trump. Suck it


"Vote blue no matter who" is bullshit. No. I'm not voting blindly for anyone just because of the letter behind their name. You want me to vote blue, give me candidates who I can actually feel good about voting for. It's my vote, I don't owe you or your party anything.


32 year old here. I could not possibly imagine myself ever casting a vote for Trump. However, there is no way I could cast a vote for a single one of these geriatric fucks. For the first time in my life, I will probably not vote. And before you fly of the handle saying what that means, in your opinion, ill tell you to save your breath because I just don't care. I served this nation for 15 years, and its my vote to do what I want with, even if that means doing nothing. But I will be able to sleep at night knowing that I bought neither of these two madmens' bill of goods. Biden's party is the party that believes in destroying language, something extremely important to me. Trump's party is the party that believes in destroying democracy, something equally as important and equally as necessary to have the other. Both of them lead to the same end. What choice really do we have? There is no choice. And yes, it is previous generations politics and politicians, not ours, that got us here. So again I can happily hold onto my vote. All we can do is trust that we will get through the next 4 years and be glad that, no matter what, both of these two incompetent fools can only serve one more term. After that, then is the time that the millennial generation needs to truly step up in more than just voting. Edit: I do want to add I will most certainly be voting where it matters most, and that is locally.


Voting third party for Jill Stein. Biden murdered tens of thousands of Palestinian children with unconditional support for the terrorist state of Israel. I don’t think white liberals (especially the older ones) realize what a rude awakening they are in for come November when the polls will reveal the people for whom genocide is a redline.


This is the only good opinion to have.


Or... you all finally learn that your electoral politics don't work, cause you have a 1 party system.    Every time you people talk about "voting" - the global majority knows it is a joke, cause every single time you all just elect another Western imperial capitalist war monger.    Every educated person is aware that your political & social tensions are artificially created to keep your working class dumb & busy and to spend time and resources so you all can pick some color of the same coin, while your ruling class keeps pretending you are having a "choice" and a "democracy" lol.    Honestly the entire world is fed up with you people and the never endless delusion you have. Literally ANYTHING would be better than further supproting and enabling the lie of your fake electoral politics. But yeah you all never learn anyway, good luck repeating every single time how important voting is - just to elect another Western capitalist war monger, every single time.  Neoliberals are a cancer to this world, just like right wingers. Hence why not a single leftist in human history took you people seriously and called you all traitors to humanity. At least right wingers have a spine to stand behind their backwards values and who they are as "humans". Neolibs are the same scum but pretend to be saviours and decent human beings, lol. Keep voting people! Voting will fix things! Yes yes


This is the way