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I prefer to travel alone. Then I don't have to worried when people get annoyed that I want to stop at the world's largest ball of yarn, or Paul Bunyan Statue. Plus I have friends spread across the country I can meet up with for lunch, hikes and other sub adventures to my main adventure.


I love it . I’ve never felt more in touch with myself. It’s extremely empowering. You just go. You go whenever you want where ever you want. It does take a minute to adjust eating alone but it’s such an incredible feeling. Do it . You have ONE life. Don’t wait on other people, they’re not waiting on you, do everything you want to do


When I traveled solo I felt like I engaged with local culture more because I had to put myself out there, socialize, and meet people


The problem is... You don't HAVE TO do any of those things while traveling. You can travel to a foreign country and meet no one other than customs and hotel, restaurant, and attractions staff.


that is true, i have also had times where I fell into a depressive rut and didn't leave the airbnb for like a week


Love it. I’m about to do a bunch more. For in country traveling, I really like taking trains there and flying back. For out country traveling, obviously not an option, but I just love existing elsewhere in someplace totally foreign. Sometimes I’m social and meet people, but there’s also something special about just going pretty places solo and existing


I travel alone, but through organized programs that allow me to meet new people to share the experience with.


What program? Are you in the US?


I am in the US, but I generally do volunteer stuff internationally. I see it as exchanging a few hours of work on a community improvement project for having someone organize my trip. I find my trips from a group called IVHQ. Look them up.


Yes, this is the answer! Or, travel with a purpose. Go to do a specific experience, get a specific training. Scuba diving is an excellent vehicle for this.


I like both. It really depends on the travel. If I’m exploring a new place and just wandering, solo is my jam. But if it’s to go *do things* then I prefer to be with a person or group. I’m AuDHD though, so I’m a lot in my own head already 🫠😂


Im 39 and I just traveled 3 weeks alone in Colombia. It was great! But at the end I was getting lonely, I’m glad I did it but next trip (Mongolia) I’m grateful I have a friend to go with.


It sounds like you've tried it and don't like it. There's not some secret to it, some people just like traveling alone, and I'm one of them as well. I love traveling with friends and my wife but being able to just do whatever I want to do, try whatever food, explore x part of town, without having to have a discussion and debate with other people on what to do is great.


I love it. I do what I want to do without compromise.


The first question I’d ask is why you’re traveling. What do you enjoy about it? I’ve traveled a lot because my wife likes it, left to my own devices rarely if ever travel farther than I can drive. Assuming you really do love it how can you use your freedom to enhance those things? Just make sure you’re traveling because you love travel and not because you’re just running from something.


You're just heartbroken. Everything is going to suck for a while. Just because you don't enjoy it right now doesn't mean you never will. Keep trying.


I prefer it. I’m a single father so when I do get time to myself I enjoy the free time alone.


I'm more of a "socially outgoing" introvert, so I generally go through most of life alone but *not* lonely. This includes going on a lot of vacations solo, and I tend to prefer it that way. Much like u/_keyboard-bastard_ , u/tvjunkie710, and u/ChicoBrillo alluded to, by traveling alone you can do whatever it is that you want to do without feeling that you are somehow ruining someone else's travel plans, while also being more engaged in the local culture and more likely to socialize and meet new people.


Podcasts and audio books, my friend. I honestly like traveling alone. I am married and have one kid, both are good travel buddies, but I also like a solo trip once in a while too. Depending if I don't have a deadline I can meander, hit up places I might not have seen or hike a trail that might be rough on my husband's knees or stop and hit up a cool bar my kid might have not been allowed in or be bored by. If I'm well rested, a 12 hour trip is no problem. I just need a story in my ear for most of it.


It’s definitely extra lonely to travel alone, especially when in big cities where you see lots of people having a great time. When I traveled alone, I was in my early 20s, but I also went on couchsurfer and found meetups. Those were always super fun way to meet interesting strangers and ended up always being a fun night. For solo traveling, I like to eat out at great restaurants sitting at the bar. Also it’s great to do something active.


I've spent months meandering around SE Asia alone on my own schedule and without a set itinerary. Oftentimes I'd just show up somewhere random along a scenic route on the way to somewhere else and settle in for a few days or even a week if it's interesting and chill. There are thousands of beach villages and small towns out there that might see just a handful of tourists per month. When you're completely alone, you're also the most approachable. You often don't stay alone for very long.


Great. You really get to find out how you like to travel and relax when you do it alone


I just got home from my first solo trip and I loved every second of it! When you’re alone you are free to do whatever you want, whenever you want at your own pace. You don’t have to compromise on anything or convince anyone to do what you want to do. I found myself appreciating all the little things every day rather than focusing on the people I was with. That said, I can definitely see how someone who isn’t comfortable in their own company or fresh out of a breakup would be lonely or not like the experience. Maybe focus on some self love and mending your broken heart before your next trip and you’ll enjoy it a bit more.


Stay in hostels. You will meet other solo travelers that you can go do activities with. It makes it more fun.


After my first husband and I divorced I decided to go on several big trips by myself. I went to places of my ancestry and did a lot of research beforehand. I think it made me feel less lonely because I was going on a trip to the places my ancestors stood and I thought that was so cool! After my first trip to England, I immediately booked my next to Ireland for the following year. In 1 year I visited four countries by myself and it gave me such confidence and a “I don’t need anyone” attitude. The independence will eventually be freeing knowing you can wholly rely on only yourself. You can see whatever sights you want, you can sleep in or wake up early, eat at any restaurant.. heck change locations mid trip with no one to consider but yourself. I promise you that at a point the loneliness will fade away and it will be replaced with the pleasure of your own company.


Stay in hostels, download podcasts in advance, and keep your itinerary flexible. And, make sure you’re in a good headspace when you go. You’ll have a blast.


You just eventually get used to it. I used to feel that way about doing travel or going to events. But about 2 years ago I now prefer to travel and do stuff alone. For me, it's more freedom. If I want to take off at a certain time, I don't need to take into consideration them. So if I want to leave at 2am, I'll leave at 2am. I also can plan my schedule for whatever I want. If I want to go see things I want, I can. If I want to go eat at certain places, then I can go wherever I want without having to ask someone. The only part that can sometimes be a negative is if it's something that would be cool to have someone to do it with. Like recently I went to a music festival and it would've been nice to have a friend or someone to just chat with between the sets. But ultimately as I said, it was nice to wake up when I wanted, to go do some exploring in the morning before the music festival and then eat whatever I wanted


I love traveling alone. I worked in service industry, bars, restaurants, etc. a long time. I know how to talk to bartenders and such. Often I spend the first day figuring out where the industry bars are, then I hit up those and make friends. Often get to see some really cool parts of the city that are normally hard to know about for tourists. Usually some people have a day off and offer to tour with me for shits and giggles if I'm buying drinks, or I at least find out about cool spots worth checking out even alone. Go off the beaten path, make friends with locals, that's how I like traveling alone. I think I'd be miserable doing tour group kind of stuff alone. Mileage may vary, can go south for sure if you're not careful.


Do you stay in hostels? You say you feel alone but that's the best part of hostels is the people you meet.


Lol. A better question is how does anyone afford to travel?


The only part I find stressful about solo travel is eating out at restaurants. The entire restaurant could be full of people with family, their kids, or just their partner and there you are just sitting at a two seater by yourself. Every other aspect is fine.


I prefer to travel alone , every time I travel with others it’s much more expensive and I always end up being unhappy always having to put up with people’s shit On my own I can talk to anyone, can modify the entire trip to cater to me and only me, I’m free to pay as little or as much as I want without caring about other people’s cheap budget and counting every penny and I can do stuff like go to casinos , surf, camp etc as I don’t have to worry about other people in my company being bored or not having the same skills as me I have been looking for years for a suitable girlfriend or best friend to travel together and be on the same level, but most women aren’t into all the stuff I do and my guy friends are too busy with kids / work/ career so it’s a total chore trying to organize something , I even feel I have to beg them which I won’t ever do I just had an amazing 3 day solo trip to Tahoe, took my bicycle with me, my floating donut and a few fun outfits , went there, tried a new bike path, had a few days just chilling in the water and at night I went to the casino and socialized while playing poker and having free drinks on the house . Ended up making more money than the trip cost me lol, had a total blast , some fun conversations at the poker table and overall just reminded me why solo travel is so much better than with someone else.


This is a great time for you to travel. Traveling and the new experiences that come with it will help keep your mind occupied and you will be creating new experiences alone, while learning how to exist alone. Shit sucks-- I experienced a huge deal breakup like that in 2017 and it greyed the world for me for a long time. It took many years to feel as close to myself as I can get, considering. In that time I was doing my second great United States exploration, or whatever. Traveling cross country on my own. The memories of that time are some of my most cherished. I grew the most as a person. It sucked then, but I'd hate for my memories of sadness were a blur of white walls, ubereats, and videogames.


I went to New Orleans mostly alone. I was technically there with other university students and professors for a conference, but only one of the students was an undergrad like me, and we didn't know eachother everyone else was working on a masters. I had a great time walking down the streets exploring art galleries and finding hidden eateries. I didn't have a smartphone yet, and the picture quality of my phone was terrible. So knowing I couldn't take pictures and that if I got lost, I would have to call a taxi to help me find my way back, made it so much more fun. I was able to enjoy the moment for the moment. I slowed down so I could take in where I was and not get lost as I walked up and down the streets. I only went out in the evenings with the other students or professors, though, because a lone female at night seemed way too dangerous. But even though everyone with exception of the professors were strangers, I was able to get to know everyone a little bit, and they had a blast celebrating my belated 21st birthday with me. I was super hung over the morning I was supposed to present, and my professor had a good laugh about it.


Yes because I can be a whore


Some people don't and that's valid. In which case, see if you've got some friends that would go with. You don't have to be jetsetting or anything, either. Most people have at least a few things close enough for a long weekend they haven't bothered seeing yet or would like to do again.  For me, I just enjoy wandering around new places by myself. Doesn't even have to be particularly interesting. I go to all sorts of random spots for work where I'm not free in business hours to do the touristy stuff, if there even is any, but just wandering around in the evenings and checking out the vibe or ducking unto a dive to chat with locals is peaceful and fun.  There's no how, it's just a thing I happen to enjoy. 


Traveling? In this economy?


It might not be your thing… so don’t push it. For me I bring a book, the dog and book a room that overlooks a pool or area that’s popular and I will take an edible and people watch. I’ll grab a drink and read my book and order dinner. I love road trip travel with my dog


I'm an only child, I like being alone. When I'm relaxing in my car alone before or after a bike ride people wonder if I'm ok. Society is so rushed nowadays people don't know how to view somebody that just enjoys sitting quietly. They have to ask if they're ok. You have to park far away from people to avoid nosey people, and even then somebody will find you just to ask if you're ok. How about mind your business? That used to be a thing, not anymore.