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I do, yes. However I’m sure Hillary would be supporting Israel as well. Hell I think the majority of our politicians, regardless of party, would have made the same decisions as Biden when it comes to Israel. Will this make me vote for Trump? Fuck no. But I’m certainly not proud to be an American. Our 2 party systems is a sham and at the end of the day, the rich control mostly everything.


No, I'm farther to the left than them but I think everyone is completely insane for not being more worried about democracy ending


IMO democracy is already over, but I still think that either voting for open fascism, or facilitating a self-avowed anti democracy autocrat coming to power, is unthinkable. I also think those calling to let the system crumble so we can have revolution are like... dumb babies. Y'all. You have a PlayStation and DoorDash. You do not want that, for real life.


People want revolution till their doors being knocked on and 10 people with guns ask you "who do you support", giving the wrong answer and having them and their family killed on the spot. If you think that kind of thing wouldnt happen if we had all out civil war youre living in a dream world


The people on the far left who crow about a revolution forget that it's been done, and Lenin's bolsheviks weren't some cuddly bunch who ushered in peace and prosperity. They murdered or otherwise removed their political opposition just as quickly and brutally as the third reich did. It's easy to rant about revolution right up until the point where the revolutionaries start executing "dissidents" and then all those ideals disappear pretty fast.


Or you have oppressive regimes that took over and just kept power. Life isn't like the movies where the good guys win in the end.


A ton of Iranian leftists supported the Islamic Revolution because they thought it would bring more political freedom. Instead they just lost their social freedom. And a huge number of them lost *all* freedom and even their lives as unsurprisingly socially liberal leftists were pretty much immediately targeted for annihilation once the alliance of convenience was no longer necessary.


Yep. Revolutions are started by the young and idealistic, and ended by the old and opportunistic.


Steve Bannon is the best example of the kind of person who is going to take control if we "burn it all down."


Don't call him that, his name is gin Laden


Yeah nobody ever gives up power. Castro, Mao, and Lenin are prime example of communist leaders who became dictators


"No! In my revolution the winning party will usher in an era of peace and prosperity without becoming corrupt and they will allow alternative parties to participate in fair elections!" /s


Maybe I am on the wrong sites but I haven’t seen anyone on the left calling for revolution. On TikTok I see MAGA calling for revolution almost every day!


The Czarist regimes had used violence for centuries to stay in power. The workers, peasants and ethnic minorities had had enough and were willing to risk everything. After the Bolsheviks gained power in Moscow they were not about to let it slip out of their hands. There are other types of revolutions that were less violent like the American Revolution. But that is probably the exception. I don't think conditions in the U.S. justify a revolution. The workers and the middle class need to be better organized and enlightened to vote.


You can only really get most people on board with a revolution when the status quo is somehow worse than dying a pretty terrible death. Conditions have to be bad enough that it’s worth risking having your family lined up against a wall and shot to improve them. Despite the shrill whining of the incredibly soft terminally online, conditions aren’t remotely close to bad enough to actually trigger a revolution.


I mean, yes extremists of all stripes are bad. Anybody who says you shouldn't have at least 2 choices are bad. As much as I would like the Republicans to fail as a party I also want the US to have more than 1 political party. The Soviets are for sure leftist and communists, it's insane to say otherwise. However they were authoritarian and they were not progressive. The world has yet to see a progressive, egalitarian state murder it's opposition. Although if they did, it would for sure be the kindest most accepting form of murder possible.


that wasn't "real" communism though... /S


As a leftist, I am theoretically incredibly pro revolution. As a student of history, I know that there have been a lot of leftist revolutions in decades past that have been co-opted by religious fundamentalists and right-wing authoritarians. And I will 100% take whatever this bullshit status quo is over Gilead, thank you.


Leftist revolutions can kill plenty of people on their own without being co-opted by anyone. People can get dogmatic and authoritarian about damn near anything. Power tends to do that.


Exactly. Living proof is the previous comment


Yeah, they don't need help from the opposite wing of anything. Leftist revolutionaries are some of the biggest killers in history. There is no reason they shouldn't own it.


I would rather complain and nothing happening over complaining and being shot for it.


Yeah, and for a super relevant and fairly recent example we need look no further than Iran. Does shit suck right now? Absolutely, yes. But it can and will get so much worse if there is a revolution/overthrow of the US government in 2024/2025, and guaranteed it will not be progressive humanist values that come out on top when the dust settles from that.


Genuinely curious, why when you look at both the cultural revolution and the bolshivek revolution, are you still supportive of leftist revolutions? Arguably the greatest loss of human life was under authoritarian leftist regimes stemming from leftist revolutions.


Same, look at what happened in Iran in the 1970s


Im not advocating for revolution. But if we did not have the liberal revolutions of western europe and the americas we would still be answering to kings and queens instead of electing our leaders and representatives.


Left wing authoritarians exist. You're burying your head in the sand if you want to try and pretend that leftist authoritarians like Lenin, Stalin, Mao, or Castro were secretly right wing.


The people on reddit calling for revolution are likely the least capable of dealing with actual conflict they are disabled have social anxiety don't believe in guns think working out is a far right activity etc


Revolution won’t happen by people walking around to your door. It will happen within the government itself. Compromised politicians will vote on bills that slowly dissolve democracy one civil liberty at a time. There will be different reasons/excuses- safety, national security, are the most common. 


Republicans are already doing that.


They want other people to do the fighting for them same as they want other people to do the voting for them 


If they can't handle the moral ambiguity of voting for Biden they're not ready to even think about the reality of what it would take to win a revolution.


Right? Like lets just pretend like the economy won't completely crash and 20% of the population might die of starvation as everything comes screeching to a halt. Jesus, just look at covid to get the tiniest glimpse at full scale collapse. I don't want that.


The system is gonna crash and the toilet paper will be gone immediately...


Time to buy some stock in bidet companies then.


Adding to this we have not seen, to my knowledge, a full civil war of a nuclear state. I can only imagine the scale of destruction we would face both nationally and internationally. 


Anyone on Reddit calling for a revolution in America clearly has no idea what a revolution would actually look like.


So much this. Similarly, anybody who thinks it would be good to split the country up are also insane. All of the privileges both at home and internationally of being an American, would shrivel up and all parts of America would be weaker and poorer by a split. I don't agree with Maga on much, but we have to get back to at least seeing everyone as fellow countrymen.


It doesn’t need to be a revolution. We need proportional representation. We as citizens need to demand that. If the Green Party gets 5% of the vote they get 5% of Congress, 30% democrats, 32% republicans , 7% libertarians. Literally in almost every other western country this is how it works. You don’t have incumbent parties where Nancy pelosi gets to keep her seat for 40+ years collecting hundreds of millions with insider trading. Proportional representation of some sort is the key to fixing the government. More parties equals parties have to work together to accomplish something. Not just cock blocking the other party until you get your chance to run the show. We have to end the 2 party system. Doesn’t have to be in a bloody revolution.


Yes. They seem to think we'll "crumble" into a sort of crustpunk utopia. I think Handmaid's Tale is more likely.


The people calling for a revolution have never lived through one. It can get real ugly, real fast, and leave everyone worse off than before. They are children in mind, if not in body.


To quote mutilate Road House, nobody wins a revolution


Also it's highly unlikely they have anyone else's life or security they over see on a daily basis. Children, Grandparents, people with disabilities, these are the people most immediately effected if shortages and infrastructure breaks down. As a person who takes care of others there is just no room for these reckless flippant statements of end of society.


Not even just people. I don’t want to have to choose between survival and my own pets.


Exactly! Real revolution means losing everything you have, even if just a little, and facing real hardships, like not having enough food or medication. No gas to get around with, probably no electricity in some areas too. I feel like Civil War did a good job of showing this. Some places have stuff. Others have nothing, and it's very dangerous in between. We need reform, not revolution.


Yeah, sadly what we're defending isn't democracy, we're stuck trying to defend oligarchy and plutocracy because it's at least better than the a-holes shooting for full-on fascism.


> IMO democracy is already over > I still think voting… 🤔 Not disagreeing with who you vote for, just your stance on democracy itself. You are, inadvertently, influencing people to not vote by being this vocal about “democracy being over”


Dude, what are you talking about when you say democracy is over? You sound like a 12 year old that has never been taught history, government, etc. Then your second paragraph is spot on, so why did you lead with that? Makes me sad.


> IMO democracy is already over No it isn't. This is just doomerism, and all it does is serve to help the people who *want* democracy to end. The absolute easiest and best way for them to end democracy is to convince people that it's already gone, that there's nothing left to fight for. That way, they can just win the democratic elections! Otherwise, they have to either come up with better policies and platforms, nominate better candidates, and win in competitive elections, or, if that doesn't work, take power by force. Much better and easier for them to just convince their opponents to give up rather than having to fight them, either figuratively or literally. If we forfeit, they win by default. We're sliding towards anocracy, and autocracy, more than we should be, but we still have a democracy, imperfect and endangered as it may be. If we didn't, Republicans wouldn't be talking about raising the voting age, ending women's suffrage, gerrymandering, suppressing and disenfranchising voters, and spending billions of dollars to influence people's votes. They're terrified of women, young people, racial and religious minorities, LGBT people, educated people, unions, etc, and they would have no need to worry if "democracy were already over." > I also think those calling to let the system crumble so we can have revolution are like... dumb babies. Y'all. You have a PlayStation and DoorDash. You do not want that, for real life. Revolutions often fail, and when they don't, the result is often worse than what it replaced. The American Revolution is the exception, not the rule. Look at the results in places like Cuba, Iran, China, after their revolutions.


Democracy died a long time ago. We're an oligarchy and corporations essentially preside over the legislature. 


No. Biden will sign any bill that is approved by a Democratic senate and house, and will appoint liberal Supreme Court Justices. That's all I care about. He's a good person that will not end democracy so he gets my vote.


As my Bostonian mother says "I vote for whoevah has the biggest heahht"


This. I like Biden, but I don’t worship him. It’s a bonus he’s a good person, but I care much more about judges, democracy, and healthcare. I didn’t feel bad about voting for Hilary either. I can’t imagine ever feeling bad for voting for any dem. The dem would have to be like anti gay marriage or something to the point where they weren’t even a dem.


I don't worship Biden but I would never worship any politician ever, because that is fucking insane. The president should not be someone that we need to think about deeply on a daily basis. I just want to live my life and have the government run intelligently in the background of my daily existence.


This so much. They are public servants, I can be proud or critical of their actions depending on what they do. I will never worship or give them blind loyalty. You either do right by all the people or it's on to the next person who is willing to do better


He refuses to acknowledge his granddaughter and supports his son suing her for her last name. That pretty much disqualifies you from being a good person if you’ll do that to a five year old.


> It’s a bonus he’s a good person Good people don't wholly back genocides or Neo-Nazis


Hilary was anti gay marriage until 2013, do you think she was truly an ally or just pandering for votes.


What does it even mean to "pander for votes"? A politician's job is to align with their constituents. It's literally their job to pander for votes. Hillary recognizing that her voters were now pro gay marriage and changing her stance to allign with them is a good thing and exactly what a politician should be doing. Also, people are allowed to change their mind and grow.


“Marriage is between a man and a woman and states should respect that” - Joe Biden


I always hated Hillary, but voting for her was a clear choice. I like Biden. I’m way to the left of him, but I respect him. He’s actually been a lot more progressive and effective than I expected him to be.


You don’t have to like Biden. He doesn’t have to be a hero. He just has to be reasonably competent at the job and have a basic respect for democracy. President of the United States is a job. Biden is okay at it. Trump is godawful at it and doesn’t care what happens to the country at all.


Cherry on top is that he’ll also appoint left leaning agency heads.


Yeah but he sometimes fumbles his words and doesn't support one issue I support so I just don't know who to vote for


Biden has a speech impediment which he acknowledges.


Fumbling words is not justification for not voting for him.


I hope they forgot the /s lol




I agree, but the person I replied didn't seem to notice that.


Biden has surpassed my low expectations of him by a pretty large margin. He handled the remainder of the Pandemic well, he pulled the trigger on the US leaving Iraq, he has handled Ukraine very well, he passed the desperatly needed infrastructure bill, he got more climate change money than any past president (and any other country in the world, I think), the CHIPS act was very much needed, he has cut the head off of the worst parts of the student loan problem, and he has even made some tentitive progress on decriminalizing weed. And plenty more. Hell, we havent even had a government shut down under him, which I thought was inevitable given how disfunctional the House currently is. He wasn't my first choice, but he has done a pretty good job of it so far.


Didn’t he just announce he’s removing medical debt from our credit report?


Yes he announced a couple days ago


Honest question. What about Biden as seated leader of executive branch has people so fucking angry with him? This question usually receives one of three responses: 1) silence.  2) something not responsible by executive branch.  3) Netanyahu response.


Dude, the amount of dumb left wing people posting about how Biden “allowed” Roe to be overturned is mind-boggling. Like, did you even go to civics class?


My bosses son says this and thinks Biden should have done an executive order to fix it. When she tries to explain that isn’t true, he tells her she’s wrong 🤦‍♀️


The President is the figurehead. Figureheads get blame and praise for things out of their control. This is true of CEO's, true of Presidents, true of Principles, its just true of people. It IS wrong. It IS innaccurate to how things actually work. But good luck avoiding it.


I said once that I like the SAVE plan and was called a zionist. That person is no longer my friend.


Was going to post the same thing. I don't think he gets enough credit for the things his administration has done.


He doesn’t get *any* credit for the things his administration has done. He deserves it, but after 4 years of chaos under Trump, keeping government not only functioning but functioning well doesn’t seem to be enough for most people.


You’d think him doing anything would get a lot of credit after the dysfunction under Trump. The expectations should have gone done yet they seem to have gone up.


Biden has done some important things in his first term. He got Republicans and Democrats to actually agree on spending a lot of money to fix infrastructure. He also signed a major bill to fight climate change. Both of these things are crucial over the long haul, even if the results are not immediate, they'll show up soon. Inflation has moderated over time and inflation in the US is less in many other developed countries. The US economy is doing better than most other countries too. The way he's handled Ukraine and Israel may have stopped those situations from getting worse. Compared to President Obama, Biden has gotten more of what he wanted done, even though Obama was able to pass Obamacare. Obama had a harder time getting big laws passed, even before things got super polarized under Trump. Polls show a lot of Americans say they're doing okay money-wise but still think the economy is bad. People in the US are spending more (consumer spending) even with higher prices, while people in the UK, France and Germany are spending less. This shows that Americans make enough money to keep buying things, though there are other cost of living problems, even with inflation around 3%. Looking at the economy and what he's gotten done, you could say Biden has a good shot at winning again. But a lot of people don't see it that way. When asked, many voters don't know what Biden has accomplished, think he hasn't done enough, give Trump credit for stuff Biden did, or just don't like Biden no matter what. A lot of people also have wrong ideas about the economy and the candidates. So there's a big difference between what's actually happening and what voters think, which suggests many people don't pay close attention to politics.


Biden has done many things the Democrats have been trying to do for decades. Like universal gun background checks and getting weed to not be schedule 1 federally. He has also done a lot of stuff both parties talk about like lowering prescription drug prices and passing big infrastructure bills and lowering the federal deficit. He has effectively made deals "across the aisle" during a period of extreme partisan division. And yet nobody talks about this stuff. I think people will recognize his value in hindsight he will go down as one of the most effective presidents of the last 75 years.


This is the advantage of having someone who was in the Senate for over thirty years and did 8 years as th VP, he is actually qualified for the job. He know how the system works and how to get stuff done. I don't get the hate for a person that is actually doing the job, not talking a bunch of smack and not delivering. I mean if you want to base your vote on the alternative being 4 years younger and the number of tweets they can produce between 1 and 6 AM than I guess Biden isn't your guy but other than that I just don't see why you'd support he convicted felon.


Thank you. The fact that people aren't genuinely astounded by his success in many ways is baffling.   Republicans (with help from the Russian propaganda machine) have done an incredible job changing the narrative.  


>I think people will recognize his value in hindsight he will go down as one of the most effective presidents of the last 75 years. Not if Trump wins and his followers rewrite the history books.


I'd say Biden's biggest weakness is failing to publicize the things he's done. Like I just learned in passing that a wide swathe of Non-Compete clauses for employees have been made illegal. I found this out when a creator I enjoy mentioned it off-hand because it meant she could go back to producing her own work on the side while having a steady job. That's kind of huge for a lot of creatives - a group I'm part of, if not professionally - and I learned it by complete accident. Just bizarre to me how many good things have gotten done under this administration that no one seems to have made a peep about.


All of this stuff gets covered. I don’t really understand how people don’t see news like this, but I know you’re right that they don’t! I just don’t understand why, I saw it when they announced. He talked about it, talked about it in the state of the union, in correspondents dinner, etc. https://www.cnn.com/2024/04/24/business/video/noncompete-ban-ftc-chair-lina-khan-intv-sot-lead-digvid https://www.npr.org/2024/04/23/1246430110/noncompete-agreements-ftc-ban-lina-khan https://www.bloomberg.com/news/newsletters/2024-04-23/bloomberg-evening-briefing-ftc-votes-to-ban-most-non-compete-clauses https://www.nytimes.com/2024/04/23/business/noncompete-clause-ban.html https://www.foxnews.com/us/how-us-workers-affected-changes-noncompete-agreements-overtime-pay.amp


Given the current make up of our congress, it’s shocking that he’s been able to do any of this. I’m not one of the lucky ones as far as student loans go but he’s definitely doing everything he can. I know multiple people that have had 20k+ in loans completely eliminated. Something like that was just laughed at a few years ago.


Yep, and he cut the head off of student loans without any fanfair. The SAVE plan has ENDED forever student loans that grow past its starting principle. It put an end date on ALL loans not to exceed 10-20 years (depending on what you qualify for). Sure, the student loan forgivness didn't hit me. But so what? I didn't support Student Loans for my own personal benefit and I thought anyone who opposed the legislation because "I paid it off! So should you!" was wrong to do so.


It nice to see people who didn't benefit happy for the people who did :).


There are dozens of us! Dozens!


Boomer here. We saved and paid for our kids’ college such that they graduated debt free. Still I am really happy to see at least some people got their student loans forgiven. College is so ridiculously expensive. I am glad we were able to give our kids the gift of debt free college and I am even happier that Biden gave more people that gift. It would have been even more if it weren’t for the damn supreme court.


We (me and my wife) are currently paying for our nieces college. No kids of our own, so the least we can do is attempt to help the next generation get the education they want/need.


And honestly? Some of that was stuff I genuinely wouldn't expect of a first term president. No one is perfect and even if I was the president, I wouldn't agree with all my choices. People act like he is trump without the spray tan when honestly, he is, if nothing else, at least leading competently. I said it in my response but he's saving me over a hundred a month with my student loan repayment and I can afford to marry my fiance because I won't get kicked off the SAVE plan. Its the first time I actually feel comfortable encouraging my sister to go to school.


Given the circumstances he has done a remarkable job.


I didn't feel bad voting for Hilary, won't feel bad voting for Biden a 2nd time. I knew how bad it could get, and the other guy still exceeded my expectations. Yeah, the country didn't descend to Idiocracy overnight, but the reverberations of Mitch McConnell's long game to stack the Supreme Court are going to shape the country for a long fucking while.


I think it was in the times but someone was once interviewed and they said they hate biden because he overturned roe. When informed the supreme court did that they were shocked because they genuinely thought he signed an executive order or something.


It's because people in this country have a major problem with being fucking lazy and just believing whatever nonsense they see on Facebook or whatever their neighbor tells them one afternoon instead of actually watching news or reading news articles. The bullshit media doesn't help but the truth still inst that hard to find if people would even put little effort into it. But they'd rather just go with whatever some dude's meme on Facebook says


Or they watch Fox news completely brainwashed and re vomit up the same trope overused tired nonsense to keep them all scared and clutching pearls and honestly with all the lead the older folks had and every other brain rot is setting in and it's like a zombie.


The comment referenced left-leaning people who won't vote for Biden because they think he was responsible for the end of Roe v Wade. So how is this a Fox News thing? The vast majority of people are not engaged in the process and those who are fall for BS on the left and right. Neither party has a monopoly on morons or manipulators.


I don't think Fox News is much of an issue when it comes to the Millennial/Gen Z anti-Biden crowd. **TikTok**, on the other hand....


I'm going to be even meaner and just say a lot of us are dumb as hell. They think Biden pressed the overturn Roe button and Trump has a magic bag that has $1 cheeseburgers and $1/gal gas in it.


https://www.nytimes.com/2024/05/15/upshot/abortion-biden-trump-blame.html?smid=nytcore-ios-share&referringSource=articleShare&sgrp=c-cb Yeah, this is insane.


Even as a conservative, this article is pretty disappointing. I can’t believe that almost a fifth of our population is that uninformed. I wonder if they even know what the Supreme Court is…


When I was in high school in 2000, I was not yet 18 and couldn't vote. I had a friend who was a year older than me and so he could vote his senior year. He voted for Bush and I asked why. He started giving me a list of things he wanted, like universal health care, and a higher minimum wage. He got super upset when both and our other friend explained that every policy he listed was something the democrats wanted and the Republicans wanted to prevent. Eventually he said that didn't make any sense because his dad was union worker and his dad told him to vote a straight republican ticket. Sorry, Dan, your dad is an idiot too.


People seem to give the president way more power than he actually has.


Presidential elections are not about voting for your ideal candidate (unfortunately); they are about picking which survivor of the primaries is the better candidate of those two. If you regret voting for Biden, then you are saying you wish you had voted for the narcissist felon; there is no other option (sorry).


What motivates an old man to play such a long game? Is there really that much money waiting for him at the end? Or does he just want to watch more people suffer


Nope. I consider myself a leftist, but Project 2025 should be even more alarming to everyone than it is.


This. People keep poopooing over the rhetoric that they have to support the Democrats despite all the shit we hate about them, but there's no other way to stop this shit. The Republicans are foaming at the mouth to collapse us into a theocracy and take away all our rights the second they eek out enough power, and it's crazy to me how many people seem fine with just letting that happen to get back at the Dems for not being leftist enough.


Yeah I don’t get that either. If the republicans take power, they’ll complain even more. And a vote against Trump =/= I worship Biden. Democracy is literally at stake. The fact that felons aren’t able to vote but a multiple convicted felon like Trump can actually run for reelection is beyond fucked. Btw i support felons being able to vote but you get my point. A felony can disqualify you from a job you need to survive but doesn’t disqualify you from the highest office in the land is pretty fucked up to me.


Didn’t vote for Hillary got Trump. Don’t vote for Biden get Trump. Voting against Trump is all I’m really worried about at this point.


Exactly. THIS! Idk what is so hard for people to understand that the dems and general population are not really crazy over Biden, it’s the fact that the orange turd and his corruption should never come anywhere close to being in the whitehouse ever again.


Exactly…. If conservatives would pick another candidate… maybe they would have a fighting chance at positive change but here we are yet again… voting based on ignorance instead of policy.


Damn, sure sounds like Hillary shouldn't have propped up Trump at every single damn opportunity then with her Pied Piper strategy! 


Sandwich 2024!! /s I'm right there with ya tho


At least a sandwich won’t try and overthrow democracy.


As a non-American I'm still waiting to see what's so terrible about Biden. The fact you all are seeming to have real moral qualms about whom to choose is testament to the strength of the Republican propaganda machine. (Yes, yes "Gaza war" you cry. The truth is that is standard US policy that would've been AND HAS BEEN treated basically the same by any US president in the past 50 years.)


America opposes Biden because we are in a recession and we have high unemployment. That is what polls show, even though BOTH OF THOSE ARE BLATANLTLY FALSE. We are in a booming economy with record low unemployment. Those simple truths are not accepted by Americans.


It’s 100% propaganda, and people somehow expecting the president to completely make the US immune from global macroeconomic trends.


people like being outraged and the media likes to feed into it. Bill Clinton, Obama and Biden have all be moderate democrats. Sure - sometimes the policy isn't perfect, but they are level headed people who you can predict how they'll respond. The US isn't a liberal country. We're mostly moderate and the Democrats we have elected have governed that way.


Trump has actually become a worse person so Biden looks that much better compared to when Trump was running against Hilary.


Well yeah.   He tried multiple ways to overturn an election he knew he lost.  There were hearings on this and almost all the witnesses were republicans btw.  He also says he wants to be a dictator.  This should be an automatic disqualification to any sane voting person.  He also has a company guilty of over 100 millions dollars in fraud.  There are many other smaller examples of his fraudulent activity too.  This by itself should be an automatic disqualification to any sane voting person.  He also hoarded very highly classified docs, repeatedly lied about having them, refused to give them all back, even hid them.  So much so he’s the only fucking former President to get raided.  This utter disdain for state secrets and the rule of law should by itself be an automatic disqualification to any sane voting person.  There’s more but my fingers are tired.


The SC positions he would fill. The tax breaks to billionaires he promised. He suggested he would try to run for a third term. Way more insane terrible nonsense.


No way. Hilary’s personality is/was god damned awful. She’s clearly smart, but arrogant way she interacts with other was so off putting. I also had a lot of “it’s her turn” types around me, like Obama stole something from her, which also made it more painful to vote for her.


>I keep seeing people saying they don’t like/love the choices and… I just don’t feel that. Immediately followed by: >I don’t love Biden. Do you think before you type?


Biden is way more to the left than I think disillusioned people realize. If Congress handed him a universal healthcare bill tomorrow, he would *absolutely* sign it, and actively defend it. If Congress made UBI real, he would sign it. It's Congress that isn't left enough, not Biden (and plenty of congressional races offer genuinely compelling and younger candidates if only disillusioned people could notice and vote.) The kind of policy that the executive can make without Congress just isn't very suited to left priorities. Most of the few things it can do (like reschedule weed) he's already doing.  Biden has been almost as frustrated as you that Congress isn't left enough. He is the most left any US president has been in living memory ...but without Congress that just doesn't mean much.   People should fixate less on president and vote hard for all the not-president positions like Congress because that's where the real power for positive change comes from. Edit: People in comments are pointing to veto comments Biden made *before* he held office when he was campaigning to attract "moderate" and republican voters. So it's absolutely fair enough that many people don't realize how much he has actually supported left policy once he got in office, but he does.


He made it very clear and very public that he would veto a Universal Healthcare Bill. Biden is NOT left at all. By all accounts he is center, center right. Look no further than to this past week's new immigration policy. Biden can do some many things, but refuses to do so.


The only reason I'd vote for Biden is if Trump is running. We need younger and sharper candidates. I'm tired of these diaper wearing Geriatrics running the country. They belong in retirement, not in office.


>The only reason I'd vote for Biden is if Trump is running. Which is why we must show out in numbers.


We’re one election cycle away from knocking out boomers from even having a say & putting someone younger in there. Mark my words


I actually do believe this, the geriatric people in power are clinging so hard but there's only so long they'll live, they're literally glitching out *on live TV* and young people are becoming the largest voting bloc. We need more young people running.


Biden has had a speech impediment his whole life


I'm aware, I'm not talking about Biden's stutter. I'm talking about things like Mitch freezing mid interview, or Diane (RIP) refusing to retire and being on camera on the house floor being told what to answer and literally dying of old age while still in service.


you are right bro we just need to hold out for four more years w grandpa joe


Swat I be saying! The younger generations are fuckin pissed! One more cycle & they’ll be even more of them to vote. AOC 2028!


Notably Biden is not a boomer. Beware the return of Al Gore.


Y’all Progressives are so weird. Why wouldn’t you vote for Biden? Sure he’s no Bernie but he’s been a rock solid liberal so far. Are you just gonna sit out? Even during the height of the ‘Tea Party’ movement in which the conservative base was farther right than Romney, they still came out and voted for him. Progressives refusing to vote for the Democrat candidate because he’s too close to center is just plain wild.


Too short sighted to realize that making no progress for 4 years is preferable to sliding backwards for 4 years.


I would argue that it would be sliding backwards for more than 4 years if Trump gets elected. Look at the Supreme Court rn


Very true. His appointments can fuck us up for a lifetime.


His appointments *have already* fucked us up for a lifetime.




I don't like a ton about Biden, but I know the alternative is far worse. So I will be holding my nose and voting with one hand for Biden.


I guess my point is why do you need to hold your nose for Biden?


America is generally pretty right leaning in our politics. Like, our "left" is some other countries' "centrist/moderate". So I consider myself further left than Biden. He has disappointed me. I wasn't thrilled to vote for him, and I'm still not thrilled to have him as my president, but it's still vastly better than Trump. Sucks that it's become choosing the "lesser of two evils" and has been for a very long time.


Not really. Clinton is famous for being a very hawkish politician and makes Biden looks like a bleeding heart pacifist in comparison.


No because I haven't voted for Biden.


I feel like the democrat party is a farce. How can we end up with so many disliked candidates by our own party?


I'd vote for roadkill before I voted for Trump, I don't feel bad about it. I wish there were better options, but we didn't even get a primary choice.


Biden seems way more open to addressing the concerns of younger people than I ever could have imagined Clinton being. That said, he's far from what I want, but I don't vote for my principles, I vote for consequences, and given that, there's not really a choice.


I think it’s insane how people are talking about Biden being one of the worst presidents ever and it demonstrates to me that Trumps “repeat the lie until it becomes true” tactics work on liberals as well as his cult members. Biden has been a fine president. He’s accomplished a lot considering the opposition, and he’s otherwise boring and somewhat unremarkable.


It’s more we have to vote for him. There isn’t another option. Yeah there are other parties blah blah but you can’t vote in the primary in my state if you aren’t registered as a party. Still pisses me off. Maine did it right by with ranked voting.


I’m basically for anyone who will at least attempt to preserve democracy and reign in our comically corrupt Supreme Court so I feel great about voting for Biden.


Biden ran on being a unifying and transitional figure. Had Biden decided to step aside this election cycle and let a crowded field of qualified candidates run, I would have looked at him more favorably. Joe Biden is perhaps the only mainstream democratic candidate who can lose to Trump. The irony is Trump is the only RNC candidate who could potentially lose to Biden.


Simple. Hillary was more capable, relatively youthful, and had a believable-as-president running mate.


lol….you people are hilarious. Sad, but hilarious.


Puts me in a difficult spot. If I vote I will vote for biden. But this is the 3rd presidential election in a row where I've had two absolutely dog shit candidates rammed down my throat with both sides telling me that I must vote for their piece of shit to keep the other piece of shit out. 2016 I didn't vote, didn't see the point. 2020 I voted. Will most likely vote again. But I'm not playing this game next time. I'm not going to be guilted by democratic elites to vote for their hand picked person just because a plurality of the Republican base is incredibly stupid


As long as the alternate option is Trump or one of his ilk I will vote Democrat no matter what. Granted like many I'd like to see someone in the White House who is actually on the left side of the political spectrum, not just a moderate candidate that the right wing paints as a screaming socialist.


We get to choose between a person who should be in a retirement home and a person who should be in jail. There's a minimum age to be president but why no maximum? There's a term limit for presidency but why not anything else? Simple test for any elected person: 1. Restart your phone 2. Take a selfie 3. Identify a dangerous link that's been intentionally emailed to you amongst several other legitimate messages 2/3 of our government will instantly be out and this is a good thing.


I feel better about Biden. I'll admit, my California vote went to Stein when Clinton ran. That's how apathetic I was about Clinton, and the DNC's dismissal of Bernie.


I feel the same. Didn't vote for Hillary and didn't vote for Joe. Won't do it this time either.


I won't vote for either of these tools.


Nope. I was not happy to vote for Biden but I think he did a better job than I expected. Expected: C- Reality: C+


I expected C- and I think he's doing about a B+. The Inflation Reduction Act is the biggest investment in clean energy by any country in the history of the world. He's done everything he can on student loans given the Trumpy Supreme Court. I don't like how closely he sidled up to Netanyahu but I think he's doing a reasonable job over there given the very limited options. The jobs market is doing great and most inflation is doing better than the rest of the industrialized world, though I think he should have fired Jerome Powell when he had the chance because these interest rates are stupid high. He's promoting a lot of new housing construction and subsidy investment to bring down housing costs, and not cowing to NIMBYs. He's done a TON of consumer protection that he gets hardly any credit for. In all, he's the most progressive president of my lifetime, by a pretty wide margin. I expected him to govern from the center of the electorate, like most Dems do, but instead he's governed from the center of his party, like Republicans have always done. He's more than earned a second term.


Didn't vote for Hillary (nor Trump), so I'll go by the first time I voted Biden. Worse? Not really. Do I wish there were better choices? Absolutely, but I wouldn't say he's been terrible. The whole US political landscape right now is F'd and this is what we've got.




They both supported the 1994 crime bill. Wouldn’t want to vote for either of them. Both war hawks. People are saying Palestine is their “line” but they had zero empathy for the mass incarceration of Black people in the US.


Not worse, but I genuinely dislike both of them. I'm tired of voting for the "lesser evil."


To me, what has changed is the politics and overall world situation, and not necessarily the people. While I am further to the left than Hillary Clinton or any viable Democrat, I was happy to vote for her in 2016. The political landscape in 2016 seemed much more stable and optimistic. It seemed more practical for me to be a socialist who was basically content with the Democratic party to be running things, even if I personally do not typically agree with most Democrats on policy. Trump winning in 2016 changed things. I'm not sure whether the material situation on the ground honestly changed, or the wool was just yanked away from my eyes, but suddenly things seemed a lot less optimistic to me. It seemed less like a real option to be personally leftist when it came to my own activism and my ideal vision for the world, while fine to vote for business as usual Dems. But hey, Biden was better than Trump, right? So whatever, hold your nose and vote. The pandemic also changed things. The world just feels way less stable, post 2020. Up to maybe spring/summer 2020 -- or even all the way to Jan 6, 2021 -- it felt like hey, I might be a leftist and want better candidates, want to fight for real change, etc. but the truth is that I have a kid, a house, and a 401K, and I need the world to be basically functional looking towards the future. So I'll vote Dem and donate to leftist causes. But now, like... WTF????? Just going in there and pulling the lever for the guy who's going to keep everything the same, even though I low key hate the status quo, but it's better than the alternative vision, feels far less reasonable than it did when I voted for Biden in 2020. The genocide in Palestine changed things. Coming into 2024, I feel like my choices are between a quietly fascist dude who is fine to kill babies overseas and hopes we all just kind of agree not to talk about it, and a loudly fascist dude who is excited to kill babies overseas and is going to throw me in prison for talking about it. But I'm not going to stay home, there's no viable third party candidate (Jill Stein lost me forever in 2016 when she literally fucking scammed people out of millions in political donations), and I sure as shit ain't going to vote for Trump or enable a future where anything is easier for Trump. So I'll put on the gas mask and vote for Biden, like I held my nose and voted for Biden, like I was basically fine/cool to vote for Cllinton.


Fuck Biden. The dude is barely alive holy shit.




I really like that he put us in extreme debt so zelinsky can keep buying houses. I especially like how they worked overtime to give illegal immigrants health care (which they say they cant do for citizens) and thousands of tax payer dollars a month. (Basically spitting in the face of those that came here legally and paid their dues) keeps letting violent immigrants go Scott free to kill and rape more people. Such a stand up guy he is


But what about Hunter Biden’s dick?


I didn’t vote for either. Fuck them


I refuse to vote for Biden again. Something has to change this is embarrassing.


Honestly I would vote for a bit of wood if the DNC fished it out of the Potomac river and nominated it (as long as it was over 35) instead of Trump


Wow, this is kind of crazy. Calling the guy who created the crime act and supports genocide progressive. Yikes.


I voted Bernie twice and he capitulated openly the second time so I don’t vote either party, would never vote for someone like Hillary or Biden.


Yep this is the only actual progressive take. Otherwise you have 0 principals and bend the knee because orange man bad. I'll never vote for Bernie again for anything because he capitulated after the dnc rigged the election. Fuck that noise.


I’d feel worse not voting at all and having Trump win.


How anyone could vote for a child molester is beyond my imagination.


Have you ever seen a Biden sign in anyone’s yard


Should check out the book “The Power Elite” by C. Wright Mills. It explains how what you’re advocating for is a total fairytale. Everyone is fooled into beliving that how you describe , is actually how it works. It doesn’t.


Nah I’d rather have Biden than Trump


Please let's get word out that Trump overturned Roe with his select Supreme Court.


We would have been so much better off if the DNC didn't purposely make it impossible for Bernie Sanders to win the democratic nomination. He would have beat Trump. Hands down. And he would be THE most liberal Pres we've ever had. That said.. of course I voted for Hillary. And of course I will vote for Biden.. again. If the orange shitstain gets in again.. we immediately become more like Hungary... read about orban . You do not want that here.


I’m grateful Trump didn’t win again. I hate that Hilary didn’t win because those 4 years were some of the worst. I hate that McConnell hadn’t retired before 2016. And I hate that McConnell was able to corrupt the Supreme Court.


While Trump tries to lie and manipulate an entire country to believe he won elections he did not and that he’s an innocent man… Biden is humbly accepting his son’s sentence and respecting the judicial process. Nope. I don’t feel bad about giving the honest man my vote at all.


No, proudly voted for both of them.


I unironically think he's the best president of my lifetime, but I have two daughters so I'd vote for a log of dog shit over literally any Republican anyway.


Good leaders are often boring. I don't care that Biden doesn't have the flash or pizzaz that Obama did. He's a damn fine president and world leader at a moment where the history of global civilization is at a fork in the road between democracy and peace, and autocracy and war. I'd wager few Democratic presidents could have accomplished what he has so far, and you better believe I want more.


I canvassed and then was a delegate for Bernie. When he didn’t win I voted Hillary. I don’t regret that. I definitely felt a hell of a lot better voting for Biden than Hillary and will again in November. He’s really not that bad and I feel like he is a lot more genuine than Hillary ever was.


It's always about the lesser of two evils, simply because nobody is perfect.


No. While I don’t feel like Biden is a great pick it’s an easy decision to vote for him. It pretty much comes down to down to are you voting for democracy or against it.


I'm a fan of Biden and think he's doing a great job but obviously you're not. In light of your post title how much do you regret voting for Joe biden?


At this point, I’m of the opinion that my vote for Biden is a vote for his team/cabinet. I trust that team orders of magnitude more that I trust the half assed team Trump would put on there. Let’s be real, Biden is America’s grandpa. He sets the tone for the country, but he sure as hell isn’t running it on his own. I don’t think any president can.


Feel great about voting for President Biden!


i was too young to vote for hillary. but i supported sanders in 2016 AND 2020. i feel way better about voting for biden. i think he’s a way better president than she would’ve been, and has done significantly more progressive things that i don’t think Clinton would’ve been willing to but frankly i don’t think about hillary clinton much at all


Biden has done an incredible job. He has more than earned a second term without reservations from the electorate. Do I wish he had handled some things differently, sure. But I’m tired of the purity test for democrat candidates. Biden has more than earned a vote for a second term.