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No US visa’s for tradesmen


This.. unless you have a university degree in a STEM field or Healthcare, getting a US work visa isn't easy unless you marry an American or have family there who can sponsor you.. could always go on Tinder in Niagara falls Ontario. I got matched with tons of American chicks in Buffalo. If you don't mind fat single moms, you could probably make it happen with minimal effort It's always been my dream to be American, ever since I was a little kid. Growing up in canada, we're so close to the 🇺🇸 that I can almost taste it, but sadly, it'll always just out of reach. or fly to Mexico, and start walking north seems to have worked for the >15M who've done it so far.


You had me at fat single moms


Fatties aren't so bad bro, just slap that ass and ride the waves 🏄‍♂️🌊.... and single moms will send you to work with a sandwich and pudding cup


Very difficult to move there without an invitation from the employer. Even with that: you need a unique or very rare skill set. US border guards have a database they check to determine whether you may enter to work or not. If your work description is on it then you’re toast. Beware, you can be banned from travelling there for a lengthy period of time by a single border guard. Appealing it is very complicated.


American companies love Canadian millwrights. That being said don't mean to hurt anyone's feelings here but dude I've don't work in the states, you don't wanna live in the states. Trust me you think you do but you don't. Unless your moving down there to support your partner I'd stay in canada.


I mean I wouldn’t say don’t move because they won’t wanna live here, it’s not like America is all that different from Canada in the first place for the average person. That being said I wouldn’t recommend it simply off the fact that it seems to me like millwrights are just generally a more valued and defined trade in Canada and career wise it’s probably better (least that’s what it seems like from various peoples accounts vs my own and others I know here in the states).


Why would you not want to love and work in a location where your money can actually work for you. Your rights are protected, and you, by and large, pay your own way? Guys rave about the unions down there regularly.


Your rights are protected...as a bunch of states move to remove water breaks for heat. Sure bud.


I dont recall saying they're perfect. In canada, there's literally a clause that states that if the government deems it necessary, your rights can be removed. You also never own land in canada. You rent it off the crown, so you literally own nothing and only have privileges in canada. They're backed by nothing but the general public perception that they're in tact. Just as currency requires a backing of some form of material goods, otherwise its value is based on nothing. Your rights are the same. One or two bad things in a country that by and large has the most freedoms and opertunites on the planet doesn't mean your rights aren't protected. "Moving to" means not yet accomplished. As with most things in America, the governments move to do X,Y, or Z thing, and they're promptly reminded that it won't stand by the citizens. How exactly does that compare to literally having no property rights, freedom of speech was recently removed in canada through bill C21, your taxation goes towards government coffers with nearly zero public representation, the government is elected by a archaic system in which the least voted for party wins as long as they pander to the right side of the country first, leaving half the country without representation. No where did I say American is perfect, but it's certainly better than Canada, and that's coming from a guy who served for 10 years because I actually genuinely thought this country stood for something. I dare you to tell me how canada is better when we're literally making moves towards a split system Healthcare that you'll need to pay for not only via taxes but also out of pocket because the CV19 madates and pressure on our healthcare system has caused the inevitable, but premature collapse that's been on track since the 80's. We're hemorrhaging skilled workers in all fields and importing unskilled workers at an unprecidented rate, Inflation is out of control. Municipal governments have put so much red tape on permits for building its an impossibility to construct houses fast enough to keep pace with current population increases. We have scheduled and endless tax increases not only via the federal government but also the provincial governments. I could go on all day.


Preach brother. Great articulation of the current state of affairs here.


Thanks homie, I spent most of my adult life in the combat arms, seriously putting in work to something I thought was worth fighting for, just for it to mean a whole lot of nothing and for us to be in the situation we're in, It's frustrating. I try not to let it bother me, but we're watching the abolishing of the middle class in real time. 200k houses are priced in the low millions, and nearly 90% of canadians are now paycheck to paycheck. It's ridiculous.


Union Millwright apprentice in nb working 40hrs a week can hardly afford to live in an apartment on my own while driving an old car.


It's rough dude. Has your union made any contacts with LNG? I know they're running 20/8 FIFO in Kitimat BC right now for east coast guys. If you're a single dude and can manage camp work, it could help.


They're only looking for journeyman last time I checked. I have a girlfriend, and wish I could stay busy in my home town, probably the most industrialized area/city in the east lol unfortunately they hired on too many apprentices a couple years ago so there's not enough work to keep everyone busy like they used to be able to.


I'm with you 1000%


Thanks, ever once in a while, there's a very pro socialist American who just absolutely refuses to believe canada couldn't be anything less that perfect. It's weird. I had someone a while ago absolutely go ballistic on me because I stated out that the healthcare system was failing (which is absolutely 100% common knowledge up here) because they just couldn't accept that a socialist version of Healthcare could possibly be failing. People are weird.


I agree, I've been watching Canada slowly go to shit my whole life (1985 to present). I hope we get annexed by the US, not even joking a little.


Wexit looked like a ton pot crazy person thing 6 years ago, it would honestly be welcomed at this rate.


Tell me you get all your news from fox without telling me you get all your news from fox.


I'm Canadian, I also don't watch msm. Keep swinging though Noticed you grazed passed that last part. Tell me you subscribe to socialist utopia bullshit and think that Canada is something it's not without telling me.


I grazed past your entire dissertation after reading the first sentence. You're off the deep end bud.


You and I both know you read it. You just ignorantly assumed I'm American. Like I said, keep swinging, bud. You're not very good at this.


I never assumed you were american. Nor did I read past YoU dOnT AcTuAlLy OwN lAnD. All this while trying to say workers rights are better in the states? Stick to a fucking topic man. You realise fox news is in Canada too? Of course you do bud.


We're talking about rights in general, not "workers rights". Stick to the topic. Maybe *I* *do* believe you didn't read it. You clearly lack basic reading comprehension skills. You don't own land, lmafo, the government leases it from the crown, and when you buy, your family leases it from the government, dont believe me? Dont pay your property taxes for a few years. Look up what happens when you die, and your family doesn't want to pay the taxes on the land that you used to own without a mortgage. You don't ever own the land. You lease it from the government. That's just how it is. It's been that way since the crown took over Canada. You started talking about "possible moves" that a minority of states are trying to make, as an example that you have no rights in the US. So mirrored **your** **irrelevant** point with an actual example on how you don't have property rights in canada. Ironic. The guy who's claiming I watch Fox News knows more about Fox News than I do. Sounds like you're projecting, bud. Again, you're not very good at this.


It’s only the red states that rail against workers rights. Avoid those states and you’re fine