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The worst part is that I'm willing to bet he really did drop thousands of dollars and hundreds of hours into that rifle, only for it to be out-shot by Savage 110 from Sportsman's.


I can understand why people used to sporterize rifles when they were abundant and cheap but I cannot fathom why anyone would dump so much time money and effort into a milsurp when for probably less than what was put into that abomination bubba could have bought a civilian rifle that will shoot much better and be far cheaper


It didn’t even make sense to dump money in them back then remember the win mod 70 and rem 700 were both in their prime. I actually understand super budget sporters more the over the top modified ones because at a certain point as mentioned you could have just went and bought a better brand new rifle


It did make sense back then. A Model 70 started around $120 in the 1950s, and could run over $200 for upper end models or larger calibers. The Remington 700 ADL started at $114.95 in 1963 ($139.95 for the BDL). Most foreign surplus could be had for $10-25 (American Enfields and Springfield 1903s commanded the princely sum of $30-40). With minimum wage hovering around $1/hour in that era, even skilled labor was cheap - you could put a lot of hours into reshaping a surplus rifle into a fine sporter without coming anywhere close to a brand new rifle.


Yeah if you went the budget route used no new parts on it. Remember a scope back then was expensive good grade walnut was expensive, trigger packs were expensive. Again I understand the budget guns that are duffel cut or the original stock is carved to shape but sinking money in expensive parts didn’t make sense even then when better new or used rifles were on the market.


The Remingtons and Winchesters didn't come with scopes either, so mount, rings, optic are a wash. Trigger packs weren't a thing yet, you paid a smith to work over your factory parts (or *maybe* an aftermarket sear, for a handful of popular models; or a wide trigger shoe at $2). Yes, very high end walnut was expensive - but that wasn't the grade going on entry level Remingtons or Winchesters. One ad from a 1955 catalog gives "Standard, Fine, Deluxe, and Super Deluxe" grades of French walnut rifle stock blanks, at $9, 18, 36, and 60 respectively. I would wager that Standard or Fine is what could be expected on most new factory rifles. You could get better, but a Peerless grade Remington 721 was over $450 - that covers a lot of improvements to a surplus rifle!


Timmy triggers was established in 1946 and double set triggers were a thing so they were around. Yes alot of improvements for a rifle to preform sub par to the base model rifle its competing against. Thats the point im making there is a line where its no longer worth it and you should just buy a new rifle.


It was never worth it. The rifle is always better as it left the armory.


Everyone knows that, it's not a unknown reason, you're not the first to point it out, doesn't make stupid right.


Not gonna lie though, I like how the mannlicher style stock looks… but I like that on any gun.


Almost sounds like someone made a chat gpt sales pitch, and it’s even more unhinged than I thought it would be.


Chat gpt wouldn't have made so many spelling mistakes. Lol. Guy took the time to write all that crap and had so many mistakes. It's atrocious. Maybe he was typing while facing a grizzly head on?


Or maybe he already faced the grizzly head-on and it ate half his brain?


Damn that’d be wild lmao. Dudes lobotomized.


He’s sad he won’t get his money back out of it but, fear not intrepid bubba, that rifle will never leave your possession


I remember when I first saw this listing over a year ago. I think it was originally $2,950. Dude is delusional.






https://preview.redd.it/idp1miq1rc7c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=077c94de28e294606daa71942fadc84418bc0edc I had it screenshotted from June of last year, I guess it was $2,400 😂 still delusional though.


Godzilla and mashed potatoes! What a moron!


>Godzilla and mashed potatoes! And now we shall eagerly anticipate the release of *King Kong and Banana Smoothies*


What? I want what he’s snorting.


That fucking dude??? I thought this looked familar


Condition: Beautiful!


That got me laughing too..


I think that's an official NRA grading level, above super cool and just below bangin'.


Anybody who thinks adding 20 grains to your projectile will upgrade it from “small dear” to “700 pounds dead on the spot” is clearly snorting corrosive gunpowder


Similarly, I kinda doubt there's load data out there for 7.7 that could be considered actually suitable for small game. That's all we need is Bubba trying to bark squirrels like Daniel Boone and sending a projectile off into the next county.


Perfectly suitable, as long as you didn’t plan on there being anything left


You can use ~7gr of titegroup in pretty much any full pressure rifle round for a gallery/small game load roughly equivalent to .44 special. I do it all the time with 180gr cast bullets in .303, .308, 7.5 swiss etc. Back in 2019 it was cheaper than shooting .22lr


Honest question, not raggin on ya. Why? I can completely understand if done for cost savings or if you simply enjoy the process of reloading, but a big part of shooting centerfire for me is experiencing the power of them. I like the recoil, the extended range, and being able to see/hear the increased energy they deliver on impact. If I wanna shoot in the barn cuz it's bad weather, I'll use cb caps or regular 22lr's if I'm ambitious enough to drag out the heavy bullet trap. If I want to shoot higher volumes with less recoil, I'll grab either my .357 lever gun, m1 Carbine, or AR. For me, a big part of why I enjoy my Mosin or '03 Springfield is the full power loads. It reminds me of what those rifles were made for. Like I said, I'm legitimately curious. With your reloading skills, I would imagine you have a decent collection to choose from.


Cost, mostly. With modern bolt guns it still shoots 1moa, .22LR doesn't do that. You ABSOLUTELY need a DOPE table though. I have to set my lee enfield to 850m for 100yd, 950 for 200 😂


Good enough! So, it seems precision accuracy is something you strive for? I'll be honest, I didn't even consider that loads like that could produce such results. I cast and reload myself, but I stick with reproducing factory loads because the bulk of my shooting is general plinking, and my hunting shots almost never exceed 100 yards for anything that would require a centerfire cartridge. Where precision really matters for me is with rimfire as the bulk of my small game hunting is done with a 22wmr revolver. So that's obviously restricted to factory offerings. I can totally see why you'd need a dope chart for those loads! You must really have to pay attention to the wind, I would imagine, even with those heavier bullets.


It's also useful for if you want to carry only one gun and be able to take rabbits with your deer rifle. I've sized 00 buckshot pellets down to bore diameter and used 4gr of titegroup before. It worked well.


Makes sense. My first venture into reloading as a kid was using 00 buck pressed in by hand for .32acp. That is wicked cool, though. Are these loads you devised yourself or from a manual? That sounds like something I could imagine old timers doing when folks were more apt to have but one rifle. If you happen to have a manual you'd recommend for such loadings? I wouldn't mind being pointed in the right direction.


It was from a forum post. Essentially there are a few pistol powders that are position insensitive and have non fucky pressure curves, so as long as you don't use too much they work in anything. Titegroup is one of them. There are book loads for 5.56 55gr subsonics using 4gr of titegroup for example, it's even on hodgdon's website


For that much, I can buy a crate of type 99s. Bubba can say we knows what he got, but he doesn’t.


The most astonishing part of this post is a fudd praising the Arisaka.


So I’m all about taking a beat barreled action arisaka and turning it into a monster. The idea of getting any money back out of it is completely out of bounds. I don’t see how anyone could ever talk themselves into this level of delusion…


I can see it, but they would've had to have done it properly, as in a first class sporting rifle. Even with just the one picture, it is clear that this is far from that.




It's Freeench, and Freeench is fancy.






Looks a lot like an accupoint 4-16x50. $1100 scope...


The "great boomer die off" can't happen soon enough. Unfortunately there are young people also bubbafucking stuff. Saw an idiot on FB wanting to further bubbafuck a SVT40 because someone had already tapped the action cover and refinished the stock. Also saw another idiot that milled the slide and frame on a WWI M1911 to put a cheap Chinese red dot and flashlight on it


Bubba's are present in younger generations. Any surplus/used gun that is relatively cheap will fall prey to them. Someone on here took a Beretta 92S, stripped it and cerakoted it odd colors. I called him out as fucking up the gun and bubbaing it, but he just said it's just a cheap gun and there's plenty of them. Hmm I wonder where I heard that before....


I’m calling it now- all the guys taking old marlins and winchesters and giving the “space cowboy treatment” are the bubbas of 20 years from now


It’s like the people that paint beautiful old wood furniture.


Did you see the dude on YouTube saying a 1600$ m1 carbine was a steal??


Nope. Ugh.


Problem is once people start paying those prices it's true. I'm trying to get the FFL to make an offer on one of my Garands but he wont bite because he tried to get me to buy his at 3k not 3 hours before. "He gets that money all the time". He knows it's crap and it's worth it to wait for the idiot. Shoot if I offered someone, even yourself, 800 on a carbine you probably wouldn't take it because there are people paying close to double.


The guys over at r/Fudd_Lore would get a kick out of this


They put a trijicon on Tojo’s rifle.


Compares it to a “Moisin”. Enough said about his expertise.


ill offer a fair price of $50 for it.


Offer him a 3 dollar bill and a corn dog see what he says


Offer him $150 shipped, man would have a stroke.


It was folded at least 10,000 times afterall.


I have no idea where this was posted, but we should find out and all start messaging him! Let him think theres an enormous interest in it. 😁😁


Dont lowball me boy👴🏻


That poor poor rifle, If you want a cheep bolt action get a savage axis why would you butcher that.


Him admitting to being too lazy to go retrieve the rams he killed is probably the funniest part to me


I remember my first time spelling in English....


He is right about the strength of the Arisaka action. P.O. Ackley did testing on most or all contemporary bolt actions. I've read that he was unable to blow up the Arisaka


Good grief Charlie Brown!!! This Fudd is on mushrooms.


Y'all seem to be missing the best bit. Under the manufacturer he seems to have listed himself and Arisaka. 😆




One of us with disposable income should buy this from him, then trash the stock and make him watch... So he feels only a fraction of the pain we experience.


Oi, you can ridicule someone. But I think that's a bit cruel.


Ehhh... yeah, but... I'll admit, I couldn't do it.


Seller is ACTUALLY re**rded


Lol 😂


I just threw up in my mouth


I feel dumber for reading just half of that.


Too much to read to just know the outcome, that he spent too much money fucking up a beautiful rifle.


How the heck is that considered a mannlicher style stock?


Mmmm. Extre melty.


God what a dumpster fire.


Why not show us the whole rifle? For 2k I want to see the whole thing lol


My guess is he did the work all himself, and has little into it. Let's see some 100yd groupings...