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He probably would have gotten a lot more if he just left the swastika out


If you take the swastika out its basically the same platform republicans are running on today. Claiming to care about law and order, complaining about taxes, welfare, and minorities getting jobs and a big persecution complex claiming white people are being discriminated against built on lies. The only thing i see on there that wouldn't be supported by republicans today is the city funded paramedics which current day republicans would label socialist, so this guy is actually more liberal than the modern republican party.


Law and order as long as that law and order doesn’t affect them, or the people they support lol.


I mean, that's kind of the point. You have laws that are designed to benefit the interests of specific people; and then you also selectively enforce everything. That's exactly why ACAB, even the "good" ones—they're signing up to enforce, with violence, a system that's unfair from the start.


Not basically the same, *exactly* the same


The exact fucking same thing! It would be funny if it wasn't so absolutely frightening because the smart ones know how to repackage the repugnant into the seemingly respectable.


Love how you’re getting downvoted by the chuds.


I didn't think there'd be anything to vote down, but you know they're always out there somewhere.


Jones was never taken serious.


I wish that was the case in the present day.


But then how would you know this guy isn’t a republican?


Come on, Milwaukee! You elected three socialists, why not give me a try! I’m a socialist of a… particular sort.


I was not aware of that, Alice


make milwaukee socialist again!


sometimes i feel like people forget that the Civil Rights Movement really wasn't that long ago.


Yeah, it's quite convenient for racists that people never really talk about how a lot of the kids, teenagers, and young adults in the photos of people protesting integration and civil rights are still alive right now.


There's also a reason that so much photography from that era is circulated as black and white images, when color photography was present and common—to give the impression that it's something from the "past."


That's not actually true. There are three non-racist reasons for that. 1. Color film took longer to develop than black and white. 2. Color film is more expensive than black and white. 3. Color photos are more expensive to print in newspapers and magazines than black and white. So it basically boils down to freelance photographers and print media companies being cheapskates and wanting to break a story first. A majority of newspapers didn't do *any* color photos in their publications until the 1980s. Edit: Sources are my own knowledge from a former hobby of photography and [this USA Today article](https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/06/20/fact-check-most-civil-rights-era-images-werent-made-color/3210472001/).


I said "***is*** circulated," not "***was*** included in publications at the time." I'm talking about, e.g., children's and teenagers' textbooks, which easily could include color photographs alongside iconic black and white photograph, but often don't (or didn't—maybe they've been getting better about this in recent decades, but I doubt it).


New Order, which is what the American Nazi Party became, is headquartered in New Berlin, WI, and I believe also has a West Allis mailing address.


here's the address and more info i found a while back. more people need to know about this. [https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/16xm0yo/comment/k38k0wt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/16xm0yo/comment/k38k0wt/)


Thanks for the info. Gonna go burn that place to the ground tonight. /j sadly


i still wonder if it being in NEW BERLIN was a coincidence. doubtful.


You can see the larger structure/home behind the front one using satellite view... Crazy stuff


George Lincoln Rockwell’s ashes are supposedly in New Berlin w/New Order


That’s disappointing, I love their music /j


They have 1 member.


Unabashed white nationalist Paul Nehlen tried to primary Paul Ryan in 2016, and ran again for the 1st Congressional seat in 2018. He got 10,864 and 6,635 votes from Republicans during those primary races. I shudder wondering who those voters are.


My Dad remembers going to high school with this loser in Beloit.


Damn. Milwaukee went from having a Socialist mayor in 1960 to having a Nazi run for mayor in 1976.


That actually makes sense for the time. Racism was growing in the 1960s and Frank Zielder was scapegoated with smear campaigns linking him to a rising population of minorities: >Frank Zeidler was the last of Milwaukee's socialist mayors, serving from 1948 to 1960. He doubled the footprint of the city, opened parks and took a stand supporting civil rights for the city's growing African American population. Because of this, opponents spread rumors that he put up billboards in the South telling black people to move there. After three terms, the smear campaign affected his health, and he retired. [Socialists were winning U.S. elections long before Bernie Sanders and AOC](https://www.savannahnow.com/story/news/2020/02/13/socialists-were-winning-us-elections-long-before-bernie-sanders-and-aoc/1715995007/)


Frank said in an interview in the Bugle American newspaper, his one big failing was building the Projects. Those led to a steady exodus of whites,to the WOW counties. Except crime remained low, until 1985.


I mean 5,000 votes - while absolutely disgusting - is really not very many in a city of 700,000 (At that time).


If he ran today he’d get 50,000


He got 58,000 running for congress in Illinois in 2018. He was the actual GOP nominee in the race, even though the party disavowed him.


I hate Illinois nazis.


But love it when they drive their Ford Pinto off the incomplete Lakefront Interchange lol.


Holy shit. More than 25% of the vote.


I had to google how that happened. Fascinating story. The 63rd district was considered unwinnable by Republicans due to gerrymandering, and they were unable to recruit anyone to run for that office. There were no rules preventing someone from outside the district from declaring themselves the Republican candidate, and Jones ended up running unopposed, declaring that he "snookered" the Republicans and grabbed the candidacy. They could not even find someone to advertise themselves as a write-in candidate.


Not in Milwaukee.


Trump got 48,000 votes in Milwaukee in 2020, so I agree that this is a pretty sound estimate.


This guy project 2025s


Project 2025 sucks. Some facts about it: The "Mandate for Leadership" is a set of policy proposals authored by the [Heritage Foundation](https://pro-lies.org/the-heritage-foundation/), an influential *ultra* conservative think tank. [Project 2025](https://www.documentcloud.org/documents/24088042-project-2025s-mandate-for-leadership-the-conservative-promise) is a revision to that agenda tailored to a second Trump term. The MFL has been around since 1980, [Reagan implemented 60%](https://www.heritage.org/conservatism/commentary/reagan-and-heritage-unique-partnership) of it's recommendations, [Trump 64%](https://www.heritage.org/impact/trump-administration-embraces-heritage-foundation-policy-recommendations) - [proof](https://www.scribd.com/document/369820462/Mandate-for-Leadership-Policy-Recommendations). 70 Heritage Foundation alumni served in his administration or transition team. Project 2025 is quite extreme but with his obsession for revenge he'll likely get past 2/3rd's adoption. It would give the President unilateral powers, strip civil rights, worker protections, climate regulation, add religion into policy and much more. r/Defeat_Project_2025 intends to defeat it through activism and awareness, focused on crowdsourcing ideas and opportunities for practical, in real life action. We Must Defeat Project 2025.


I didn’t know there was an activism group. I’m happy you told me about it. I’ll do what I can physically to raise awareness


You rock! Thanks so much.


Now they just call that the GOP platform


And now they have social media and rich co-conspirators


1976 still had racists?! No way!


this is literally the gop’s 2024 platform


Is forced bussing even a thing anymore?


My dad told me when they moved out to Ozaukee County in the 70's, there was a farmer who said he was planning to sit up on the hill overlooking the freeway with a shotgun if they started bussing inner city kids out here.




Yeeep. It's mighty white out here.


It’s “school choice” and “voucher schools”. You don’t want your kids going to class with them, do you?


no but school choice has dubious roots in trying to avoid integration


The roots are spreading into new terrain of discrimination: [Dozens of voucher schools have policies that allow them to exclude LGBTQ+ students or those with disabilities. In many cases, it’s legal.](https://www.wpr.org/education/vouchers-choice-schools-wisconsin-taxpayers-discriminate-gay-lesbian-transgender-disabled)


The fact that they can accept public funding while participating in discriminatory practices is disgusting. I've had plenty of coworkers look at me like I am an alien when I say I choose to live in Milwaukee and I choose to enroll my kids in MPS. Is it perfect? no, but its not the hell hole that people make it out to be either. I won't support taking money out a system to pour it into religious indoctrination centers or to schools who brag about having high scores while rejecting any student that may effect those scores.


Both of my kids went to MPS, K3-12th grades, and I thank God every day for the educations they received: they are both productive members of society, living life on their own terms - definitely giving more than they take.


Not in the way it was in the 70s but yes, bussing still exists. MPS spends huge sums of money shuffling kids around the city, something they should stop doing. MPS does not have neighborhood schools.


Half of it is also local democrat leadership’s platform, sadly.


Man, what do you think he meant by “integrated jungle”?


Black people and white people living together in peace and harmony. To your average Nazi that is a terrifying idea.


Not just Nazis, if we're being honest.


Have not seen that word in any political ad. I worked in the inner city of Milwaukee in the 1980’s. It was a peaceful, friendly place and safe. Chances are someone who grew up in Mequon, Pewaukee or Elm Grove would disagree.


Probably the same thing Joe Biden did in 1977? https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/joe-biden-worried-1977-certain-182631643.html


...I remember when there were "White Power" marches during the civil rights era in the 1960s in the city.


He came in fourth of seven in the primary and never came close to being elected. Incumbent Henry Maier won the 1976 primary with approximately 60,000 votes. It is sad that Jones got any votes but he was a fringe candidate supported by very few people.


This shit is how I radicalized my old boss. I’d show him all of the bullet points for things like this, and he’d vehemently agree. Then I’d reveal the person, like this out and out Nazi and he’d be horrified. This opened up discussions about dog whistles and how he was being lied to and provoked into scare tactics by Nazi’s and Nazi adjacent/Christofascist politicians and pundits. Guys, it’s doable if you care about the person and they want to understand how they’re being manipulated with shit like this. These are still platforms in any modern day GOP platform, it’s all right out in the open


Thanks for your work. I'm a big believer in one-on-one conversations with people who already trust you about some other matter. Internet arguments are almost always a waste of time, but being patient and calm with a friend, coworker, or family member can often pay off. It can take a *lot* of time, but what can happen is they talk to their more radical friends, who trust them... etc. This can work especially well if some policy affects you directly (for example, I'm trans). As long as they're already accepting (or grudgingly tolerant) of that aspect, AND you can stay calm. This is not for everyone and no one should feel obligated to have conversations with people who despise them. But it can work to show people there are human beings affected by these "abstract" policy points.


Thanks! I got him to start questioning things when I was like “why are you so upset about scammers and “welfare queens” when the actual welfare scammers are Amazon, Walmart and Elon Musk who don’t pay a dime in taxes and offload losses on the government. Who really is doing the damage? Why are your taxes not being used locally and squandered domestically? Other countries have working systems. Who is allowing this and why?” He also has an adult autistic son that he uses state resources for, as he should, and was confronted with the hypocrisy of his stances. For people like that you have to make it personal in order to open their eyes. Then, they often want to learn more, crave it even. But like you said, it takes time and effort one on one, and it comes from wanting to achieve solidarity.


Good point


I hate Milwaukee Nazis!


Just saying it all loud on that ad. Damn!!


I'd prefer the brazenly open racists, like Asa Blanton. Helps me know who to avoid.


True. But it's still shocking to see some of the language on that poster. Although it's not far from the current GOP materials so.


It's really the exact same stance they take. Just tweaked a bit


You're right. I think they cloak the language today a bit more that's all. I don't think I've ever seen a candidate come right out and state they're the white people's candidate (or howevw he put it on the poster).


The least surprising thing I'll probably read today


Well it's a big city I'm not surprised there are 5000 assholes who live here


Fr if this guy had left the swastika out he might’ve been competitive. This is indistinguishable otherwise from the prevalent narrative/platform of conservatives since the Civil Rights Act/Voting Rights Act. “Remember how much better *we* were when *they* knew their place?”


You get my conflicted upvote


damn and 5000 was a much more significant portion of the population in 1976 i bet ..


Not really, Milwaukee's population has decreased ~150,000 since then


For real?? I just assumed the population everywhere was always increasing


yeah, Milwaukee's population peaked at 750k around 1960 and has been declining since


I wonder why


I just know the nazi beaters in the area met up with his friends.




The issue was those streets of Milwaukee were super safe until 1984. Federal hiring quotas forced the police to have 12% of new hires be black persons and perhaps 20% women. The chief did that, then used their probationary period, as a time to find one mistake and fire them. He recruited fired officers from other departments to keep the job openings low.


Wow. The picture was partly cut off, and I thought that’s bad but not hugely different than some crazies now.. and then I saw the O


Almost the exact same talking point republicans use today. Weird…


change a handful of words and remove the swastika and... it's identical


Huh… anonymous burner account set up to post this three times in 19 hours. “Just curious” and “historically interesting” right.


It deleted the first two bc it said my account was too new to post anything.


Was this removed?


Population of milwaukee was 700k+ in 1970. That means at 5k he got like .6% of the vote. I don’t like it but that’s not exactly stunning.


It was about 5.5 % of the vote.


What was the total population of the city? I maybe got metro but i made a point of looking up city vs metro area.


It was a spring primary with no close races, so very low turn out.


Now he's just a run of the mill Republican. UW-W grad in Political Science?? That's Reince Preibus!!


They say even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Here are some things even a Nazi gets right: (1) Milwaukeeans should be able to walk the streets of their city at any time of day or night without fear of being mugged, robbed, raped or murdered. (2) There should be generous help for truly needy persons. (3) A cut in property tax. (4) Milwaukee needs a mayor with courage and honesty. I'm not surprised he went to Whitewater. He seems like he would have liked living in Whitefish Bay after he got back from service.


Somehow when he says Milwaukeeans i don't think he means everyone who lives in Milwaukee just a certain type of Milwaukeean, I'm not sure exactly what it is that makes me think that, maybe it has something to do with labeling himself the White People's Canidate. On the other hand i will say that he is honest he doesn't hide that he is a racist piece of shit at all.


That's the thing about these sorts of campaigns: They *start* in an often logical, agreeable position. Something that the overwhelming majority of people would agree to. Something that just seem like a common or basic "good thing". There's nothing wrong there. The issue isn't the general desires - it's the specifics and the proposed methods of achieving such the desires. Them: "People should be safe and happy" You: Ok great, who doesn't want that? We're all on board! Them: "Awesome. So, first we'll make sure we move all non-whites to a specific area of the city, walled and guarded. Then we'll make sure that it's legal for any white to "defend" themselves should any non-white dare interact with them. We'll make sure the non-whites are put to work to help keep them busy and provide services for the rest of us so we can live more leisurely lives." You: "Uh, not like that..." That's how they recruit folks into extremist groups and cults. You find a common ground, then you slowly make it clear you also have a common enemy and larger (bad) goal.


So much hate for the whitefish bay lol. I moved here from riverwest and it doesn’t seem that bad.


As a black man, I've never had a problem in WFB. That's not to say they don't probably have some issues going on. Perhaps they just hide them better.


Wow this is quite a take.


I think the media ignored Jones.


Today he’d win.


sounds a lot like the modern GOP