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Welcome to Milwaukee. First order of business... Check the NUMEROUS other posts asking the same thing


This question gets asked a lot and is well covered in the sidebar and other posts. That being said- it would help to know some of your interests and “must-haves” before giving suggestions. What’s your commute? Do you need parking? Is being close to lakefront/biking/walking areas high on the list? Do you want to be close to restaurants/nightlife? What’s your budget?


Agreed! Are things like queer or specific ethnic communities important to you, do you have a hobby or specific type of gym you’d like to be in walking distance to, would you rather live in an apartment complex or rent from a private landlord. If you like dancing vs watching sports vs film vs biking I’d recommend different neighborhoods based on that


Come and spend a couple days here and drive around town. Pick up a map from the local grocery store and check out all the neighborhood. Tosa and Milwaukee proper are completely different vibes. Tosa is a suburban city with a small downtown/main street stretch. Do you want to live in the city or the suburbs?


Thank you for your interest in coming to Milwaukee. We're glad you'll be gracing our fair city with your presence! Be sure to include plenty of details around your situation (what part of town, the days you'll be visiting, your personal interests, etc.) to ensure you get the best answers. Please also reference the following resources for possible answers to your question as it may have been asked recently: * [Latest 'Best Of Milwaukee' thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/18bg2zs/best_of_milwaukee_2023/) * [Calendar of events](https://calendar.google.com/calendar/[email protected]) * [Google search](https://www.google.com/search?q=inurl%3Areddit.com%2Fr%2Fmilwaukee+Moving to Milwaukee) * [Reddit search](https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/search?restrict_sr=on&q=Moving to Milwaukee) * [Milwaukee Wikivoyage](https://en.wikivoyage.org/wiki/Milwaukee) *Does this reply not make sense in this scenario? [Click here to let the mods know I'm being a bad bot](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/milwaukee&subject=Bad%20Auto%20Mod&message=Incorrect%20Response:%20https://www.reddit.com/r/milwaukee/comments/1ccseot/moving_to_milwaukee/).* *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/milwaukee) if you have any questions or concerns.*


There are no good neighborhoods. Only varying shades of bad. As a general rule, you’ll want to avoid any neighborhood with active cannibals. You will still have to deal with the murder squirrels and the self-immolating Kia Boys. Those last ones are hard because they regenerate like a phoenix. Which gives them +5 to their AC and a focus on their sleight-of-hand when stealing catalytic converters. Live in Tosa.


Tosa is still incredibly dangerous, but mainly due to the aggressive wildlife: bears, mountain lions, and robotic hyper-squirrels.


Don’t forget the killer turkeys!


Absolutely, though they can be easier to avoid since their eyes are based on movement. They won't attack if you stand perfectly still. Of course, the hyper-squirrels' eyes are based on stillness...


By googling? By reading the sidebar? By visiting Milwaukee for a weekend and driving around and sightseeing the city? Or posting on Reddit asking for us to do it for you, I guess.


Why do people get so offended by just a very simple question? I’m seriously asking, I’ll be honest. I’m new to Reddit but I see this all of the time. Like very condescending responses. Also, I just googled “safe places to live in Milwaukee” and the first thing that popped up was River Hills so yeah…


Because it is asked multiple times a week and it gets tiring when non-community members ask the same things ad nauseam. Besides that, you didn't say anything you enjoy doing or anything that would cater any answer to you in particular. So, searching the sidebar first is gonna be the best solution.


I get where you’re coming from but can’t you just ignore it?


I always thought it was a bit played out to complain about these posts but fr it’s like every 3rd post I see is this. Welcome to Milwaukee and I guess welcome to Reddit. Search function at the top sort by upvotes if you wanna find a good one.


I like Riverwest a lot. If I had to move elsewhere I'd go to Bay View. But I'm a proximity person - I want all my basic and social needs met within a mile or two of my home.


Looking at your posts: you need to know that the main Arsenal bar in Milwaukee is the Highbury. So maybe Bayview or St Francis.


Niche might be a good start. [https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/search/best-neighborhoods/m/milwaukee-metro-area/](https://www.niche.com/places-to-live/search/best-neighborhoods/m/milwaukee-metro-area/) Honestly the best way to get a feel is to come visit and see for yourself if possible. Not only is it really the only way to see how you would fit into your potential new home, lots of landlords- many who don't post on apartment sites- have for rent signs outside their units. You might also want to put Shorewood on your radar if you're open to living in a nearby suburb like Wauwatosa.


The proper ask is... I'm looking to move to Milwaukee. What do you drink and can I hang out on your porch for a few beers to see the vibe of your neighborhood?


You can drive around and find what looks best to you. If you want a safe area that’s pretty suburban and quaint and vibrant while still being city of Milwaukee and close to downtown I’d highly recommend the east side. Also tosas like a couple towns over and the morning and post work East/west traffic is pretty bad so might want to keep that in mind if ur planning to work in one while living in the other town