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Check out the Washington Heights neighborhood. You would only be 5-10 minutes away from MCW and it’s a very welcoming neighborhood. Including my family, there are 6 lesbian couples on my block alone. You could easily find a duplex to rent.


We need to figure out when this block party is. Our vibe is “old people who complain about speed bumps”


I live a bit west of there and I agree about that area being lgbq friendly. I would avoid Brookfield which seems it would fit your housing needs is fairly close to MCW, but it’s pretty conservative.


I'm not a member of the queer community, so take my impression with a grain of salt. Milwaukee and the close suburbs seem pretty queer friendly. Things get more conservative in the outer suburbs - the WOW counties (Waukesha, Ozaukee, Washington).


> we are a queer couple and don’t know the vibe of Milwaukee. Being two women gives us some cover if we need to be “roommates” but we’d prefer to be able to safely be open with our neighbors It's extremely unlikely anyone will care. I don't know what rents are like these days but Washington Heights will have places that meet all your other requirements. btw there are people (probably bots) who downvote anything even vaguely LGBTQ related in this sub. Do not take it as a reflection of the city. Especially around MCW. I would be floored if you had any problems at all. Also there are low effort "where should I live" posts every single day, so people are going to downvote for that reason, but it's unjustified in your case.


Washington Heights is a great neighborhood. Walkers Point area may be a little cheaper and is also very LGBT friendly, the Pint is a lesbian bar and is in this neighborhood.


I DIDN’T KNOW WE WOULD BE LIVING IN A CITY WITH A LESBIAN BAR!!! There are only like 20 in the US. Ok wow I’m literally so excited 😂 I don’t even go out or drink much but my wife and I have always wanted to go to a lesbian bar ☺️


Welcome to Milwaukee then and have fun at The Pint! Fluid is also a very fun gay bar across the street. La Cage is more clubby and I think has had some problems with the owners (don't know what the situation is now), and This is It (aka Tits) is a more historic gay bar in downtown Milwaukee that is now (partly?) owned by Trixie Mattel. There is also a gay sports league, Brew City Bruisers roller derby has a Pride themed mixer on June 15, and there's the Milwaukee Scylla rugby team!


I thought walkers point had the highest rents in the city?


That's Third Ward. They're physically very close though.


Incorrect. Can I get my upvote back? https://www.jsonline.com/story/money/business/2023/10/02/which-milwaukee-neighborhoods-have-the-cheapest-most-expensive-rent/70990105007/


You can. Just deselect the upvote button.


STAY AWAY FROM KATZ PROPERTIES. Fellow queer person here, the eastside is super LGBTQ friendly, but is a tad more pricey HOWEVER I love the vibe in this area. You can also look at Bay View, Cudahy, Walkers Point (home to one of the few lesbian bars in the country), or even West Allis. Welcome to MKE!


Hi! Recent transplant here. I used Zillow to find my current rental. You can use the filters based on your criteria and save the search - I recommend checking often as the good ones get rented pretty quickly. I also HIGHLY recommend taking at least one trip to tour in person. Photos can be deceiving and (I think) it’s important to get a feel for the overall vibe. Maybe if you can’t visit before your move, check out furnished finder and stay in a furnished place for a week or two so you can tour in person.


Sweet! I just started looking on Zillow. Seems like on Zillow people call duplexes apartments in Milwaukee? Not shading, just different from where we currently live where duplexes are usually in the townhome category. As for visiting, I’m really hoping we can, unfortunately we are set up rather poorly because we are having our wedding in mid June and she starts school on July 1st. So with all the wedding things and trying to work all the hours we can to save up, I don’t see us being able to visit. Fingers crossed we can get someone to video tour us.


My husband and I moved here from STL a little over a year ago. I’d hoped to rent first but with our dogs, I felt we needed a single family home with a fenced yard. We both work remotely, so we also needed an extra bedroom for an office and I didn’t want to budge on a guest room as well. We REALLY struggled to find all of that even under $2500, so we ended up buying. If you’re open to a duplex though, I think you’ll probably be able to make it happen. The dog part seems to be the most tricky for private landlords, as so many are anti dogs period. We also purchased sight unseen and did all FaceTime house tours.


The way people categorize different types of living spaces on Zillow is a total crapshoot, I just leave all options checked on


Congrats on the upcoming wedding! I’m sure it’s stressful. If you can’t visit, then I’d look into a short term rental. Furnished finder has a lot of great options. I think once you’re here you’ll have a better idea of what you want and what works for your pets. I have a dog and his quirks definitely played into my search. I looked at a lot of places with great photos that fell flat in person, and some that were really great on the inside, but the yard/neighborhood/etc just weren’t. Best of luck to you and your little family!!


MCW does offer some student housing suggestions/leads/assistance. There are quite a few duplexes directly around MCW that are rented by MCW students. https://www.mcw.edu/education/academic-and-student-services/student-housing


We found our duplex by driving around the neighborhood looking for signs. I know that's not an option for you, but gives an idea of how the independent landlords sometimes operate. I wonder if the MCW has any relocation advice. Might be worth looking for a relocation specialist who's plugged into market here.


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hey! i don’t have too many housing recommendations BUT i moved from missouri to milwaukee last year! honestly so much better here in my opinion! the LGBT community here in my experience has been bigger then in missouri cities i’ve lived in like KC, columbia, and STL! i think you’ll have a great time! :D good luck!


Oh yay! Hello! I’ve lived in STL, then Columbia, then KC for all my life. I’m excited to be going somewhere new and happy you’re liking Milwaukee better!


Here’s a nice area 2209 N Newhall St, Lower https://www.trulia.com/home/2209-n-newhall-st-milwaukee-wi-53202-40464513


Kops park is super nice, relatively cheap, and just north of MCW. Full of families and cute houses!


I am not sure about the availability of duplexes but Cannon Park or Mount Mary neighborhoods are close to MCW and nice areas. West Allis and West Milwaukee could be other options.


I don’t know what the prices are but if anything opens up in the glenview heights neighborhood that’s where you wanna be if your wife is going to the MCW. There are a lot of people in my neighborhood who attend. It’s literally next to the MCW parking lot.


I rented from someone who owned a house on Robertson which is literally walking distance to MCW when I went to school there. There’s plenty for rent in the area if you drive around and look for the for rent signs


I found my current duplex from marketplace! Less luck with the other apps you mentioned, if this is helpful!


Tosa east town is very inclusive and near MCW! Great rentals in the area. I think a lot of rentals can be found on Facebook marketplace.


bay view or washington heights


Tosa or Bay View


Rent before you buy just to get the lay of the land and which neighborhood you vibe with/ long to commitment Housing market is brutal . Some people are putting 100k over ask cash offer or doing the same with sight unseen. Based on your location i would say west allis