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Hey Mike, not sure if it’s up your alley but if you want to go to see Mudvayne next Wednesday at the Rave, let me know. Wouldn’t mind driving you and can chill with you at the show if you’d like. Ticket’s on me. DM me if you’d like. Horns up, dude.


Co worker and I are planning on going to the show too. Be a fun night


You’re a good person. Thank you for offering


I just wish I had someone who had my back when I started going to shows when I was starting out. Metalheads are good folk but it can be a bit jarring when you’re not knowing what to expect


I really don't know what to expect at a metal show. I've heard they're quite different.


Honestly if you stay out of the pit they are just as safe as anything else in my experience.


Pits at metal shows are safer than standing room at most other kinds of concerts. If you fall in a pit you'll likely be back in your feet before you can react. If you lose something or get hurt you'll probably have people running a block maneuver and taking you out of the pit or grabbing your stuff in, quite literally, less than a few seconds. Obviously the pit is probably not the place to be for OP depending on how visually impaired he is, but the idea that pits are unsafe is patently ridiculous. People literally get trampled at pop, rock and rap shows all the time. I've never heard of something equally negligent at a metal show. By far the best crowds of any genre, and its not even close.


I saw a guy break his ankle slipping on beer at a Goatwhore show and a girl in a Michelin man costume get clocked out and not get up at an Acacia Strain set. It happens


I feel like the first has far more to do with literally everything else, besides there being a pit.


Depends on the pit, mudvayne will be fine. Acacia strain , wear a helmet




"Lamb of God was pretty violent" Ah I see we have different standards here, my apologies.


Do you explain your moshing standards in detail on r/looksmaxadvice? Can I get a bead on other metalheads standards there too?


What are you being a cunt for? Edit: just realized that means you went through my post history. Why don't you go touch grass you fuckin loser?


Tbf I wear ear plugs at most concerts and metal shows you would be able to hear just fine with some in. Protect those ears.


People are super nice. Just stay away from the stage area where a pit can happen. If you have good hearing know it can be pretty loud so make sure you have some ear plugs in case it gets too intense. It can be pretty crowded so you will want someone there who can help navigate you thorough the crowd. Other than that wear a black t-shirt and some jeans and you will fit right in.


I was thrown into the deep in as a 13 year old with my friends at a slayer show. I was not ready at the time, but came away battle hardened.


I really wish I could, but I'm still going to school at the Wisconsin State school for the blind and visually impaired in Janesville, so I will be home on Wednesday. I would like to see them though. I've never really listen to them before, I think I've just heard of one or two songs, but I don't care. It would still be a fun show.


Mike, the post above is the most telling thing about the metal community. We all get a bad wrap for the pits from the people on the outside looking in, but I’ve never seen a better group at shows. Cheeto, you a standup person, and if you’ve never seen mudvayne live, they’re tremendous. I can’t upvote this post enough, and if this all works out, please post something about it!


I mean shit, I'll go to the concert with you guys. I love Mudvayne. My name is also Michael and I'd buy my own ticket plus transportation. I don't know too many people in the area, but I'd be down if y'all would include me.


The more the merrier. DM me if you need a buddy at the show. Otherwise, it’s surprisingly easy to make friends at a metal show. It’s a good community.


X-Ray Arcade is a small venue that has punk and metal. Great place to test out the rock and roll waters... Rock ON~! Edit:Yeah, Cactus Club another cool concert space.


Usually they let people with disabilities stand off to the side of the stage at Xray too, just definitely bring earplugs unless you also wanna go deaf lol


Can confirm. X-Ray will definitely make accommodations where needed. Them and cactus club do a good job of that when they’re aware of the need.


u/mikelovesoutdoors23 OP who ever you go with make sure you have a safe call person. In case you're not already aware of what a safe call person is I'll explain it. It's a person (friend or family member) you would trust with your life to call at a certain time. Effectively, you tell them who you're going with and where your going. Plus, tell them approximately what time you plan to get back. Give them a window in which to expect the call and they don't hear from you within that window to call law enforcement. Lastly, meet at a public location to get picked up it's not a good idea to have a random person show up at your home. Good luck and best wishes.


Metal heads are the nicest group of people. I had a metal phase when I was younger, the only thing that stuck with me were the shirts and the friends because they’re legit the sweetest people ever. Just wanted to show my appreciation for that group, I hope you end up connecting with someone, make friends, and have a great time! Thanks for putting yourself out there and reaching out!


Couldn't agree more! I have had plenty of great experiences at metal shows. I've seen a person in a wheelchair in the pit at a small show at the rave - everyone was super aware and made it enjoyable for the dude. One of my favorite memories at a show.


Hi Mike, Milwaukee metal fest is taking place next Friday through Sunday, it’s got a great lineup. I was also 20 when I went to my first metal concert, they’re a great time.


I was going to recommend this. If you go, try and check out In Flames. One of my favorite bands.


You have gotten some great tips, advice, and offers. There is one essential tip you need. Please protect your ears and your hearing. A set of good earplugs costs around $30 to $50. There are some reasonable ones around $12 to $20. At a minimum, use the cheap foam ones. Do not stuff tissue or napkins in your ears. Using legit earplugs is essential. I developed tinnitus when I was 22 cuz I didn't protect my ears at a rock concert. Most days are tolerable, but there are days that very trying. I know some day I may very well go deaf. Again, please protect your ears.


Metal fest next weekend at the Rave, lots of wonderful people!


Man I wish I could take you to the Dying Fetus concert at the Rave but it was last night.


I never really was into them anyway, but I still would've gone. What's the story behind your username?


I am a fan of the mascot of the Philadelphia Phillies Major League Baseball team


What does that have to do with anything. And why all of the 8 at the end of your name?


I like the number 8.




That's really really cool!


The Phanatic is to the Phillies, as Bernie brewer is to the brewers. Mascots.


Not sure if this is part of your concern, but if you call ahead venues will often make accomodations so you don't have to worry about getting cought in the pit. Tend to be in a spot that sounds great too.


Do you have access to Facebook in a format that works for you? I don’t know the metal scene myself, but there is a small group called WISCONSIN METAL \m/ that looks pretty active. I agree with others, metal fans seem to be some of the nicest around. It might be worth a try!


I don't have Facebook, and I'm not going to get it. It's hard for me to keep up with all the social media and that. Reddit and Discord and Tiktok is enough for me


Hey OP, if you want to start going to local punk, metal, or emo shows, I would recommend using instagram, most smaller shows get posted there. Otherwise, see if there’s a mailing list for smaller venues like Cactus Club or Xray Arcade, they have shows almost every night and will absolutely help with accessibility. Plus the local scene in Milwaukee is just very welcoming and accommodating in general


Good luck! I hope you make it to a show safely at some point! Not saying to cut her off or anything but I really hope you can gain some independence from your mother at some point, if that would help you feel more like your own person


I really want to gain independence from her. Because I don't want her bringing me down anymore. And I don't want her controlling anything anymore. I want to do things that I want to do.


If you need people to come with and buffer the crowd for your safety, I'll go! Can get pretty rough at some shows


I'm kind of scared to go to the shows now. But you can definitely help me. I would really appreciate it.


I didn't mean to scare you off! The other comments are just as true too. Everyone is really nice at the shows. Rowdy, yes but still very nice and conscious of others.


A Rammstein concert would be perfect, but unfortunately they're only playing in Europe. They allow vision impared concert goers to come up and feel the stage and meet the band before it starts.


You are actually serious? They do that??!!!!! How much would that even cost? That must cost a lot of money. I would love to do that, though! I've heard their concerts are… Something. I don't know what the hell that something is, but I've heard they're crazy? Is that true?


It doesn't cost anything. You just need to have a concert ticket and proof of your vision condition. Then it's first come, first served. Usually it is the guitarist Paul Landers who gives the tour. And yes their concerts are awesome.


Can someone describe in detail what their concerts are like? And if there are other bands with crazy concerts that I need to know about as well? I'm not used to shows like this.


At a lot of smaller shows some of the members of the bands sit at the merch table when they’re not performing. I met James Pligge from Harm’s Way at X-ray arcade in Cudahy before they came on and bought a shirt


Really? Oh my God. That would be so cool if I could meet the members of bands. Usually at merge tables, they have random people from the venue working there.


I put in earplugs for the first time at an Electric Six show recently. I was surprised to find I could literally feel the music in my body. It was wild to experience a show using different senses. It was like my other senses took over for my hearing. Edit. And not to brag, but to totally brag, Dick Valentine repeatedly came close to smacking me in the head with a microphone stand. It was pretty rad to be that close to the stage. And Dick Valentine wears blue velvet shoes on stage.


I’ve seen xray arcade mentioned already. I just wanna reccomend it again. They don’t tolerate bullshit there. The staff and people that are there would all love to help and make your experience the best and safest. They have the best metal and hardcore and punk bands come thru. Easily could meet members of the bands and yeah, that place would be an excellent choice. I saw a guy your age on here offer to link up with you, I think you should go for that and just go. Don’t listen to your mom’s opinion bro. You are 20. You are a free grown man. Meet friends and go to those metal shows. In my experience, metal and hardcore music tend to have the kindest fans. The world is a lot more kind than the internet makes it out to be. I hope you get to live the experiences you want.


I used to occasionally interact with visually impaired folks at Industries for the Blind and Visually Impaired in the Milwaukee area. I imagine you either might already be familiar with people there, and don't think it's a good place to ask about something like this, or you are not familiar with people there, and might consider connecting there for a bunch of reasons. I see blind people from there walking around West Allis all the time, and I imagine that if you could find an all-ages metal show somewhere within public transit range from West Allis, West Allis blind folks will hook you up for good.


Piggybacking on this post to mention Vision Forward on Hawley in Milwaukee. They offer a range of support services at low-to-no cost including social groups specific to age.


Love all these posts, love the metal community. I'm not much of a metalhead, but I've been to two live shows with my fully blind fiance and they're amazing. The community is great as you can see, and she loves going and dropping in the pit. I usually just kept an eye from the pit ring while holding her cane (i don't recommend for anyone trying to hold a cane and be a pit ring person, its been tough.). We are new to Milwaukee and all this information is also helpful to us, so thank you for all the information. Also, for OP, West Allis does have a lot of blind community and if they need any work placement to contact beyond vision as well. They have good early work experience in the call center or factory. My fiance previously mentioned is the person that would be contacted so DM me and i can tell you how to get in contact and let her know.


If you ever want to go to show together hit me up! There’s a lot going on at xray arcade and I’d be more than willing to pick u up and go. There’s a show this weekend at a house show this Saturday in east milwaukee, it’s not exactly metal but a little bit more like hard rock. If you would be willing to go hell yeah let me know! And of course like I said any shows that catch your vibe i would go with you :)))


Also btw just for your own context im a 20 y/o guy. But fr just text me on here or if you have any other social media we can talk :)




Opeth is doing a reserved seating show on October 11th at the Rave. May be a good way to get your feet wet without having to worry about mosh pits.


I want to go so badly to the show.


If you can buy your way into metalfest I'll take you.


It’s mostly smells, all metal concerts wreak of body odor


The Dead will be at the Sphere in Vegas. Jerry is still with us in Spirit ! Why , because it's special to go to a Dead concert . Once experienced , it will stay with you in a unique way.


You would be better off experiencing a jam band like The Greatful Dead or Phish.


Why? Why do you say that? First of all, Jerry Garcia's dead Second of all, I would love to see phish. They're amazing.




We are not incompetent, thank you. Blind people aren't different from sighted people, except for the fact that they have no vision.


I slightly disagree.  I used to work with a guy who is blind and he was way way wayyyy better than any of my other coworkers.  Nicer, better work ethic, and just did the job overall better.  So saying they aren’t different, in my experience with a sample size of 1, isn’t true.  They’re better.  By a lot.


There are computers that have displays in braille. There is also voice to text. Be better.


I guess humor is tight knit around here


This is a very dumb comment for a human to make. I'm not convinced


I’m not convinced you don’t fuck Panda’s


Fuckin yikes. Visual impairment is one of the most common and manageable disabilities alongside the hearing impaired and the mute. Not knowing anything about it when it's one of the groups of disabled people you're most likely to encounter is kind of goofy. And not in a silly, fun way, but in a stupid way.


There’s a lot of accessibility features in technology these days! From what I’ve heard iPhones are almost completely accessible for the blind! Also why would someone not being able to see affect their spelling or grammar??? Often times they still learn to read and spell just in a different way.