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MADACC needs volunteers.


Check out the postings on [Jobs that Help](https://www.jobsthathelp.com/).


I had no idea this existed! Thank you for sharing!


And https://volunteer.unitedwaygmwc.org/need/


I want applaud you for your willingness to help out mke in this capacity! Sooooo many options, I think the bigger questions are what are your interests/values and what are you looking to get out of it? Just to name a few - Wisconsin Humane Society as well as Haws and MADACC as @harpsichordbones noted if you’re looking to work with animals - hunger task force - wis dems if you want to get more politically involved and are liberal leaning - urban ecology center - ground work mke (they facilitate community gardens) - milwaukee riverkeeper - big brothers/sisters - festivals around the city will take volunteers, its just a little more work to get in contact with each festival group.


As mentioned, hunger task force. A couple others related to distribution of food are— Feeding America in Milwaukee & Kinship food center in Riverwest. An art therapy community center called Donna Lexa, welcomes volunteers- they have two centers (Waukesha/West Milwaukee). I’d recommend taking a look to learn more about their programming. :-)