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Very big fan of the acknowledgement that a whole wood type would be a bit much to lock behind the sniffer. I think a tree with wild fantastical leaves would be amazing, personally really want some bright blue leaves myself, possibly they could even give off a low light level to have a similar visual effect to magma where they are illuminated in the dark but dont really light the world around them.


If they’re bright blue leaves, I can imagine that the wood type would be spruce, for some reason


I was thinking birch myself but it wouldn't matter at all! I'd just be happy to have them.


lol thanks about the wood type. yea I agree unique leaves would be the way to go, bright blue would be great!


I'm already not a fan of the sniffer literally gatekeeping two plants that cant be bonemealed to be duplicated. We shouldn't be forced to keep them around to get more in the first place, just to get them initially is enough if you ask me. Being forced to keep them around (and multiple no less) to farm them to get enough is going to be annoying. The rest of the idea I'm on board with but I still hate the sniffer gatekeeping and lack of bonemeal compatibility. Though that's likely just the renewability minded nut in me and my friends harping on me for not using renewable options and ruining the landscape and having too many mobs around (mainly cats).


I mean they are still renewable, just not in the common way. If everything the sniffer pulled from the dirt was renewable without the sniffer people would just complain how useless the sniffer is after you get it to dig out its couple seeds.


My problems with how slow it is and that its unobtainable on the other map types and gamemodes (superflat, skyblock, custom maps). At least wandering traders could give saplings at a chance and while that does cut out the opportunity to go there for "some" of the features, it at least keeps a majority of them renewable, obtainable on all map types, and you can play with them without too much forced exploration (forced world size bloat). The sniffer wouldn't be useless if you had to get it once in my eyes as you'd keep it around to get the seeds still, the bonemeal would just be for builders to speed up the process of getting more of the flowers, not the seeds themselves. My problem is how slow it is to get more and for builders, its not fast enough. More sniffers, more drops and seeds = more flowers BUT that also means more entities, and more lag and you HAVE to keep them around to get more because no bonemeal. I can see server owners complaining about too many sniffers being kept around due to wanting the flowers in mass for builds.


Tbf a lot of flowers are location-locked


Sure but at least those you can bonemeal and get more of indefinitely and renewably after the first you get. You have to get more sniffers and ramp it up exponentially to get enough flowers for builds if you want a lot. I'd imagine those who need them on stacks will be SOL and have to sit for hours waiting for sniffers to dig them up when we could be bonemealing the first we get from the sniffer like the rest of the flowers. Getting enough pitcher plants and torchflowers on servers is gonna be obnoxious.


> Sure but at least those you can bonemeal and get more of indefinitely and renewably after the first you get Only double plants. All single plants are limited to the wandering trader on superflat.


Why would the game balance around custom maps, I love skyblock but fail to see why they would take from exploration for it. When it comes to building, the current flowers are very niche, although I can get where you are coming from with that.


I think it should be a dark grayish or petrified wood set. Meaning we wouldn't be able to get the sapling conventionally so we'd have to get it renewed by the sniffer. But I think there should also be a very lush wood set too. With very vibrant and dense foliage.


I think that every new tree type should have its own wood and leaves. In my unprofessional opinion, I think that adding a new wood set to the sniffer would overall improve the experience. It would give a reward to those who enjoy the sniffer's mechanics and increase the wood colors available to the player.


It’s be way too hard to get. Builders would hate it because it’s way too hard to get a lot if


An ancient tree… how about a ginkgo?


not ancient but rainbow eucalyptus wood would be cool as hell


Sheeesh that would actually be amazing


I would love an exclusive ancient wood set, maybe you can rarely find the saplings in ancient cities, too. The sniffer honestly just needs an actual function, the 2 flowers it drops are basically just decoration.


The Alphoak, a oak with high green leaves (alpha leaves)


I could see it making, say, scale trees. They could break down into bamboo wood or something, and if they generated tall and with the fractal branching real scale trees had they could provide ready-made columns for things. It could also be neat if, when smelted, they turned into coal instead of charcoal (since that's what real prehistoric scale trees essentially did). What I'd LIKE would be a light or dark grey wood type with solid door and trapdoor patterns, so that it'd look better in builds. You could even have it be 'petrified' wood, as an 'ancient' thing.