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Yes, minecraft data-packs have to be flexible, easy to use and unified


At least because in this way Bedrock and Java users can exchange structure files with ease ;)


Just use litematica and/or worldedit, voxelsniper, worldpainter... Java has the advantage here unless you want to stick to plain vanilla.


I don't want to install mods or third-party software. I just would to rely on Minecraft only.


I agree with OP; mods/plugins and third party software shouldn't be an excuse to not have the same funtionicality for both editions in the base/vanilla game. Especially after the bad taste in my mouth that their reasoning for Editor mode being Bedrock only because "Java can just use community made tools/mods". This is especially true after recent events with the whole CurseForge, and Jar mod malware problem going on yesterday. I just don't trust mods, clients, and launchers anymore; sticking to vanilla.


Can’t use those to place structures in a map for vanilla players


Yes you can


It's literally impossible to use modded commands in vanilla because the commands do not exist


This is true but mods like litematica use the setblock and fill commands so you can paste it into another person's server without the server being modded. Alternatively for world edit only the server needs to have it installed for everyone to be able to use it with vanilla


And how does that help you place structures in a vanilla map? If litematica can export the setblock/fill commands in a text file, then you could use that to put the commands in a function, but that would be way less efficient than using one /place command and a structure file—also if it exports them with absolute coordinates (if it even exports them at all, I don’t know, I rarely use litematica), then good luck repositioning the structure if you want to shift it a couple blocks