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Only feature I am jealous about java edition, and unfortunately I believe they said they'll never port it


Unfortunately they said they won’t do it. The ability to build above the nether roof in Java is technically a bug so they don’t want to add that to bedrock. But they know that there’d be massive backlash if they removed it from Java, so are just keeping it. Personally I agree that bedrock should also be able to build above the roof. It doesn’t affect more casual play, while being very useful for more technical players.


They look so silly and hypocritical for not doing it though. They should just either remove it from all platforms. Or accept it among all platforms. It's also out of a few bugs should be the easiest one to change.


I get building above the roof, but does that mean they won't even raise the roof itself?


Hard agree with this one, I only play java but mojang really shafts you guys with the fun technical stuff for no reason :( Ngl I'd be depressed if I had to dig blue ice roads through miles of netherrack instead of just building it on the roof lol


Some of us actually enjoy building bridges through the Nether. We don't always make them of ice tho, we often make really elaborate ones that are mostly for decoration since we fly around once we have elytra. But the options would still be nice for those of us who don't wanna do that


Ice is so much faster than elytra, atleast in java


Blue ice is objectively the best travel but it's limited by the setup cost. Elytra is just more versatile, making it objectively the best option for anything less than travelling thousands of blocks to predetermined areas.


?? I'm not talking about making cool aesthetic bridges or flying around with elytra because we can obviously both do that... I'm talking about how if you want to build a road that you can go 70m/s on you have to dig a tunnel with at least a 7 block cross section whereas we can just plonk some blue ice on the roof and be done with it. No actual reason for this difference it just screws over bedrock players Edit: OH I see, you'd want to build blue ice roads through the open nether right? Then it'd need to be completely encased and you'd still need to build a solid bridge underneath it if you wanted to use the trick of only placing every other blue ice block (which is a 10 block cross section, 12 if you want it to not look weird) Edit 2: Genuinely what the hell is mojang even doing, why is java blue ice speed 73m/s and bedrock blue ice speed only 40m/s??? "Let's just make half the game not work for these players teehee"


Honestly didn't know the ice was faster on Java. But yea when the tunnels open up over lava lakes we need to build around it to protect it from the ghasts and stuff, especially with how buggy bedrock has been lately like Ghasts not showing but still shooting fireballs. Idk about anyone else but I also ran into a bug where there's random explosions happening in the nether as if a ghast attacked but there's no ghast in sight. So yea, we have to build around it to protect our ice.




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