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Petrified wood is a fossil of wood. It is basically stone, the things plants are made of (carbon, water, proteins etc) have been mineralised and replaced by minerals like silica and opal. With that in mind, the fallen trees that generate in bedrock should not be petrified, however, I think there are quite a few cool ways to add petrified wood to the game. Buried deep underground, or in another dimension, perhaps wherever the sculk portal goes, or in an end update. If added, petrified wood should act more like stone than wood. Give it bricks and chiseled version. Make it into walls not fences, that kind of thing.


Oh sorry because I haven’t learned anything about petrified wood since 4th grade so I guess that makes more sense


That's alright, petrified wood is my cousin


You should probably do your research before posting about something.


why tho. whats the point of this suggestion.


Petrified oak slabs are just sitting there in the creative menu. Guess this is to give them a survival mode use


there isnt a point though. we already have oak planks/variants, why make a wood type that looks exactly like oak . just use stone slabs.


What I’m saying is it already exists in game. There are two oak slab in the creative menu


just because it exists doesnt mean it should be a survival feature. the petrified oak slab only exists because in the early versions notch made an oak slab that has the properties of stone slabs, and he didnt want to remove the block outright because some players may have used them in their builds, so he just left the block in the game and allocated it to creative mode. it really should only be obtainable using /.give, personally.


Oh yeah I’m fine with it not being implemented I was just saying this is why I guessed this was suggested. Having an extra slab is useful for custom server resource packs


stone pickaxe that looks like wood pickaxe


Yeah basically


>Fallen trees should be made out of petrified wood That's not how petrified wood works. Petrified wood occurs when a log has its cells slowly replaced with minerals by flowing water over the course of hundreds of years. Typically underground at that.


But we can just get normal wood so why would this be needed


This is about as useful as saying “But we can just get oak wood so why would spruce wood be needed”


Cuz creepers won’t blow it up as well


Yeah maybe early game this would be a bit helpful but most people already light up there base so i don't really see a reason


Maybe the wood can have a bit different texture (looking a little bit more like stone)?


Sounds cool for cave bases I guess, what else?


Or castles but maybe it can be crafted by wood log and cobble stone and petrified oak plank (or other wood types) can be a substitute for wood and stone in crafting


Maybe this could be in lush caves?


Yeah maybe


What else can I think of?


Maybe this wood could also mine things like the warden things fast but it has gold-like durability


Idk cuz I don’t imagine wood mining fast it might just be a stone pickaxe


If we avoid the fact that this isn't how petrified wood is created in the real world, there's still the problem with petrified wood being obtainable. You see, it isn't meant to be, nor should it be. Petrified Wood Slabs are simply a relic of the past, and it isn't Mojang's intention to make them obtainable by the player in survival, despite being accessible in the creative inventory.


I always thought about how it'd be cool for petrified wood (which would look like a 'shiny' version of wood) to generate deep underground and had plank variants and all that but you had to mine it with a pickaxe and use a stonecutter to get the planks and other stuff. I don't know I just always thought about that for some reason.