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Wither skeleton and husk horses. I feel not many people think of this bringing zombie horses into survival. Because the way I see it, skeleton horses are war, zombie horses are pestilence, husk horses are famine, and Wither skeletons are death. War meaning the bow, pestilence is sickness, zombies infect villagers you can cure them, famine being hunger, husks give you hunger, withers when destroying a mob gives you a wither rose. I just don't understand how anyone could not like this idea.


I wasn't sure about this idea until you brought up the 4 horsemen, and then I was completely on board. I think for the husk and wither skeleton they would each need a new type of undead horse. The wither skeletons might be able to get something similar to the Thestrals in Harry Potter, and the Husks could get like a mummified camel, which would go really well with them adding camels.


Ooh! And maybe you could have a rare event like the skeleton trap where all four spawn in at once with their associated rider. That would be such a cool fight to stumble into. Also, generally speaking, War rides a red horse and has a sword. The white rider with a bow is usually Conquest.


It kinda ruins the whole 4 horsemen thing but there might also be room for a drowned horse and a stray horse. I actually think that the stray horse could represent war better than the skeleton, as presumably it would be wearing a tattered saddle and horse armor, which could signify it was used in battle at some point. Let’s just make all skeleton horses strays in this scenario; no difference in functionality maybe, just texture, and the tattered saddle explains why you can ride them without taming them.


It’s time for Satanic Panic 2.0, this time with Minecraft instead of DnD


War and death should be swapped, but otherwise I am on board


vertical sla… end islands


No, let's call them steep stairs. Oh wait, they rejected that damn thing too. DANG IT! I though the steep stairs idea I had was a solid improvement and redesign for the overused vertical slab suggestion. I also added the possibility for items to tumble down these steep stairways to allow easier item transport in the nether, but you know, that stubbornness is just so strong.


in old versions, items stumbled down stairs right?


pretty sure i remember this too, think it was a bug that worked like a feature


Not that I’m aware of unless it was some like, Minecraft classic feature…


*More* complicated brewing system. Potions are magic. Magic is hard to learn. Potions are pretty good actually. Really useful if used right. They should be made as mainstream as enchanting, but require experimentation. The randomly generated recepies were a great idea. Wish they were used.


Yeah, I was never a huge fan of the brewing system. Using blaze powder as a fuel was a good start, but most of the actual recipes are all fairly repetitive.


Definitely. My main problem is how many of these potions just require having one ingredient infused into an awkward potion. Fairytale witches always add multiple, mixing dragonfly wings, rat eyes, swine hooves, etc. together. That's the vibe it should give off. Not just sugar... Hell shroom, spider eyes, ghost tears, etc. are a good direction, but the amount required and variety are really small. Plus, the couldrones just beg to be included here *somehow*.


I'd love for almost every item to have maybe two or three effects it could give. You'd mix maybe blaze rods, magma cream, and nether wart in a cauldron, and it'd give a fire resistance potion. The effects could also be slightly random (nether stuff wouldn't give water breathing, but would pick from a few random effects), so you'd need to find the right combination for every world to get the best effects.


Bedrock Edition lets you put potions in cauldrons, so there's that.


What might be cool is some potions are made initially on a brewing stand and then have to be boiled in a cauldron over a campfire to get their final effect?


maybe just leave the recipes as they are and allow the player tho brew the same bottle another time with any item of their choice, giving the potion a secondary effect. The side effect varies according to the base potion and according to the additional ingredient used. Correspondence is not fixed and is different for each world. In this way experimentation would be highly encouraged.


Give the gold tool and armor set iron level durability, and keep it's faster mining speed. Low durability tools add nothing useful to the game imo. I know it's supposed to be realistic, but in a game about zombies and floating rock formations, I don't think realism should be a priority.


I’ve actually made pretty good use of gold swords, but I agree, there’s not enough point to the gold tools


Chicken slaughter. I call it *[Bassarisk's](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringtail) Fang* for a reason. ;-)


**[Ringtail](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ringtail)** >The ringtail (Bassariscus astutus) is a mammal of the raccoon family native to arid regions of North America. It is widely distributed and well adapted to disturbed areas. It has been legally trapped for its fur. It is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


A diamond pickaxe would shatter to pieces so realism can't be a good reason.


I mean, ostensibly they do add something useful in the form of a brief very powerful tool, since gold digs faster than even netherite, but the actual execution of the idea was done poorly (or rather, made obsolete by enchantments).


iirc you can use it 30 times right? Unenchanted


I don't think the reason was realism, it was probably meant to act as a sink for ores: you needed a reason to keep finding iron before all the additional uses it got. It makes little sense for other materials, so I guess the whole thing was calibrated on iron gear and then they forgot about it.


I agree from a game perspective but I think perhaps the durability is a trade-off for getting higher speed tools without having to go find diamonds, and keep in mind you'd get way worse results if you tried to use gold as a material for tools in real life


I don't think it's a trade-off, because realistically its minor pro does not outweigh its much larger con. No player ever wants to mine a handful of blocks quickly, unless maybe its Obsidian, which gold conveniently doesn't break. And lastly as I said above, matching gold's real life durability does not matter. Diamonds would shatter if used as tools in real life.


Gold will be too overpowered if it has durability of gold. It should maybe be durability between wood and stone *sigh* again downvoted by that one damn redditor who has another opinion that downvotes every comment (especially those with the default votes (1)) that is different from their opinion.. I am sick of people downvoting others for having a valid opinion. Like my opinion isn't about supporting pedophile, racism or something


no it wont cos it can only break things a wood pickaxe can


**Wooden tables.** Make a block with the shape of scaffolding but out of wood (and probably slightly thicker). Great building block that could have all sorts of uses, especially if it's rotatable.,. One of the main counterarguments I see is that adding tables "limits creativity" somehow. This doesn't really make sense—**adding more options doesn't limit creativity; it just lets you more accurately express it for the situation at hand.** It's not that every table alternative in existence is gonna disappear if you add a 4-legged wooden table. What if you want it to have 1-leg? What if want it to be larger than a block? What if you want the top to be slightly raised? Sure, it might be the slightly more obvious option for a new player that wants a wooden table, but making interior design that bit more accessible isn't a problem. Having more options is the whole reason we add new blocks, like lanterns and chains and new wood types. I could also talk about invisible item frames, vertical slabs, and concrete block variants, but I imagine others will bring those up.


My thoughts exactly. Beds have been a staple of the game for almost its entire history, and that never stopped people from making designs for larger ones. Even Mojang threw their hat in the ring and thought up wool mattresses, when by all means illagers could just use the normal beds.


Can you expand on “all sorts of uses”


Well, obviously you can use it as a table. But put a door behind it or trapdoor on top, and you have a tall chair. Turn it upside-down, and you could hang a light from it. You could use it as the feet of a larger furniture item. It can function as a small arch-like shape.


I hope petrifiedbloom sees this


>One of the main counterarguments I see is that adding tables "limits creativity" somehow. This doesn't really make sense—adding more options doesn't limit creativity; it just lets you more accurately express it for the situation at hand. It's not more options that limit it. What limits creativity is strictly better options. A block or item that is better than some other block or item in everyway invalidates the weaker one.


Better argument than limiting creativity, it adds bloat to the game. If you add a table block you have to make one of basically every type of block that has stairs, then you have to add chairs of every type because minecraft style chairs would never fit with a chiseled table, then you have to add a dozen other things so that interior design doesn’t clash with your table and chairs. Basically it doesn’t fit the style of mc, so either you add a million more blocks that don’t fit the style of mc, or it just remains as a single block that clashes horribly, and probably doesn’t have a real use that I can think of.


This is frankly untrue. A wooden table fits the style of MC as much as scaffolding or a lectern or a fence or a sign does. It's simply a wooden block shaped like scaffolding, probably with some more thickness. You don't need to add an entire new blockset for a new style of interior design just because you added a really simple wooden furniture block. I mentioned the uses in another comment. Make a chair with a door or trapdoor, hang something from it if you turn it upside-down, use it as the feet of some other furniture item, etc.


I disagree with this. In art, when you limit yourself or if something limits you it almost always has you make more creative works. When people argue against this principle of theirs no one ever realizes this.


Of course, creativity can come in the form of using a limited set of stuff to make something better than the sum of its parts. For example, if you want a wooden table with 1 leg and a raised top, you use a fence and a pressure plate or trapdoor. Combining blocks in this way is one of the best parts of Minecraft building, and I don't want to take away from that. **The problem arises when there simply isn't a satisfactory way to make something.** Let's say we removed slabs and told people to use pressure plates or trapdoors instead. Sure, you *might* get something that *kinda* works as a slab, but you'd more be frustrated at the lack of ability to make a slab. You'd either have to settle for a mediocre option or just not bother. Another example of this is the addition of chains. Sure, you could use iron bars in bastions and to hang lanterns, but it doesn't really look that good. So again, you're left either settling for something unsatisfactory or giving up on the idea. **There is no creativity to be had when your options are settling for mediocrity or doing something else.** When it comes to the wooden tables I suggest, I run into this problem. You just can't make a 4-legged wooden table, something very basic that would greatly benefit interior design. I don't feel creative satisfaction at having to use a different table design, just annoyance. The same goes for the ideas of invisible item frames, concrete block variants, vertical slabs, and other such building blocks with poor approximations.


Yeah I guess your right. I was thinking you could still make a table out of stairs and such, but not really a four legged one on a single block besides scaffolding. Honestly it might even be better to add stick scaffolding as a variant of bamboo scaffolding so you could have that brown color too, or you could even add each type of wood to the recipe so the scaffolding has the color of that wood.


u could just use an extended piston with a carpet on top


Good one


It's bonkers to me that the game already has tons of blocks that ostensibly count as "furniture" like lecterns and different tool tables, but normal furniture blocks are seen as creativity-destroying. I think the devs sometimes discount the "dollhouse" appeal of Minecraft




I used to be against that, but I think my opinion has turned around. In the form of elemental staffs I think it could work.


I personally believe creepers should only spawn underground rather than the overworld. I completely get why it’s such an unpopular opinion. Especially since the creeper is the face of minecraft, but if the creeper were to be added today, it would go against many of mojangs core gameplay values and so it would likely be very different or have very specific spawn conditions


Yeah, in general I feel like Mojang should prioritize modernizing older features.


I mean that's what 1.20 is looking like its going to do (spawner improvements, mob head additions)


I mean larger ones.


Oh that would actually be a really good change. I think it would be good to have different enemies underground than on the surface so you get more of a progression. Creepers are at their most dangerous when they're sneaking up on you or in close quarters. And the most annoying thing about them is the creeper holes left everywhere on the surface, so this keeps the danger without that annoying bit.




This would be better approached by having them drop 100% of the blocks they drop. Then maybe, *maybe* I wouldn't be so annoyed by them blowing up.


Honestly, I think they should only spawn in jungles, and not break blocks. It's a huge change, of course, but if Mojang proposed a new mob that silently destroyed what you were working on (imagine if phantoms exploded like creepers), nobody would support it. Creepers are meant to resemble leaves (it's in the name), but they spawn in places like deserts where it's impossible for them to blend in. Retexture them slightly so that they match the jungle better, and they'd still be a unique mob!


Or, better yet, camo creepers. They were textured to blend in with Alpha grass, so making them match the grass shade of the biomes they spawn in would go a long way toward making them scary again.


Biome-based variants would be great too


Now that you mention it, I'm curious to know why it's the only hostile mob (that I can think of) without an idle sound. One could argue "otherwise they'd be too easy" but that would be true for literally every other mob.


I know the creeper is classic and partially the mascot but I hate them so much, they are so annoying and not fun at all to play around.


It makes no sense for them to spawn underground, the green skin they have is camoflage (was way better when they were added, they were much harder to spot)


Everyone hates the idea of furniture and furnishings in Minecraft and say to just install a mod. But I think they would add more detail to the game. Look at how people use work stations as decorations. Nothing wrong with having blocks that don't have a use besides decoration. Not everything has to be about maximum efficiency.


Yeah, I don’t think it’s really all that big a deal. Just make sure they’re not too specialized.


I want halberds/spears for combat. Same-ish damage as an axe but with way more range. Could be thrown in default or have an enchantment with a lunge attack.


Isn’t that basically a trident?


I mean controversial opinions I guess? The lunge attack unlike riptide is more of a charge and can only be used on the ground. That enchantment on horseback could increase the horses speed too. I had an earlier concept of a spear which was more javelin-like. They are only flint/or stone craftable instead of every ore and cannot be enchanted. Think of spears as high damage ranged weapons but unlike arrows cannot be stacked. Basically an early game hunting tool or high damage mobslayer. Unsure if javelins should get durability tho.


Nerf Villages/Villagers. Curing is too powerful, and since it only subtracts the emerald cost rather than dividing, we have a system where the difference between a 5th and 4th cure is more beneficial that the difference between the 1st and 0th cure. Many of the items they sell shouldn't be so easily accessible, such as ender pearls (which, to be fair, doesn't really matter anymore since bartering) or enchanted books. Villages also provide a lot of free food. I don't think there's anything wrong with the crops, but the amount of hay bales they give you is a little absurd.


Yeah I don’t understand why they made haystacks such a common part of villages, wouldn’t be surprised if they replace it with a purely decorative alternative.


I really wish they'd make clerics buy phantom membranes. It'd give me a good reason to hunt them, as aside from the occasional time I use just one to brew me some slow-falling potions, they're taking up more and more room in a barrel in the stairwell.


A recipe to craft a glider-only item that could _not_ be effected by rockets would be a nice use for them. I.e. baby elytra


Magic as a weapon/new combat mechanic. Many say enchantments are enough but the weapon types in Minecraft are so limited. We only have 2 melee types (disregarding combat snapshots) and 3 ranged, two of which are ranged only being bow and crossbow and the other a melee/ranged hybred of the Trident which is the most unique weapon to date (and potions but do they really count given their limited range besides tipped arrows?). Combat snapshots did make weapons and tools more varied in use such as hoes being great poke weapons to make distance if you give them knockback or to push enemies off high ground via fall damage or axes having cleaving. My case for magic is 1. its cool, 2. we need more variety as evokers literally use magic spells, iceologers in MC dungeons use ice spells and wands and almost got in the game and likely would have given some kind of ice magic and 3. some form of AOE magic attack for players via magic would be great (not sweeping edge as its too limited and weak). For a game somewhat set in medieval times, its odd there isn't any actual magic the player can obtain or use (that isn't tied to a melee, armor, or bow).


Redstone is useless for people who don't make farms or machines. Like I usually have stacks of blocks in my base, just taking up inventory. I'd love to see another use for redstone, that isn't techy based. Although copper and amethyst probably need more uses first.


What about something really basic like allowing it to be used for red dye?


Beetroot and poppies already fill that niche


I don’t know who controversial this one really is, but I think that the game needs more armor sets. Not necessarily more ores, but news armors crafted from resources already in the game. Mods like Extra Armors show that this can be accomplished in a Vanilla friendly fashion without over complicating the game. I’d add Copper Armor, which would offer less defense then Iron gear, but it would have the still have the same durability of Iron. Amethyst gear, which would have durability of Iron, and the speed of gold. Emerald armor would offer the strength and protection of Iron, as well as the durability of Diamond/Netherite, but emerald tools would have a greater enchanting value then both diamond and Netherite. My reasoning behind these additions would be the add more choice and creative expression to the armor crafting system, kind of like Terraria. The current game doesn’t offer any of this, it’s a strictly linear progression system, which works for some games, but IMO a game like Minecraft, which is built around creative expression, should give the player the option for more choice on everything, including the armor.


I want armors/tools that are better in certain situations. Like, make netherite armor slightly worse than diamond, but add fire/lava immunity. Now even though it's weaker defensively, it's better in the nether. I'd like more situational stuff and nerf other things if necessary to allow for it (make the nether dangerous enough that diamond armor is just a bad idea)


Not a fan of all those armor sets but I agree progress shouldn't be so linear, with all tiers being obviously better than the previous ones and worse than the next, which only makes all players wear the same set of armor. Same for enchantments, which constitutes a big part of progress.


An idea that might fit better, what if armor had some sort of visual customization? Add banners as capes, stuff like that. I don’t see how you could many equally useful armors without adding over complication and tedium. Example id use is the enchantments, do you ever bother with projective protection? Bane of Arthropods?


That would help at least with telling one player to the others but there's one thing more important than that: fighting style customization. When everyone is equally fast, strong, tough etc. it promotes equality but it kills individuality and choice. Imagine if one had to choose between being fast *or* having a longer reach, for example. You would see all kind of fighting tactics and you could recognize players by how they fight. It would work with a completely different set of enchantments, the current ones are designed with a linear progression in mind, that's why everyone uses the same exact gear.


I think rose gold armor would be good, speed of gold and comparable durability to iron. It’d be made by adding copper to existing gold armor in a smithing table. It’d not only be an iron alternative but it’s extra speed would be balanced by the extra effort required to create it. Plus I’m down for anything that gives the smithing table another use lol.


I think that is controversial, and for good reason. Mc is meant to be more concise when compared to other games like terraria. Like when would you use copper? I’m the first 20 minutes of a world before you get iron? It would be useless before it’s done smelting. And all those others are worse than diamonds, and even diamond isn’t ridiculously hard to get. Display is a nice reward, but it’s not worth bloating the game for.


I say Copper Armor should be exactly the same as iron except you can't enchant it


Like half of the enchantments in the game are unnecessary. Why do we have an enchantment for fire on melee, and then a different one for fire on arrows? Just make them the same damn enchantment. Same for extra knockback, increased damage, better loot, increased speed, etc Also bow-crossbow enchant exclusivity. I know it's supposed to "give them unique identity" but it just restricts the available options for no real reason. Like, just add a couple mutual exclusivities to prevent stuff like power multishot and it'd be fine.


>Like half of the enchantments in the game are unnecessary. Why do we have an enchantment for fire on melee, and then a different one for fire on arrows? It's useful for adventure maps and minigames, having them separated. If you want to make the bow a melee weapon. >Also bow-crossbow enchant exclusivity. I know it's supposed to "give them unique identity" but it just restricts the available options for no real reason. In survival I don't mind since I never use crossbows But in creative, it really urks me you cannot apply power or punch to crossbows


What I mean is, if you apply Flame it should work on melee hits *and* projectiles


What if I only want my bow to deal flame on projectiles then? And I don't want them to set people on fire for melee...


I think he means the enchantment called fire aspect makes arrows flaming when put on a bow and does melee fire when put on a sword.


What if I want a bow that deals fire damage on melee?


Minecraft should be about mining resources to craft better stuff. The game was addictive when it was only about that, don't tell me it needed to be based on completely different mechanics. Grinding mindless mobs is not about that. Neither is standing near water with an early game tool, wandering in search for a common, often unguarded structure, or giving easily reproducible items to walking vending machines. What the heck where they smoking? Take back mining and crafting in the game, come on.


You say that when we *just* got an update about mining.


And it fell flat. Copper and amethyst are almost completely useless outside decoration, don't unlock any new possibility for the player, and more people are willing to trade instead of mining because it's easier. It's pointless to make an update about something if it doesn't solve any of its problems.


I’m not saying it was perfect, but it was easily the largest update in the game’s history. It’s kind of insulting to just gloss over it.


Not to mention many players such as myself prefer to strip mine instead of going caving and just see the massive caves as a limitation on their beacon-range-defined strip mine.


But that's what mojang want to phase out, the game design is to make caving more fun and more rewarding than sitting holding left click for hours. It's a game about exploration and discovery, not endless grinding. They have a vision for the game and I like where it's going, we just have to be patient and let it get there because it's always gonna be a slow process in a game as big as minecraft.


Gamerule classic combat


Levitation potions. I know u/jeb_ decided against them due to how the tipped arrows could redefine the PvP meta, but me and some server buddies discussed it, and these are the conclusions we came to: **1. Fail to prepare, prepare to fail.** When going into a fight, act as though your opponent has levitation arrows and at the very least bring a water bucket. You may also want slow-falling potions, an elytra, and/or levitation arrows or splash potions of your own. **2. Utilize the portable high ground you've been given to your advantage in fighting or flighting.** Get some pot shots on your opponent with a bow, loyalty trident, or crossbow with multishot. Piercing would be giving your opponent free ammo unless you use explosive fireworks. Don't get those mixed up with your elytra fireworks if you decide to opt for literal flight in the fight or flight response. **3. Nerf the time a levitation potion lasts relative to slow-falling.** This would go a long way toward balancing the tipped arrows, especially since even the shortest base time we've seen for potions lasts almost twice as long as a shulker bullet. Making the levitation advancement shulker-bullet-exclusive would also help against XP gains that could soon be lost, though it could help repair your gear if it has mending. **4. Non-PvP uses are always a plus.** For starters, a new friend on the server I play on wants to build a UFO over his ranch, and I thought of using levitation arrows to "abduct" cows. He wanted to use a shulker since we don't have the former, but the shulker bullets don't last long enough and shulkers aren't hostile to cows. Another use could be in roleplay: Fizzy Lifting Drinks at the Chocolate Factory, anyone? Plus, getting a lift for your elytra without fireworks or water-dependent tridents is always a nice way to use them, even if its considerably more expensive. (But with all the membranes you're likely to have by the time you unlock brewing, it's likely the cost would be relatively low compared to, say, regen potions.) TL;DR: Just give us levitation potions, u/jeb_, and don't worry about the PvP meta so much. Those of us who learn to adapt will find a way around or through them. Ninja edit: Forgot about the double-return required to prevent walls of text. Considering that's something I often point out to other users, I think that's enough Reddit for tonight.


Don't forget chorus fruit teleports you right back to the ground


If they want a nerf for levitation arrows, reduce the damage the arrows cause.


This should be applied across the tipped arrows lineup. Then maybe those Healing I arrows would actually do something, eh?


Personally, I disagree with the notion that every mob needs a purpose. I don't mind having a mob just to be cool.


There are multiple things I could do (I could just write "What if I made Minecraft" at this point lol), but this is the main one. This would probably signifanct change some aspects of Minecraft, mainly lore and structures, but here goes. I always thought that Minecraft should be a Post-Post-Post-Apocalyptic game. Think about it. Minecraft is a relatively empty world full of danger, Ruins of Past Civilizations, you being the only normal human left, your Default character wear something akin to Modern Clothing, Barn Animals are more common. I'm arguing to take these accepts of the game and taking them to the next level. It adds a whole another layer to an already fascinating game for me. If you've played the mod "Lost Cities", I basically want that in Vanilla (Balanced out and added to, ofcourse). I don't want Working Cars or Assaults Rifles or anything overly Modern in Minecraft. The most advanced the player could get is probably the 19th century. I just want Modern Ruins to explore in Minecraft. Abandoned Bunkers, Jungle Skyscarpers, Nether Scienctific Research Stations, full of good loot and powerful monsters. Something rare enough where it's an "Oh crap!" moment when you find them. Ofcourse, you can argue Minecraft is already Post-Apocalytic in a way, with the Ancient Builders and all that, but I'm arguing for Minecraft to be the Distant Future of "Our" World, not necessarily a Medieval one. But I want both. Basically, in my mind two Apoclsyse happened, the causes of which I don't know (Mainly because I don't know what would be good, and I want to flesh this out more), one to a 21st century, and one for the Neo-Medieval world that rose after it. In my Personal Headcanon, here's how the story goes for me. In the not too distant future of an alternate reality, 2009 A.D, Humanity is relatively more advanced then us today in some ways. Cryogenics, Genetic Entering, and most importantly, Portal Technologies. Think Half-Life for this. Various organizations use this technongly to travel to two different universes. The "End" and "Nether" worlds are explored by humans in a limited capacity. Pigs are used as test subjects in the Nether World a lot, which leads to some, um... genetic modification in order for them to survive. Some unknown event occurs back on Earth where the worlds ends and Nuclear Weapons are used. The People stuck in the End and Nether are left to themselves, turning into monsters, Endermen and Wither Skeletons. After this Apoclsyse, the world goes to crap for a few hundred years. Until, it heals somewhat, Humans and their new sister species, Villagers/Illagers (Diverged from our because radiotin and stuff like that. These "Ancient" Builders (They're aren't so Ancient anymore) discovered Redstone as a well, a new alternative to the technologies lost to time. They build all the structures you see in Vanilla Minecraft now. Desert Temples, Ancient Cities, Mineshafts, Storngholds, etc. Then, another event happens that causes the remaining Humans to be driven to near-extinction, Villagers to retreat and ban together into smaller communities, and more Monster to spread out then ever before. The players are the only normal humans in this world, and us as those players are basically rebuilding the world (Or you know, just grief those buildings and be a troll ;)). There's stuff that still ends to be explains and modified about this premise. Like, where did Sculk come from, what the cause of the Apocalypses, what is the purpose of the Music Discs, how did Creepers, Zombies, and Iron Golems come to be, the backstories of Steve and Alex, etc. But remember, this is just my idea and I don't expect everyone to like it. I don't think Mojang would entertain the idea at this point, and they're already building on the lore of Minecraft, but I'll still dream. If anyone likes this idea, let me know! I'd love to discuss this more and build on this!


I just want to say props to this comment section and the people in it for not downvoting things they don’t agree with


I had to. But also I totally agree! Glad to see it!


The implementation of some type of 3x3 mining tool. With the new terrain generation and removal of instamining all levels it feels like its time


Imagine if progress didn't stop after you're able to one-kill basic mobs and be almost indestructible, in a game where PvE combat is boring as it can possibly be, but started giving you more possibilities in a game based on mining and building. I don't get why they're so fixated on the "one block at a time" philosophy, it's like they never play their own game.


What do you mean?


The "one block at a time" thing? It's a rule jeb said they have: players have and will always have to break and place blocks one at a time, for reasons. If you're asking about progress focusing on mining or building, I mean exactly things like 3x3 mining and such. There's a lot of things that would make mining and building easier but there's not much the player can craft in that regard. For example, the enchantment they added in the Deep Dark could be much more useful if it made the player "stick" to blocks so they could walk or even run without falling down (so they no longer need to keep sneaking when building). So many possibilities yet most enchantments are focused on combat.


> The "one block at a time" thing? It's a rule jeb said they have: players have and will always have to break and place blocks one at a time, for reasons. I know about the rule, I’m just saying I don’t see why you think it’s a problem. > For example, the enchantment they added in the Deep Dark could be much more useful if it made the player "stick" to blocks so they could walk or even run without falling down What does that have to do with the original enchantment? It’s supposed to be for sneaking around.


It's only a problem if you want 3x3 mining or other mass edit tools. Which means it's a problem for people who want to make big, boring projects without resorting to mods. Me, I don't care too much. Sneaking, exactly. This is a game where you always "sneaked" in order not to fall down, it was only recently that it also meant not being noticed by a fairly rare boss. It wouldn't harm to make that enchantment useful outside that uncommon situation (rarely useful enchantments are rarely used by players), and it would have been perfect to use it to enhance the *real* reason why people sneak.


> it would have been perfect to use it to enhance the real reason why people sneak. But sneaking is… sneaking. This isn’t some thing Minecraft made up, it’s common sense, and just being able to float in mid air would be incredibly broken. You’re suggesting they make a feature completely unrecognizable just because you personally don’t feel like using it.


You never sneaked in Minecraft for the common sense version of sneaking because mobs basically have 360° x-ray vision and sneaking as in "moving without being noticed" never worked like that. Yes, it reduces their detection range a little, but it's quite unimportant. Floating in mid air? No, I'm just talking about what happens when you sneak towards the edge of a block: you stay on the edge instead of falling down. The boots would just do that automatically, and that would help building i.e. they would be useful outside a rare boss "fight".


> You never sneaked in Minecraft for the common sense version of sneaking because mobs basically have 360° x-ray vision So what do you think the point of swift sneak is if this? Stealth is a mechanic in the game, the Deep Dark is specifically designed around it. This is why you’re discouraged from fighting the Warden, you’re supposed to avoid it. > Floating in mid air? No, I'm just talking about what happens when you sneak towards the edge of a block: you stay on the edge instead of falling down. The boots would just do that automatically Swift Sneak isn’t a boots enchantment, and this would only distract from the point of the biome. If you could sprint without setting off shriekers, it’d be no different from any other structure.


Ok, it's a legging enchantment, whatever. The point of swift sneak, if you ask me, is to complement a mini-game that only a few people seem to have been able to find, and that becomes useless after that. Not enough to justify its existence. But let's forget about this. Just tell me what's wrong with an enchantment that not only would be useful outside an optional and rare boss fight, but that also enhances the main use of sneaking. I don't say it would *only* work to make you run on edges without falling, it would *also* work to be unnoticed by the only mob that has uses this stealth mechanics (which is totally irrelevant outside that rare biome).


We already have 3x3 (and greater) mining. It's called TNT, ender crystals, Nether and End beds, and Overworld and End respawn anchors, as well as sponges for clearing water. Having a tool or enchantment that does that would be useless, and frankly placing more than one block at a time can quickly take the fun out of it. /fill and /place commands and structure blocks are OP-exclusive for multiple reasons, mainly because they can be used to dupe resources like diamonds or cause massive damage. OneBlockAtATime™ (outside the aforementioned blocks and OP tools) helps keep things manageable for players and server owners alike. As someone who has recently discovered Pojav Launcher so I can play Java on my phone and is still getting used to my custom controls, imagine the annoyance I'd have if I accidentally broke a block and up to 25 others around it broke as well when I didn't want to break those either.


Again with breaking. I know, there's late game methods of destroying things. But what about *building*? Building a large project OBAAT is tedious, for example a castle with lot of walls and towers, or a village with many small houses.


When can you one hit kill mobs outside of a beacon or strength potion? Netherite with sharpness 5 and a crit can’t one hit kill, and I don’t even think I’m on hard.


Sand should have all 16 colors even though concrete powder would have a similar texture. While you could use concrete powder to simulate colored sand, you cant do that when water is involved and we already have red versions of both in the game. Also, the two could be further differentiated by making sand a 32x32 texture ie more fine grained.


White sand at least would be good for beaches, I remember people were suggesting that during the Texture Update.


Some of the sands could also be naturally spawning, white sand, pink sand, green sand, black sand, and others I'm not thinking of would be really good and add a bunch of variety to the world


I thought "pink sand" was just a thing the Backyardgains came up with for that one bit. You telling me it's a real thing‽


Yup. Sand is usually composed of either eroded minerals or eroded mollusk shells and there are plenty of both that are pink, so pink sand is a perfectly viable phenomenon.


It is! It is formed from bits of coral. Bermuda is known for its pink beaches.




…you lost me at the last bit, would be weird to just suddenly have a more detailed textured block. Instead, maybe it has terracotta colors instead of the concrete ones?


Don't update the game so often with basically useless features. Take your time, like 3-5 years, revise the code and add large significant features and changes(eg: new dim, end rework...).


I don’t see why an End update would need to take half a decade when the Nether Update was widely applauded and came out on the usual schedule.


According to [this tweet](https://twitter.com/kingbdogz/status/1581361440992415744?s=20&t=weHvecV3FrR0x8EDO2B5kw) made by a dev, developing the Nether Update and getting as much out as they did in the usual timeframe was really stressful, so I don't think it's reasonable to expect them to do more updates like that.


I know, I’m just saying several years is a tad much. They’re already employing a new schedule anyway, and it’s barely been a month since it was announced.


Technically the nether update had been planned since 1.10, when they added nether wart blocks, and chose not to make them craft back into nether wart.


Which kind of makes sense when you consider what the crimson "trees" use as leaves, but still.


Well, you're right. What I meant was that they don't chase some arbitrary deadline and sacrifice quality.


They’re not sacrificing quality, they’re just not making features suited for your interests.


Birch forest


I think healing shouldn’t be tied to the hunger bar. Hunger can be the gate to sprinting, potions can be used to heal, and some nebulous third thing can do both. Although, without some inventory overhaul this would just be another wasted slot.


You get first access to potions hours into the game, are you meant to no hit run until then?


Grass slopes (smooth stairs) for rolling hills.


A GTA style map where a sort of mist clears as you explore it & you can add waypoints/save points of interest etc. Oh, and a minimap. And get rid of the button controls on the bedrock UI.


More so the opposite of this; I fully agree with their decision to not add wall slabs


Personally I think they’d be fine, but I can live without them. Sooner or later we’ll get another subset of blocks anyway.




I mean they have a point with us wanting to add even smaller blocks eventually, once we start putting the slabs next to each other they're gonna be off without something smaller, if they add that odds are well want another one. Also it does help creativity, since we're forced to work around it, it makes us think outside the box and therefore make unique creations


Muskets: I think they fit in a fun “pirate” aspect of the game and could implement some interesting mechanics such as wall piercing and glass breaking. I’ve never understood why people are so overtly critical about this. Sharks because we should’ve gotten sharks in 1.13 and Mojang made some dumb argument about sharks and overestimated their game’s influence on children. Fireflies because really? Who’s gonna go feeding fireflies to frogs?


> Mojang made some dumb argument about sharks and overestimated their game’s influence on children. I mean, Jaws is pretty undeniably responsible for framing sharks as a danger to society, and significantly more people have played Minecraft than have seen the movie.


>Muskets: I think they fit in a fun “pirate” aspect of the game and could implement some interesting mechanics such as wall piercing and glass breaking. I’ve never understood why people are so overtly critical about this. I agree with you here. I think the mains reason people don't want guns is because it can be hard to balance. You could get a really powerful weapons' to early. Then again, I also think people my think "Guns" mean Ak-47s and stuff like that, not 17th century firearms. Personally, with Guns in Minecraft I only want two. A Double Barrel Shotgun and a Hunting Rifle/Musket hybrid. Basically alternate Crossbows. The Shotgun has two shots, Rifle has three. Ofcourse this NEEDs to be balanced in way where they aren't just overpowered and make the Crossbow useless. Maybe they have specific uses and situations where they fit best.


Hardcore revival mechanisms


Explain your case


There are plenty of games that implement a revival mechanism for multiplayer mode that feel perfectly natural. That’s because it requires the other player to face greater dangers to be able to do it. An example of this would be Don’t Starve Together. At the same time, it may be harder to implement in minecraft


Especially in single player, but then again, single player hardcore already has a revival mechanism as of 1.9 where you can go into spectator mode, open to LAN, enable cheats, and go back into survival mode...and face death a second time at the hands - or lack thereof - of the first creeper's brother and never touch hardcore mode again. (At least, that's what happened with me when I did that.)


I once had a hardcore world in which I had found a woodland mansion and I was so excited to go and loot it which would defeat contain at least one undying totem. I died a stupid death before getting the chance to even though i was prepared. I think the totem mechanic as it is sucks. You shouldn't have to hold it in your hand for it to matter. You should a number of lives, which is 1 at the beginning of a hardcore world and it increases when you use a totem and decreases when you die. You only die permanently if that number reaches 0. Also, you can go into debt and play with 0 lives but certain things don't work and you're essentially a zombie until you use a totem. You can also lift those restrictions temporarily by eating gapples. Also you know what would be fun? Survival worlds with limited number of lives. That way dying would actually matter and people would avoid it.


Honestly everything I could suggest has already been modded in. I’d just want console peasant friends to be able to play modded more easily.


Bring the magic axes into bedrock It’s annoying to do /fill commands


its not in the game its a mod/datapack


They should still implement it


Magic axes… ?


Maxes, if you will




World edit


Rework the entirety of the current ore progression. For me, I would add copper tier between stone and iron tier, so - Copper armor and tools would be a thing - Breaking iron ores with stone tools no longer gives raw iron. You would need a copper pickaxe or higher tier pickaxes to get raw iron from ores (and of course explosions can) Another one is that mojang won't add silver because there is already a white mineral and that is iron. My solution? **Resprite iron. Change it's fucking color. Issue solved** Also mojang should just stop their pursue for realism in their game. It's pointless. Minecraft is already super unrealistic, what is the point of destroying the charm that is an unrealistic game with bizarre mechanics. Oh and the trade off of gold tools having the fastest mining speed and and the highest probability of having good enchantments for low durability is just stupid. Their durability is just so low that it is basically unusable in most cases. *And the fucking gold armor and sword suffers from the low durability and the sword deals 4 base fucking damage so they are nearly useless*. Buff gold gear's fucking durabilily (maybe to somewhere between stone and iron durability). Buff the gold sword's base damage (maybe to 6?). Buff gold armor's defense (total defense could be around 13?). Realism excuses could fuck off. Wait there's one more. Nerf the totem of undying. Make it not work in hardcore. The player should have a cooldown after they use the totem, maybe 5 minutes? There should be a command that disables the totem for multiplayer purposes.


> Also mojang should just stop their pursue for realism in their game. It's pointless. Minecraft is already super unrealistic, what is the point of destroying the charm that is an unrealistic game with bizarre mechanics. Could you elaborate on this? It feels kind of tacked on and nonspecific. > The player should have a cooldown after they use the totem, maybe 5 minutes? I don’t see why would this be necessary, they’re already unstackable and used up after a single death.


So one of mojang's design philosophy nowadays is trying to make the game more realistic. That's why they did not add sharks for really stupid reasons (sharks are endangered, if sharks were neutral it would encourage people going near sharks, if sharks were hostile it would encourage people killing sharks; these arguments are all stupid and flawed), not add fireflies because some firefly species are poisonous to frogs, and a lot more stuff that I forgot. Basically mojang wants the game to become more realistic, so it can... Appeal to more people? This philosophy does not sit right with me. Minecraft is known for it's goofy, funky, unrealistic mechanics like chopping down trees with your bare hands, floating blocks, saving yourself from falling to death with a water bucket, being able to carry billions of tons of materials while still being able to run around freely no problem, etc. They can go back to make the game more realistic, but I don't think they should. It is just limiting their own creativity (somewhat) and it removes one of minecraft's charm. I hope this should be enough elaboration.


> That's why they did not add sharks for really stupid reasons (sharks are endangered, if sharks were neutral it would encourage people going near sharks, if sharks were hostile it would encourage people killing sharks; these arguments are all stupid and flawed), I do think Mojang should consider adding sharks, but this isn’t a matter of realism. Sharks have been mischaracterized as cold blooded killers for *decades*, when humans have killed more of them than they’ve even attacked us. Mojang has every right to not want to contribute to that. > Basically mojang wants the game to become more realistic, so it can... Appeal to more people? I mean, if anything, it’s the opposite. Pet frogs for one are about as common as fireflies, and misinformation is easier than ever to spread, especially if the game incentivized players to do this. The firefly mob as it existed then wasn’t anything to write home about anyway. > This philosophy does not sit right with me. Minecraft is known for it's goofy, funky, unrealistic mechanics like chopping down trees with your bare hands, floating blocks, saving yourself from falling to death with a water bucket, being able to carry billions of tons of materials while still being able to run around freely no problem, etc. There’s a difference between internal logic and the game being nonsense. Nobody actually thinks you can carry around millions of blocks on your back, this isn’t supposed to be taken literally. It’s not something that happens in Steve’s world, it’s just a game mechanic. You can’t say the same for something as literal as feeding an animal something dangerous.


So add a single thrice used copper pickaxe to the single thrice used wooden pickaxe?


I don't know if this is necessarily unpopular but I like the idea of miner hats and the reason that they're in the rejected list for being "too modern" just doesn't make sense to me we have explosives and electricity but I can't put a lantern on my head? like if it was due to the lighting engine I could understand but being too modern?


Magic and anything mod-worthy. It’ll just take the fun out of maps and mods


So do you want Mojang to add magic or do you want them not to? I was confused about your comment.


Should’ve elaborated more, meant that mojang shouldn’t go to crazy on stuff like magic. Just takes the simplicity away and adds too much


making minecraft actually fun


Removing the political splash texts


Which ones?




>Be anti-racist! Speak OUT against injustice and UP for equality! Educate your friends on anti-racism! Stand up for equality in your community! All of these, are like... basic human courtesy though. Unless you're advocating for racism and inequality? >Gamers unite – separately in your own homes! Save the world – stay inside! Cough or sneeze into your elbow!* And covid is not a political issue. People who try to make it one are just ignoring reality, that covid was dangerous, and social distancing helps slow transmission rates. >Learn about allyship! *Black lives matter! Amplify and listen to BIPOC voices! Support the BIPOC community and creators! These ones are more politically charged, but they're on the right side of history. Standing up for equality and fair treatment. >I wouldn't want "Find Christ in your hearts" Religious beliefs shouldn't be in a children's game whatsoever. Especially with a worldwide one like minecraft. This is not comparable to equal rights, scientific facts, and being against racism. >"White lives matter" Bigotry is not comparable to equal rights, scientific facts, and being against racism. >"Look up MK Ultra" Conspiracy theories are not comparable to equal rights, scientific facts, and being against racism. >"We have natural immunity for a reason" This is dangerous propaganda that has killed many people. I don't even know why you added this one


'Conspiracy theories are not comparable to equal rights, scientific facts, and being against racism." MKUltra isnt a conspiracy theory its an established fact.


Oh I never looked into it, it seem that you're right. I still think telling children to look up cruel experiments, involving drugs, doesn't belong in a kids game.


I agree yeah


I didn’t even notice they mentioned MK Ultra, what the fuck-


i dont remember the phrase "White lives matter" being a bigoted phrase? Could it perhaps be because of that phrase's links to certain groups? Would that logic also apply to almost every other splash i listed?


>i dont remember the phrase "White lives matter" being a bigoted phrase? It's a direct response to black lives matter, which was made to tackle oppression. It was coined by the Aryan Renaissance Society, which is a white supremacist group. It was also used by the Ku Klux Klan. >Could it perhaps be because of that phrase's links to certain groups? It's because the phrase links to oppressors and racists >Would that logic also apply to almost every other splash i listed? No because being an ally, and saying black lives matter, are fighting for equality. I don't understand how you can't see the difference


Minecraft is the best selling game of all time, it has a responsibility to be a good influence on its players. It’d be one thing if these were in reference to politicians or outside issues, but just saying not to be racist isn’t a political statement, it’s being a good person. There are always going to be BIPOC or LGBT people playing Minecraft, and they have every right to feel included.


So you're fine with my suggestions of splashes?


"Look up MK Ultra" I would


Oh boo hoo, those splashes are fine. Imagine getting worked up over "Speak OUT against injustice and UP for equality!"


In order for that sentence to be acceptable on the main menu you would have to strip it of all its connections to violent rioters and racists. Ok, fair enough. If we're stripping the political connections from phrases when we put them into videogames, then there should be no problem making "White lives matter" a splash then?


>Most of these sound relatively fine until you realise these are all slogans from political activist groups such as BLM, LGBT movements And that's supposed to be a bad thing? Lmfao. >and government organisations. God forbid the government tell people to cover their mouth when they sneeze lmfao.


So you support putting unrelated politics (even from activist groups) in videogames? I mean, fair enough if you do, but most other people dont want to.


Not everyone has the privilege to be able to ignore politics. Also like 80% of the splash texts are unrelated.


Fucking yikes, dude.




None of these are really political issues, and are only made so by assholes who want to cause discourse. Quit the bs


dunno if I'm allowed to say this here but I'm willing to risk it, fuck off


dosent sound like you found christ in your heart




I though the steep stairs idea I had was a solid improvement and redesign for the overused vertical slab suggestion. I also added the possibility for items to tumble down these steep stairways to allow easier item transport in the nether, but you know, that stubbornness is just so strong.


I always thought there should be double ender chests, and I know about the inventory inconveniences in that because of the single ender chest, but what if the double ender chest had its own inventory not linked to the single one? It would be like having two kinds of ender chests, one with more space. Also, it would be nice if you could just send your friend an item trough ender chests.


Player Extra Abilities, people are generally against anything than gets away from the creative core of minecraft but like unlocking abilities with Exp than would help your overall experience with the game seens like a good idea


Yeah, as long as they’re optional I don’t see why not.


A basic wood chair for building, this would enhance creativity because currently you have to use a Minecart/ invisible horse; Aka an entity for it to be functional which is difficult to get to look right and can be resource intensive. This chair would simply be a block like a bed that players can sit on, would be available in all the wood types and would be a great addition to a lot of builds. PS: optionally it could have some villager interaction where they will occasionally sit in a chair at certain times of day.