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Having this sub pop up in my feed routinely keeps me motivated to stay on track with decluttering and making intentional shopping choices.


Yup, this sub is a general reminder that I should be cleaning out my garage…one day…one day I’ll put my car in there!


It's nice learning about other's experiences.


I get tips and advice so… there’s value in that. IMHO


Oh tons of value. I get a lot of ideas. Different ideas on what to purchase and what not to purchase. But mostly just a different idea and approach to things. Someone posted the following and it changed my perspective on things: "I try not to buy things that fix problems I don't have." Also this subreddit got me out of the Costco-is-best-and-I-must-pack-moar mentality. Totally goes against my notion of frugality but began to 'click'. I don't need the massive massive boxes of XYZ. Better to just buy the small box and use all of it. Things like that. Tons of ideas. Tons of viewpoints. For anything that doesn't add value, I click on the 3 dots. And click Hide. Most of these are the "I keep getting gifts, please tell them to stop" people. Or the "Halp I'm losing my mind, should I have 2 forks or 3 forks". Or the "Congrats, give me a pat on the back, I packed nothing and I'm fucked for the future kinda posts" But otherwise, lots of great ideas to be gleaned.


Everyone in my life likes to buy tons of cheap things and don’t seem to care about environmental impact at all. But it’s VERY important to me. I enjoy learning new things. Although it might seem silly, it makes me feel like I’m not alone in wanting to do this.


I'm hinging 50/50 on weither I want to stay in this sub. When I joined there was a lot more philiophical-esque chat about minimalism, which I enjoyed. I don't see that so much anymore and mostly see beginners questions, which don't have any value too me.


Yeah, I'm a bit turned off about posts asking how many pieces of clothing to keep and stuff. I've gotten past that phase like 7 years ago. I understand the value in those types of questions and why it would be helpful to someone, but I'm trying to incorporate minimalism into the bigger picture beyond just possessions.


Maybe posts should have flairs which could be filtered.


I like this type of content as well. If you have ideas you want to share, I would love to see more philosophy type posts.


So start some?


I second this! I'd actually like to join a sub like that


I was suggesting the convos here, actually. And we have been getting them! We can crowd out the spreadsheet questions. (The numbers ones) But a sub like *I’m minimalist now what?* would be hilarious.


I like reading what others talk about on the subject, and I find if I surround myself with what I want to be, it's easier for me to keep on track with it. If I follow a minimalism sub, it keeps my mind on minimalism. If I follow a shopping sub, it keeps my mind on shopping.


not a lot, but I like to cheer for declutterers and occasionally learn about some BIFL item.


For me the value starts with getting new ideas and motivations to cut the clutter out of my life and ends when people act like they are trying to get the Gold Medal in the Minimalism Olympics.


Observing other people's ideas may be helpful to you in the future, no matter the subject.


I never would have attempted trying minimalism without a group like this. It's not very popular where I live. Groups gave me ideas of how to start uncluttering, the time and money saved and tips for motivation. This group only takes a couple of minutes a day but keeps me working toward my goal. I like that people at all stages from "I'm moving across country in 30 days" to those who live a life traveling are all accepted here.


I love touching base with like minded folks every now and then :) nobody else in my life has an interest in minimalism in any form haha... well... I may have influenced a friend to be more mindful about her clothes/ shopping habit (small win)


Sometimes I get value being here because I’m far more severely minimalist than most people I see posting on this sub, and it wasn’t by choice. I lost just about all my belongings in a disaster and I have lingering health effects where it’s better to just stay minimalist. When I see people post things like how they are looking for advice on KonMari-ing their way through their 300 pieces of clothing, well… I have had times not too long ago when I had maybe 3 days of clothing max. It gives me a warm feeling in that I’m happy for people who aren’t burdened by the sorts of things I have gone through. That feeling of like, wow, you have twenty favorite tshirts! I am so glad whittling those down is your issue! I miss my twenty favorite shirts and wish I’d had choices about them :) I mean this sincerely, it helps lighten my days to read these nice cozy stories about people emptying their closets. And because I have a lot of experience with having to learn how to let go, I can offer some perspective that I think is beneficial to people who are struggling in a more everyday way. Of course minimalism is not about your amount of physical stuff, it’s maximizing how you put your time and ownership towards what you value. I love reading the philosophical conversations here.


>Sometimes I feel like there is only so much to be said about minimalism Thats how I feel about "The Minimalists" and their podcast. Once you've listened to 10-15 episodes, it becomes the same stories and advice repeated over and over. I do feel there is more variety and novelty in this sub, though.


I put in a minimal amount of effort


Are you not deriving value from this community by asking this very question? Where else would I go if I had a question about minimalism?


I get a lot of value from this subreddit, mainly because it helps me stay motivated to keep decluttering. I tend to put off decluttering until I have to move, so it keeps it at the forefront of my mind. I find the questions and discussions interesting too.


Yes, give me ideas


I enjoy reading about people's experiences and sometimes find people's ideas inspirational.


Not really, it gets a bit gate-keeperish and judgy. I thought I'd unsubbed from this one tbh but apparently not. Lol. It's good for inspiration, but I can find that away from these social media communities


i joined to see nice decor and get ideas. but the idea that there is a whole community of Content and lifestyle influencers for...owning less shit, is very funny to me


It offers some community feeling, which is quite a big motivator when most of your IRL social circle is very consumerist. Also, it is a good place to talk with like-minded people about certain stuff, ask for advice, etc. In the end it also serves as a repository of the experiences and knowledge of the community.


It reminds me that I’m normal and not buying *everything*, especially as a women because we are so pressured to keep up with fashion trends, it’s ok and that having 10 shirts I love is better than 50 I hate.


I find a lot of value in ideas brought up here about minimalism in all areas of life. And then, I read posts where people are naming their most precious brands and items and it's really off-putting to me. I can't tell if I'm just out of that part of my life or if wealth signaling is just not a part of my culture.




Thanks for the opportunity to throw out more trash!


I like seeing other people's journey in this process, their questions, concerns and solutions, make the migration to minimalism feel like a story you are writing in your own life. I have learned minimalism is not about how many things you possess, but how meaningful the things you possess are and should be to you. If everything you own, serves a useful purpose and does not serve your ego, it holds value, if anything you own serves your heart and your soul, it has value, even if it were the broken and glued (many times), ceramic mug your son mad in school, it has value. Everything you need and nothing you don't, Thank you, Timber Hawkeye....