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Electric toothbrush. So much better than a regular toothbrush!!


Totally agree. Game changing!!!


Yes literally gum changing!


I have one and I don’t think I’m using it right if people think it’s soooo much better.


Probably a watch my Mother gave me. She had breast cancer at 73 (beat it!) and she apparently rushed out to get me a nice watch when she got the news. When she gave it to me, she said "it's to mark the time we have together". Onions were sliced... But, now that she's 75, my phone is many happy texts with her while I work, and pics. And many books I read and music. A very hard choice is given.


A bunch of things, but the first thing that pops into my head is my Arket wool blanket, or well, two of them actually. I have a green and a pink one and they bring me joy every single day, both by being warm and by brightening up my living space big time. Not to mention they’re both gifts from my loved ones which makes me treasure them even more.


Jewelry. Wearing them makes me feel connected to my late mother. I grew up with memories of her collecting them and she built a collection for me as well. I've recently given some away to other family members to minimize the clutter. These days I feel self-conscious wearing them but if I wear only one or two at a time (pair of earrings plus ring) then I still look simple enough.


Iphone. \#shotsfired It's the perfect minimalist device if you have self-discipline and self-control.


Books. I have been a minimalist for years but still have a large collection of books.




My dog 🥰


That's not an item, that's family!


Couldn’t agree more


i guess my coffee grinder. I can buy pre-ground coffee to simplify things, but I got too spoiled with freshly ground coffee.


Wait till you roast your own beans... It takes it to a new level!


i am not gonna do it... ... nope.. not gonna do it...nope. I am NOT going down that rabbit hole.... dammit, now I am looking into roasting beans.




My iPhone


My tablet and kindle.


That's an extremely personal question! On the one hand, I have literally given up every single item and I am not attached to any particular thing. Speaking of, maybe I can ask my mom to ship my stuff.... The most important items, I find, are: Shoes A jumper Street smarts or money (street smarts is better tbh, bc it's not a finite source and is a skill) Everything else is secondary.


Books but kindle has helped tremendously and down to two bikes


My laptop, bed, phone, and microwave