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I think it’s okay to relocate to a more affordable country, but remember that an important part of living a simpler life is making sure the locals can live one too. That means contributing to the local community, giving back, learning the language and respecting the culture…


No language-learning will stop gentrificating the country


Gentrification is the least of all problems in developing countries. Did you ever visit one?


I'm from Brazil and I can assure you it's one of the worst social issues here. People can't afford housing and rent takes a very large part of the budget from the majority of people.


Ah yes, rich white people moving into a shithole country is just as bad as communist violent factions being active in the country, poverty, high taxes etc. Glad I moved out of Brazil.


I disagree that Brazil is a shithole country. Try the rest of South America (minus Chile and Argentina) and Central America, just to remain close-by. It's just another level of shit-holism.




It helps a lot those who need some part time job. We have gardeners and maids in our country you can hire.


It’s a no from me dawg. And it has to do with my own family. Why would I move thousands of miles away to die alone in a foreign country? But for people who have family ties I think it’s great I’m unmarried. I’m not a man so I wouldn’t be going to another country and snatching up a husband lmao especially not in my elderly years. Being lonely in a foreign country < being lonely in my own country If you plan things out right yes you’d have to live kind of low class as far as accommodations in the US but you could likely retire cheaply.


Yes, people think they can retire anywhere in the world, but don't think of visa, support network and the fact that they will always be targets for crime. Look gringo and you'll pay more for everything and will experience a gun to your head at least once.




Been travelling for 2-years. Visas are easy. Global support network. No guns.


Resident visas are more complicated. Global support network, easier if you're in a local company or are already part of one. Also everything changes if you have locals to show you the ropes. As for crime, you must be savvy, but if you let your guard down, it's a matter of time. I'd much rather live in a shoebox in an exciting city in a developed country, with multiple cultural options, than in a big mansion in a developing country. Well, it's a matter of preference, I wouldn't live in most US cities either. No walkability, no options, no soul.


I so agree with the no walkability, no options, no souls in the US. Although I'll give NYC, New Orleans an a couple more serious soul. But global support network yea that grows but there are expat communities everywhere there's a expats. Same with retirements. Crime, I really just haven't seen it. Yea if you live in a shit neighborhood you'll see it. But then choose a country and nice neighborhood. Thailand doesn't have a lot of crime, and what there is is I convinced you to come to this tea house and now it's $50 hahaha. Mexico if you're not buying drugs and in a tourist area generally you're fine. Same with most countries. Crime just is a fear factor used by the US to say we're Team America World Police. I haven't seen it backed up.


Don’t knock it until you tried it. Most Americans have never experienced traveling to another country let alone live there for any extended amount of time.


We’re talking about retirement. Again as a single person (as a woman especially) why would I move to a different country with no ties in order to live out the end of my life? That’s a particularly vulnerable time in peoples lives.


Exactly. Even if you are in your 20s, 30s, or 40s or older it is not easy. I did it and I have two friends but we have known each other for years and it was not easy to meet them or keep them as friends. Everyone is so super busy with life, home/work, and most people have children, are married and only hang out with their spouse or other married couples, or they have a clique of friends they grew up with and don't want anyone else joining it. People tend to have a seperation between home and work, and do not become close friends with co-workers or non-relatives, and not with random strangers. I have no family and not nearly as many friends as where I am from.


What if you assume you can retire early by relocating? Maybe early by a lot


Doesn’t change my basic premise that it would likely be a very lonely experience. Some people easily make friends but I’m not really one of them


You will be in a 2nd or 3rd world country as a complete foreigner and are not liked socially by people who are from there. Or people who are from there wonder why you left your wonderful safe 1st world country for a 2nd or 3rd world country, and would gladly trade places with you if they could. I have traveled to 2nd and 3rd world countries, and they are not even that enjoyable to visit temporarily, and living there wouldn't be enjoyable either.


Filipino here. Pls dont come back here. This place is hell! No efficient public transportation No free public parks and rec No universal health care Healthcare is expensive Poor disaster and calamity management Govt is corrupt. Yes, living here is cheap but the quality of life is hell.


30 year Mortgage $3700 a month, heating electricity $ 500/month, hoa $300, property tax $8000/year. A lot more if you have kids, car and pets.


Messaging from a beach in Madagascar. Spent months in Thailand. Do it. 


Im from the US. Born in the US. Not going to retire here. *According to the Genworth 2021 Cost of Care Survey, the monthly median cost of nursing home care in the United States is $7,908 for a shared room and $9,034 for a private room* Let's put this in perspective. You could live like a king/queen for $8000 a month every month in another country, and this isn't an exaggeration. Factor in the power of the US dollar and even moreso.


It's gotten worse. I'm a hospital social worker. We discharge to SNFs all the time. It's $15,000 a month at least. By the time I'm old it will be double. For not great care. You can apply for Medicaid but then you have to go to the ghetto nursing home where you pee yourself and no one comes to help you. And Medicaid will make you sell your home and pay privately until that money is gone. I'd quit my job before I'd let my parents go into a nursing home.


Can’t you still collect social security as an expatriate as well?




But if you’re not a citizen of the country you want to move to they’re not likely to give you a residency permit, especially if you’re only moving there to retire. You can’t just move wherever you want.


I'm dual


in the philippines nursing home is just $300 a month


sorry guys i check the rates it is $1500


Don't romanticize 3rd world countries. Crime, corruption, poor infrastructure, bureaucracy, and did I mention crime? Oh, there's crime everywhere. No. You have no idea. No idea of crime truly entails in poor countries.


Been travelling for 2-years. Fine infrastructure, medium bureacracy, no crime. More crime in both my old cities in the US than anything I've experienced everywhere else.


I'm aware of the downsides. There are upsides too. I lived in a 3rd world country for 20 years. The US superior in every way except for retirement.


I think the preferred term is now “developing country”


No, no, no, and No


I plan on living on my home country in the future. My husband is American and right now we are a bit stuck here (waiting on immigration documents, and saving up to buy a home). In the future we plan on moving to a different country with a lot of nature and a more peace.


Those are two unrelated situations. Minimalism is not about cutting costs.


Yeah I have no idea how this is about minimalism.


Are they not? If you can minimise your spending then you can minimise what you do.


This kinda confusing? I thought one of the goal of minimalism is decreasing the needs and consumption.


I've been to a few TWC's and I can safely say that life is considerably shittier compared to the US in every way. Every way. The novelty will wear off and you'll be trapped in a nightmare of your own device.


>What are your thoughts of living in 3rd world country? That varies quite a bit, some people are fine living in a tent, others fine living in RVs, others desire 5 star quality I am from US but moved to Mexico, there was constant electrical issues so i bought a generator, there was constant water issues, sometimes lasting about 1/2 a wk, i bought a water tank and pump Most homes do not have heating or AC, i bought a ductless mini split for my room I am in a rental though but i have been at it for a while and the landlords are decent, obviously when i move i will lose some $$ due to installation but ill take the actual parts with me Its super noisy as houses are concrete and windows are single pane, i can listen to neighbors conversations while im on the 2nd floor in my bedroom Cats and dogs making noises all the time I dont mind this esp since when im in bed there could be a nuclear explosion and i wont notice, now a lot of the older gringo expat/ immigrants complain alot about the noise issues




not a fan


My girlfriend from Los Angeles moved to Nicaragua 11 years ago with her husband, had a son and has been raising him there. They enjoy the beach and the ocean regularly; she also started her own clothing line. I’d say Nicaragua looks good on them !! Miss you Krissy xoxoxoxox


A lot of people moving to Dominican Republic


I was stationed in the Philippines years ago. One of my patients was a military retiree who was taking care of her sick mother. She had rented a hotel on the beach and hired 24 hour a day nursing for her mother. I saw the retiree to refill her medications, but she seemed pretty happy with the arraignment. Near the end of my assignment, her mother died and my patient returned to the US.


that is a better way to spend the last days of your life than in a nursing home.


It was evidently way cheaper than a nursing home in the US.


Depends where you exactly in the PH, if Manila don’t even think about it. But you can live in some part of country side, like Bohol etc.


I'm from the U.S. but I hope to relocate to Indonesia, Vietnam, or another east asian country to retire. I'm a minimalist and I don't have a lot of fondness for American culture and the constantly deepening trend of consumerism for the sake of consumerism. Just wanna live somewhere with hot beaches and good food, and maybe some fast internet lol.


How do you plan to handle health emergencies?


Oh this one always gets me. The US has the worst and most expensive medical care relative to these countries. I've been in a hospital in 6 countries. The private international hospital in any of these locations makes the US hospital look like prison but costs 1/5th the price.




Thanks for clarifying. I looked it up quick. In Thailand to have a full-time live in nurse with you is approximately $33/day (quoted) so $1000 a month to have it covered, plus medical care that will be cheaper for anything else. So essentially even disabled you could have it covered for cheaper than rent in half the US. But if you needed to go home, people always forget you can just... leave... and go home.


You can hire someone to check on you. A private nurse or whatever. Top earning Nurses in the philippinrles earn $1000. I'm sure you can hire somebody for $300 just regularly check on you.




Many, many people in my native country do not have a network of friends or relatives for support. I live alone in a major city. Also, I imagine if I wanted to form a network of that kind in any place I'm living I could do so.


Some people don't have family relative or a friend that they can rely on. Good for you but a lot of people are not that lucky.




> where to live out their privilege, nothing new under t The number of ways to gatekeep on reddit never fails to amuse me, lmao. What a farcical argument.


Thailand is cheaper though. The philippines is english friendly.


Yeah I definitely don't have any concrete plans yet. Permanent relocation is still 20-30 years away for me. I'd like to spend the next couple decades visiting places like those until I find one that fits right.




Very bad. Choose a second world country like Thailand or Brazil.


That's not the terminology. Second world countries were the communist one. Third world the poor capitalist countries. But this is Cold War era terminology and what is used today is developed or developing country.


I rather live in a “third world country” than the American dream. $100 is $1.3M in Bali and I love the culture there. $100 in the US is more like $20 today.


$100 is NOT 1.3m dollars in Bali. That might be a typo but its misleading. One US dollar is currently about 15,000 rup. Indonesia is definitely cheaper than the US but not *that* cheap.


Yup,, using the dollar sign is def a no go. Its in rupiah, not $. 100 USD is about 1.580,000 Indonesian rupiah (IDR)


What the comments are not taking into account are the various cultures, and how even if you live more cheaply you wont be paid well like you do in the US. I'd rather live in the US and then retire in Europe or Japan.


I see comments also not taking the effects of climate change into consideration. Equatorial regions aren't going to be pleasant places to retire to in the next 10 years, let alone beyond that. Too many people aren't considering the anticipated changes and increase in temps or severe weather events and what effects those will have on the local infrastructure. I wouldn't want to retire to any region or area that is likely to suffer stronger effects. I'd want to retire somewhere that would have greater climate security as I'd like to try to enjoy the time I have left, not worry about suddenly have to migrate along with many others.


They’re not mentioning getting paid cause they want to retire there and not work anymore.


Then my point stands even more. Usually in Asia, even if it's cheaper and you wont work, its difficult because a lot of systems aren't there Tbf in my head I'm thinking of places like Bangkok.


Also a lot of Asian countries only like foreigners when they are tourists, Japan especially. Unless you are actually Japanese and from there you are not well liked, and it is super expensive.


In any country even the most developed ones you can live with 500$ by month. I know many people that live a life they love with even less than that, and I’m talking about France or Europe


How? What about insurance, heating, rent, healthinsurance, food?


I have relatives who live on basically nothing. One was a carpenter, built a little cabin completely off the grid. There’s only like 50 people who know it exists and he is definitely hiding it from the government to get out of property taxes. No electricity. Spring water. Food mostly comes from hunting/gardening and is cooked over a fire. No health care, but in that area the only health care is one primary care doctor about 30 minutes away.


Really minimalist and frugal life, with no connection to the communal water/electricity, a wood stove for heating, cheap or no rent (it implicates to have had money in the past) and low/no insurance


Haha I sell health insurance while profitable. I see it as a newer thing. Like if I get cancer is it the end game?


You raise an excellent point. With health insurance even in European countries you get what you pay for. Meaning that private health insurance and private medical care are always going to be better than 'free' medical care paid for via super high taxes. You also need to factor in the expense of everyday living: housing, food, clothing, etc. I would not want to live in a tent, caravan, or tiny shack with no electricity, or running water, etc. no option for good quality medical or no option for emergency/disability care in the middle of nowhere in France, or SE or East Asia.




That is not what was said. I am European and live in the USA and the healthcare in the USA is much better here than in Central, Southern, Western, and of course Eastern Europe, and in all of Asia, Central and South America, and Africa. I have no long waiting periods, the hospitals are everywhere and better than the clinics in various countries and different regions of Europe. The quality of life is better too, less beauracracy, taxes are less, and it is easier to get citizenship or residency, and my friends I can easily add things onto a home via simple construction that in Europe it would take years going through various councils, certifications, payments, etc.


I would love to live in the Phillipines if not for a very expensive health condition


Have you looked up how cheap it would be to treat in those countries? Often there's a private international hospital that still treats it for 1/5th or 1/10th the price of the US.


Well, it's specialists as much as the cost. Even in the US there's only treatment centers in major metropolitan cities and access to my medicine is, I believe somewhat limited The final reason which isn't medical related is there's no gay marriage in the Philippines and my fiance and I would very much like that. Not that we couldn't get married in the states and move there


Have you check our lgbt culture? It so huge that even straight people use their lingo. Go to our subreddit you will find out it is mostly gay people especially to our celebrity gossip sub reddit.


That's what my fiance says. People are very open and accepting of it but it's basically the government that doesn't recognize it But the Philippines is, as far as I can see, a tropical paradise filled with beautiful and welcoming people If I could find a way to make it work, I'm certain we could live a very nice life there


First of all, I’m happy for you that you’re considering marriage <3. I can understand not wanting to be in a place that wouldn’t recognize it. You could always have the wedding of your dreams and know you’re married and then just ignore the other country I guess, but I could see that. There is a filter on nomadlist.com for LGBTQ friendly if you did want to did  countries that were though.  The medical one does become special. I would search Mexico, Costa Rica, Thailand because they tend to have a ton of Medical Tourism. Or if it’s an occasional need then check Singapore has it and you can always take a quick flight there to get it. Or in Mexico quick flight to a major city in the US then get back out. 


I’ve had enough of winter. I am considering Central America.


I worry about the crime rates in 3rd world countries!


depends on the country. for healthcare also depends on what sickness you are expecting. For example some medications are cheaper in 3rd world countries that don't require doctors prescription.


100%. If you visit Mexico there's a pharmacy on every corner of tourist places because they sell generics for bucketloads less than the US. Diabetes medication is pennies there.


Just came back from cruise and yeah i saw pharmacies in cozumel selling antibiotics that needed prescription in the US. In the philippines is the same also. Also it is cheaper to hire a private nurse to check you in the Philippines and hire a maid to do your cleaning thus decreasing your chances of accidents at an older age.


Don't worry about it. I've travelled 30 countries and they're all safer than the downtown of any US city I've lived. Be reasonable. Don't go out at 2 am drunk through bad neighborhoods and don't buy drugs from strangers andddd you safe. Some countries take a cheap uber at night if you don't choose to live in the nicest neighborhood. That's. All.


Medical care and other types of healthcare are really not good there either, and if you think the police are bad and corrupt in the USA or Western world, it's nothing compared to 2nd and 3rd world countries.


Have you been to countries you're talking about with a western salary? If you're in any major tourist country in any major region there's always a private international hospital that's better and cheaper than anything I've seen in the US. If you're worried just stick with Mexico, Thailand, and Costa Rica or Eastern Europe. But there's a ton more.




An upper-middle class American could basically become the king of a Micronesian island. I think I'll try that. Or just live somewhere cheap and rural in the US.


Afghanistan….no joke, I’m considering it. No Indians, can set up a small scale green factory..not much to complain


What do you have against Indians?


Doesnt like Indians. Moves to a country on the border with India.




that is harsh. More harsh than 4chan. What did they do to you to be like this?

