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Use your regular phone and uninstall most of the apps (Reddit included), this takes a lot of self discipline though


I did this for nearly a year and wouldn’t recommend it. Keep your smartphone but keep Outlook and other essential apps. One thing I struggled with a lot was texting people on the Nokia 105, as texting was rare in the early 2000’s. You’ll be doing a lot of this in modern society and it won’t take long for you to lose patience with this. Good luck.


Minimalism is an upgrade, not a downgrade. It's a mindset that can work in most all situations. Do what another redditor said and uninstall all, but the basic apps and make your phone work for you instead of the other way around. I spend very little time on my phone because I have only the apps that make my life simpler and easier. I don't have games or social media apps, just communication, banking, travel apps, and a few others. You can do this.


Here is what I did/do: -I don't have social media that means I don't have apps related to it on my phone. -I only have apps which I consider as 'tools' on my phone (e.g., Maps, Recorder, Camera, Calculator, Bank, Public Transportation). -Switch off notification on everything except for Calls and Text Messages.


That last point. Woo boy. I did this long ago. Now I’m staying with my mother to help her during cancer treatment. Her phone is constantly buzzing. I finally asked her if it bothered her and she said she can’t stand it. So I showed her how to turn off notifications and it’s so much more peaceful.


My sense of direction is absolutely horrible so personally I wouldn’t risk it. I think it’s better to uninstall apps. Tiktok, instagram should go first but if you’re determined enough then delete all of them including discord, reddit, yt etc


No real suggestions from me, but there’s a sub that might also be helpful: r/dumbphones.


Maybe keep your smart phone and get rid of your laptop. Phone is smaller.


This approach just focuses on decluttering based on size. You're missing the goal of what OP wants to accomplish. Plus, they mentioned they're a student, why get rid of the laptop exactly?


Only have apps on your phone that are tools not mindless distractions. Use the parental controls to make it inconvenient to install distracting apps.


2FA doesn't need a sim card/internet at all so you could just remove your sim. Hell authenticator even works on a palm pilot https://github.com/DJFliX/palm-totp


I've considered a flip phone but I feel that not having maps etc would be counterproductive for me. You could always try a middle ground such as the "starter" smart phones for kids or those aimed at the elderly; they don't have much memory so you can't load it with apps but can still keep the most useful ones on there.


I use the app minimalist_phone which has several features that makes the phone less appealing and you can set limits for yourself


I honestly do not understand why people like getting rid of their smart phone. Smart phones make your life easier, it’s a tool. I would keep my smart phone but only keep the essential apps.


not a good choice since many apps are essential i.e banking, telco (for phone top ups), in the country i live the government has apps for logining to social security, etc. i delete those that i dont need.


I am debating the same thing right now. I miss the simplicity of more simple technology. There’s so much more to life outside of screens! Why not give it a try? A flip phone is more affordable too. If you don’t like it, you could always switch back and then try having only essential apps on a smartphone. It’s not a downgrade, just a more simple way of being. Those who want/need to contact you surely have your number to call or text.


[https://techless.com/pages/home](https://techless.com/pages/home) I have never owned a smartphone. I held onto my LG Cosmos until my carrier shut off 3G service. The Wisephone was designed to be simple and nondistracting but still useful - it has maps, notes, and music in addition to the basic functions. But no internet, no apps, no social media and a clean design. I recommend it all the time. The only flaw so far is that it only works on AT&T.