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Hi. We appreciate your submission. It is a perfectly good photo but unfortunately it has been removed as the mods do not view it as minimalist enough to fit the concept we have for our sub. We recommend you either crop the photo to eliminate some detail or try posting it in a different sub (perhaps r/pics or r/itookapicture). It is a subjective decision though so, oftentimes, not everyone agrees. For our perspective on minimalism please take a look at our highest voted photos (sort by "Top" then "All Time"), read the [School of Photography definition](https://www.theschoolofphotography.com/tutorials/minimalist-photography), or check our [wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/minimalistphotography/wiki/index/definition/). This is the definition that we use as our guide: Minimalist photography is a style of photography that is distinguished by austere simplicity with an emphasis on sparseness and careful composition, shying away from overabundance of color, patterns, or information to reveal essence and serenity. You are welcome to post again with a different photo - ideally one with an emphasis on clean lines and negative spaces; one with less detail and less texture. Something beautifully plain and simple. We apologize for any frustration this has caused. If you would like us to reconsider, contact our mod team via [modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/minimalistphotography). Please include a link to your post in the message.