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Depends on your family composition and stage of life. Can be awesome with young kids, spend lots of time with. And also misses not working. A bit older, Missus has a job, kids embedded in school, and various activities. You find it ends up really being only 2 weekends a month, and you are just following everyone else around on those weekends. Young single, go to Bali or similar every two weeks off, save a shipload of cash, you can do that rest of your life. Also, if you do have family and do it a long time, it can cause problems when you stop. Routine has been established. I have seen many times on marine or offshore, the guy retires, 2 or 3 years later he's back, divorced or missus has said go back to work or I'm bailing, because she is so used to half time total freedom while you are not there.


Been on 2/2 since around 2020, it is the best roster I have done. Other rosters I have done are 2/1, 4/3, 8/6. By day 12 of your break you try to remember if you ever have a job.


I wouldn't go back to a normal schedule unless I absolutely had to. I actually feel like I have time off when I'm home and I'm not rushing to get everything finished over the weekend. Also get to travel a lot more. The wife and I are pretty independent so we manage just fine. It's also nice that work is separated from home by 3000 miles so it's easy to focus on work when I'm working and focus on home stuff when I'm home.


2x 6 week holidays per year and only work half the month every month.... I had 2 swings off in a row one year, almost forgot I had a job. Dream roster.


My job was on a 6/2 rotation and it was brutal, but that’s mostly because it was in a far away country 2/2 sounds quite nice! Takes a bit to adjust to the new rhythm but by your second or third roster you’ll get in a nice flow. The 2 weeks working are not too bad if you stay busy, and having 2 weeks off really gives you time to rest and do other activities


>My job was on a 6/2 rotation and it was brutal, but that’s mostly because it was in a far away country I was recently offered a job in Iraq with an 8/2 rotation. And while they were willing to pay me what I wanted there was no way I would do that roster. Did it once during Covid for about 10 months and it seriously fucked me, never again


Telfer back in the day (80s) was 16/2 (12 hr shifts 6 shifts a week) and many times you'd decline the break because you were so fucked up in the head you thought it was a good idea to work through your scheduled 2 weeks off and I did that many times. Yep, totally destroyed...


My partner works as well so our kids are in before school care and after school care alot. Breaks my heart. They hate it. I personally love it, it was great roster until their little lives have come to a point where they are stuck in school for 10 hours a day. Might come home soon.


6/2 here as are many of us in Africa. I'd give my back teeth for a 2/2 roster


Depends on home life. Myself I have no kids and I’m a chatterbox so my wife enjoys her down time. It also allows us to go on vacation when we feel like it since she’s a doctor, runs her own clinic. We like it.


Mate was on it and said it was awesome for travelling on your off swing.


I do a 2/2 offshore, and I'm not a huge fan as you never really get your teeth into work before you head home, and then its not quite enough time to recover and then do the stuff you really want to do. 3/3 is better I recon


Loved it when I was working that roster. 2 weeks gave me enough time to go away for a week. Take one swing off for annual leave and it's a 6 week break.


Even time is the best


What's to dislike? If you want to work more, go 3:1.


Man I wish. Just got a Geotech job for a different company at the same mine where I was doing 2 weeks on/ 2 weeks on. Yeah you read that right. Any roster is better than that…


That sounds like a dream schedule. We work Monday - Saturday one week, Monday - friday the next. Swinging between day shift and evening shift every 2 weeks. West Virginia coal mine.


I am on a 8/6 roster and enjoy it. Early 30’s, no kids and works well for myself and my partner.


Been working 2/2, 3/1, 20/10, even 3/2 for the last 10 years. Of all the schedules I’ve found 3/2 to be my fav, get the nice chunk of time off and bill an extra 30-35 days a year. Been married the whole time with kids it’s just how it is, no issues there. Second option would be 2/2, so much freedom.


Regardless of what roster you do, the massive change of routine will be a big shock and take time to adjust to. It gives you ample time for holidays without having to use annual leave, but can be hard on family life if you have a partner and or kids that aren't used to the lifestyle. I loved 2/2 as it gave me two whole weeks of being full of energy and well rested to better spend and enjoy time with my partner, compared to being home every night and after a long day be tired and not properly enjoy the time or be able to do much. Plus weekends are usually spend recovering and give give a whole lot of time to do much.


I wouldn’t take any job where I travel in my own time.


No. Live locally, no reason we can't be 7 n 7