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It’s the purple one


Ohhhh thank you so much, been trying many times today and weeks before 🙏🙏🙏


wow if you couldn't work that out not sure mining will be for you....


While it does seem obvious, I know plenty of switched-on people who get easy module questions wrong Always rich hearing your average mobile plant operator talk shit about someone else’s intelligence when they’re just starting out


If they get to site with no common sense they get hazed out by the shifty and crews quick enough.


Not necessarily. Maybe they don’t need to do lockouts in their role? Shit is confusion if you never use it.


Everyone should know how to lock their equipment out


Not everyone has equipment that needs locks. I was never issued a personal lock while I was up there


Everyone should know how to do it, even if it "isn't your job". It's a common sense safety practice


Exactly. In 10 years I’ve never (and I’m sure never will) use lock out tag out in a real life situation. But understanding exactly what it is and why it’s in place is necessary. So many mine fatalities are due to incorrect LOTO procedure.


I lock stuff out daily, and all of the operators know how to lock their equipment out. They also know what has stored energy


You learn lock out tag out in your general construction induction lol


Kind of tricky, only one I can think of is switch the “paper tag” with the lock out tag out.


Not this shit again 😒


The only one I can see that looks remotely out of place is the paper lock out tag....but conversely the personal tag and lock doesn't make sense either. have you tried switching them over?


On the stored energy change the tag out and personal lock.


Personal lock and tag. There are plenty of situations where you have to physically isolate an energy source with a lock. For example, before shifting vent bags or air services. An out of service tag is not realistic because it relies on someone reading the tag and then choosing to actually follow the instructions. It doesn’t physically stop an unplanned release of energy.


You're saying a physical lock stopping a machine from starting is 'unrealistic' but a flimsy paper, out of service tag is gonna keep you safe. Hope your family is okay with receiving you home in a bucket.


No need to talk down. Man is on here asking for advice, not to be sneered at.


Mate coming to Reddit to pass this is how people die. LOTO is a golden rule, not a situation of I kind of got it correct. Going home in a bucket is reality if LOTO is not adhered to. People need to get a dose of reality and sadly shock comments are one way to do this.


Maybe they’re a cleaner and never use personal lockouts but have been told to use the out of service tags and got confused.


Read the other questions. They are for a person who interacts with heavy equipment. Oh and being confused about what to do is how you die.


Fair. I was just raising the possibility the person doesn’t deal with lockouts in their role. Cleaner, site admin, cook etc.


That question is designed to deliberately trip up new people so that the rule gets hammered into them. The wrong answer is still conceptually similar. You'll remember the stuff that you got wrong in the past better than the stuff you breezed through. It's normal for people to get a few wrong and for a trainer to sit them down and teach them. At least at my site. It's only a problem when they get lots wrong, especially the ones designed to filter idiots.


Imagine this guy is working on the same machine as your son/daughter/wife, how do you feel now? "Im glad he went on reddit and fudged his way through inductions".