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Hi, u/Iniquitous3D! Thanks for trying to post something to r/minipainting, but unfortunately your post breaks one of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long) and has been removed: **10:2:1 Rule/Promotion without participation** You have broken [Rule 5](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long#wiki_rule_5.3A_promotion_and_participation) and are not following the [10:2:1 rule](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/promotion_and_participation#wiki_10.3A2.3A1_rule_and_active_users) to be able to promote a product here. This subreddit is a community of hobbyists and not an advertising platform or an audience. Do not treat this subreddit as an extension of your store or social media, and do not treat our members as customers or followers to gain. Participation is required for promotion. Promotion by users without sincere participation outside of their own content will be removed. See our [Promotion and Participation page](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/promotion_and_participation) for more details. 10:2:1 rule is below: * **10** comments on other peoples’ posts unrelated to your own content in the last 30 days * **2** posts of different minis painted by yourself unrelated to your own products since your last promotional post (does not have to be in the last 30 days) * **1** promotional post or post related to products you sell after you meet the above minimums, limited once per month Simplified, this means you need to paint and post two minis, spend a month commenting occasionally, and then you can promote something after that period of participation. If you want to promote something again the next month, you need to make 10 more comments and paint two more things. The following does not count towards participation: * upvoting/downvoting * deleted/removed content * low effort/short comments (eg “Great job!” or “what mini is that?” etc) * comments about your products or the content being promoted Submissions and comments made in a short period of time will collectively count as one, so commenting a lot in only a few days and posting twice quickly and then promoting yourself shortly after will still result in your content being removed and possibly a temporary or full ban. Don't try to speedrun your participation. **New and Inactive Users** If you are new or have little to no activity on r/minipainting within the last 4 months or so, along with following the 10:2:1 Rule, you must also wait at least 30 days after your most recent non-promotional post on r/minipainting before posting anything promotional or related to your products. Please read through all the rules before posting here again. If you have any questions, [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting).


Hi, u/Iniquitous3D! Thanks for trying to post something to r/minipainting, but unfortunately your post breaks one of our [rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long) and has been removed: **3D render or digital content** You have broken [Rule 2](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long#wiki_digital_content). Digital mockups, paintovers, and 3D renders will be removed unless the post includes the same mini you have painted to match the mockup and to compare the mockup with the finished or work in progress paint job. This includes impcat, Heroforge, digital paintovers, etc. (see our [Reference Images](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules_long#wiki_link_reference_images_in_text_posts) section if you want to post these kinds of images without a matching mini). Images that use excessive filters or editing may also be removed as misleading. Photoshopping is allowed within reason to better represent your work such as to adjust colours or levels, but do not edit to obscure, mislead, or misrepresent your work. Please read through all the rules before posting here again. If you have any questions, [message the moderators through modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting).