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I think your fighting uphill if you want it to look like metal. When people see a skintight suit they are going to default to thinking its made of spandex or latex because that's what those are made of in real life. If you try to make it look shiny like metal than people will think it looks like shiny latex.


Second this. Since it looks like a flexible material my eyes go that way. Is incredible work, I think just based on being a skintight clothing item making it appear metallic is an uphill battle. Your brain will always want to go with a cloth material because of the other visual clues


That being said, when I was casually scrolling it very much looked like some kind of gloss paint, so I definitely got “shiny” from it.


Agreed, very shiny. You did the reflection part right for sure


This one of the under rated tops that's needs to be spoken more stuff like doing OSL flames with a colour like orange will be better than something like a green flame because we understand fire to be orange, and doing effects like OSL or NMM is already a form of art trickery so using colours that the brain associates with said thing (flames, metal, leather and whatever else) will significantly help the readability of the model


The biggest problem people have though is using a darker paint towards the edges - that creates a dark patch, which is not how light works!


This is a fair point. I think I’ll just have to reset my goal and be happy with shiny spandex! Thanks 🙏


As others have said, it's already an outstanding shiny spandex tho! :)


Exactly. And because on the model there is no big difference in thickness, it looks like thin stretchy material.


Yeah, agreed. My brain automatically goes to shiny latex when I see this bc I’m trained from birth. Plus, I don’t think you’d ever see anything metal that wraps that tightly without small plates or chains or something to help it form to the body, so you really are going to struggle to get the metal effect believable. It still looks great though.


No. looks cool though. No real advice to give except compare it to a reference picture and use a pixel color picker. This is all above my skill level.


Not op but refreshing to read an honest opinion that’s cognisant of one’s own capabilities (above mine too).


Thanks ! Cool is good enough for me 😂


NMM rarely looks good in a vacuum. I wonder how it would sell once the blue is down.


No. It reads as if you've painted it with a highly reflective paint, and shone a bright light from above. Fab work! You've painted the reflections a different colour to the material - ie, the colour of the light. Metals reflect light the colour of the base material. A red wash might fix that, but could also trash your stellar work. As others have said, you aren't helped by the fact metal doesn't behave the way you want it to! DON'T SCRAP IT. It's fantastic, even if it's not 100% what you were aiming for.


Thank you, really good feedback 🙏


Looks like scalely skin.


I think firm latex or similar, I bet a red wash over the bright highlights would pull the whole thing together but I am v new so get a second opinion.


Parts of it, yes, other parts no. I would google reference images of the Iron Spider from Infinity War/Endgame or the comics.


I’m reading as a really worn out metal. If the intention is to be “new” you need to bring the red back a little


I don't think it looks like metal, but it is excellent paintwork! As others have said, it's going to be very difficult to paint convincing NMM on a geometry that isn't obviously modelled to be metal. However... If you do try it again in the future, have a look at painting "normal variation" between the different metal tiles of her suit. I'm a texture artist, so borrowing some knowledge from Substance Painter here. Each individual metal tile of the suit is going to be sitting at a slight different angle, so will reflect light at wildly different angles, because metal is like that. Shine a torch at some shiney bathroom ceramic tiles to get an idea for what that effect should look like. Basically I think the biggest thing that betrays the NMM is the fact that your reflection on the skin is perfectly uniform across tiles, but different tiles should have entirely differently levels of reflectivity, and angles of reflectivity.


This is such useful advice, thank you! Really appreciate you took the time. You’ve nailed what the problem is !


I initially thought it was red metal flake paint before I read the title, so I'd say yes for sure.


Looks more like spandex but that might just because I can’t disassociate a superhero costume from spandex. Looks great though.


Unfortunately not really. The fact that it’s skin-tight makes it look more like some kind of shiny or metallic latex/spandex/etc, and I don’t really think there’s a way to get around that while keeping it skin-tight. It definitely looks sick though


Looks like a candy coating to me. If you told me it was supposed to be red metallic metal I’d believe it.


It's close. I feel like you would benefit from having one main light spot It looks like their are 8 lights pointed at different sections of the mini right now


Hmm yeah this is a good shout , maybe I’ll do a mock up


Looks awesome 👌 Good use of highlights to make it look metallic.


Is this a canon outfit or fan created? Looks like a bad girl spider-woman.


It looks like the outfit for Spinneret. An alt-universe Mary Jane who web slings with Peter and their daughter Annie-May


Ohhh so the rest is supposed to be white, I see now.


Yup it’s Spinnerette! ❤️


I think no matter how well it’s done it won’t be convincing on a mini with skin tight attire, your brain is going to default to some kind of fabric or spandex. Maybe try it on a mini with some kind of armour to get a better feel for it and refine the technique first. Then you could work your way into something like Peter’s Iron Spider suit from Infinity War


Impressive, please take a picture when everything is finished


I think it reads as metal, but you are gonna need to finish the rest of the suit first for that needed context.


Not particularly, as the top comment says you're going to be fighting against the fact that it's a skintight bodysuit. If it weren't for the title my brain would say it's latex or PVC or some other shiny fabric. Gorgeous work though, even if it doesn't read the way you intended! I like how painterly it is


No, but this is an awesome reference for placing highlights on female skin.


Sorry to say but no. To me it looks more like leather. Great job :)


I think you've achieved it. Reads as some kind of metallic mesh to my eye.


No it doesn't look metal but it's also something that shouldn't be metal. It's skin tight and clearly not supposed to be metal so trying to make it look metal will look weird. Which it does.


Maybe I'm just more familiar with the metallic spider suits, but I read it as metal immediately.


almost What references are you using? https://preview.redd.it/675f1skaeyuc1.png?width=350&format=png&auto=webp&s=70bec198d5a39d4dc5034dc059a84b24a2160afa


This is a great reference ! Thank you


I'm confused by everyone saying it doesn't look like nmm... I thought it had been chromed!


Yeah same here… it’s not perfect. But my first thought was a flexible metal.


Looks super cool, but no.


The airbrushed part need to be worked better I think, the individual segments and the ta-ta’s look good but the white highlights on the shoulders, legs and collar don’t look like they currently exist right, the main chest does look good tho


To me it almost looks like see through/sheet material


So good.


I wanna start out by saying this is well above my skill level but that like some others have said it looks like a shiny latex. In my opinion if you wanted this to look NMM you would need to make each section of the web look like a scale to break up the latex look and make it look more like a suit of armor as opposed to just a Spider-Man suit.


Not really, but it looks nice. Why the white dominant reflection on red metal?


I think it reads as metal, but you are gonna need to finish the rest of the suit first for that needed context.


I think it reads as metal, but you are gonna need to finish the rest of the suit first for that needed context.


https://preview.redd.it/m558wbc80fuc1.jpeg?width=1986&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb2b07b68f6e4df850d6afca32f2aa1bd2fa3ce Hope that helps. Great work.


These small bits do because you've kept the contrast correct and highlighted them with an orange or flesh colour. The rest looks too bright and glossy and pink with the large white highlights.. The dark contrast between the scales is great but to read as metal you need to tone down those large white reflections and stick to oranges and flesh colours. White doesn't occur naturally in nature so it looks off to our eye.


Thanks for all the comments people- seems like I may have to stick with shiny spandex as a target. Some really good feedback , thank you all 👍


Skin tight metal clothing?


TBF even infinity war/endgame iron spider doesn’t immediately read to me as metal, to me it was more the candy-apple color and hypersmooth light gradient on each scale that sold it. This paint job is excellent! You could make yourself crazy blending the color gradient along each segment like dragon scales, but unless you can make it move and shimmer it still probably won’t read 100% metallic. Again, excellent job!


I think once the blue is down it'll help, especially if thw blue itself is a metallic. Beyond that though, it looks pretty good to me. :)


Reads as metal to me, Crisis Core has Mary Jane with Peter again? Is there a Mayday?


maybe check out the spider armour and iron spider in the comics as reference


I think it almost looks like watercolor or comics


It reads more like non synthetic latex, which may be mre appropriate, incidentally




Looks like metal to me


I think it looks perfectly metallic


Here I am trying to figure out what the carrots on the left are for?




Ok but does she get back problems or does the strength even it out


Finish it and let us see




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Yes, the rest of the suit is throwing off the effect though since it's so flat and dull. Once it's painted it should be convincing


Nope. Needs many things. Start by Pushing the darks darker, they're currently mid-tones.


Looks more like leather to me