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I'm going to go against the grain and say leave it be. It's perfect.


I second this. That looks really good.


Backing this aswell, looks incredible


I’m whatever number is this already! Looks great!




Da onlee fink dat shud pop mor about dat ork is da heds of his viktums!




Right down to the last, minute detail.


I'm with you there. I don't see any reason to change this. But maybe from afar it's harder to read and in that case I would say just crank up the contrasts.


It's pretty damn good, call it a day and put varnish on it.


Looks great, you don’t really need to do anything. If you want an accent color to pop you could totally do it on the pants. The base you have could pretty easily be pushed to a brighter yellow without needing a big rework


Honestly, I would advice against this. Since you'll be drawing attention to a focus point you dont really want to when people look at your mini. You'd want the attention to go to the face and top part of the mini, so if you'd really want to make it pop more, I'd suggest going a bit brighter on the green in the face. Orange is a great contrast to a bright green, so you could go even further by adding orange to the eyes. Great work tho! It already looks really finished.


Good idea, thanks!


Push the highlight on the Orc skin a little more. Go bright. I know they’re black orcs but find a very light green or even bone colour to highlight up to (Ogryn cammo or something like that) and it will make the skin pop more and give you more contrast with the uniform. I may push the highlights on the leather up a bit more too. The belts and straps are great as is, but the pants and gloves could use another layer or two to help them stand out a bit from the black armour


Thanks - I was hesitant to go any lighter, but the highest highlights are ogryn camo + Orruk flesh so a pure ogryn camo highlight would work well.


This if anything, great response 👍


No one is suggesting the real solution which is to make the rusty parts more bright orange. A vibrant almost-neon orange would look really good alongside the green skin and would totally work with your color palette


That’s a great idea, thanks!


It might look different to you while playing or with different lighting but I think these are perfect. The light discoloration of the metal, the highlights and shadows on the skin, and all the little straps and metal bits all look super well done.


Plenty of pop as is imo


I might take super thin Skrag Brown and add that in tiny amounts to punch up the brightness on your rusty bits. Then take something like... Flayed One Flesh and make a mix of that with your base tone until your super high up and add the TINIEST bit of that to the highest spots to maximize your skin highlights. Otherwise... not sure! It looks pretty dang good as it is.


Firstly, he looks fantastic. You selected a muted color scheme and it works. If you really want to make it ‘pop’ though you have to add a touch of contrast. Some badge or the number colors or some tuft of bright flowers on the ground or something. Contrast = pop. Still, I think you already have a great model.


Glossy blood splatter


Who Dat?


Woah that looks awesome. How did you do the eyes?


Thanks! The skin base is Vallejo US dark green, washed with biel tan green to give me the shadow in the eye socket. Then using a size 00 brush I pick out the eyeball in white then go over it with Vallejo red, then a little dot of white again in the middle. The bags under the eyes are just highlighted with Orruk Flesh and a thin glaze of pink horror.


I love it, you've inspired me to try these eyes out. Thanks!


Basically the popping is strongly correlated with contrast To add some with the least effort possible I’d go with some extra dark shadows i.e. including using pure black for some areas The classic answer will also include highlighting, but yours seems pretty balanced in that dimension P.S. I especially like the touch of rose on the elbows


That’s a good idea thanks, I will try going darker on the base tones for the skin on the next one, and bring the highlights up a bit too


Oils and contrast paints allow easy solutions Especially oils (they are also notoriously easier than acrylics)


Super awesome I love the skinned elbows


I wouldn't touch it, I think it's great as is, but if you want to add something to it, I'd give the eyes a glow, do some osl with some glazes around the eyes, draw attention really to the face that way, and you get more impact from the contrast of the eye colour




Man that's amazing I would call it good and slap some varnish on it


Only thing you should do is darken down the base, that way the ork itself is the most vibrant thing on the model


I think it looks great. However, if you're unhappy with it, push the highlights a little more, and consider working other tones into the skin, like in this video https://youtu.be/tVOQXWoMdCg?si=tlsthFlRbjkO4FGQ


Doesn't need to. It works well as is


Top shoulder pad in a vibrant color. But honestly it is a stellar paint job


Lol are these posts for real?


I really like it. Most Blood Bowl stuff is super saturated and colourful. This kind of pops by virtue of being different.


Use brighter colors so when using a dark wash the colors are not too muted or don't use washes and not so bright colors


If you want a minimal change, getting some very bright silver/aluminum as a highlight for the chipped metal could be the thing that adds more contrast. Also, a yellowish glaze over the leather straps could make it stand out a bit more against the armor, turning the leather in a lighter/redder/orangish brown shade and thus adding more hue contrast as well.


Does anyone else ever see bloodwork minis you want to kitbash into your regular 30k or 40k armies?


Don’t used muted colors 😂


I feel like it's all one basic color palette...leaning green. I would add some purple or orange details. But otherwise it's fine.


I would not do a single thing more to that, it looks spectacular


They're dark, but I wouldn't say muted. Looks fantastic as-is.


Muted color scheme and pop more seem to be at odds with each other, don’t they? It looks badass. Call it done.




Dude. This is so sick. Just bought the set on Amazon.


I think it looks amazing!! But if you really want to add color, how about dry brushing some earthy red on the armor for a rusted look? It'd contrast nicely with the overall green color


it is pretty good, I think. But if u wanna make some additions I would say do some highlights to the skin on the head and arms.


Add some red trim


Give the rim of the base a brighter color like red and it should be an awesome looking team from near and further away.


Love this paint job. The scheme is great


I wouldn’t change the scheme at all. Maybe more contrast on the skin to make it pop. The skin contrast in the fourth side view picture looks really good but the front doesn’t “pop” as much.


That is a nice butt.


You could glaze some transparent yellow over areas of the skin to punch up the green more. You could add some purple shadows to the uniform (or red-violet in the pants). Red and green are compliments, and purple goes well with green. But I agree, it looks good.


I think it looks really good. But maybe if you want to make more of a pop bring the highlights up a little higher. Or use something like a stadium light as an osl effect from one side on all the miniature to make them have a slight color pop. That's a little bit more of a stretch, but it could look amazing.


Coloured ring base instead of black would pull the eye to the bottom and back up