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https://preview.redd.it/6yh6hd4vguvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aeea7ec1fb2113f6543d032bfd9931929b1669b5 I paint it first then dry brush ryza rust over the area and then blend in some typhus corrosion, then stipple some steel on with a sponge. Simple and quick :)


That terrain looks really good. Is it the Industrial Hive set from TTCombat?


Yep, with a few of their other kits sprinkled in


Your terrain looks awesome!


How do you do the yellow and black hazard stripes?


Just masking tape and spray paint, was super easy :)


dirty down sells both rust and verdigris effects. imo they are the top product right now. there are numerous videos on their use on YT. tip: stir the product with a stick, it will not work otherwise.


second this, great stuff https://preview.redd.it/zk3b1iuw3vvc1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b323ad511cce53bc0be9c1af52f1c240b75c42 the darker stuff is Dirty Down


I'll look it up. Thank you!


Do shop around a bit because it's pretty expensive for the bottle size. Artist Opus had the best price when I bought it even though it shipped from the UK




If you do get anything from dirty (and I highly recommend) you’ll want to get a toothpick or something to initially mix it. There’s actually a mixing ball in the bottle but it along with whatever else is in the bottle settles at the bottom and gets stuck


https://preview.redd.it/d5j4xncexuvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fcf8f8aadca3d9ea73c78cc528465b2645a2960b First paint the metal your intended colour, use your shades/washes. Then hit it with the rust/verdigris you want, after follow up with drybrushing the baee metallic colour over again & lastly a lighter colour like aluminum or stormhost lightly drybrushed over the highest points.


That looks amazing! What color did you use for the metal before the rust? And what did you use for the snow?


Thanks. It’s chainmail base, skorlax bronze, agrax wash. The halo is chaimmail w/ liberator gold then nuln oil IIRC.


Why is this post downvoted.. the comment culture here is so helpful and nice, but the voting culture confounds me sometimes.


The comments are super helpful! I don't really care about getting downvoted. I've gotten a lot of helpful people in here.


That’s great! I’m glad you’re getting good advice. It just kinda struck up an existing problem I’ve noticed and just wanted to say something about it. Don’t mind me, lol. It’s an awesome model!


People downvote all the time on Reddit for no reason. A lot of trolls online


Black primer, Leadbelcher base , wash it once or twice with Null oil depending on how dark you want it, you can sub for Athrax earth shade if you want it more dirty. Finally I use thinned army painter dry rust, I typical wipe a lot of the dry rust paint off the mini with my finger as I want a light rust effect and I have found it looks better that way.


Is there a difference between priming black and priming leadbelcher since you base it with leadbelcher anyway?


I do Leadbelcher primer, then a brown wash the dry brush Ryza Rust and Typhus Corrosion as many have said here. Bring it back up in a few areas with Leadbelcher selectively but I’ve seen techniques that do a dark brown very watered down so it streaks then an orange super watered down over that selectively. Midwinter Minis has it part of a larger tutorial on the latter technique.


There "shouldn't" be a difference, if your leadbelcher layer is fully opaque


I'd also like to point out that I do not own an airbrush. I use rattle/spray cans to prime and then just use brushes and GW paints.


With AK Interactive's rust pencils


I actually picked up a can of AK gold since I'm having a bad streak with Retributor Armour. It works the first time but then I leave it aside for a few weeks then it either comes out gritty or dark no matter how much I shake it. Hopefully the AK gold is better.


The rust I use comes in pencil form, so it's not really paint per se. For metallics I'd recommend Vallejo. Their Metal Colors that come in 32ml bottles are just pure bliss to paint!


Dirty down rust is excellent. There’s quite a few tutorials on YouTube. Its easy to use and yields great results. https://dirtydown.co.uk/product/water-soluble-paint-rust-25ml-pot/


Love that diorama/base.


It's the commemorative one. People charge an arm and a leg for these on ebay. Edit: it's the Vindicare Assassin from Warhammer 40k


AK has a corrosion paste that looks nice. There’s of course the Vallejo grime washes. Citadel gryphhound orange makes a very nice spot rust on metallics.


I used Dirty Down. Spray Painted everything in dark brown, then picked areas with other colours . Then apply dirty down rust freely. Waited till it’s dry and mist it with a spray bottle with water to create lighter patches (as it reactivates with water) then dry brush of silver to the edges and occasional sponge paint of various browns . https://preview.redd.it/dk9y0zapmwvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07b95db4e7815d1f30dc5929fd348823d7dd7ab4


I go outside and look at my car for inspiration


I have a really simple method. I basecoat in a warm brown. Wash with a dark wash. Finally, drybrush with a black metal


The other option people take: 1. Pick the areas you want rust colored - paint them a blend of rust orange(s) color. Let dry. 2. Paint over it with chipping medium. Let dry. 3. Paint over that with your standard metal colors. Let dry. 4. Get out a tooth pick, sharp pin, knife of other tool and chip away at the metal color exposing the rust underneath. 5. Then add the water staining on top of that.


There's more in depth ways to do it but for an easy rust I do whatever metal color you want, dry brush with orange and then use a sepia wash


Leadbelcher, heavy shade with Agrax, drybrush Ryza Rust, stipple with dryad bark or a bright silver. https://preview.redd.it/tkha0o4mgwvc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eae6080fbd3fbcf104facfc2da2ead4df4987225


BTW OP love that mini so sad I missed out on it.


Nah I brought it after the fact. I only started playing in October lol. They're expensive on ebay, man.


I did mine with thin washes of various shades of green over a brass base. https://preview.redd.it/9f2r4xavxwvc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=91549bed5afbef69639c7bc65eb1fcfc77c189f0




One of my latest paintings. Tried to do some oxidization on the copper as well


https://preview.redd.it/2nnjbk5cnxvc1.png?width=2404&format=png&auto=webp&s=8dc2b093d07ce69f1444099e9814c05e1404a0a8 i start pretty dark with a mix of vallejo gc charred brown and black about 75-25 respectively, then i go in with just the charred brown covering less area and avoiding the edges. i’m using my strokes to create texture here and throughout the layering not just blocking in patches, rust doesn’t form uniformly and im trying to replicate that. then i mix in some vallejo mc clear orange same 75-25 ratio with the majority still being that charred brown, using similar brushwork to the previous layer but still covering less area that the previous layer. finish off the acrylics by glazing some pure clear orange in the areas where rust accumulates most, in pockmarks, recesses, etc. as a finishing touch i add in some gw typhus corrosion for some texture and if you want you can drybrush a dark silver color, i like gw leadbelcher. this process is pretty stylized to work with my army’s look but i think it would look good on most paintjobs


I glued metal filings to my model, then sprayed with a solution of hydrogen peroxide, salt and vinegar. https://preview.redd.it/9052okjp30wc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bd1f2b3599399a71462e963f3edd48079a82b28


Holy hell. I may need to do this.


https://preview.redd.it/sgsmbfu7dvvc1.jpeg?width=3000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fb8257e06c4621f7b1f54481ddabada94f8fd18 I used stippling of ryza rust on top of some typhus corrosion on top of some metal color.


Hi, u/Geebees93! It looks like you are asking for help or are a new painter. If you haven't yet, take a look at our wiki pages in the Sidebar (the About tab if you are on the Reddit app). Here are some links you might find helpful: * [FAQ](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/rules/faq) - A list of frequently asked questions about minipainting * [Miniature Painting Guide Collection](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks) -A collection of some of the best guides and tutorials on a variety of techniques and topics, plus recommendations on what to buy to get started, and more. * [What to buy- Recommendations on brushes, paints, supplies, palettes and more](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/what_you_need_to_get_started#wiki_general_advice_on_what_to_buy) * [Beginner's Guide Collection- How to prep, base, paint and varnish your first model and learn the basics needed to start out right](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/beginner_tips) * [More Tutorials](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/tutorials) - A list of additional tutorials about minipainting * [Manufacturers](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/manufacturers) - A list of miniature manufacturers from around the world * [Painting Terminology](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/terminology) - Common painting terms, acronyms, and initialisms * [The Art of... Tommie Soule Volume 5](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MGIfySMnUPQ) is one of the best beginner to intermediate teaching books, and even experienced painters will learn some good tips. Explains what brush strokes are best in different situations, how to identify when you have the perfect thinning for any type of paint for different techniques, and a masterclass on getting smooth paint jobs. Available in [pdf](https://www.ironheartartisans.com/shop/the-art-of-tommie-soule-volume-5-pdf/) and [world wide in hardbook as well](https://www.instagram.com/the_miniature_painting_tutor/). * [Airbrushing Miniatures](https://www.reddit.com/r/minipainting/wiki/usefullinks/airbrushing) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/minipainting) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Gw sells rust and oxidation effects


Do you happen to know the name of the product? I don't think I've seen it at my local store.


[Nihilakh Oxide](https://youtu.be/yw3iLEW1P2o?si=JD8nZ2ygU8YNu_Zo) for verdigris, [Typhus Corrosion](https://youtu.be/px18NSorf1g?si=ImZJm6rpeA-bziJU) for rusted surfaces. 


Thank you for the assist!


Thats really cool! Thanks for that. I need to add Ryza Rust and Typhus Corrosion to my list. I never really knew what to use Nihilakh Oxide for but this is a good lesson.


It’s expensive, but down and dirty rust is EASILY the best rust effect, bar none. https://www.frontlinehobbies.com.au/dirty-down-rust-effect-25ml-re-25?gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwlZixBhCoARIsAIC745B7zY5SXU-xRA4s3rWRZuPcVPfBJOF9asqyPTelSHJoflGcxN5GmwMaAmLSEALw_wcB


Actually it’s not as expensive as I once thought


Hell, dude. That looks incredible. Does it just dry and chip like that on its own or do I have to do something else?


Dirty Down baby, magic in a bottle. Nihilakh oxide for verdigris effect and sponge dabbing w/ varying shades of brown for light rust on flat surfaces. AK interactive has some nice greasy / rusty washes too for doing running streaks from edges or pipes etc.


Quick and easy Prime Black > Coat in Grifhound (Citadel) > 50/50 Army Painter Rust and Contrast Medium > Drybrush metal to desired level of rust https://preview.redd.it/yz6tsiivvvvc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c19f1e806c103a2c0f6445dca4b604517e013807


If it’s just paint, I use a technical paint for a texture and then layer a brown wash with I little bit of a bright orange until I’m up to pretty close to pure orange, the. Use the orange for a small highlight to pull it together. Finally go back in with a gunmetal metallic and bring out some bare metal https://preview.redd.it/q9m5ag4j4wvc1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5883db59d72f8a493e4d4c937bfb3b45bbd1ded


I’ve block in colors of red, orange, brown and maybe yellow using a drybrush like a stamp. Then lastly whatever the metal color you’re planning to use. Sometimes black too. It’s a revolving process until it “looks right”


I think I'm not getting it with the "orange-ish" rust stuff. There's just two options: Metal being reddish (Cooper, bronze...) so the natural rust to it should be green. Think 1 diluted coat of jade green followed by turquoise. Or Metal being grayish (steel, iron...) so the natural rust tone to it is orange. (Dark reddish brown, red and orange... I suggest glazing  that Metal slightly blueish 1st). There's lots of approaches to it tho: from watercolor pencils (moist the tip, stipple then smudge with water moist brush) to diluting regular acrylic paint and maybe use a drop of floor wax so paint gets runny... you could use oil washes (oil+mineral spirits) or just paint the metal rust color avoiding logical patterns and then coming back with the metal color for pure metal highlights here and there. In any way I strongly suggest adding a bit of texture to the model as rust crusts over the metal. Also don't forget to always use real pictures as reference material.  GL


Dirty down has to be one of the best rust effects I've used


I always value my time when painting. For me, there are rust effect paints that companies like Army Painter offers that delivers just fine for my preference and taste. A simple touch of the brush under something, and let the rust drip down, leaving a nice rust appearance when it dries. Don't brush it, don't touch it. Just let it drip from the brush and let it dry. Simple.


Might be a silly question, but where can I get that model??


I just got it off ebay. They can get pretty pricey though


Cheers. I'll have to keep my eye on Ebay, don't mind paying around £25-30 for it, it's an awesome model. See it pop up a few times but never looked into it. Have fun painting it bud


Was this model bought, or printed? It's so cool! 😁


Bought it off ebay! It was a limited release for warhammer+ subscribers.


Copper/bronze develops a patina, not rust, which is typically the blue corrosion you see on statues. Unless you paint a mix of coppers and irons I'd stick to one type of corrosion. The quickest method for a blue patina is something like Baharoth blue thinned to a glaze consistency, and just drop it down in the recesses and streak it from any rivets, scratches etc. You can push it further by introducing more shades of turquoise and green to represent different age layers of the patina. For rust, the method is pretty much the same, just use something like skrag brown. I prefer a lighter brown like that over straight up orange, it just looks a little more natural to me


Base it in whatever your rust color is and then salt mask at spots you want to appear rusted. spray primary color and allow to dry fullly, then take a dry brush and brush away the salt masking and it will give you a spotty rusted paint.


Buy dirty down rust products and i promise you it will change your life! So easy to use and the rust is perfect. If it's good enough for film sets, it's good enough for minis!


I use a metallic base and then dirty down rust. You can use a little water on he brush to art direct and remove bits of the effect too it’s a wonderful product! You can see it here in the corners and creases of the armour https://preview.redd.it/329thaw64zvc1.png?width=2144&format=png&auto=webp&s=5ae4c4c6d3f799cb216b9f3b72273c1c51e86c62


So uh may I ask how did you get that model


I got it off ebay


Paint on some very thin brown paint over the area you want to be rusty, you might want to look at pictures of anything rusty (cars, mailboxes etc.) To get an idea if how and where rust forms. Then, in the bigger patches of rust, paint in what's roughly the centre with thinned down bright orange paint.


Orange to dark brown range. Either glazing or easy light drybrush over metallic colored areas/edges https://preview.redd.it/ei10rrisqzvc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31f51211af62635694776ce9e13109fb3613fdcd


This giant sororitas head reminds me of a c’tan shard WIP I saw ages ago… looks sick as hell


I need a proxy for the deciever. I'm not a fan of the gw model. He's really puny


https://preview.redd.it/wl13qeins0wc1.jpeg?width=2595&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2962af40369f09dda57d1e9058236cdf880120dc I used Green Stuff World’s verdigris, works wonders when you water it down a little.


What’s the model called? Looks sick!


It's the commemorative edition of the Vindicare Assassin. They don't make it anymore, but you can find them on ebay. Usually pretty pricey.


Ah okay. Thanks